Corrosion Inhibition by Acacia Concinna

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Corrosion is the process of disintegration of a metal by its

surrounding chemicals by a chemical reaction on the surface of the metal.
Corrosion is an oxidation process and it causes damage of metal. Formation
of rust on the surface of iron and formations of green film on the surface of
copper are considered as best examples for corrosion process. Corrosion is a
costly and natural course of destruction like tornados, earthquakes, floods
and volcanic eruptions with one major difference.
Corrosion of metals can be prevented or at least controlled.
There are several definitions for corrosion have been given as follows:
Corrosion can also be defined as the degradation of a material as a
result of a reaction with its environment. Degradation denotes deterioration
of physical properties of the material.
Corrosion of metals is well defined as the spontaneous destruction of
metals in the course of their biochemical, chemical and electro chemical
interactions with the environment[1],[2]. Hence, it is accurately there verse
of extraction of metal fro mores. In most of the environments the metals are
not stable, but tend to revert to compounds which are more stable, a process
which is known as corrosion. The same amount of energy needed to extract
metals from their minerals is emitted during the chemical reactions that
produce corrosion [3]. Corrosion is derived from the Latin word “corrosus”
which is known as gnawed away.
Corrosion is there action of a solid with its environment [4].
Nowadays it is required to give more importance to corrosion because of the
huge use of metals in all fields of technology.
Corrosion is mainly the result of interaction between materials and their
environment. The term corrosion was restricted only to metals and their
alloy sandit did not incorporate ceramics, polymers, composites and
semiconductors in its regime. The term corrosion now covers all types of
natural and man-made materials including biomaterials and nanomaterials,
and it is not limited to metals and alloys alone.



Also known as uniform attack corrosion, general attack corrosion is the most
common type of corrosion and is caused by a chemical or electrochemical
reaction that results in the deterioration of the entire exposed surface of a
metal. Ultimately, the metal deteriorates to the point of failure.

General attack corrosion accounts for the greatest amount of metal

destruction by corrosion but is considered as a safe form of corrosion, due to
the fact that it is predictable, manageable and often preventable.


Unlike general attack corrosion, localized corrosion specifically targets one

area of the metal structure. Localized corrosion is classified as one of three

Pitting: Pitting results when a small hole, or cavity, forms in the metal,
usually as a result of de-passivation of a small area. This area becomes
anodic, while part of the remaining metal becomes cathodic, producing
a localized galvanic reaction. The deterioration of this small area
penetrates the metal and can lead to failure. This form of corrosion is
often difficult to detect due to the fact that it is usually relatively small
and may be covered and hidden by corrosion-produced compounds
Crevice corrosion: Similar to pitting, crevice corrosion occurs at a
specific location. This type of corrosion is often associated with a
stagnant micro-environment, like those found under gaskets and

washers and clamps. Acidic conditions or a depletion of oxygen in a
crevice can lead to crevice corrosion.

Filiform corrosion: Occurring under painted or plated surfaces when

water breaches the coating, filiform corrosion begins at small defects
in the coating and spreads to cause structural weakness.


Galvanic corrosion, or dissimilar metal corrosion, occurs when two different

metals are located together in a corrosive electrolyte. A galvanic couple
forms between the two metals, where one metal becomes the anode and the
other the cathode. The anode, or sacrificial metal, corrodes and deteriorates
faster than it would alone, while the cathode deteriorates more slowly than it
would otherwise.

Three conditions must exist for galvanic corrosion to occur:

Electrochemically dissimilar metals must be present

The metals must be in electrical contact, and
The metals must be exposed to an electrolyte


Environmental cracking is a corrosion process that can result from a

combination of environmental conditions affecting the metal. Chemical,
temperature and stress-related conditions can result in the following types of
environmental corrosion:

 Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

 Corrosion fatigue
 Hydrogen-induced cracking
 Liquid metal embrittlement


Flow-assisted corrosion, or flow-accelerated corrosion, results when a

protective layer of oxide on a metal surface is dissolved or removed by wind
or water, exposing the underlying metal to further corroding and deteriorate.

 Erosion-assisted corrosion
 Impingement
 Cavitation


Intergranular corrosion is a chemical or electrochemical attack on the

grain boundaries of a metal. It often occurs due to impurities in the metal,
which tend to be present in higher contents near grain boundaries. These
boundaries can be more vulnerable to corrosion than the bulk of the metal.


De-alloying, or selective leaching, is the selective corrosion of a

specific element in an alloy. The most common type of de-alloying is de-
zincification of unstabilized brass The result of corrosion in such cases is a
deteriorated and porous copper


Fretting corrosion occurs as a result of repeated wearing, weight

and/or vibration on an uneven, rough surface. Corrosion, resulting in pits and
grooves, occurs on the surface. Fretting corrosion is often found in rotation
and impact machinery, bolted assemblies and bearings, as well as to surfaces
exposed to vibration during transportation.


Fuels used in gas turbines, diesel engines and other machinery, which
contain vanadium or sulfates can, during combustion, form compounds with
a low melting point. These compounds are very corrosive towards metal
alloys normally resistant to high temperatures and corrosion, including
stainless steel.

High-temperature corrosion can also be caused by high-temperature

oxidization, sulfidation, and carbonization.


Corrosion inhibitors can reduce, control or prevent reactions between

a metal and its surroundings when added to the medium in small quantities.
For economy purpose, inhibitors should be in effect at low concentrations.
In industries like oil and gas production and exploration, iron and
steel industries, petroleum refining, chemical manufacturing units[5]
corrosion data base is important. Corrosion is a main damaging process
that results in destructive effects. Corrosion produces gaping hole or
cracks in aircraft, automobiles, gutters screens, boats, plumbing and
many other things prepared by metals. Corrosion is an unproductive
phenomenon that should be reduced. The major concern is the stability
of materials and structures, many studies have been carried out to
improve an efficient means of corrosion control to extend service life
of existing structures and reduce corrosion damage in new structures[6].
Though corrosion inhibitors are considered as the most effective and
flexible means of corrosion control, it is very complicated to select an
appropriate inhibitor for a particular system because of the specificity of
inhibitors and great variety of corrosion related applications. Corrosion in
metallic surfaces causes much concern with respect to material loss,
particularly in technological activities. The size, shape, orientation and
electric charge on the molecule decide the degree of adsorption and hence the
effectiveness of the inhibitor[7],[8],[9],[10].

Many powerful techniques were used to measure corrosion inhibition

such as anodic or cathodic protection, oxidizing or phosphatizing treatment,
coating layer on the metal, the application of inhibitors, etc. Have been used
to reduce the corrosion of metal[11],[12],[13],[14],[15].
As a contribution to the growing interest in environmental friendly
Green corrosion inhibitors, this present study seeks to investigate the
inhibiting effect of shikakai extracts of Acacia Concinna on the corrosion
of mild steel in bore well water medium.
Acacia Concinna : chemical structure

Fig 1: Structure of acaciac acid in the saponin of pods of Acacia concinna

In commercial extract, when the plant is hydrolyzed it yields liperol,
spinasterol, aacacic acid, lactone, and the natural sugars glucose, arabinose
and rhamnose. It also contains hexacosanol, spinasterone, oxalic acid,
tartaric acid, citric acid, succinic acid, ascorbic acid, and the alkaloids
calyctomine and nicotine.
Molecular formul : C30H50O2
Chemical Name :Acacia Concinna
FamilyName : Fabaceae
Common Name : Shikakai, Soap Pod

The inhibition of corrosion of steel mild steel by shikakai extract, a

species of Acacia Concinna in the family Fabaceae was investigated using
weight loss with the aim of determining its inhibition potential in acidic
medium (Zinc sulphate), investigate study the effect of different
concentration of zinc sulphate of Acacia Concinna at different temperature.
Calculate the inhibition efficiency and purpose the mechanism of corrosions
inhibition of mild steel in zinc sulphate. Result obtained revealed at
inhibiton efficiency maintain is directly proportional to the inhibition
concentrations. Values of inhibition efficiency from the two methods
showed no significant difference within the range under review. The values
of inhibition efficiency revealed that the corrosion is exothermic,
spontaneous and followed the mechanism of physical adsorption. The
inhibition exhibited an appreciable percentage of inhibition at optimal
inhibitor concentration. The results suggest that Acacia concinna can
actually be used as a green corrosion inhibitor.


Corrosion is considered as the destructive disintegration of a metal by

electrochemical means in which a metal is damaged by a chemical reaction.
Corrosion produces gaping hole or cracks in aircrafts, automobiles, boats,
gutters screens, plumbing and various materials made up of metals. General
pitting ultimately produce structural weakness and disintegration of the
metal. Many inhibitors are used to protect different materials especially
metals against corrosion. The inhibitors, which retard corrosion on metallic
materials, are mixed material inhibitors, surfactant inhibitors, inorganic
inhibitors and organic inhibitors.

Natural products have been used to be effective corrosion inhibitors as

they are cost effective. They are inherently stable and non-toxic and show
greater corrosion inhibition properties comparing with simple organic
molecules. Natural products as corrosion inhibitors have many advantages
such as high inhibition efficiency, low toxicity, low price and easy
production. The functional groups present in the Acacia Concinna adsorbed
on the metal surface and forming a protective film on the metal surface and
hence prevents corrosion of the metal.

The present study deals with the corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in
bore well water by Acacia Concinna . The inhibitive action of Acacia
Concinna combination with zinc ion (Zn2+) on the corrosion of carbon steel
in bore well water has been studied by weight loss and UV visible absorption
and Flourescence spectroscopy.


The objectives of the present study are:

 To investigate the effectiveness of inhibitor by weight loss method in
the absence and presence of Zn2+.
 To analyse the protective film by UV-Visible, Fluorescence
 To suggest a possible mechanism for the corrosion inhibition process.


There is a countless loss of materials and money due to corrosion.
Hence, it is necessary to protect metals from corrosion. There are two main
components involved in corrosion, the metal and the environment, both are
considered incorrosion protection. Following methods have been adopted for
the protection of metal from corrosion.
 Proper designing of an object helps in prevention of

 Contact of two dissimilar metals must be avoided. If it

is unavoidable, an odicare a should be very large
compared to cathodic area.
 Two different metals used in the structure should be such
that they are occupying near positions in galvanic series.
 Putting an insulator between two metals resists corrosion.
 As far as possible, metal used in a structure should be
extremely pure. Small amount of impurity causes
 While using an alloy, it should be completely homogeneous.

Design or fabricate equipment or metal parts in such a manner that they have
minimized sharp edges and corners and also avoid, as for as possible, the
crevices in joints, etc.



The mild steel specimens were chosen from the same sheet of the
following composition:

Elements C Mn P Si S Cr Ni Mo Fe
Composition 0.1 0.4 0.06 0.022 0.026 0.0020 0.018 0.012 Rest

mild steel specimens of the dimensions 1.0 cm x 4.0 cm x 0.2 cm were

polished to mirror finish, washed with double distilled water, degreased with
trichloroethylene, dried and were used for the weight loss and surface
examination studies. The mild steel specimens were stored in a desiccators
and used for all investigations. mild steel rod encapsulated in Teflon with an
exposed cross section

of a 1 cm2 diameter was used as the working electrode in potentiodynanmic

polarization studies. The surface of working electrode was polished exactly
to mirror finish and degreased with trichloroethylene.


AnalaR Samples of acacia concinna, , Zinc sulphate, were used

for the experimental investigations.



5 g of acacia concinna was dissolved in double distilled water and

then made up to 100 ml in a standard measuring flask of acacia concinna

Zinc sulphate solution

1.1 g of zinc sulphate was dissolved in double distilled water and

made up to 250ml.


The various concentrations of inhibitors are prepared such as 50,

100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm and the concentrations of Zn2+ ion are
maintained as 50 ppm


Determination of surface of the mild steel specimens

The length, breadth and thickness of mild steel specimens, the

radius of the hole was determined with the help of vernier calipers of high
precision and the surface areas of the specimens were calculated.

Weighing the specimens before and after corrosion

Weighing of the carbon steel specimens before and after corrosion

were carried out using a digital balance.

Determination of corrosion rate

The weighed specimens in triplicate were suspended by means of

plastic hooks in 100 ml beakers containing 100 ml of well water containing
various concentrations of the inhibitor in the absence and presence of Zn 2+for
one day. After one day immersion, the specimens were taken out, washed
with distilled water, running water, dried and weighed. From the change in

weight of the specimens, corrosion rates were calculated using the following
equation 1.

Loss in weight (mg)

Corrosion rate = ----------------------------------------------------------------- (1)
Surface area of the specimen (dm2) x Period of immersion

The corrosion rate is expressed in mdd units [mdd = mgm/(dm2) (day)]

Corrosion inhibition efficiency (IE) was then calculated using the equation 2

IE = 100 [1-(W2 / W1)] % Where,

W1 = Corrosion rate in the absence of inhibitor

W2 = Corrosion rate in the presence of inhibitor


The synergism parameters (SI) were calculated using the equation

(3) given by Aramaki and Hackerman equation (4).

1 – θ1+2
SI =------------ (3)
1 – θ’1+2

θ1+2 = ( θ1+θ2) - (θ1 -θ2) (4)

θ’1+2 = combined inhibition efficiency of substance 1 and
substance 2.


The environments chosen for surface examination studies are given

in Table 1. Among the several inhibitor combinations, the one which offered
the highest IE selected as the environment.

Table 1 ;Preparation of the various environments for surface

examination studies

Environment chosen
Acacia Concinna a)Bore well water
b)Acacia concinna (200ppm)
+ Zn2+ (50ppm) + Bore well water


UV-visible absorption spectra are used to confirm the formation of

Zn-inhibitor complex and Fe2+-inhibitor complex. The spectrum is recorded
using Cary Eclipse Varian (Model U-3400) spectrophotometer.

Surface analysis by Fluorescence spectroscopy

Fluorescence spectroscopy is a fast, simple and in expensive

technique which interprets the fluorescence from a sample. The principle
involved is using a beam of light, generally ultraviolet light, that excites the
electrons in molecules of certain compounds and causes them to emit
light. This spectroscopy measures the intensity of photons emitted from a
sample after it has absorbed photons. Fluorescence spectra of solutions
were recorded on a Hitachi F-4500 fluorescence spectrophotometer.


Synergistic effect of Acacia Concinna and Zn2+

3.1 Analysis of the results of weight loss method

Corrosion rates (CR) of mild steel surface [16]

[17][18] immersed in Bore well water in the absence and presence of
inhibitor (Acacia Concinna) are given in Tables 3.1 to 3.2. The inhibition
efficiencies (IE) are also given in these Tables. The inhibition efficiencies of

the Acacia Concinna-Zn2+ systems as a function of concentrations of Acacia

Concinna are shown in Figure 3.1.

It is observed from Table 3.1 that Acacia Cocinna shows

some inhibition efficiencies that is 200 ppm of Acacia Concinna has 57%
inhibition efficiency. As the concentration of Acacia Concinna increases,
the inhibition efficiency increases. This is due to the fact that as the
concentration of Acacia Concinna increases, the protective film

(probably Fe2+-Acacia Concinna complex) formed on the metal surface.

At concentrations ≥ 250 ppm of Acacia Concinna, the protection
efficiency decreases. It may be due to the fact that these molecules
aggregate together to form micelles. They are not uniformly adsorbed on
the metal surface. Hence corrosion inhibition efficiency decreases.

Table 3.1 Corrosion rates (CR) in milligram per decimeter per day
(mdd) of mild steel immersed in Bore well water in the presence and

absence of Acacia Concinna-Zn2+ system at various concentrations and

the inhibition efficiencies (IE) obtained by weight loss method

Inhibitor system: Acacia Concinna-Zn2+ (0 ppm) Immersion period:
One day

Acacia concinna ( ml) Zn2+ (ppm) CR (mdd) IE%

0 0 127.27 -
20 0 68.18 47
40 0 68.72 51
60 0 54.54 57
80 0 61.81 53
3.2 Influence of Zn2+ on the inhibition efficiencies of Acacia Concinna
The influence of Zn2+ on the inhibition efficiencies of Acacia Concinna
is given in Table 3.2 and Table 3.2. It is observed that as the concentration of
Acacia Concinna increases the IE increases. Similarly for a given
concentration of Acacia Concinna, IE increases as the concentration of Zn2+
increases. At concentrations ≥ 250 ppm of Acacia Concinna , the inhibition
efficiency decreases. It may be due to the fact that these molecules aggregate
together to form micelles. They are not uniformly adsorbed on the metal
surface. Hence corrosion inhibition efficiently decreases. It is also observed
that a synergistic effect exists between Acacia Concinna and Zn2+. For
example, 50 ppm of Zn2+ has 15% IE; 200 ppm of Acacia Concinna has
57% IE. Interestingly their combination has a high IE, namely 99%.

In the presence of Zn2+ more amount of Acacia Concinna is transported

towards the metal surface. On the metal surface Fe2+-Acacia Concinna

complex is formed on the anodic sites of the metal surface. Thus the

anodic reaction is controlled. The cathodic reaction is the generation of OH-

, which is controlled by the formation of Zn(OH)2 on the cathodic sites of
the metal surface. Thus the anodic and cathodic reactions are controlled

effectively. This accounts for the synergistic effect existing between Zn2+
and Acacia Concinna.
Fe→Fe2+ + 2e- (Anodic reaction)

Fe2+ + Zn2+- Acacia Concinna complex →Fe2+-

Acacia Concinna complex +Zn2+

O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH- (Cathodic

reaction) Zn2+ + 2OH- → Zn (OH)2↓

Table 3.2 Corrosion rates (CR) in milligram per decimeter per day
(mdd) of mild steel immersed in Borewell water in the presence and

absence of Acacia Concinna-Zn2+ system at various concentrations

and the inhibition efficiencies (IE) obtained by weight loss method

Inhibitor system: Acacia Concinna -Zn2+ (50 ppm) Immersion period:

One day
Acacia Zn2+ CR(mdd) IE%

0 0 1227.27 _ -

0 50 72.72 42%

20 50 8.18 93%

40 50 7.27 94%

60 50 0.90 99%

80 3.63 97%



inhibition efficiency1
inhibition 2



0 20 40 60 80

3.1.3 Analysis of the UV – Visible absorption spectra

UV-Visible spectroscopy is the direct and most sensitive

spectrophotometric method which is used to identify the formation of

Fe2+- inhibitor complex on the metal surface [22][23]. The formation of

complex between two species in solution is recognized by the change in
position of the absorption maximum and change in the value of

The UV-Visible absorption spectrum of an aqueous solution of

Acacia Concinna is shown in Figure3.2 (a). A peak appeared at 398nm.

When freshly prepared Fe2+ ion (FeSO4.7H2O) is introduced into the

solution the peak shifts to 384nm Figure 3.2(b). This is considered as
Blue shift (shorter wave length). Another peak appeared at 440 nm. This
indicates that the complex formed is in the solid state. This suggests that
a complex formed between Fe+ and Acacia Concinna

Figure 3.2 UV-Visible spectrum of

(a) Aqueous solution of Acacia

(b) Fe2+- Acacia Concinna

3.1.4 Analysis of the Fluorescence spectra

Fluorescence spectra have been used to determine the presence of

Fe2+- Acacia Concinna complex formed on the surface of the metal [24].
The fluorescence spectrum (λex= 300nm) of the aqueous solution of
Acacia Concinna combined with Fe2+ ion is shown in Figure 3.2(a). The
solution was emitted at 300nm. A peak appeared at 387nm. The increase in
wavelength of the emitted light indicates that the energy of the absorbed light
is higher than that of the emitted light. As a result of this the molecules go to
the excited state where they collide with the other molecules and lose their
energy. Then they return to the lowest energy level in the excited state. Then
they return to the ground state and emit a photon emitting light at a longer
wavelength of 387nm. The energy loss is due to the molecular collision in
the excited state.

The fluorescence spectrum (λex = 300nm) of the film formed

on the metal surface after immersion in the solution containing 200 ppm of
Acacia Concinna is shown in Figure 3.2(b). A peak appeared at 386nm. This
peak matches with the peak of Fe2+-Acacia Concinna complex. Therefore it
is concluded that Fe2+- Acacia Concinna complex is formed on the metal
surface. This film is responsible for the protective nature of the inhibitor
system. Decrease in the intensity of the peak indicating that the Fe2+- Acacia
Concinna complex formed on the metal surface is in solid state. From the
figure it is observed that there is only a single peak is obtained which
indicates that the complex formed on the metal surface is homogeneous in

Figure 3.3 Fluorescence spectra λex = 300 nm

(a) Fe 2+ + aqueous solution of Acacia Concinna

(b) Film formed on metal surface after immersion in the

solution containing 200 ppm of Acacia Concinna and 50 ppm of Zn2+

3.1.5 Mechanism of Corrosion inhibition

The corrosion resistance of carbon steel in well water has been

evaluated by weight loss method. The formulation consisting of 200 ppm of
Acacia Concinna and 50 ppm of Zn2+ shows 99 % inhibition efficiency (IE)
in controlling corrosion of carbon steel for one day immersion period. A
synergistic effect exists between Acacia Concinna and Zn2+. UV-visible,
Fluorescent spectral data indicate the possibility of formation of protective
layer on the metal surface. The following corrosion inhibition mechanism
was derived from the above results.

• When the solution containing well water, 50 ppm Zn2+ and 200
ppm of

Acacia Concinna is prepared, there is formulation of Zn2+- Acacia Concinna

complex in solution.

• When mild steel is immersed in this solution, the Zn2+-

Acacia Concinna complex diffuses from the bulk of the solution towards
metal surface.

• Zn2+- Acacia Concinna complex diffuses from the bulk
solution to the surface of the metal and is converted into a Fe2+-
Acacia Concinna complex, which is more stable than Zn2+-Acacia

• On the metal surface Zn2+- Acacia Concinna complex is

converted into Fe2+- Acacia Concinna on the anodic sites, Zn2+ is released.

Zn2+- Acacia Concinna + Fe2+ →Fe2+ Acacia Concinna + Zn2+

The released Zn2+ combines with OH- to form Zn(OH)2 on

the cathodic sites.

Zn2+ + 2OH- → Zn(OH)2↓

• Thus the protective film consists of Fe2+- Acacia Concinna

complex and Zn(OH)


4.1 Acacia concinna – Zn2+ system

Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon which deteriorates a metallic

material by a reaction with its environment. Corrosion never stops but its severity
can be lessened by using corrosion inhibitors. Surfactants can be used as inhibitors
due to their surface adsorption nature.
The corrosion inhibition efficiency for the natural surfactant Aacia Concinna
were studied for vaious concentrations.
The synergistic effect of Acacia concinna with Zn2+ on the inhibition of
corrosion of mild steel in well water has been evaluated.

The mechanistic aspects of corrosion inhibition are based on the results

obtained from the weight-loss method and UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy.

The corrosion resistance of mild steel in well water has been evaluated by
weight loss method. The formulation consisting of 0 ppm of Acacia concinna and
50 ppm of Zn2+ shows 99 % inhibition efficiency (IE) in controlling corrosion of
mild steel for one day immersion period. A synergistic effect exists between
Acacia concinna and Zn2+. UV-visible, Fluorescent spectral data indicate the
possibility of formation of protective layer on the metal surface.


The present study leads to the following conclusions:

The corrosion inhibition efficiency of the inhibitor Acacia concinna at

various concentrations in the presence of Zn2+ were studied. UV-Visible and
Fluorescence data confirm the formation of protective film on mild steel surface.

Based on the weight loss, UV-visible and Fluorescence studies and

spectroscopic techniques, a suitable mechanism has been proposed for the
inhibitor and Zn2+ system.


• The present inhibitor formulations can be studied in other natural

• The present inhibitor combinations can be studied in neutral and basic
• Electrochemical studies like AC impedance, Polarisation and
Cyclic voltammetry canbe studied for the present inhibitor
Surface examination studies like IR, SEM, EDAX, AFM and Contact
angle measurements can be studied for the present inhibitor
The present inhibitor formulations can be studied under different
immersion periods.
• The present inhibitor formulations can be studied using other metals
like Copper, Aluminium etc.
• Inhibition efficiency (IE) of the selected inhibitors may be evaluated
in combination with Mg2+, Mn2+, Ba2+, etc.,
• The effect of temperature and pH on the inhibition efficiency (IE) of
these inhibitors can be studied.
• The stability of the protective film formed on the metal surface could
be analysed

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