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Life takes courage. Every day we have our strength tested by the trials of the human
existence. Courage is often a measure of our self-esteem and will. Courage is what makes
us individuals different from others. It shows in what we believe and the power of belief
over our will. There is no courage without risk. There is no heroism without stakes. We
cannot speak about courage without thinking about losses and victories. The courageous act
saves lives, gives hope; it is a rare act of self-sacrifice for the good of others. Courage is
always within us. Even on the days when we are certain it isn’t.

Let us consider these powerful quotations to help us find the courage within us.

1. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco
BE YOURSELF. You only have one life to live and one person to be. So don’t
waste it trying to figure out who they want you to be. The courage to openly
state what you have discerned is exemplary in a world where popular opinion is
often the decider for what is right and wrong.

2. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it

takes to sit down and listen.”― Winston S. Churchill
Have the courage to express what you know is morally right but also have
the courage to listen to other people and what they have to say and admit that
you might be wrong and you can make mistakes.

3. “You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight
of the shore.”― William Faulkner
Have the courage to take risks, to not focus more on what might go wrong or
what we might lose or sacrifice but rather to what might go right.

4. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement

that something else is more important than fear.”― Ambrose Redmoon
Most of us here would agree to “Itataya ko buhay ko or gagawin ko to para
sa mga mahal ko”, and that is the something that is more important than fear.

5. “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving

someone deeply gives you courage.”― Lao Tzu
The love you receive from others provides us with the support we need to be
strong. With the loving support of others we believe we can do (almost)
anything. While the love you give to others, provides us with the reason to be
brave and courageous. With the love for others in our hearts, we are more
prepared to sacrifice so that they won’t have to suffer.

6. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”― Theodore
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. We all have unique abilities
and God-given talents and we are truly blessed when we get to use those gifts
for all they are worth. No matter what you have or where you are, have the
courage to always try to make the best use of your circumstances to pursue your

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