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Q2: Essay
GED107 – C1 Oct. 8, 2019

Essay: Choose only 1 question. Answer briefly. At least two short paragraphs. Be able to apply
the philosophical theory of the utilitarians.
1. Despite the positive values of the Filipinos, how can we uplift our country from
depression and sad state?
2. If we permit freedom of ideas then, _______? If we restrain the free expression of ideas

The positive values of the Filipinos are at commendable as they are already but being
commendable could only go so far. It is not enough that we only get to ‘feel’ compassion or
noble emotions towards others and call it a day – that we’ve done our part already by just
that. It is just as what the Bible says, “faith without good works is dead”. In promoting the
greatest good for the greatest number, we should own to what we believe, we should
uphold what we stand for.
We believe in equality, then we should treat each other without prejudice. We believe in
truth, then we should be honest even with the smallest thing entrusted to us. We want to
promote nationalism then why do we shun our local produce? We want change, then why
don’t we change? If we Filipinos believe that the youth is the hope of the country, then why
are not we paving a good path for them? We want to have a clean environment but why are
we throwing our trashes randomly in the street, in rivers, lakes – virtually anywhere? We
want change, then why don’t we change? Why is no one taking action? As I’ve said before,
indifference is the new evil. If we really believe in the greatest good for the greatest
number, finding ways to do so wouldn’t be that odious when we really stand in what we
believe in. Otherwise, we are hypocritical and sacrilegious to the oath we’ve taken, not only
as Filipinos, but also as humans.

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