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TEST ID: 403

Engineering Academy
Hyderabad | Delhi |Bhopal | Pune | Bhubaneswar | Bengaluru | Chennai |
Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati

Mechanical Engineering
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 200

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting
Candidates should attempt FOUR questions in all.
Question No.1 is compulsory. Out of the remaining FOUR questions
attempt any THREE.

All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks carried by a part of
a question is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.

Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual

standard meanings.

Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the same clearly.

Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be attempted together in the

answer book.
Any pages left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck out.


ESE – Offline Test

01(a). Define Froude number, Reynolds number, Mach

number, Euler number and Weber number.

01(b). In a three dimensional flow, the components of velocity

u = xy, v = 4yz3 and w = -(yz+z4).
Test whether the continuity equation for
incompressible fluid flow is satisfied.
Determine the acceleration vector at point (1,1,1).

01(c). Explain the terms heat exchanger effectiveness and

number of transfer units? (6M)

01(d). Show that in a case of a vortex, the rise of liquid level

on the sides is equal to the fall of liquid at the axis of
rotation. (8M)

01(e). The engine oil at 1500C is cooled to 800C in a parallel

flow heat exchanger by water entering at 250C and
leaving at 600C. Estimate the exchanger effectiveness
and the number of transfer units. (10M)

01(f). A thermos flask has a double walled bottle and the

space between the walls is evacuated so as to reduce
the heat flow. The bottle surfaces are silver plated and
the emissivity of each surface is 0.025. If the contents
ME – Conventional-3
of the bottle are at 375 K, find the rate of heat loss from
the thermos bottle to the ambient air at 300 K. What
thickness of cork (k = 0.03 W/m-deg) would be
required if the same insulating effect is to be achieved
by the use of cork? (10M)

01(g). Researchers plan to test a 1: 13 model of a ballistic

missile in a high speed wind tunnel. The prototype
missile will travel at 380 m/s through air at 230 C and
95.0 kPa (abs). If the air in the wind tunnel test section
has a temperature of -200 C at a pressure of 89 kPa
(abs), what must its velocity be? (6 M)

01(h). Find the kinetic energy correction factor for laminar

flow through circular pipes. (10M)

01(i). The oil pan of engine approximates a flat square plate

of 0.4 × 0.4 m2 and protrudes below the framework of
the automobile. The engine oil is at 1000C and the
ambient air temperature is 300C. If the automobile runs
at 54 km/hr, calculate the rate of heat transfer from the
oil-pan surface. Assume negligible resistance to
conduction through the oil pan.
At the mean film temperature,
t f  650 C
The thermo-physical properties of air are:
 = 18.46  106 m2/s
k = 0.0293 W/m-deg
Pr = 0.695 (10 M)

3 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Test
02(a). Describe with the help of a neat sketch the working of
an Orsat apparatus for flue gas analysis. (20 M)

02(b). The outlet at the bottom of a tank is so formed that

velocity of water at point P is 2 times the mean velocity
within the outlet pipe. Find out maximum length of
pipe 1 which can be used without producing cavitation
effect? Neglect all other losses. Take atmospheric
pressure = 101.325 kPa (abs.) and vapour pressure = 4
kPa (abs.).

Tank P




02(c). A thermocouple is used to measure the temperature of

hot gases flowing through a pipeline which is exposed

ME – Conventional-3
to surroundings at 625 K and convective film
coefficient 46.5 W/m2-deg. The thermocouple indicates
a temperature of 725 K and it is so arranged that heat
transfer by conduction along the wires is negligible. If
emissivity of the thermocouple material is 0.85, make
calculations for the true gas temperature. Take
radiation constant for black body b = 5.6710–8

03(a). 5000 kg/hr of oil is to be cooled from 70°C to 50°C in

counter flow double pipe heat exchanger by using
water at 20°C flowing at a velocity of 8.0 m/sec. The
size of the inner copper pipe is 1.8 cm ID and 2.1 cm
OD, oil flows through the annulus between this pipe
and a 3 cm ID steel pipe. Thermal conductivity of
copper is 330 kcal/hr-m°C. Find (i) LMTD, (ii) heat
transfer coefficients on water and oil sides, (iii) overall
heat transfer coefficient and (iv) length of pipe
required. Assume the following data for oil and water
at their mean temperatures:
Property (Units) Oil Water
(kg/m3) 864 998.2
Cp(kcal/kgC) 0.489 1.0
(kcal/kgC) 0.126 0.515
(kgf-sec/m2) 152  10–6 102.4  10–6
 (m2/sec) 1.726  10–6 1.006  10–6
Take 1 kcal = 4.187 kJ
(20 M)

5 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Test
03(b). A pump is 3 m above the water level in the sump and
has a pressure of 30 cm of mercury at the suction side.
The suction pipe is of 25 cm diameter and the delivery
pipe is short 30 cm diameter pipe ending in nozzle of
10 cm diameter. If the nozzle is directed vertically
upwards at an elevation of 4.5 m above the water sump
(a) the discharge
(b) the power input to the pump
(c) the elevation to which the jet would reach.
Neglect all losses. (20M)

04(a). A venturimeter is installed in a pipe line with 400 mm

diameter. The throat diameter is 1/3rd of pipe dia. The
pressure in pipeline is P1 = 1.405 kgf/cm2 and vacuum
in throat is 37.5 cm of mercury. If 4% of differential
head is lost between gauges find discharge in pipe?
(fluid is water). (10M)

04(b). A conical cavity of base diameter 15 cm and height 20

cm has inside surface temperature 650 K. If emissivity
of each surface is 0.85, determine the net radiative heat
transfer from the cavity. How this heat transfer would
be affected if this conical cavity is replaced by a
cylindrical cavity of 15 cm diameter and 20 cm height?

ME – Conventional-3

04(c). What are the four major factors which tend to produce
or prevent detonation? What required tend to reduce
the possibility of detonation? (10 M)

05(a). A test on a two- stroke engine gave the following

results at full Load:
Speed = 350 rpm
Net brake load = 65 Kg
Mep = 3 bar
Fuel Consumption = 4kg/h
Jacket cooling water flow rate = 500 Kg/h
Jacket water temperature at inlet = 200 C
Jacket water temperature at Outlet = 40 0C
Test room temperature = 20 0
Temperature of exhaust gases = 400 0C
Air used per kg of fuel = 32 Kg
Cylinder diameter = 22 cm
Stroke = 28 cm
Effective brake diameter = 1 m
Calorific value of fuel = 43 MJ/kg
Proportion of hydrogen in fuel = 15%
Mean specific heat of dry exhaust gas = 1 kJ/kg K
Mean specific heat of steam = 2.1 kJ/kg K
Sensible heat of water at room temp. = 62 kJ/kg
Latent Heat of steam = 2250 kJ/kg
Find ip, bp and draw up a heat balance sheet for the test
in kJ/min and in percentage. (20M)

7 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Test

05(b). The efficiency , of a fan depends on the Kinematic

viscosity of the fluid,  the angular velocity ,
diameter D of the rotor and the discharge Q. Express 
in terms of dimensionless parameter using
Buckingham’s Pi-theorem. (10M)

05(c). In an open heart surgery under hypothermic conditions,

the patient’s blood is cooled before the surgery and re-
warmed afterwards. The task is accomplished by a
concentric tube counter-flow heat exchanger of length
500 mm with a thin walled inner tube of 60 mm
diameter. The blood entering the heat exchanger at
200C and 0.05 kg/s is warmed by water at 600C and
0.12 kg/s. determine the temperature of blood at exit
from the heat exchanger and the heat flow rate. Assume
the following data:
cp of blood = 3500 J/kgK
cp of water = 4186 J/kgK
Overall heat transfer coefficient U0 = 475 W/m2K

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