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Quiatchon, Krisha karen M.


Play with Passion

In this game, the three dimension of development are present which is Biological Processes,
Cognitive Processes, and Socio-Emotinal Processes. Why? because Biological Processes
produce changes in an individual physical nature. for example, Height and weight gains. Those
people does not have this height and weight before, but afterwards it changes so that they can
play smoothly according to their capabilities.Other example is Sickness. Some people wants to
play basketball but they can't because of it. Cognitive Processes is also present in this game,
because it refers to change in the individual thought intelligence and laguange. When you play
this game you should think straight to have a strong defense against your opponent and to
think a better plan to win that game. Including Socio-Emotional Processes, means involves
changes in a individual relationships with other people, emotions and personality. When you
play basketball you will interact with other person and you will see some of their personalities
and because of the adrenaline rush or the ambiance they release their emotion suchlike happy,
annoyed and anger so that sometimes there is a trouble inside the court.

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