Winter Break Holiday Homework PDF

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, Class IX ( 2016-17) 

Winter Break Holiday Homework   


*Learn formulae of following Chapters for FA-IV CCE Activity

1) Surface Areas and Volumes. 2) Statistics.

*Read and prepare OTBA for Maths available on school portal.

*Prepare chapters for the pre board exam to be held.


1. Students are required to download the OTBA text uploaded on the school portal and bring the copy
along with them to school for discussion.

Each child should prepare 2 Long Answer type questions applicable to the 2 different themes of the
OTBA Text and should write them down in their main English Copy.
2. Revision of lessons of the 2​nd​ Term should be done to prepare for the Pre-Board Examination to be
held in January.
3. Read all chapters of Gulliver’s Travels (Part 3 & 4).
4. Write an Article in 120 words on the topic, ‘Increasing Materialism in the Society’.
5. Write the answers in the grammar worksheet uploaded on the portal and stick it in the main copy

● To do multiple choice questions(MCQ) in science lab manual(book itself )of all 5 experiments of II
● To complete the lab record file.

Prepare a chart in groups of 5 students of your class on various types lifestyle diseases. To be marked as an
CCE activity.


1) Revise the chapter “ Working of Institutions “ for FA4 .

2) Notes of the same already uploaded in the portal .

3) Learn the definitions, differences and functions from the notes given.
1. Learn chapter- 4- Forest Society and Colonisation and chapter-8 Clothing: A Social History for pre boards.
2. Practise Map questions from chapter deforestation.
3. Solve the worksheet in the textbook given on the portal.
4. Take the printout of the notes given on the portal.

On a political map of India mark and label the following.

Chapter 5 (Natural Vegetation and Wild Life)

(i) National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambhor, Dachigam, Rajaji, Shivpuri, Kanha Kisli,
Simlipal, Keoladeo Guindy and Bandipur.
(ii) Wild Life Sanctuaries: Sariska, Mudumalai, Periyar and Chandaka.
(iii) For Identification: Forest Zones: Tropical Evergreen Forests, Tropical Thorn Forests, Mangrove
Forests, Tropical Deciduous Forests and Motane Forests.

Chapter 6 (Population)

(i) The state having highest density of population.

(ii) The state having lowest density of population.
(iii) The state having highest sex ratio.
(iv) The state having lowest sex ratio.
(v) The most populous state of India.
(vi) The most sparsely populated state of India.


● Complete Kanji sheets.

•Learn vocabulary of Chapter-10-13.
•Write your Holiday experience using various adjectives.


● Read the novel"Los negocios de Varun"

● write a summary in 15-20 lines of the novel on assignment sheets

Préparez un tableau sur une fête française comme discuté dans la classe. Il faut parler de quand elle est
célébrée, pourquoi elle est célébrée, comment elle est célébrée et qu’est-ce qu’elle signifie.

1• ‘​अ यास–​पु तकम ् म ​ णका भ ​ ाग–1’ क ​ ​सहायता स ​ ेक ​ ृ , ​ च त,् ​नम,् म ​ ु ,​ छऔ ​ र ​याच ् ​धातओ
ु ंक
​ े ​ प ​पाँच ल ​ कार
म ​ लख| ​ यान र​ ख ​ क ​िजन ध ​ ातओ ु ंक
​ े ​ पआ ​ मनेपद म ​ ​है त ​ ो ​आ मनेपद ​म, प ​ र मैपद म ​ ​है प
​ र मैपद म​ य ​ ा ​दोन प ​ द ​म
उपल ध ह ​ ​तो ​दोन ​पद ​म ​ लख|
2• ‘​अ यास–​पु तकम ् म ​ णका भ ​ ाग–1’ क ​ ​सहायता स ​ े ​ व वस,् र​ ाजन,् ग ​ छन,् आ ​ मन,् भ ​ वत,् ​ औ ​ रच ​ तरु ् ​श द क ​ े
प ​ लख।
3.​ न न ​श द क ​ े ​अथ ​ लखकर व ​ ा य-​ योग ​कर – ( ​उपपद ​ वभि त क ​ े ​आधार प ​ र)
समया , ​ नकषा, ​अलम,् isna(\yaint, ​ त, ​ धक् , ​ वना, अ ​ लम,् ​ह नः, ​ योजनम ् , आ ​ रं भ, ​ मद, ​अन तरम,् ​ नधारणे,
वामतः, ​द णतः, ​अनादरे , ि​ न य त, आ ​ र य ​और ​ व वस ् |
नोट – ​उपयु त ​काय स ​ ं कृत ​नोट–​बक ु म ​ ​कर। इ
​ नक
​ ाय ​का म ​ ू यांकन ​ कया ज ​ ाएगा |


१. '​सरु संगीत सभा ' ​ द ल के गायक के लए चयन तयो गता का आयोजन कर रह है । इससे
संबं धत व ापन २५-३० श द म तैयार क िजए।

२. आजकल दरू दशन पर कशोर के लए सा रत होने वाले काय म म सध

ु ार क आव यकता के बारे
म बातचीत करते हुए दो कशोर के संवाद ५५-६० श द म ल खए।

यह काय ए ४ शीट पर कया जाना अपे त है ।

CHEMISTRY​ ​ Make the following table on your assignment sheet or download this sheet and
Write formulae for each ionic compound in the space provided.

Potassium Zinc Calcium Ammonium










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