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Answer the following

1. Who was very shy and quiet?


2. What did shilpa do when Miss. Mira asked her a question?


3. Shilpa was a shy girl. What made her comfortable in the class?


4. Who sits next to Shilpa in class and who was very quiet?


5. What miss Mira asked all the children in the class?


6. What all the children have to write down in the form?


7. How were the crayons? Why did girl said sorry?


8. How was Shilpa and what did she do when Miss.Meera asked her a question?


9. How did the boy and his mother go to the market?

10. What did they buy from the market?


11. Where did the mother and the boy go and what did they buy?


12. How did the mother and the boy go back home?


13. What does all the children for Shilpa in the class?


14. Whome the mother and the boy met on the way to home and what did they eat?


15. How many bananaes and coconuts the mother and the boy bought from the market?


Fill in the blanks:

1. Shilpa is very ______ and __________.

2. Rohini loves to _____ _____.

3. The name of the class teacher is ___________.

4. Shilpa _______ her face in her hands.

5. The teacher gave a _______ to fill.

6. Mother and the boy went to the____________ market.

7. Dozen Means ________.

8. They bought two ___________ balloons.

9. They had tea and _____________.

10. They went home in an _________________.

11. ___________ is a shy girl.

12.___________ loves to talk.

13. Miss Meera is their_________________.

14. It is Shilpa’s____________ today.

15. All the children _______ for Shilpa.

16. Shilpa is very ____________.

17. Rohini sits next to ___________.

18. I had a box of __________.

19. Mother and the boy went to the __________ market.

20. _____________ is the name of the class teacher.

21. Mother buys two shiny __________.

22. Shilpa hides her _________.

23. The crayon broke in to ____________.

24. My friend Said ____________.

True and False:

1. The boy had crayons.-

2. Mother bought two bananas.-

3. Rohini was talkative.-

4. The girl said thank you when she broke the crayon.-

5. Rohini and Shilpa were cousins.-

6. Miss Meera was the class teacher.-

7. Mother and the boy went to the zoo.-

8. The crayons were shiney.-

9. It was rohini’s birthday.-

10. They baught two balloons.-

11. The boy had a box of erasers.-

12. He lent it to his sister.

13. His friend was sorry.

Underline the naming word:

1. Sonam has a story book.

2. My brother has a big ball.

3. This house has two doors.

4. My mother is going to the market.

5. I have three pencils.

6. The dog is sleeping under the chair.

7. I go to school by van.

8. The books are in the cupboard.

9. Deepak is going to the temple.

10. The lion is in the den.

11. The cow gives us milk.

12. The children are sitting in the class.

13. Seema is eating a banana.

14. I have a red pencil.

15. We are going to the park.

16. The sun is shining in the sky.

17. Lion and tigers are wild animals.

18. My mother keeps my house clean.

19. This is a big tree.

20. My bag is not heavy.

21. Tina cooks tasty food.

22. The children are playing on te playground.

23. The birds are flying in the sky.

24. Raju is going to Mumbai.

25. Ravi is playing with his dog.

26. An owl is sitting on a tree.

27. Rahul is going to the museum.

28. Seema plays with her doll.

29. My mother is cutting vegetables with a knife.

30. Raju is flying kites in the sky.

31. A butterfly came and sat on a beautiful flower.

32. A monkey is sitting on a branch of a tree.

33. The supermarket is open on Sundays.

34. Mumbai is very big city.

35. India is very big country.

36.Sita is playing Tennis.

37. The crows are flying to their nests.

38. Cows give us milk.

39. Raju has an umbrella.

40.Lucknow is a beautiful city.

Underline the action word:

1. My friend runs fast.

2. I like to eat an apple.

3. She writes neatly.

4. My uncle likes to sing.

5. I sleep on my bad.

6. I like to eat an apple.

7. She is writing.
8. The cat can climb the tree.

9. He is jumping on the bad.

10. My father likes to read.

11. I always sit on the first desk in the class.

12. Small baby mostly cries.

13. I like to drive big car.

14. Birds fly in the sky.

15. I always use scissor to cut paper.

16. I like to dance garba.

17. I ride my bicycle every day.

18. There is a laughing club near my house.

Find out the action words from the given sentences and
write in the given space:
1. Pooja likes to dance->_____________

2. We see with our eyes->______________

3. He is standing->________________

4. The baby is crying->________________

5. I like to sing->________________

6. Rakesh is playing cricket->

7. Rita is cooking Food->

8. Manoj is riding bicycle->

9.Every morning I goes to walk in the garden.

10.Helicoptor flys very high in the sky.

11. I wake up early in the morning.

Make sentences using action word:

1. play-____________________________________________________________________________
2. walk-____________________________________________________________________________

3. sing-___________________________________________________________________________

4. sleep-__________________________________________________________________________

5. junp-___________________________________________________________________________

6. laugh-__________________________________________________________________________

7. fly-_____________________________________________________________________________


12. dance-_________________________________________________________________________

13. cut-____________________________________________________________________________




In a thick jungle there lived a big lion. He was very strong. He was the king of the jungle. All the other
animals were afraid of him. They would run and hide, when they heard the lion roar.

Read the passage and answer the following:

Fill in the blanks:

1. The lion lived in a _____________.

2. The lion was very _______________.

3. Other animals were ____________.

4. Animals would _________ and __________ when they heard the roar of the lion.

Answer the following questions.

1. How was the jungle?

2. Who was afraid of the lion?


Opposite words:
king X big X strong X

thick X bright X light X

happy X fast X clever X

sharp X ugly X tall X

wide X deep X rich X

clean X hot X tall X

wise X fat X narrow X

honest X top X foolish X

deep X wet X up X

day X kind X good X

open X many X sweet X

Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns:

1. My mother is in the kitchen.___________ is cooking food.

2. My friends are in the garden._________ are playing football.

3. My father has a red car.________ likes to drive.

4. Mother and I went to shopping.___________ bought toys.

5. I have a pet cat. ______ is white in colour.

6. Anita is reading._______ loves storybooks.

7. I have a teddy bear._______ is so cute.

8. The men are working. _______ are building a road.

9. _________ am an intelligent child.

10. The princess has come.________ is beautiful.

11. Do ________ like mangoes?

12. Karan is slipping ._________ is tired.

13. ____ am going to the playground.

14. Rohan and Rita study in a big school. __________ love to study.

15. My father is a doctor. ______ helps the seak patients.

16. A peacock is dancing. __________ enjoys the rain.

17. Mrs.Patel is going to the market.______ is going to buy vegetables.

18. Do ______ like chocolates,Raju?

19.The children are happy.________ are playing.

20.________ am a smart child.

21. The dog is barking._______ is hungry.

22. The mangoes are juicy.__________ are sweet.

23. This aeroplane is very big._______ flies in the sky.

24. There are two heroes.___________ are fighting the bad men.

25. Why is Tina crying? _______ fell and scraped her knee.

26.The baby is crying.________ is hungry.

27. How old are Tina and Raju? ________ are six years old.

28. ___ am going to the market to buy vegetables.

29. My house is big._______ has many rooms.

30. Sita has a pretty dress._____ is new.

31. The mangoes are sweet. _____ are juicy.

32. Ram and I are at the shopping mall. _______ are buying clothes.

33. Do ________ like chocolate ice-cream?

34. ________ are big lions.

35.________ is pretty girl.

36. My father gave me this book.____ loves me._____ is a nice book.

37..Raj is my brother.______ plays with me.

Fill in the blanks with has/have:
1. Sita __________ a pink bag.

2. They __________ a big garden in front of the house.

3. Rabbits ___________ long ears.

4. An elephant ______ a trunk.

5. She ___________ a beautiful red frock.

6. I _______ a new pencil.

7. She _________ a lovely hair band.

8. They _________ four puppies in the house.

9. Govind _________ a blue pen.

10. Mohan __________ a red car.

11.I __________ bought a new white shirt.

12. The tiger __________ stripes on their bodies.

13. We ________ bought a big house.

14. The monkey __________ long tails.

15. This classroom ____________ two window.

16. My grandmother ___________ a stick.

17. Sunita _________ a red saree.

18. This bag ___________ a big hole.

19. Giraffes _________ a long neck.

20. That flower ___________ two leaves.

21. She _______ a beautiful doll.

22. The students __________ their own story book.

23.My uncle _______ a blue Santo car.

24. Rohan _________ a pink box.

25. Sita ___________ a new red frock.

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