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Jurnal Teknik Mesin S-1, Vol. x, No.

x, Tahun xxx



*Mahmuda Haira1, Gunawan Dwi Haryadi1, Rifky Ismail1

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang-Semarang 50275, Telp. +62247460059

The pipeline has been used as one of the most practical and low-cost methods to transport oil and gas.
Pipe connection is done by welding process. Welding generates a local heating effect with high
temperatures that cause the metal to undergo thermal expansion as well as shrinkage during cooling.
This leads to residual stresses, changes in micro structure, hardness and toughness that vary in each
construction area. One way to improve that is by doing post weld heat treatment (PWHT). This study
aims to determine the effect of PWHT on mechanical properties and microstructure on welding with
shield metal arc welding (SMAW) method. PWHT was performed by induction heating at 400 ºC, 500
ºC 600 ºC, 700 ºC and 800 ºC with holding time for 15 s and cooled in air. Further testing of impact,
hardness and microstructure to determine the effect of PWHT conducted. From result of impact test and
hardness known that higher temperature PWHT hence higher also value of toughness and decreasing of
hardness. And from observation of micro structure of PWHT weld metal region resulted in increasing
number of acicular ferrite structure and decreasing number of widmanstatten ferrite structure..

Key words : Hardness, Induction Heating, Microstructure, PWHT, Toughness

Saluran perpipaan telah digunakan sebagai salah satu metode yang paling praktis dan berharga murah
untuk transportasi minyak dan gas. Penyambungan pipa sendiri dilakukan dengan proses pengelasan.
Pada pengelasan memunculkan efek pemanasan setempat dengan temperatur tinggi yang menyebabkan
logam mengalami ekspansi termal maupun penyusutan saat pendinginan. Hal itu menyebabkan
terjadinya tegangan sisa, perubahan struktur mikro, kekerasan dan ketangguhan yang berbeda-beda pada
tiap-tiap daerah konstruksi. Salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki hal tersebut yaitu dengan cara melakukan
post weld heat treatment (PWHT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh PWHT terhadap
sifat mekanik dan struktur mikro pada pengelasan shield metal arc welding (SMAW). PWHT dilakukan
dengan menggunakan alat pemanas induksi pada temperatur 400ºC, 500 ºC 600 ºC, 700 ºC dan 800 ºC
dengan holding time selama 15 detik dan didinginkan di udara terbuka. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian
impak, kekerasan dan struktur mikro untuk mengetahui pengaruh PWHT yang dilakukan. Dari hasil
pengujian impak dan kekerarasan diketahui bahwa semakin tinggi temperature PWHT maka semakin
tinggi juga nilai ketangguhan dan semakin menurun nilai kekerasannya. Dan dari pengamatan struktur
mikro daerah weld metal PWHT mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan jumlah struktur acicular ferrite
dan penurunan jumlah struktur widmanstatten ferrite.

Kata kunci: Kekerasan, Ketangguhan, Pemanas induksi, PWHT, Struktur Mikro

Piping is one of the most practical and affordable methods that has been used in oil and gas transportation systems
since 1950. Pipes have been used as one of the most practical and inexpensive methods for oil and gas transportation.
Pipeline installations for oil and gas transmission have increased rapidly in the last three levels [1]. One that must be
considered in the process of making pipes is the process of connecting the pipes. Pipe joint itself is carried out by the
welding process. One of the welding methods that are often used in pipe joints is metal arc shield (SMAW) welding. The
SMAW method is more widely used today because it is more practical, easier to operate, can be used for all kinds of
welding and is more efficient. Filling produces a heating effect with temperature which causes an increase in thermal
loading during shrinkage. This event causes the stress transfer and challenges that occur in areas of heat or heat affected
zone (HAZ) [2]. There are two ways to free up the remaining stress, mechanical and thermal method. From the two
methods, the most widely used is the thermal method with the post heat treatment (PWHT) process.

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Jurnal Teknik Mesin S-1, Vol. x, No. x, Tahun xxx

In the PWHT process, holding time, heating temperature and cooling rate are very important factors [3]. The purpose of
this study is to determine the optimum temperature for PWHT on the API 5L X52 pipe joint welded using the SMAW


2.1 Material
The Test Specimen used is a API 5L X52 pipe connection. Welding is carried out manually using the shield metal arc
welding (SMAW) method with the welding parameters found in Table 1. The specimens used in this test are shown in
Figure 1.
Table 1. SMAW welding parameters [4]
No. Parameters Information
1 Filler type E 6010 dan E 7010
2 Filler diameter 3,2 mm
3 Current type DC
4 Strong currents 95-135Ampere
5 The voltage 21-23 Volt
6 Welding speed 150-200 mm/min
7 Heat input 650-1000 J/mm
8 Welding layer 7 layer

Figure 1. Test specimens

2.2 Post Weld Heat Treatment

Post weld heat treatment carried out in this test uses an induction machine. Each specimen is heated to temperatures
of 400 oC, 500 oC, 600 oC, 700 oC, and 800oC, held for 15 seconds and then cooled in the open air. The induction device
used has a power of 15,000 kW and the source of electricity is 3 phase. The graph of heat treatment and induction heating
machines for this test is shown in Figure 2.

(a) (b)
Figure 2. (a) Graph of the heat treatment process. (b) Induction heating machine

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2.3 Micro Structure Testing

Prior to micro-photo testing, the material is first cut using a saw to make small specimens measuring 5 cm x 1 cm.
Furthermore, the specimen is blended with sandpaper grade 180, 240, 400, 600, 800, 1000 1200, 1500 and 2000. After
the specimen is smoothed to grade 2000 the next step is to smooth the specimen using wool so that the surface of the
material does not appear to scratch.
Microstructure testing refers to ASTM International testing standards and is carried out after the test specimen
undergoes a process of polishing and etching, so that the test specimen looks shiny and there are no scratches on the
surface of the test specimen. Micro structure testing of the test specimens was carried out at the Physical Metallurgy
Laboratory of Diponegoro University, Semarang using the OLYMPUS BX41M Microscope. Photographs of
microstructure testing specimens can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Microstructure testing specimens.

2.4 Hardness Testing

The hardness testing method used is the Vickers micro method. In the vickers force test is given slowly without
collision, and held for five to fifteen seconds, in this study I used suppression for 12 seconds. In accordance with ASTM
E384, the applied force ranges from 1-1000 gf, for this study I used 0.3 Kgf. After the force is released, the two diagonals
are measured and the average is used to calculate the HV according to the formula:

2000𝑃 sin(∝/2) 1854,4𝑃

HV = 𝑑2
= 𝑑2

Where d is the diagonal average in units of µm, P is the load given in units of gf, and α is the unit of surface angle
(1360). Hardness can be calculated by the formula above or by converting the average diagonal in the HV conversion
table book [5].
Before a hardness test is carried out, the material is first cut and mounted. Furthermore, the specimen was grinded
with sandpaper grades 180, 240, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 1500. After the surface of the specimen was flat, the next
step was to do the testing with a Vickers hardness tester. Photographs of microstructure testing specimens can be seen in
Figure 4.

Figure 4. Hardness testing specimen

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2.5 Impact Testing

Toughness is the resistance of a material to shock loads. Tests to determine the toughness of a material commonly
used is the impact test. The basis of this impact test is the absorption of potential energy from the load pendulum swinging
from a certain height and pounding the test object so that the test object is deformed. Before being tested, each specimen
is given a notch in the middle. The function of the notch in the impact test is to localize the fracture, so that the fracture
occurs in the area. The notch is V-shaped with a tilt angle and notch depth has been determined according to ASTM E23
standardization from the maximum to the minimum dimensions. Impact test specimens can be seen in Figure 5. Impact
testing conducted in this study uses the charpy method. Charpy method itself is testing mash by placing the position of
the test specimen on a pedestal in a horizontal or horizontal position, and the direction of loading is opposite to the notch

Figure 5. Impact testing specimens


3.1 Observation of Micro Structure
Micro structure observations are shown in Figure 6 to Figure 8 using 200X magnification. The pictures taken in the
microstructure test were taken in the weld metal, HAZ and base metal regions.

3.1.1 Observation of the base metal microstructure

Figure 6. Observation of micro base metal structures.

In the base metal area can be seen grains of ferrite (light colored), and the pearlite phase (dark colored). Ferrite grains
tend to be finer and softer while pearlite grains are coarser and harder because they contain carbon. In this area the metal
still has the properties of the test object. The microstructure of base metal specimens undergoing PWHT treatment and
without PWHT results is almost the same. However, in specimens that experience PHWT can be seen a change that is a

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decrease in the number of pearlite, growing ferrite. The greater the PWHT temperature, the less pearlite phase. This is
related to the value of violence obtained in the base metal area. The higher the PWHT temperature, the lower the hardness
value [6].

3.1.2 Observation of the HAZ microstructure

Figure 7. Observation of HAZ microstructure.

In the HAZ region, specimens without PWHT microstructure forms tend to have smaller granules than the parent
metal region and tend to be irregular in shape. Whereas in the specimens with PWHT treatment the shape of the structure
is dominated by more ferrite and granules which are getting bigger while pearlite is getting smaller and smaller. If the
PWHT temperature gets higher, the amount of ferrite increases. This has resulted in a decrease in violence in the HAZ
area along with the increase in PWHT temperatures [6].
3.1.3 Observation of the weld metal microstructure

Figure 8. Observation of weld metal microstructure.


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In the weld metal area, microstructure of asweld specimens and PWHT specimens have microstructure consisting of
widmanstatten ferrite (WF), acicular ferrite (AF), and grain boundary ferrite (GF). The AF structure appears to be
interconnected to form an interlocking structure. The GF structure has a round grained structure, while the WF structure
has a long grained structure (columnar grains) and has brittle properties. The growth of this WF structure starts from the
parent metal which grows towards the center of the weld metal area. As the PWHT temperature increases there is an
increase in the AF structure and a decrease in the number of WF and GF structures. At PWHT 800 oC, polygonal ferrite
(PF) was resilient and soft. This is what causes an increase in the value of toughness and a decrease in the value of
hardness in the weld metal area that gets PWHT treatment [6].

3.2 Impact Testing

Impact test results on API 5L X52 asweld pipe specimens and those having experienced PWHT of 400 oC, 500 oC,
600 oC, 700 oC, and 800oC can be seen in Figure 9. The value of the toughness / impact value obtained from the absorbed
energy value divided by the fracture cross-sectional area . Absorbed energy is energy used to break a workpiece by
multiplying force and distance. A fracture crossing was obtained from the area where the fracture occurred, in this test
the fracture occurred in the area which was given a notch.

Figure 9. Graph of the results of impact testing.

In Figure 9, it can be seen that the specimens which are not carried out PWHT (asweld) have a toughness value of
1.49 Joules / mm². And the specimens that have PWHT have a toughness value that continues to increase along with the
increase in temperature PWHT with the breakdown of PWHT 400 oC with a toughness value of 1.58 Joules / mm², PWHT
500 oC has a toughness value of 1.63 Joules / mm², PWHT 600 oC has the value of toughness is 1.68 Joule / mm², PWHT
700 oC has a toughness value of 2.08 Joule / mm², and PWHT 800 oC has a toughness value of 2.14 Joule / mm². It can
be concluded that PWHT can change the magnitude of the toughness value along with the increase in PWHT temperature.
From the specimen chart which has the greatest toughness value is the 800 ºC PWHT specimen with a toughness value
of 2.14 Joules / mm². The results of this impact test are related to the results of observations of micro structures that have
been carried out. Where in the weld metal area along with the increase in PWHT temperature the brittle widmanstatten
ferrite microstructure begins to transform into a more resilient acicular ferrite [6].

3.3 Hardness testing

Hardness test aims to determine the ability of a material to accept a load without undergoing plastic deformation that
is resistant to indensity, resistant to scratching, resistant to wear and resistant to abrasion (abrasion). The point of the area
of hardness testing as shown in Figure 10. The results of the hardness test are shown in Figure 11.

Figure 10. Hardness testing point.

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 11. Hardness testing graph (a) point A, (b) point B, (c) point C

From the above hardness values we take the average of each area from each hardness testing point, so we
get the value of hardness as shown in Figure 12.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 12. Hardness average graph (a) point A, (b) point B, (c) point C

From the graphs in Figure 11 and Figure 12 we can see that the hardness value of the material before PWHT has the
highest hardness value, both in the weld area, HAZ and base metal. For specimens that have experienced PWHT, the
value of hardness has decreased significantly, especially in the HAZ section. It can also be seen that the value of material
hardness which has been PWHT has an almost uniform hardness value. The PWHT 800°C specimen has the smallest
hardness value. Whereas PWHT 400°C specimens have the highest hardness values in both weld metal, HAZ, and base
From the results above it can be seen that PWHT is very influential on the value of material hardness. The hardness
value of the PWHT 800°C specimen is the smallest compared to PWHT 400°C, 500°C, 600°C and 700°C. This happens
because the specimen PWHT 800°C has been treated with heat which has passed the austenisation temperature resulting
in changes in the microstructure of the material. Whereas the most uniform hardness value for each area of weld metal,
HAZ, and base metal is PWHT 800°C specimens, this can be proven by the small defiation standard values in PWHT
800°C specimens as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Calculation of standard deviation of hardness values

Aswelded 400 °C 500 °C 600 °C 700 °C 800 °C
A 45,72 7,50 5,97 5,80 6,14 4,22
B 35,22 9,72 6,27 5,30 6,44 1,64
C 38,32 12,02 3,38 2,93 8,31 1,00

The decrease in hardness after PWHT is caused by metals that have worked hardening, when heated at temperatures
above 0.4 Tsolidus, experiencing a reduction in strain energy and causing new grains that are free of strain, called
recrystallization. This process causes a change in its mechanical properties, i.e. strength and hardness will decrease, while
ductility and toughness increase [7]. And with the decrease in hardness of the API 5L X52 steel pipe welding joint due to
the influence of PWHT below 248 VHN, it is safe from sulfide stress cracking (SSC) [8].

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The microstructure test results show that PWHT is very influential on the microstructure of the material, especially in
the HAZ and weld metal regions. In the HAZ area, the specimens treated with PWHT are structurally dominated by more
ferrite and larger grains while pearlite is getting smaller and smaller. If the PWHT temperature gets higher, the amount
of ferrite increases. Whereas in the PWHT weld metal area there is an increase in the structure of the acicular ferrite and
a decrease in the number of the widmanstatten ferrite structures. This is what causes an increase in the value of toughness
and a decrease in hardness in specimens that receive PWHT treatment..
From the results of the impact testing, the value of the toughness / price of the impact material asweld is 1.49
Joule/mm². Then the value of toughness increased after PWHT, namely PWHT 400°C of 1.58 Joule/mm², PWHT 500°C
of 1.63 Joule/mm², PWHT 600°C of 1.68 Joule/mm², PWHT 700°C of 2.08 Joule/mm², and the highest toughness value
occurs at a temperature of 800°C which is equal to 2.14 Joule/mm².
From the results of hardness testing, it is known that PWHT is very influential in decreasing the hardness value of the
material, both in the weld metal, HAZ, and base metal regions. The material which is treated with PWHT 800°C is the
material which has the greatest decrease in hardness and has the most uniform hardness value in the weld metal (146.7
HVN), HAZ (146.6 HVN), and base metal (143.5 HVN).


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