Department of Education Division of Cagayan de Oro City Puerto National High School

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Department of Education

Region X
Puerto, Cagayan de Oro City
S. Y. 2018-19
I. Choose the correct answer and write it on your answer sheet.
1. It is a French movement that created a mood rather than a definite picture
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism C. Neo-classicism D. Avant-garde
2. Leonard Bernstein is best known for his composition for the stage. One of his popular musical works for
stage performance is
A. Mass B. West Side Story C. On the Waterfront D. America
3. “Claire de Lune” was composed by an impressionists, Claude Debussy. What is meant by claire de lune?
A. sunlight B. moonlight C. mountains D. streams
4. Francis Poulenc is a French composer and a neo-classicist. He was a member of the group of young French
composers known as
A. Le Six B. Avant Garde C. Impressionists D. modernists
5. George Gershwin was an American with a Russian-Jew descent composer. He was considered as the
A. Father of American Jazz C. Modern stage composer
B. Soul musician D. Broadway artist
6. Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, and John Cage are composers who use this style and concept whose
works truly extended the boundaries of what music was thought to be in earlier periods.
A. Classicist C. Primitivism
B. Avant Garde D. Expressionism
7. Who was the audience of Sergei Prokofiev’s musicale ‘Peter and the Wolf’’?
A. Children C. Commoners
B. Rich people D. working class
8. Who was the composer that created sound in a different way and with extreme complexity of sounds?
A. Bela Bartok C. George Gershwin
B. Claude Debussy D. Arnold Schoenberg
9. Which of the following best illustrates the characteristics of Impressionism music?
A. Irregular phrases, avoidance of traditional harmonic progression
B. Sublime moods and melodic music contains with visual imagery
C. Unconventional methods of sound and form as well as the absence of traditional rules governing
harmony, melody and rhythm
D. Style of music drew its inspiration from traditional elements of classical music with emotional
restraint, balance, order and clarity.
10. Music that uses tape recorder is called musique concrete. It is
A. A device that can be played back
B. A recording of different sounds from the background
C. Sounds that cannot be arranged by a composer
D. Instruments played for future use
11. Edgard Varese is considered to be the ‘Father of Electronic Music’ and invented the term ‘organized sound’
which means
A. Certain timbres and rhythms can be grouped together to make a new sound
B. All sounds can be played together
C. Sounds heard can be determined to be a music
D. Harmony and melody is also a part of other unconventional timbres and rhythm
12. Chance music style is using unconventional methods of sound and form. The following are the sources of
sounds for chance music, except one.
A. Sounds from the surroundings C. Orchestra playing
B. Ringing phones D. Rustling leaves
13. Why is Chance music cannot be duplicated?
A. Sounds from the environment is always different
B. Each combination of external sounds happens by chance
C. The players are not following a musical piece
D. Conductors depends upon the sound heard from the surroundings

14. An Art movement that emerge in the second half of the 19th century among a group of Paris-based artists.
A. Impressionism B. Expressionism C. Abstractionism D. Surrealism
15. What titled work by a French painter, Claude Monet in which the name Impressionism was coined after?
A. Le Promenade C. Irisis’ in Monet’s Garden
B. Impression, Soleil Levant D. Dancer
16. Who was the post-impressionist painter whose works becoming the most recognized in the world?
A. Auguste Renoir B. Paul Cezanne C. Vincent van Gogh D. Edouard Manet
17. These are considered as the building blocks of arts.
A. Modern Art C. Elements of Arts
B. Principles of Arts D. Differentiated Arts
18. An expressionistic style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world that seemed to exist beyond
the logical, conscious, physical one.
A. Fauvism B. Dadaism C. Surrealism D. Social Realism
19. A art style that derives its name from a three-dimensional geometric figure composed of strictly measured
lines, planes and angles.
A. Abstractionism B. Primitivism C. Mondrian D. Cubism
20. Who painted Guernica that became his outcry against the German air raid of the town of Guenica?
A. Pablo Picasso B. Paul Clee C. Piet Mondrian D. John Pollock

Which of the following principles of art depicts these pictures?

A. Proportion C. Balance
B. Emphasis D. Repitition

21. 23.

23. While expressionism is about emotional forces, imaginations and feelings, abstractionism was
A. wildness C. community reforms
B. illogical and subconscious dreams D. logical and rational
24. If futurism art is for a fast-paced, machine-propelled age, non-objectivism is about
A. non usage of figures C. force, speed and strength
B. planes, forms and spheres D. emotions and creativity
25. How did photography influenced the early impressionist artists?
A. They can imitate the colors shown in the photo C. Expressed their objective perceptions of views
B. Capture fleeting moments of action D. Took images from the surroundings

26. Activities held during one’s leisure time to refresh oneself by doing activities that are considered by an
individual enjoyable.
A. Recreational activities B. school activities C. fiestas D. sports
27. The way in which an individual lives is called
A. Lifestyle B. style C. way of life D. routine
28. Energy consumed is greater than energy expended
A. Weight loss B. weight gain C. weight maintenance D. body mass
29. It is based on the concept that a person’s weight should be proportional to height.
A. Body classification B. body weight C. body mass index D. body measurement
30. A normal classification of body mass index is between
A. 18.5 – 17.5 b. 25.0-29.9 C. 17.5-below D. 18.5-24.9
31. It is the ability to perform complex motor skills with a smooth, flow of motion.
A. coordination B. agility C. Balance D. endurance
32. Remembering the FITT formula during the exertion of physical activities can be beneficial. What does FITT
stands for?
A. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Tempo C. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
B. Fitness, Intent, Time, Type D. Frequency, Intentions, Timing, Type
33. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other health problems are directly contributed by
A. Lack of exercise C. poor food choices
B. Wrong lifestyle D. advertisements
34. Which of the following is not a positive outcome of personal fitness?
A. Improved physical appearance C. Enhanced self-esteem
B. Hypertension D. Stress reduction
35. Which of the factors of food choices can be viable for your nutritional health?
A. You think it will help to control your body weight C. They make you feel better
B. They are within your means D. You like the way the food taste
36. Which part of the food pyramid is highly recommended by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute for
your nutritional needs necessary to energize your body?
A. Fish, meat and poultry C. Rice, rice products, root crops, bread
B. Milk and milk products D. Sugar/Sweets
37. Poor diet coupled with lack of exercise contributes to an increased in
A. Health b. eating habits C. obesity D. diseases
38. The physical benefits of actively participating in sports and recreational activities are
A. Weight increased C. Improved quality and quantity of life
B. Relaxation, rest, revitalization D. Sense of achievement and improved self-confidence

39. It is any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of an individual.
A. Health Information B. Health Products C. Health Services D. Health Professionals
40. Healthcare practitioners and allied health professionals are considered
A. Health Professionals B. Health Care Providers C. Health Service D. Skilled Health Workers
41. A form of a health fraud and is any advertisement, promotion, or sale of products and services that have
not been scientifically proven safe and effective.
A. Acupuncture B. alternative medicine C. quackery D. consumer right
42. There are different types of physician base on the area of specialization. A physician who specializes on
eyes is called
A. Ophthalmologist B. dermatologist C. pulmonologist D. geriatrician
43. Two classifications of hospitals are general and specialty. What is a general hospital?
A. Has complete medical, surgical, and maternal care facilities
B. Handle a particular disease or condition
C. Deals only with one type of patient
D. Operated by individuals to gain profit
44. A kind of hospital that is being run by the state and the treatment fees are subsidized.
A. Private B. teaching C. government D. voluntary
45. What instrument in acupuncture, is inserted in the skin for specific parts of the body to affect energy flow?
A. Glass with fire B. needles C. hands D. injection
46. The following are the components of consumer health, except one.
A. Health information B. health services C. health personnel D. health products
47. Example of hospitals that have complete medical, surgical, and maternal care facilities.
A. Philippine General Hospital C. Lung Center of the Philippines
B. Philippine Heart Center D. National Kidney transplant Institute
48. Health insurance is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for
the payment of healthcare costs. Which of these is an example of public health insurance?
A. CAP Insurance B. PhilAm Insurance C. PhilHealth D. HMO
49. Naturopathy offers a wide range of natural practices including herbal medicine. What herb that is use for
cough and asthma?
A. Sambong B. ampalaya C. lagundi D. bawang
50. Consumers have the right to choose. This is the right to
A. express consumer interests
B. to select products at competitive prices
C. to be compensated for misrepresentation
D. to be protected against dishonest or misleading advertisement

1. The following are the components of consumer health, except one.

a. Health information b. health services c. health personnel d. health products
2. Health insurance is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the
payment of healthcare costs. Which of these is an example of public health insurance?
3. A. CAP Insurance b. PhilAm Insurance c. PhilHealth d. HMO
4. Naturopathy offers a wide range of natural practices including herbal medicine. What herb that is use for cough and
a. Sambong b. ampalaya c. lagundi d. bawang

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