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Manila Doctors College School of Nursing

President Diosdado Macapagal Blvd. Metropolitan Park, Pasay City



NATIVIDAD, Margaux Kia

PILAPIL, Chelsie

QUIJADA, Marshan

RAMBOANGA, Mary Concepcion

RAMIREZ, Katriel

ROXAS, Gerard

TERRADO, Jose Maria

VERZOSA, Borraiza

VILLEGAS, Kate Francisca

Submitted to:


I. Case Abstract

Between the ages of 1 and 3, a toddler develops at an amazing rate. Physically, she will go from crawling to

walking without support to running and even jumping. She may gain four times her birth weight and grow noticeably

taller. She will begin to speak in sentences and become increasingly independent. All of these changes can be affected

by nutrition, stimulation, sleep, interaction with other people and medical conditions. A toddler needs stimulation for

brain development and active play to strengthen their muscles. Colorful toys, picture books and loving interactions

with their caregivers promote physical, emotional and intellectual development. As a toddler, the learning process has

become more thoughtful. His/her grasp of language is increasing, and he/she is beginning to form mental images for

things, actions, and concepts. He/she also can solve some problems in his head, performing mental trial-and-error

instead of having to manipulate objects physically. (Feigelman S. The second year.In: Kliegman RM,Behrman RE,

Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds.Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevie 2011:chap 9.)

A 2-years and 11 months old female was our client during the interview for MMDST. She was initially shy to

strangers, but with her grandmother at her side she felt comfortable. She has undergone the MMDST procedure.

During the procedures, she cooperated with the assistance of her grandmother. She did all the tasks given without

difficulties. She showed a positive attitude towards other people.

It is important for parents to recognize that the child can now walk, run, climb, jump, and explore. This new

stage of movement makes child-proofing the home essential. Window guards, gates on stairways, cabinet locks, toilet

seat locks, electric outlet covers, and other safety features are essential. Do not leave a toddler unattended for even

short periods of time. Remember, more accidents occur during the toddler years than at any other stage of childhood

.Introduce and strictly stick to rules about not playing in streets or crossing without an adult. Falls are a major cause of

injury. Keep gates or doors to stairways closed, and use guards for all windows above the ground floor. Do not leave

chairs or ladders in areas that are likely to tempt the toddler into climbing up to explore new heights. Use corner

guards on furniture in areas where the toddler is likely to walk, play, or run. Childhood poisonings are a frequent

source of illness and death during the toddler years. Keep all medications in a locked cabinet. Keep all toxic

household products (polishes, acids, cleaning solutions, chlorine bleach, lighter fluid, insecticides, or poisons) in a

locked cabinet or closet. Many household plants may cause illness if eaten. Toddlers love to play in water, but should

never be allowed to do so alone. A toddler may drown even in shallow water in a bathtub. Parent-child swimming

lessons can be another safe and enjoyable way for toddlers to play in water. Never leave a child unattended near a

pool, open toilet, or bathtub. Toddlers cannot learn how to swim and cannot be independent near any body of water .
II. Nursing Health History
a. Biographic Data
Patient’s Initial: Gender Age Date of Birth
Z.A Female 2years 11months old October 1, 2010
Educational Attainment Occupation Place of Birth
N.A N.A Manila
Date Handled: Source of Information
Sept 1, 2013 Secondary Source -

b. Childhood Illness(es)
Childhood illness(es) None

Childhood/adult immunization(s) Fully Immunized (2011)

Accidents and Injuries Stair Fall (September 25, 2013)

Previous hospitalization/surgery None

Medication prior to confinement None

c. Family History
General Family Information:
Name Relation Age Gender Occupation Diseases/Disorder
M. A Father 21 Male Information College graduate Asthma
M.A Mother 21 Female Housewife Highschool None
L.A Grandmother 50 Female Government College Graduate Asthma

II. Genogram
Heredo-familial illnesses:


- Male - Deceased

- Female - Asthma

- Toddler
d. Developmental History
Theory Age Developmental Client Description Interpretation

Anal The client on the day of interview Client takes full

was no longer wearing diapers and control of
(Bowel and bladder the guardian have come to mention expelling waste
Elimination) that, “tumatakboyansac.rpagnaiihi out that indicates
nay an. a sense of control.
Psychosexual 2yrs old Isangbesesngamuntikanngnadulas.” Though toilet
When child is Anal . training must be
retentive: Since she was 1yr old plus, she has pleasurable
He/she may be stopped wearing diapers and experience to get
obsessively learned to run to the washroom as a sensual
organized, or much as she can. But on the other satisfaction other
excessively neat but side, client sometimes, still pee on than self-control.
on the other side, if the bed at night in the middle of
the child is sleep.
Anal expulsive:
he/she may be
reckless, careless, A Pearson book
defiant, and of
disorganized. Kozier&Erb’s:
Fundamentals of
Process and
Practice 9th

Autonomy vs.
Shame and Doubt Client was asked what she was Client has the self
good at, or was even given an confidence that a
option if she either sing or dance. parent would
Instead of giving us the any always love to see
Children at this age expected answers, she then dance in their kids. She
Psychosocial 2yrs old like to explore the and sing the song of the has the ability to
world around them advertisement “Rejoice” being cooperate and to
and they are shown on the tv. But before she express one self.
constantly learning started off, she said, “Ganitoba ate?
about their To the left to the right
environment. umikotngsabaysabay”.
At this age children And then continues singing with A Pearson book
develop their first body movements then danced. of
interests. Kozier&Erb’s :
The parents still Fundamentals of
provide a strong Nursing
base of security from Concepts,
which the child can Process and
venture out to assert Practice 9th
their will. The Edition
parents' patience and
encouragement helps
foster autonomy in
the child.

Preconceptual stage
Client does not pay that much of Client uses an
attention when being talked at. egocentric
When questions are being thrown approach to
starts when the child
at her, she gets overly distracted accommodate the
begins to learn to
Cognitive 2yrs old first by the stuffs around us before demands of an
speak at age 2 and
she starts answering us something environment.
lasts up until the age
that’s quite relevant to our said Everything is
of 7. Piaget noted
questions. Also, the guardian still significant to
that children do not
had to give out certain situations “me” with the
yet understand
that had happened already in order matching act of
concrete logic and
for her to remember such things exploring the
cannot mentally
and give us the possible answer. environment at
the same time.
Children’s increase
in playing and
pretending takes

A Pearson book
Kozier&Erb’s :
Fundamentals of
Process and
Practice 9th
Preconventional Client follows simple instructions Clients shows
Morality from her mother and the guardian. fear of
One example was when she went punishment, not
“Obedience and outside the living room to play clearly out of
Punishment with the dog and the door was respect of the
Moral 2yrs old Orientation” open, yet when the guardian authority for the
followed her and asked her not to reason of
go beyond the fence, she then went decisions from
to the gate and instead of going the elderly that
The child assumes outside , she closed it. affects one’s
that powerful behavior and
authorities hand conformity.
down a fixed set of
rules which he or
she must
obey. A Pearson book
Kozier&Erb’s :
Fundamentals of
Process and
Practice 9th
Spiritual 2yrs old "Primal or Client was asked where she usually
Undifferentiated" plays and what kind of games she Client was unable
enjoys. When she mentioned about to formulate
loving it to play indoor rather than concepts about
Characterized by an outdoor, itsbecause she says, “sabi self or the
early learning of the mama ko may kukuhasa akin environment or
safety of their salabaspaglabasakolaro”. even the reason
environment also, is After putting up with another why she could
characterized by the “Why” question, she was then and couldn’t do
psyche’s unprotected hesitant to answer. something out
exposure to the from an elderly’s
Unconscious. instructions.

A Pearson book
Kozier&Erb’s :
Fundamentals of
Process and
Practice 9th

e. Environmental History

Z.A lives on an environment free from vectors as per the assessment conducted during the day of interview in

the house of the toddler. The house where the toddler lives has a good quality of ventilation, air passes through the

large windows, the infant stays on the room of the parents where there is an adequate room ventilation reducing the

risk of home acquired diseases. Room temperature was observed in the client’s house, not too hot and not too cold; the

house has been examined and shows 2 bed rooms and 2 restrooms, the house is located along the street in Imus,

Cavite. The street is not always passed by wide bodied vehicles like trucks, or busses, thereby; bringing a much

cleaner air for the toddler. The Environment behind the house are trees, which are located behind the house are able to

cool down the house temperature, toddler lives with her parents and grandmother, bringing a safe environment. There

are no broken glasses or any types of broken stairs, or health hazard that may cause pain or injury to the client. House

seen to be plain and simple, cleanliness is observed by the parents bringing a safe environment for the infant

especially after birth. Adequate lighting for the house has been observed, adequate lighting provides safety for the

grandparent, parents and the toddler.

III. Gordon’s Typology of 11 Functional Health Pattern

a. Health Perception/Health Management Pattern

Prior to the interview the client’s grandmother viewed the child’s health as very manageable and well. Her

general health had been stable for the past year, except for allergies evident at the client’s foot. According to the

grandmother of the client, Z.A only acquires common cough and colds. She practices proper hygiene by taking a bath

in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, brushes her teeth two times a day and cuts her nails. She also

stated that she never forgets to wash her hands every before meals. She also verbalized that the client is fully

immunized. The client has her check up every month, especially now because of her allergies.

During the interview, the client appears to be pleased about her present condition. The grandmother of the

client says that “Mapayat lang siya, pero maliksi siya at magana kumain. Madaldal pa nga eh.” Even though the client

is still at a young age, she knows what the doctor’s orders are. “Bawal ako sa itlog at chichirya kasi sabi ng doctor.

Ayaw ko kumain nun” as verbalized by the client. She brushes her teeth two times a day. “Bawal daw candy tsaka
tamis, kasi sasakit ipin ko” the client added. When asked about her hand hygiene “Sa CR ako maghuhugas ng

kamay”as verbalized by the client and she even demonstrated how she washes her hands.


Health is a pattern of meaning for individuals, families and communities. Health is not simply the

consequence of a physical state of being. People construct their reality of health in terms of the absence of illnesses,

mental patterns, characteristics of their image of body, mind and soul, family structure and experiences of caring that

give meaning to lives in complex ways. The social organization of health and illness in the society determines the way

people are recognized as sick or well, the way health or illness is presented to health care professionals, and the way

health or illness is interpreted by an individual.

Medical problems can affect a child’s normal growth and development. Chronic diseases in toddlers such as

Cystic Fibrosis or Cerebral Palsy may be genetic and lifelong; both affect physical development. Asthma may be

severe enough to require multiple hospitalizations, which can impair social development. Ear infections can cause

hearing problems that may affect social development and learning. Obesity in children has become a major public

health problem and can increase the risk of related diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes

later in life. (Tomey Ann Marriner.Chapter 8-Theory of Bureaucratic Caring.Nursing Theories and their Work.6th

Edition. Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd.: Mosby, Inc.; 2008: page 125, Journal of the American Medical Association:

Chronic Diseases of Children)


The pattern is normal. The patient is in the state of very anxious about her health status because her grandmother

gives her proper guidance about good health management.

b. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
Prior to the interview, according to the grandmother of the client, Z.A eats four times a day and drinks water

with an average of 1.5 liters per day. The client takes Tiki Tiki and Ceelin as her vitamins. She usually eats rice with

soup. The client’s favorite foods are taho, cucumber, bitter gourd and she loves drinking juices. She tends to eat

everything that she wants to eat, just not the ones that the doctor told her like not to eat eggs, junk foods and candies.
During the interview, when asked if she likes fruits, the clients states that she likes grapes, rambutan, and

apples. She is a breastfed, but also drinks formula milk namely Bear Brand. When asked by her grandmother if she

can drink coffee, “Hindi po, kasi sasakit ipin ko”.. as verbalized by the client. The client has no eating discomfort. The

client has stained teeth and three milk teeth lost.

Although many toddlers are picky eaters at times, basic nutrition is very important. Malnutrition can cause

anemia and increase susceptibility to infections. A toddler should eat three meals a day and two snacks. Meals should

include protein, carbohydrates and fat from foods such as meats, eggs, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Lack of

nutrients can affect brain development, while inadequate minerals -- such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus --

may result in weak bones. Sugar adds empty calories and may promote tooth decay; an occasional treat is not harmful,

but avoid daily intake of sweets. (American Academy of Pediatrics: Optimizing Nutrition for Toddlers)


The pattern is normal. The client’s weight is appropriate for her age and she strictly follows to eat food and

she does not experiencing difficulty in swallowing with her food and she takes her milk and vitamins every day.

c. Elimination Pattern

Prior to the interview, “Malakas siya uminom ng tubig, kaya ihi din siya ng ihi”.. the grandmother verbalized. The

client urinates 5 times a day. She defecates twice a day with characteristics of brown and formed stool. The client does

not experience any difficulty in urinating and defecating.

During the interview, “Pawisin siya kapag mainit at saka pag naglalaro.” her grandmother verbalized. The color of

her urine is clear to light yellow.


Children are usually ready to start training between the ages of 18 months and 24 months. Despite physical

readiness to use the toilet, some children may not be emotionally ready. To avoid a lengthy struggle over toileting, it is

best to wait until children indicate emotional readiness. When children are ready, they will ask for help in the

bathroom or make their way to the potty chair on their own. The timing method is the most commonly used method of

toilet teaching. Children who seem ready are introduced to the potty chair and gradually asked to sit on it briefly while

fully clothed. The children are then encouraged to practice taking their pants down, sitting on the potty chair for no

more than 5 or 10 minutes, and redressing. Simple explanations are given repeatedly and are reinforced by placing

wet or dirty diapers in the potty bowl. Praise or a reward is given for successful behavior. Anger or punishment for

accidents or for lack of success should be avoided.The timing method works well for children who have predictable

bowel and urine schedules and who can be placed on the potty chair at their normal time of elimination. Teaching

children with unpredictable schedules is better delayed until they can anticipate the need to visit the bathroom on their

own. A child who resists sitting on the toilet may be allowed to get up and try again after a meal. If resistance

continues for days, postponing the teaching for several weeks is the best strategy. Giving praise or a reward for sitting

on the toilet and producing results is effective. Once the pattern is established, rewards can be given for every other

success and then gradually withdrawn. Power struggles are unproductive and may strain the parent-child relationship.



The pattern is normal. The client does not feel any discomfort in eliminating urine and feces.

d. Activity-Exercise Pattern

The client is not yet attending school. Her daily activities are playing with her 2 year old cousin and some of

the kids outside her home and they always play “Tagutaguan”. She watches Barney and Angry Birds during the day.

She also likes dancing and imitating TV advertisements and her favorite actresses.

During the interview, she plays with her teddy bear and her dolls while conducting the survey. The client is

very talkative, laughs and smiles a lot.


Children need stimulation for brain development and active play to strengthen their muscles. Colorful toys,

picture books and loving interactions with their caregivers promote physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Most noticeably, he’ll start stringing together different activities to create a logical sequence. Instead of drifting

randomly from one toy to another, he may first put a doll to bed and then cover it up. Or he may pretend to feed

several dolls, one after the other. Over the next few years, he’ll put together longer and more elaborate sequences of

make-believe, acting out much of his own daily routine, from getting up in the morning to taking a bath and going to

bed at night. (Medline Plus: Toddler Development, Live Science: Early Neglect Alters Kids' Brains, Feigelman S.

The second year.In: Kliegman RM,Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds.Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.19th

ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 9.)


The pattern is normal. The client is very active in motion which is expected along her age line.

e. Sleep-Rest Pattern

Prior to the interview, the client sleeps at 8:00 PM to 6:00 AM which is a total of ten hours of sleep. “Araw

araw, 6:00 AM ang gising niya.” her grandmother verbalized. She also sleeps in the afternoon for 3 to 4 hours. The

client has no difficulty sleeping.

During the interview,“Hindi siya nakakatulog kapag hindi nakadede (breastfeed) sa mama niya. Kailangan

nakadede at nakatabi sa mama niya.” her grandmother verbalized.


Sleep is vitally important for toddlers. Inadequate sleep can cause problems ranging from crankiness or

temper tantrums to lack of energy. One study reported January 2012 on “Science Daily” found missing a daytime nap

caused cognition difficulties in 2-year-olds as well as behavior problems. Most toddlers need at least 12 hours of sleep

at night, according to the National Sleep Foundation. A daytime nap of one to two hours is also helpful. Some

children, especially younger toddlers, do better with two naps -- one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Bedtime

routines and a cool, quiet, dark room help promote good sleep habits. (Science Daily: Nap-Deprived Tots May Be

Missing out On More Than Sleep, National Sleep Foundation: Children and Sleep)


The pattern is normal. She sleeps comfortably without nightmares felt and she has the assurance of security

because of her mother and grandmother at her side.

f. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern

Prior to the interview, the client has difficulties in writing, and could not read yet. The client imitates what she

watches, especially from the educational TV shows, like Barney. She does not have vision and hearing problems.

“Madali siya matuto, lagi siyang nanunuod tapos gagayahin niya rin. Nakikinig siya, tignan mo, alam nga niya yung

bawal na sinabi ng doctor eh”.. her grandmother verbalized. She follows what her mom and dad says. “Lagi siyang

nagtatanong, katulad ng: Anong ginagawa ni papa doon? Asan si papa? Bakit ganito, bakit ganyan. Madaldal siya, at

pag may gusto siya sasabihin niya”.. her grandmother added.

During the interview, she answers some questions on her own. She points on people she knows and tells

stories about her papa and her cousin that she plays with. She speaks in Tagalog.


A time when a toddler learned about the world by touching, looking, manipulating, and listening. Now, as a

two-year-old, the learning process has become more thoughtful. His grasp of language is increasing, and he’s

beginning to form mental images for things, actions, and concepts. He also can solve some problems in his head,

performing mental trial-and-error instead of having to manipulate objects physically. And as his memory and

intellectual abilities develop, he’ll begin to understand simple time concepts, such as “You can play after you finish

eating.” A toddler also is starting to understand the relationship between objects. For instance, he’ll be able to match

similar shapes when you give him shape sorting toys and simple jigsaw puzzles. He’ll also begin to recognize the

purpose of numbers in counting objects—especially the number two. And as his understanding of cause and effect

develops, he’ll become much more interested in winding up toys and turning lights and appliances on and off.

(Feigelman S. The second year.In: Kliegman RM,Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds.Nelson Textbook of

Pediatrics.19th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 9)


The pattern is normal. There are changes on her mental status as she grows older and she’s able to decide with

her grandmother at her side. There are no any abnormalities on her senses.

g. Coping-stress Tolerance Pattern

Prior to the interview, the patient appeals that she have only minimal stressors to worry about. “Kapag iyak

siya ng iyak o irritable siya, pinapadede lang siya ng mama niya tapos tatahimik din siya. Pero hindi siya iyakin

talaga, minsan lang.” her grandmother verbalized. With big decisions, her father decides, but with small ones, like

what to wear, or eat, it is her mother who decides, according to the grandmother of the client. The client appears to be

a fine, smiling and laughing most of the time.


Stress is a universal phenomenon. It is a condition in which the person experiences changes in the normal

balanced state. All people experience it. Stress can be result from both positive and negative experiences. Coping is

described as dealing with change successfully or unsuccessfully. Coping mechanism is a natural way of responding to

a changing environment or specific problem or situation. Coping strategies have been described as problem focused

and emotion focused coping. (Barbara Kozier, MAN, RN, GlenoraErb, Chapter 42 Stress and Coping

Kozier&Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing Comcepts, Process and Practice 8 th Edition Volume 2, published by

Pearson Education, Publishing as Prentice Hall, Copyright 2008 pages.1061 & 1068)


The pattern is normal because the patient is able to cope with her stressful events with her parents and

grandmother at her side.

k.Value-belief Pattern

Prior to the interview, the client is a Roman Catholic and usually goes to church to attend mass with her

grandmother. They celebrate Christmas and Fiesta at home.

During the interview, when asked about God by her grandmother, the client says, “Andun sa taas.” Pointing

towards the sky. The grandmother says she knows how to pray, and demonstrates the sign of the cross.


Values are enduring beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object, idea, or action. Values are important

because they influence decisions and actions. Beliefs (or opinions) are interpretation or conclusions that people accept

as true. They are based more on faith than fact and may or may not be true. (Barbara Kozier, MAN, RN, GlenoraErb,

Chapter 41 Values, Ethics, and advocacy, Kozier&Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing Comcepts, Process and Practice

8th Edition Volume 1, published by Pearson Education, Publishing as Prentice Hall, Copyright 2008, page 81)

The pattern is normal because the patient’s ideas and actions are appropriate. Her perception on values she

believes makes her a good person to God’s eye and also to other people around her. No deviations from normal are

seen and she is the right spiritual stage where client sees and understands her religion with insights and appreciation.



Plays interactive P Can play interactive -
games games
Imitates housework P Can imitate housework -
Initially shy with P Initially shy with -
strangers strangers
Uses spoon spilling P Can use spoon with -
little little spilling
Plays pat-a-cake P Can play pat-a-cake -
Puts on clothing P Can put on clothing -
Plays ball with P Can play ball with -
examiners examiners
Feeds self cracker P Can feed self cracker -
Washes and dries P Can wash and dry hands -
Indicates wants (not P Can indicate wants -
cry) without crying
Resists toy pull P Can resist in pulling -
Dresses with F Cannot dress with -
supervision supervision
Helps in house simple P Can help in house -
tasks simple tasks
Separates from mother P Can separate from -
easily mother easily
Drinks from cup P Can drink from cup -
Plays peek-a-boo P Can play peek-a-boo -
Removes garment P Can remove garment -
Work for toy out of P Will work for toy out of



Scribbles R Can scribble -
spontaneously spontaneously
Imitates bridge P Can imitate bridge -
Tower of 2 cubes P Can build tower of 2 -
Tower of 4 cubes P Can build tower of 4 -
Neat pincer grasp P Have nice pincer grasp -
Tower of 8 cubes P Can build tower of 8 -
Bangs 2 cubes held in R Can bang 2 cubes held -
hands in hands
Hands together P Can put hands together -
Imitates vertical line P Can imitate vertical line -
Dumps Ch C from P Can dump Ch C from -
bottle spont bottle spontaneously
Thumb finger grasp P Can do thumb finger -
Reaches object P Can reach object -
Transfers cube P Can transfer cube -
Dumps Ch C bottle P Can dump Ch C bottle THE CLIENT
demonstr REFUSED TO DO 2



Words other than P Can say words other -
Papa Mama than Papa Mama
Dada or Mama non P Dada or Mama non -
specific specific
Combines 2 words P Can combine 2 words -
Turns to voice P Can turn to voice -
Points to one named P Can point to one named -
body part body part
Names 1 picture P Can name 1 picture -
Dada or Mama P Dada or Mama specific -
Laughs P Can laugh -
Follows directions P Can follow directions -
Imitates speech P Can imitate speech -
sounds sounds
Uses plural F Cannot use plural -
Gives 1st and last P Can give 1st and last THE CLIENT
name name FAILED 1



Kicks ball forward P Can kick ball forward -
Stands momentarily P Can stand momentarily -
Bear some wt on legs P Can bear some weight -
on legs
Throwing ball over P Can throw ball over -
head head
Walks holding on P Can walk holding on -
furniture furniture
Balance on 1foot 1sec R Refuses to balance on -
1foot within 1 second
Stands alone well P Can stand well -
Sits without support P Can sit without support -
Jumps in place P Can jump in place -
Stoops and recovers P Can stoop and recover -
Stands holding on P Can stand holding on -
Pedals tricycle P Can pedal tricycle -
Walks well P Can walk well -
Pulls self to stand P Can pull self to stand -
Broad jump P Can broad jump -
Walk backwards P Can walk backwards -
Gets to sitting P Can get to sitting -
Walks up steps F Cannot walk up steps THE CLIENT FAILED

V. Physical Assessment
a. General Survey:
Body Built: Grooming/Hygiene: Posture & Gait: Body Odor and Breath
Mesomoph Well-groomed Good posture and good gait Odor:
Signs of Distress: Obvious Signs of Illness(es):
Negative None
Orientation: Level of Affect: Mood:
 Time Consciousness: Euthymic Shy
 Person Conscious and
 Place coherent
Quantity & Quality of Speech: Organization of thoughts:
No difficulty in speaking and the client can The client response is appropriate to the activities and
express her thoughts easily provided that her questions given.
grandmother is with her at side and with words
and there is no speech defects noted.

b. Anthropometric Measurement*
Height: Weight: IBW/BMI:
81cm 15kg 22kg/m2

c. Vital Signs
Temperature: Pulse Rate: Respiratory Rate: Blood Pressure:
36.9 98 28 100/60
d. Physical Examination
Body Part Normal Findings Actual Findings Analysis &
Skin Varies from light to  Skin color is medium The client’s skin when
deep brown brown, uniform in color assessed appears
Generally uniform  Palms and soles are normal.
except in areas exposed lighter in color.
to the sun  The client’s skin is
No edema slightly dry, warm to
No abrasions or lesions touch
Presence of freckles,  There is no presence of
some birthmarks, some edema
flat and raised nevi  There is a presence of
sometimes can be small amount of
noted. perspiration.
Moisture in skin folds
Uniform skin
Has a good skin turgor
Hair  Hair is evenly The hair is evenly The client’s hair is
distributed distributed, thick hair normal, evenly
 Silky, resilient hair and silky. distributed and in
 No infection or Infestation and infection variable amount which
infestation is normal for her age.
were absent
 Variable amount of The scalp is white,
body hair clean, and free from
scars, lice nits, dandruff
and lesions.

Nails  Convex curvature-  Client’s nails are The client’s nails when
Smooth texture convex in structure, assessed appear to be
 Highly vascular smooth in texture. normal.
 Intact epidermis Epidermis was intact
 Prompt return of pink
and lunula and slow
or usual color,
return of usual color can
capillary refill of two
also be noted.
seconds for male  Nails were short
adults and children, and slightly clean
three seconds for  Pink tone returns
females and four immediately to blanched
elderly nailbeds when pressure
is released.

Head & Face  Rounded, smooth  Client’s head is There is no presence of

skull contour, rounded, symmetrical, edema within the face of
symmetrical and has the three the client which means
 Facial features are that there is no
prominences which
accumulation of fluid
symmetric include frontal, parietal throughout his face.
 Symmetric facial and occipital. Masses or nodules were
movements  Absence of nodules or non-palpable which
 Absence of nodules masses. means infection is not
and masses  Facial movements and present. Nasolabial
features were folds within the center
symmetrical. below the nose and
 Palpebral fissures are symmetrical movement
equal in size; of the face indicates that
the patient has no signs
symmetric nasolabial
of paralysis
Eyes  Evenly distributed  The client’s eyebrows The client’s eye sights
eyebrows, skin is are evenly distributed seem to be in normal
intact and the skin and can read easily
 Eyelashes are equally without problem so she
surrounding it is intact.
doesn’t have to use
distributed, curled  The eyelashes were
eyeglasses. There‘s no
outward also evenly distributed sign of inflammation or
 No discharge and and it was curled disease like jaundice in
discoloration sclera outward. the sclera. There’s no
appears white  Skin on both eyelids is edema or tenderness
 Bulbar and palpebral without redness, which is palpable so
conjunctiva appears swelling, or lesions. there’s no infection.
shiny and smooth and  Bulbar conjunctiva is
pink or red clear, moist, and
 No edema or smooth. Underlying
tenderness over structures are clearly
lacrimal gland visible. Sclera is white.
 Iris are visible  Edema and tenderness
 Blinks when cornea is were not noted over the
touched skin surrounding the
 Pupils are black in eyes.
color, equal in size, 3  Pupils are black and
to 7 mm in diameter, equal in size. And
round, smooth border pupils appear rounded,
and flat smooth border and flat.
 Illuminated pupils  Client blinks when the
constrict cornea is touched; it
 Non -illuminated indicates that the
constricts trigeminal nerve is
 Able to read newsprint
 No presence of shadow
light on iris.
 Illuminated pupils
constrict and non
illuminated pupil also
 Pupil constrict when
looking near object, it
dilate when looking far
object. It also converge
when near object is
moved toward nose.
 When looking straight
ahead, client can see
objects in periphery.
 Both eyes coordinated,
move in unison, with
parallel alignment.
Ears  Color same as facial  Her ears are uniform as The client has no
skin her skin color. problem in hearing. She
 Symmetrical  It is symmetrical, can easily hear the voice
 Auricle aligned with mobile, firm and not of the interviewer and
outer canthus of eye, can even hear the
ticking of the clock.
about 10° from  Pinna recoils back after
There are no lesions or
vertical being folded. Hair tenderness seen and was
 Absence of lesions, along the distal third palpated that may
cerumen, blood, pus can also be noted. indicate sign of
 Normal voice tones  She can also hear inflammation or
audible normal voice tones infection.
 Able to hear ticking in easily and can even
both ears hear the ticking of
 Pinna mobile, firm,
clock on both ears.
and not tender; recoils  Sounds is heard in both
after it is folded ears ( Weber’s test )
 Weber’s Text negative
 Rinne’s Test positive

Nose  Symmetric size and  Her nose is uniform as The client has no
shape of nose his skin color. problem when it comes
 No lesions  Lesions and tenderness to her sense of smell
 Uniform color were not noted. and her nares are patent.
 No discharge or
flaring  Nasal septum is
 Presence of cilia on positioned at the centre
nose and it is well intact.
 Pink nasal mucosa .
 Nasal septum intact
and in midline
 Nose not tender
 No tender maxillary
and frontal sinuses
Mouth & Pharynx Lips  Lips are smooth and The client’s lips and
 Uniform pink in color moist without lesions or tongue has no lesions,
 Symmetrical swelling. discharge or swelling
 Able to purse lips  She can purse her lips. that can be seen. She
 Frenulum is present  Lesion and blisters has no problem with her
 Moves freely sense of taste.
were not noted.
 Her gums are firm.
Teeth and Gums  Her tongue is slightly
 32 adult teeth
 Smooth, white, shiny pink and can be moved
tooth enamel freely.
 Pink gums  Discharge and lesions
 Moist, firm texture to along the tongue was
gums not noted and it was
 No retraction of gums positioned at the
 Buccal mucosa: Pink midline.
and smooth  The soft and hard palate
are light pink.
Tongue  Uvula is positioned in
 Central postion midline of soft palate
 Pink in color  Tonsils is pink, smooth
 No lesions and no discharges
 Raised papillae  The gag reflex is
 Moves freely; no
 Smooth tongue base
with prominent veins

 Pink in color
 Gag reflex present

Neck  Muscles equal in size;  She has an equal The client has equal
head centered muscle size and good muscle strength on
 Coordinated, smooth strength and her head is neck.
movements with no positioned at the centre.
discomfort  When she moves her
 Trachea in midline of neck, it moves in a
neck smooth movement
 Thyroid gland not which indicates that her
visible muscle in the neck has
 Gland ascends during coordinated movement
swallowing but it is as she hyperextend,
not visible laterally flexes and
 Equal muscle strength
 Lymph nodes not laterally rotate.
 Lymph nodes are non-
 Absence of bruit palpable.
 Thyroid gland is not
visible under ordinary
circumstances but it can
only be visible as the
client swallows.
 Her thyroid gland
ascends during
Spine and Posterior Thorax  Chest is symmetric and The client has normal
Thorax/Lungs  Anteroposterior to skin intact; uniform breathing patterns.
transverse diameter in temperature, chest wall
ratio 1:2 is intact and no
 Chest symmetric tenderness and masses.
 Skin intact  Spine is vertically
 Uniform temperature
 Chest wall intact  Spinal column is
 No tenderness
 Full and symmetric straight, right and left
chest expansion shoulder and hips are at
 Resonate, except over same height.
 Diaphragmatic
Excursion: 3cm-5cm
 Vesicular and
breath sounds

Anterior Thorax
 Quiet, rhythmic, and
effortless respirations
 Full symmetric
excursion; thumbs
normally separate 3 to
5 cm
 Resonate sound down
to the sixth rib at the
level of the diaphragm
but are flat over areas
of heavy muscle and
bone, dull on heart
and liver, tympanic on
 Trachea, bronchia and
tubural breath sounds
 Bronchovesicular and
vesicular breath
sounds heard

 Spine vertically

Cardiovascular/  No lifts or heaves No pulsations on the The client’s chest is

Heart  Jugular veins not aortic, pulmonic and normal. Her pulse is in
visible tricuspid area, palpated strong. There are no
 No pulsations in aortic and counted pulsation is veins and lesions can be
and pulmonic areas 98 beats per minute which seen in the area.
 Symmetric pulse is normal, no presence of
jugular veins.
 Normal heart sounds
 No murmurs
Abdomen  Uniform color Uniform color and The client’s abdomen
 Symmetric contour has no blemishes, appears to be normal.
 Flat, rounded rounded in
 No evidence of contour, no
enlargement of liver or evidence of
spleen enlargement of
 Symmetric liver or spleen,
symmetric contour
movements caused by
and movements
respirations by respiration, no
visible pattern, no
 Absence of scratches, tenderness and
lesions audible bowel
 Absence of edema sounds, no
 Audible bowel sounds presence of
 Absence of bruits and arterial bruits and
friction rubs friction rubs,
 Tympany over impalpable liver.
 Dullness over liver,
spleen and bladder
 No tenderness
Musculoskeletal  No tremors and  No abnormalities The client’s has good
contractures where seen on the equal muscle strength
 Muscle strength and patient during that are equal on both
size are equal on both legs and extremities.
assessment. Strength is
sides of the body equal on both legs and
 No deformities, the client experiences
tenderness and no pain when neither
walking nor extending
her extremities.

Genitals not assessed not assessed not assessed

Rectum and Anus not assessed not assessed not assessed

e. Neurologic Status
Cranial Nerves Reflexes* Sensory Function
I. IX Biceps Reflex Touch
Able to identify Able to move tongue 2+ Able to feel the cotton wisp
different mild aroma from side to side and on the forehead, cheek, hand
(coffee & orange) up and down and foot
even the eyes are
II. X Triceps Reflex Pain
Able to identify Able to swallow 2+ Able to identify sharp from
different mild aroma without discomfort; dull
(coffee & orange) tongue moves freely
even the eyes are from side to side and
close up and down; able to
identify different
taste; absence of
III,IV,VI Brachioradialis Reflex Temperature
Able to perform extraoccular eye movement 2+ Able to determine hot from
using eye only; eyeball move downward and cold
V XI Patellar Reflex Position
Blinks when the Able to shrugs 2+ Able to determine the
cornea is touched; shoulders against the position of middle finger on
able to determine resistance of hands both foot
sharp from dull and able to turn the
head to side against
the resistance

VII XII Achilles Reflex Tactile Discrimination

Able to smile, raise Able to protrude 2+ Able to feel one and two
the eyebrows, frown, tongue at midline point stimulus; able to
puff out cheeks and and move it from identify objects like glass, pen
close eyes tightly. side to side and book; able to identify
Able to identify
various taste from letters, colors and numbers;
sweet, sour and bitter
VIII Plantar/Babinski
Able to hear normal voice tone. and positive Reflex
to Rinne’s test 2+

VI. Drug Study

Drugs Indication Action Side Effect & Nursing Considerations/
Adverse Effect Health Teaching

Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C To increase the Side effects Instruct the parents of the
Brand Name: (ascorbic acid) immune system (normal): infant to administer the
Celine helps tissue and and avoid There are no vitamin c to the child
Classification: bone growth and common colds common side thrice a day.
Vitamin repair, increases and cough. effects of
Route: Oral immunity to vitamin C to the Keep the vitamin syrup in
Dosage: 5mL common colds. infant. a cool dry place.
Interval: thrice a
day Adverse effects: Shake well before
(unanticipated) administration.
No Adverse Provide health teaching
effects. about the side effects of
the medication.

Betamethasone Reduces Decreases Side Effects: Instruct client to apply a

valerate inflammation and problems such (normal) small amount to the
Brand Name: can help to relieve as eczema, Burning affected area of skin only.
Generic the symptoms of psoriasis and Sensation and
Classification: inflammatory skin dermatitis. itching. Tell the client, if there is
Anti-infamatory problems. no improvement within
Route: skin Adverse effects: two to four weeks of using
application (unanticipated) Betamethasone Valerate.
Dosage: small No Adverse side Consult the doctor.
adequate effects.
amounts on skin Inform that this medicine
only. may not be used in
Interval: twice a children for more than five
day days.

VII. List of Prioritized problems/NCP (traditional format)

VIII. Health Teaching Plan
Topic: Sleeping Pattern for Toddlers

Goal: At the end of the health teaching, the client will acquire knowledge about sleeping pattern of a toddler

Time allotment: 30 minutes

Learning objective Learning content Methodology Resources Methods of

> Determine the > Sleep is important > lecture/ discussion > Visual aids (manila After 30 minutes of
importance of for children as it about getting enough paper, pentel pen, health teaching the
getting enough sleep directly impacts sleep for toddler tape) the client will;
mental and physical
Children who gets 1. be able to
enough sleep are determine what are
those happy, healthy the importance of
and energetic getting enough sleep
> lecture/discussion for a toddler.
> Determine the > Toddler need 12- of amount of sleep > Visual aids (manila
right amount of sleep 14hours of sleep in a for ages 1-3 years paper, pentel pen, 2. be able to
that toddler needs 24-hour period. They old tape) describes the tips
need a 2 hours nap and ways to lessen
during afternoon. sleep problems.
Naps should not
occur too close to 3. responds well to
bedtime as they may the question by the
delay sleep at night. end of the discussion

> determine tips to > lecture. Discuss

avoid poor sleep or a > sleep tips for the different tips to > Visual aids (manila
sleep problems toddler: get kids in bed paper, pentel pen,
including resisting 1. Maintain a daily without sleep tape) and hand outs
going to bed and sleep schedule and problems
nighttime consistent bedtime
awakenings routine.
2. Make the bedroom
environment the
same every night and
throughout the night.
3. Set limits that are
communicated and
4. Encourage use of
a security object
such as a blanket or
stuffed animal.

Factors can be
> Determine what separation anxiety, >lecture. Discuss the
are the factors that the need for factors that can > Visual aids (manila
can lead to sleep autonomy and the affect the sleep of a paper, pentel pen,
problem development of the toddler tape) hand outs
child's imagination
can lead to sleep

Topic: Hand Washing

Goal: after 30 minutes of health teaching, the client will be well-informed about the proper hand washing techniques.

Time allotment: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives Learning content Methodology Resources Evaluation

> Describe the >Cleanliness is > Lecture discussion > Using Visual After health teaching
importance of related to disease about cleanliness. Aids(pentel pen, the client will;
cleanliness to our prevention, and Manila Paper, Scotch
health. washing is one way Tape) 1. state the
of achieving physical importance of
cleanliness, usually cleanliness and being
with water and soap. in-charge to our own
> Define hand > Hand Hygiene is a > Lecture discussion > Using Visual
hygiene. process of cleaning about definition of Aids(pentel pen, 2. determine the
the hands with or hand hygiene. Manila Paper, Scotch meaning of hand
without water/soap Tape) hygiene and
to remove dirt and/or importance of it.
3. identify and name
> hand washing is the equipments
> Describe the the first line of > Lecture discussion > Using Visual needed in the
importance of Hand defense against the about importan of Aids(pentel pen, procedure.
hygiene spread of many hand hygiene. Manila Paper, Scotch
illnesses, if we forget Tape) 4. identify the step
to wash hands, we by step procedure
can transfer the and perform it
germs to other independently.
5. be expect to
> Identify the when > After Using > Lecture discussion > Using Visual answer the question
do we need to wash bathroom, before Aids(pentel pen, that will be ask by
our hands. and after eating, after Manila Paper, Scotch the student nurse.
playing and after Tape) and handouts
coughing/ sneezing.

> Warm water, soap,

and wash cloth.
> Describe > Lecture discussion > Using Visual
equipment needed and showing the Aids(pentel pen,
for hand washing. equipments to the Manila Paper, Scotch
client Tape) hand outs, and
equipments to be
> proper ways of use.
hand washing:
> Demonstrate 1. wet the hands with > demonstration of >Water, soap, wash
procedures of proper warm water the procedure led by cloth
way of hand washing 2. apply soap the student nurse.
3. Rub the hands
together to make a
lather and scrub
them well; be sure to
scrub the backs of
hands, between
fingers, and under
4. Continue rubbing
your hands for at
least 20 seconds.
5.Rinse your hands
well under running
6.Dry your hands
using a clean towel
or air dry.

> return >

demonstration of the
client of the

Topic: Showering and bathing

Goal: after health teaching, the client will be able to practice proper hygiene independently and understands the
importance of good hygiene.

Time allotment: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives Learning Content Methodology Resources Learning evaluation

>Define what is > Bathing is the > Lecture about > Using Visual After 30 minutes of
Good bathing or process of washing bathing and Aids(pentel pen, health teaching, the
showering. the the whole body showering Manila Paper, Scotch client will:
with water to Tape)
eliminate germs and 1. determine the
to reduce the definition of Good
incidence and spread bathing or
of disease. showering, and it's
importance to our
> Describe the > Having a good > Lecture and > Using Visual health.
importance of taking bath is one of the discussion Aids(pentel pen,
a bath and examples of taking Manila Paper, Scotch 2. identify and
Showering. care of the body. A Tape) perform the
good bath cleans and procedure
refreshes the body independently.
and mind. It also
relaxes the body to 3. be aware with
be ready for the what should do and
whole day. not to do while
> Describe the > For personal > Lecture and > Using Visual
purpose of hygiene by means of discussion about the Aids(pentel pen,
bathing/showering. achieving cleanliness purpose of bathing Manila Paper, Scotch
by washing away and showering Tape)
dirt and soil, and a
preventative measure
to reduce the
incidence and spread
of disease.

> Determine the > Wash from the > Using Visual
proper procedure of top(hair) to Aids(pentel pen,
bathing/showering. bottom(feet) > Lecture and Manila Paper, Scotch
discussion Tape) and hand outs

>Demonstrate the > proper procedure > demonstration to >Doll, soap,

procedure using a using a doll: be led by the student sink/water, wash
doll 1. Using a doll, nurse cloth, shampoo
demonstrate how to
wet the hair and
lather up the
shampoo. Show her
how to lather up the
washcloth with the
body soap and
demonstrate how to
wash the body.
2. Once the doll's
body and hair is
completely lathered,
show the her how to
thoroughly rinse all
soap and shampoo.
3. Using a dry towel,
show the child how
to thoroughly dry off
the doll after taking a
bath and instruct
them to do this as
well when she take a

> Describe the right > Short role playing >soap, sink/water,
and wrong methods by the student nurse wash cloth, shampoo
of bathing or

Topic: Eating healthful foods

Goal: After health teaching, the client will be familiar with vegetables and fruits, and will be able to make own
choices of foods with healthful benefits.
Time allotment: 30 minutes

Learning Learning Content Methodology Resources Learning

Objectives evaluation
>Define what is > “healthy” means > Lecture and > Using Visual After 30 minutes of
Healthy possessing or discussion Aids(pentel pen, health teaching the
enjoying good health Manila Paper, Scotch client will;
or characteristic of a Tape)
good health. 1. state the meaning
of being healthy
> Determine what is >Health foods are the > Lecture and > Using Visual based on
Health foods food considered to be discussion Aids(pentel pen, understanding of
beneficial to health Manila Paper, Scotch discussion.
in ways that go Tape)
beyond a normal 2. be aware of the
healthy diet required importance of eating
for human nutrition healthy foods.

3. determine what
> Determine the > Advantages of > Lecture and > Using Visual are foods that will
advantages of eating eating healthy foods; discussion, short Aids(pentel pen, benefit her health.
healthy foods, fruits 1.Helps keep active role-playing Manila Paper, Scotch
and vegetables. 2. Provide energy Tape) hand outs 4. respond well
3. strengthens during discussion.
immune system
4. healthy skin
5. healthy bones
6. Makes you smart

> Determine the >disadvantages of > Using Visual

disadvantages of unhealthy foods; > Lecture and Aids(pentel pen,
eating unhealthy 1.Can rot your teeth discussion, short Manila Paper, Scotch
foods 2. stomach problems role-playing Tape)
3. Obesity
4.unhealthy skin
5.low nutritional
> Determine what > Fruits and > Lecture and > Using flash
are the foods that vegetables are discussion, games cards/pictures of
health or unhealthy healthful and junk fruits, vegetables and
foods junk foods

Topic: Pediatric wound care

Goal: After 30 minutes of health teaching, the client will acquire knowledge and skills about wound care and
preventing wound infections.

Time allotment: 30 minutes

Learning objective Learning content Methodology Resources Methods of

> Describe what is > Wound care is a > Lecture/ > Using Visual After the health
wound care and its process of cleaning Discussion of wound Aids(pentel pen, teaching the client
importance and dressing the care Manila Paper, Scotch will:
wound to be free Tape)
from any infection. 1. Respond well in
questions regarding
the wound care.

> Describes the signs

and symptoms of > Signs and > discuss signs and > Using Visual 2. demonstrate the

wound infections. symptoms include symptoms of an Aids(pentel pen, cleaning of the

warm, painful, infections if they Manila Paper, Scotch wound.
swelling wounds. don't clean the Tape)
Pus coming from the wound. 3. describe wound
wound and foul infection

> Demonstrate
cleaning of wound > procedure of >lecture/discussion. > Using Visual
wound care for kids Demonstration of Aids(pentel pen,
1. wash the hands wound cleaning. Manila Paper, Scotch
2. wash the wound Tape) hand-outs
3. clean the wound
with alcohol
4. bandage the
wound if it requires

> determine when to

call the doctor
> Call the doctor if > Lecture/discussion. > Using Visual
infection occurs Demonstration of Aids(pentel pen,
wound cleaning. Manila Paper, Scotch
Tape) hand-outs

Topic: Proper Nutrition for toddlers

Goal: After 25 minutes of health teaching, the client will acquire knowledge, skills about proper nutrition and apply to
their children's
Time Allotment: 25 minutes

Learning Objectives Learning Content Methodology Resources Method

After the Health

teaching the client
Definition of
After 5 minutes of
nutrition; is what a
discussion. The Visual aids
person eats and Discussion • be aware how the
family can be able to (powerpoint)
how the body uses nutrition is
define nutrition
it important

After 5 minutes of
Importance of
discussion, the family
proper nutrition to • be able to apply
can able to have Visual aids
support the child’s Discussion the proper
knowledge and (powerpoint)
optimal nutrition
importance of proper
After 5 minutes of Six types of
• be able to know
discussion and nutrients
the most
describe, the family Water,Carbohydrate Visual aids
Discussion/Describe important
will be able to s,Proteins (powerpoint with
enumerate the 6 types Fats,Minerals, pictures)
of nutrients Vitamins

After 5 minutes of How to make their

discussion, own meal; Visual aids

• actually do the
demonstration and • Breakfast (powerpoint with
Discussion meal plan in their
benefits. Family able • lunch sample of meal
to make their own • afternoon snack plan)
meal • Dinner
After 5 minutes of Getting started and
discussion, the family charging their
will be able to eating habits; Visual aids
demonstrate way to • Eat more nutrient (powerpoint) • able to apply the
Providing list of
promote healthy Rich food ,Providing list of healthy life style
healthy lifestyle and
lifestyle through • Eat variety healthy and proper in their family
proper nutrition
following their meal healthy foods nutrition
plan and having a everyday
proper nutrition • Drink more water
Topic: Dengue fever
Goal: After healthy of health teaching, the client will acquire knowledge and skills to prevent dengue fever.
Time Allotment: 30 minutes

Learning Learning Method of

Methodology Resources
Objectives Content Evaluation

Dengue Fever; An After the health

After 5 minutes of
acute infectious teaching the client
discussion the
disease manifested will;
family can able to Discussion Visual aids
initially with fever • respond well in
define Dengue (powerpoint)
that caused by the questions
Flavi virus.

Aedes aegypti: the
common household
mosquito are the
transmitter of the
disease, is a day-
After 5 minutes of biting mosquito
discussion the which lays eggs in
family can able to clear and stagnant Discussion Visual aids
• be aware how the
dengue transmit
know how the water found in (powerpoint)
dengue transmit flower
barrels,old rubber
tires etc. The adult
mosquitoes rest in
dark places of the

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