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Case Study Assignment

Aayush Chawla – 199278052

Aakanksha Mishra – 199278055
Chaitanya Kiran – 199278056
Sharangdhar Deshmuskh – 199278061
Rayana Bhargav Sai – 199278053

After going through the entire case study, we were able to comprehend upon the life happenings
of Raja and draw some conclusions of his personality traits.
Emotional Intelligence –
He lacks Emotional Awareness, Emotional Diagnosis, and Emotional Response, which is evident
from the fact that his marriage ended in 6 months. He was completely indifferent to Bharti before
marriage. He neither liked her nor disliked her but went ahead with the marriage to please his
parents as his mother liked Bharti. He was not able to understand her spouse’s feelings and often
felt obligated towards his duty as a husband. This shows that he didn’t understand his own
emotions, let alone his spouse’s emotions. And he didn’t even know how to react to her because
of which their marriage ended in her leaving him within six months.
He faced similar problems in his office where everyone took the credit, and he just remained silent.
He undervalued himself, and thus, he couldn’t get the justified value when he shifted to Mars. This
may indicate that he lacks that emotional awareness required to understand one’s needs and fulfill
them. Also, he wasn’t able to respond to his peers and seniors regarding this issue, indicating a
lack of emotional response.
His student life shows various contrasting features. During his college education, he was too
competitive and egoistic to talk to other students as he didn’t feel that they were smart enough.
He didn’t have too many friends but was close to some. During his post-graduation, he suffered
health issues which dragged him back, and he ended up in the last 10% of the class. This might
indicate an inability to cope up with stress and emotions to achieve success.
Ego states-
Raja falls under the category of a negative adopted child. He is sulky, withdrawing, guilty, and
anxious. His parents show characteristics of negative nurturing parents who overprotected their
son. They didn’t give him negative strokes when required. They were so respectful of Raja’s
feelings that they decided to forgo their own unborn child as Raja didn’t want to share his parents.
With over emphasis on care and love, raja adopted to become a submissive and obedient child.
He always did what was expected from him. There have been instances where Raja has been
oblivious towards his own health, which could be a reflection of his negative adopted child
characteristics. He often falls ill, suffers from asthma and finds it difficult to adjust to new
environments. He cannot settle in new spaces or make new friends easily. All these reflects poor
ego states coming from his adoptive nature.
Discussing the problems, dilemmas and our solutions –
Currently Raja suffers from multiple emotional problems. His parents are disappointed with his
personal relationships and his inability to meet family expectations. At the same time, he feels
disappointed from his current job life and is even planning to end his life after his parents’ demise.
He feels lonely and unstable. He is also struggling to decide whether he should continue working
with MARS and talk with his manager to increase his salary and give him credit for his work and
continue on job that gives him satisfaction or accept offer from ICG.
The first thing that Raja should do is to understand his emotions and his emotional needs. He in
unaware of what is happening in his mind and the frustration is piling up without a solution.
Emotions are clouding his judgement which is driving him to an option of ending his life because
of the frustration. He should consult a counsellor to get an insight on his problems. He should
probably interact with his friends and share his trouble. It often happens that sharing with others
helps to reduce the intensity of pain one is facing. He should move back to Chennai. A familiar
environment might bring a sense of security to him. Also he will be close to his family and friends.
This might help him get back on his feet and be in a more emotionally stable space. One thing that
must be taken care of by his family is that they should not provide the same kind of environment
that they used to provide. They should be nurturing but not negatively nurturing.

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