Memory Bias For Health-Related Information in Somatoform Disorders

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Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671

Memory bias for health-related information in somatoform disorders

Alexandra Martin4, Anika Buech, Christina Schwenk, Winfried Rief
Section for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Philipps-University Marburg, Marburg, Germany

Received 1 June 2006; received in revised form 3 April 2007; accepted 1 May 2007

Objective: Cognitive processes are considered to be relevant to followed by explicit memory tests (free recall and recognition) and
the etiology and maintenance of somatoform disorders (SFDs). The an implicit test (word-stem completion). Results: The somatoform
aim of this study was to assess explicit and implicit information- group showed a memory bias for illness-related stimuli in the
processing bias for disorder-congruent information in SFDs. word-stem completion task, whereas the two groups did not differ
Methods: A clinical sample of 33 patients suffering from multiple in explicit memory tests. This effect could not be explained by
somatoform symptoms (SSI-3/5) and 25 healthy controls per- comorbid depression. Conclusion: These results provide some
formed an encoding task with computer-presented word lists support for current theories on SFDs.
(illness related, negative, positive, neutral content), subsequently D 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Information-processing bias; Cognitive model; Memory; Somatoform disorder; Somatization

Introduction assumptions about health and body functions [9], and an

enduring tendency to misinterpret bodily sensations and
Somatoform disorders (SFDs), according to the Diag- other health-related information as evidence of serious
nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth physical illness [10]. The interaction of perceptual and
Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) and the International interpretative biases of ambiguous body signals can result
Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), cover in a vicious circle of anxiety, physiological arousal, and
a heterogeneous range of conditions, all of them sharing intensification of symptoms (Fig. 1). Furthermore, organic
the central feature of bodily symptoms that cannot be causal beliefs and vulnerability attributions have been
fully explained by any medical factor. The impact of found to be associated with dysfunctional illness behavior
SFDs on the health care system is tremendous, as SFDs [11], which in turn might contribute to the process of the
are among the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and, syndrome becoming chronic.
moreover, are associated with severe impairment in In cognitive–behavioral theories of SFDs, it has been
important areas of functioning and with high health care outlined that beliefs about physical sensations signaling
utilization [1–4]. serious illnesses increase anxiety concerning health, which
In current models of SFDs, information-processing can then lead to selective cognitive biases favoring
aspects are considered to be relevant [5–8]. These include information that confirms illness belief while discounting
an abnormal amplifying perceptual style [5], restrictive information that contradicts it. Cognitive biases can occur
at different stages of information processing, either at the
encoding-of-information stage, indicated by an attentional
4 Corresponding author. Section for Clinical Psychology and Psycho-
(or preattentional) bias for disorder-relevant stimuli
therapy, Philipps-University, Gutenbergstr. 18, D-35032 Marburg,
Germany. Tel.: +49 6421 282 3656, +49 6421 282 3657; fax: +49 6421 (bintegrative processQ), or at the point of volitional
2828904. retrieval of information from memory, indicating deeper
E-mail address: (A. Martin). elaboration of schema-congruent information (belaboration

0022-3999/07/$ – see front matter D 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
664 A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671

[21], using a word category decision task and subsequent free

recall, did not demonstrate a disorder-specific explicit
memory bias in these subjects. Scholz et al. [22] also did
not find an explicit information-processing bias based on an
auditorily presented lexical decision task in students with
multiple somatoform symptoms. However, their results
suggested an implicit information-processing bias for threat-
ening health-related words. In a recent study, a group of SFD
patients showed an explicit memory bias for physical threat
words (the free-recall ratio of physical threat words was
higher than that in controls), as well as supraliminal inter-
Fig. 1. The cognitive–psychobiological model of SFDs (modified from Rief ferences for physical threat words in the emotional Stroop
and Nanke [6]). task; the study did not, however, reveal an implicit memory
bias in the tachistoscopic word-identification task [23].
processQ). Aspects of information processing have also Overall, the number of experimental studies on
contributed to the understanding of mood and anxiety information-processing bias in SFDs, especially in soma-
disorders. Williams et al. [12,13] provided a cognitive tization disorders or related groups with multiple somato-
model of information processing in order to account for form symptoms, is still very limited, and existing studies
different mnemonic and attentional biases found in these have focused mainly on elaborative processes, revealing
disorders (e.g., Refs. [14–16]). According to Williams et inconsistent results. Therefore, the aim of the present
al., anxiety is associated with automatic encoding of study was to assess memory biases for disorder-congruent
fearful stimuli, whereas depression is more likely asso- stimuli in SFDs. A clinical sample of patients suffering
ciated with elaboration of negative emotional stimuli. from multiple somatoform symptoms and healthy controls
Accordingly, the bias occurring at integration stage can be performed an encoding task with computer-presented word
revealed by implicit tests such as perception-based or lists (illness related, negative, positive, neutral content),
word-stem completion tasks, whereas biases related to subsequently followed by standard explicit memory tests
elaboration stages of information processing can be (free recall, recognition) and an implicit test (a word-stem
revealed by explicit memory tests (e.g., free recall or completion task). We hypothesized that individuals with
recognition of previously learned material). multiple somatoform symptoms would show a memory
The influence of memory in SFDs has been inves- bias favoring health-related information in explicit and
tigated in a few studies only, with most of them studying implicit tasks. As comorbidity with depression is high in
explicit memory effects. In regard to chronic pain SFDs, we additionally controlled for its influence in
disorders, a couple of findings suggest a memory bias secondary analyses.
for pain-related information (sensory words) [17]. How-
ever, these findings should be generalized to SFDs with
caution, as many of the studies investigated chronic pain
conditions with some kind of pathophysiological findings
(e.g., arthritis), and information processes might differ
from SFDs. Results from studies regarding hypochondria-
sis are mixed. Durso et al. [18] could not demonstrate
Somatization syndrome group
biases for health-related information with a recognition
task in hypochondriac students. However, in a study by Subjects were included in the clinical sample only if
multiple somatoform symptoms were present as per the
Brown et al. [19], hypochondriacal individuals did not
criterion of the bsomatization indexQ (SSI-3/5), which was
show a perceptual bias for health-related information but
assessed with Screening for Somatoform Symptoms 2
did, however, demonstrate evidence suggesting a memory
(SOMS-2). According to this criterion, men had to report
bias: Within-group comparisons showed that two hypo-
at least three somatoform symptoms and women had to
chondriacal samples recalled more health-related words
than nonhealth words, whereas the effects in control report at least five somatoform symptoms as being present
samples were not significant. Pauli and Alpers [20] during the past 2 years (SOMS-2) and which could not be
reported that patients with hypochondriasis and somato- explained by medical/organic factors. The SSI-3/5 criterion
corresponds to Escobar et al.’s SSI-4/6 proposal to classify
form pain disorder and patients with hypochondriasis
somatization syndrome [24].
without pain disorder showed an enhanced immediate
recall of pain-related words.
Only very few studies assessed memory bias in subjects Control group
suffering from multiple somatoform symptoms, such as in Healthy controls did not fulfill the SSI-3/5 criterion for
somatization disorder or undifferentiated SFDs. Rief et al. somatization syndrome. If any symptoms were reported
A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671 665

(SOMS-2), they needed to be rated as being medically While its psychometric properties have not yet been
explained by their physicians (SOMS-2 Item 55: yes, established explicitly in SFDs, a range of studies have
reported symptoms could be explained with a medical shown high internal consistencies (mean a=.87) and
explanation by their physician). moderate to high concurrent validities (r’sz.6–.76) of the
The total sample comprised 58 subjects: 33 in the BDI in psychiatric and nonpsychiatric samples (e.g.,
somatoform group (SFDs) and 25 in the healthy control medical and chronic pain patients) [34].
group. The majority of subjects of the study’s clinical Intelligence quotient (IQ) was assessed with a vocabu-
sample were patients with SFDs who contacted the Depart- lary test (Mehrfachwahl-Wortschatz-Intelligenztest (MWT-
ment of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and the B) [35]. MWT-B is an economic measure of global
outpatient clinic for various reasons (n=23). Participants of crystallized intelligence. The instrument has been shown
the somatization syndrome group were recruited with an to be valid in psychiatric populations and is recommended
advertisement in local papers (n=10). The control group for sample descriptions [36]. In the present study, it was
comprised volunteers who were recruited mainly by means used to control for comparable IQ levels across the clinical
of an advertisement requesting for volunteers for a and control groups.
psychological experiment.
Four types of word stimuli were used in the memory
SOMS-2 [24,25] is a self-report instrument for the tasks: two types of emotionally negative words [illness
detection of SFDs that was used as the measure of related (e.g., breathlessness, infection, stroke) and general
somatization syndrome (yes/no) in the present study. It lists negative words (e.g., failure, jealousy, war)], emotionally
53 bodily symptoms covering all somatoform symptoms positive words (e.g., affection, confidence, compliment),
mentioned in DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 as occurring in and neutral words (e.g., ballpen, carpet, paper). Construc-
somatization disorders. Subjects were asked to indicate the tion of the word list material was based on word stimuli
symptoms that were present during the past 2 years and for previously used in comparable experiments [20,22,37],
which physicians had not been able to find a clear organic self-report questionnaires [38,39], and expert inputs,
cause. An additional 15 items directly refer to classification resulting in a primary word list of 200 words, with 50
criteria, such as disability due to symptoms, frequent doctor words in each word category. This primary word list was
visits, onset, and duration. Item 55 asks for a confirmation presented to 50 adult students of multiple disciplines who
that the previously indicated symptoms could not be were asked to rate the category (illness related, emotionally
explained by any known medical condition. The psycho- negative, emotionally positive, neutral) of each word. Only
metric properties of SOMS-2 are well established, with those words for which at least 80% of the subjects rated
good test–retest reliability (72 h; r=. 85), high internal the correct category were considered for further inclusion.
consistency (.88), high discriminant validity, high sensitivity Each illness-related word was matched with one word of
(98%), and acceptable specificity (63%), to correctly each of the other categories with respect to word length
identify patients with a clinically relevant somatization [number of syllables (mean/S.D.): illness-related 3.00/0.67,
syndrome (as defined by the somatization syndrome SSI-4/6 negative 3.00/0.67, positive 3.00/0.67, neutral 2.83/0.75]
of Escobar et al. [26]). Correlations between SOMS and and word frequency (illness-related 12.8/4.6, negative
structured clinical interviews varied between .72 and .82 for 12.8/5.4, positive 12.8/4.6, neutral 12.8/4.6; according to
various somatization indices.
The state version of Screening for Somatoform Symp- Based on these results, 48 completely parallelized
toms 7 (SOMS-7) was used to identify the number and the words (12 per category) were chosen for the encoding
severity of somatoform symptoms that subjects suffered and free-recall task (Appendix). In addition, 48 partially
from during the last 7 days. The scale has shown a high parallelized words (12 per category) were selected as
internal consistency (a=.92) and sensitivity to change unprimed material for the recognition task. The word-stem
following treatment [27]. The mean severity score varies completion task consisted of 44 of 48 words of the encoding
between 0 and 4 (only symptoms of at least moderate task (11 words per category). Three words were excluded as
disability were counted for the current symptom number). their word stems did not offer an alternative word
The Whitely Index (WI) [28,29] is a self-report completion with a comparable word frequency (negative:
questionnaire widely used for assessing degrees of hypo- ignorance; positive: tenderness; neutral: encyclopedia),
chondriac anxiety and concern, with excellent reliability and and one word was excluded because the word stem
validity [30,31]. The 14-item version with dichotomous could be completed by either an illness-related word or a
response alternatives was used, with the total score varying positive word.
between 0 and 14. In addition, the independent Student’s sample (n=50)
The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) [32,33] was used rated the degree of threat of all illness-related and negative
as a measure to assess the severity of depressive symptoms. words on a 4-point scale (0=not at all, 3=very much) to
666 A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671

ensure the comparable emotional valence of these two word Recognition

types. The mean emotional valence of illness-related words Afterwards, a word list of 48 primed words and 48
(mean=2.59, S.D.=0.44) did not differ from the mean unprimed words (24 of each word type in random order)
valence of negative words (mean=2.56, S.D.=0.43) was presented. Subjects were instructed to indicate the
[t(49)=0.57, PN.05]. words they remembered to have been presented during the
encoding phase. Again, a maximum of 5 min was allowed to
Procedure accomplish the last explicit memory task.

Encoding and free recall

A random selection of three words from each category
In order to avoid bcontaminatingQ the effects of ques-
was subsequently assigned to four blocks (A, B, C, D) in
tionnaire items, subjects filled in the questionnaire battery
random order. One additional filling word was presented at
(MWT-B, SOMS-2, SOMS-7, WI and BDI) after the
the beginning and one additional filling word was presented
memory tasks.
at the end of each block to avoid primacy and recency
effects; thus, the blocks comprised 14 words each. This
within-block word order was kept stable for the encoding Statistical analysis
task. Four-word stimuli blocks were then combined into
four presentation sequences (ABCD, BCDA, CDAB, Dependent variables
DABC) so that each block was presented with the same
frequency at each position. Sequence presentations were Free recall : the number of correctly recalled words per
balanced across all subjects, and its possible effect was category and block was counted for each
analyzed (see Results). The words were presented in white subject; the total number of correctly
letters (font type: Arial; font size: 48) against a black recalled words per category was entered
background on a computer screen (15 in.; flat-panel display; for analysis.
1024768-pixel resolution) positioned 70 cm in front of Recognition : the variable dV (sensitivity index; derived
seated subjects. from signal detection analysis) was computed
Each task was preceded by written instructions on the from the bhit rateQ and bfalse alarm rateQ
screen, which were rephrased by the investigator. Prior to variables of each word type for each subject
each encoding block, the subjects were instructed to (correctly identified words minus false-pos-
memorize the words by relating them to subjectively itive words).
relevant events. The subjects started the presentation of Word-stem completion : the dependent variable was
the words individually. Each word was presented for 7 s. derived from the number of words completed
Each of the four encoding blocks was followed by a 3-min correctly according to the priming list per
distraction task (a visual search for differences between two category.
almost identical drawings). The first explicit memory task
(free recall) took place thereafter. During a 5-min period, Analysis
subjects were asked to write down all words they Recall data were subjected to analysis of variance, with
remembered. Subjects had to complete the sequence of group as the between-subjects factor and word type as the
bencoding–distraction task–free recallQ four times.1 within-subject factor. Two (Group)four (Word Type)
analyses of variances were conducted. In case of significant
Word-stem completion main effects of the word type factor, planned contrasts
The next task consisted of a word-stem completion test (Helmert) were conducted to compare the memory of
(implicit memory). A list of 44 word stems (three or four illness-related words with those of the other three categories.
letters of encoding words in random order) was presented, In case of a significant interaction (according to our
and subjects were asked to complete the letters by hypotheses), subsequent multivariate analyses of variance
choosing the first word that came into mind within a (MANOVA) for each group were computed to clarify the
maximum of 5 min. nature of the interaction. The significance level of global
statistical tests was Pb.05 for planned contrasts according to
directed hypotheses (one tailed). All MANOVA were based
on Greenhouse–Geisser correction of degrees of freedom.
Effect sizes were computed as partial g 2 values or Cohen’s
Control for word order effects: Recall rates regarding absolute word d. Additional analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) were
position in the encoding sequence differed significantly [ F(47, 2632)=2.7,
conducted to control for the possibly confounding effect of
Pb .01]. Graphical control clearly demonstrated higher recall rates for the
first word of each block (one per category), suggesting a primacy effect. group differences in depression.
When these four stimuli were eliminated from analysis, the word order Post-hoc power analyses for MANOVA ( f=0.25, a=.05,
effect disappeared [ F(43, 2408)=1.33, PN.10)]. N=59) revealed a power of .97 for medium between-factor
A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671 667

Table 1
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics
Characteristics SFD group (n=33) Control group (n=25) Statistics
Gender (female/male) 24/9 16/9 v 2(1)=0.51
Age in years [mean (S.D.)] 49.58 (10.54) 45.88 (10.2) t(56)=1.34
Education (b10 years/z10 years) 9/24 1/24 v 2(1)=5.404
Employed (yes/no) 22/11 15/10 v 2(1)=0.27
Intelligence (MWT-B) [mean (S.D.)] 119.52 (14.04) 124.88 (9.49) t(55)= 1.62
Clinical [mean (S.D.)]
SOMS-2, somatoform symptoms, last 2 years 15.00 (6.57) 1.96 (2.11) t(56)=9.52444
SOMS-7, somatoform symptoms, last 7 days 5.36 (4.19) 0.60 (1.47) t(56)=5.43444
SOMS-7, symptom intensity, last 7 days 0.38 (0.23) 0.05 (0.10) t(56)=6.59444
WI, health anxiety, last 7 days 5.15 (3.68) 1.63 (1.76) t(56)=4.41444
BDI, depression severity, last 7 days 17.26 (14.2) 7.35 (9.06) t(55)=3.0444
4 Pb.05.
44 Pb.01.
444 Pb.001.

effects, .89 for within-factor effects, .31 for medium- for unspecific negative and positive words. However,
interaction effects, and .70 for large-interaction effects contrary to our hypotheses, the SFD group did not show
( f=0.40). better recall of illness-related words compared to
Differences in sociodemographic and descriptive clinical controls; the interaction GroupWord Type was not
variables were determined using t tests, where appropriate, significant [ F(3,168)=0.26].
and chi-square test for nominal data. All analyses were To rule out possible confounding effects of the sequence
conducted using SPSS statistical package (version 12.0; of block presentation, we conducted a secondary analysis of
SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). variance with bsequenceQ as additional between-subjects
factor. Results did not show any significant effect of the
presentation sequence [main effect, F(3,50)=1.25; interac-
tions: Word TypeSequence, F(9,150)=0.90; Word Type-
GroupSequence, F(9,150)=1.32; all P’sN.15].
Subject characteristics
Word-stem completion
Gender ratio and mean age were comparable between
groups (Table 1). Although the two groups differed with
The implicit memory test found no main group effect
respect to school education, with a higher number of control
[ F(1,56)=1.23]. The main effect Word Type was significant
subjects having attended school for at least 10 years, there
[ F(3,168)=10.05, Pb.001, partial g 2=.15]. Contrast showed
were no differences in current working status and mean
that illness-related word stems were significantly more often
verbal intelligence level (MWT-B).
correctly completed than the word stems of the other three
As expected, the SFD group showed a higher number
categories [ F(1,56)=10.59, Pb.01, partial g 2=.16].
of lifetime and current somatoform symptoms, higher
The interaction GroupWord Type was significant
symptom severity, more health anxiety, and higher
[ F(3,168)=2.36, Pb.05, partial g 2=.04]. To clarify the
depression scores.

Free recall
Table 2
Results of memory tasks: number of words, by category per group
The results of the memory tasks are shown in Table
2. The first explicit memory task consisted of free recall Word type [mean (S.D.)]
of all words presented during the encoding task (primed Participant group Illness related Negative Positive Neutral
word list). The SFD group and the control group did Free recall
not differ in their overall recall [ F(1,56)=1.51]. There SFD group (n=33) 5.97 (2.08) 4.91 (2.99) 4.42 (2.56) 5.61 (2.61)
was a main effect for Word Type [ F(3,168)=9.06, Control group (n=25) 6.52 (2.40) 5.28 (2.09) 5.12 (2.44) 6.56 (2.82)
Word-stem completion
Pb.001, partial g 2=.14], showing that the overall free SFD group (n=33) 4.15 (1.97) 3.45 (1.64) 2.45 (1.25) 3.12 (1.32)
recall of illness-related words was significantly better Control group (n=25) 3.16 (1.86) 3.04 (1.27) 2.44 (1.15) 3.20 (1.58)
than any of the other three-word categories [ F(1,56)= Recognition dV
13.01, Pb.01, partial g 2=.19]. Paired comparisons SFD group (n=33) 9.97 (1.51) 8.79 (2.13) 7.82 (2.95) 9.21 (2.32)
showed higher recall rates for illness-related words than Control group (n=25) 9.52 (1.69) 8.32 (2.51) 7.52 (2.88) 9.16 (2.14)
668 A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671

words for each category could be determined. The numbers

[mean (S.D.)] of illness-related/negative/positive/neutral
words were 2.2 (1.4)/3.6 (1.7)/5.6 (2.0)/17.3 (3.9) in the
SFD group and 2.3 (1.4)/4.4 (1.8)/4.9 (2.2)/18.0 (3.7) in the
control group. Results of MANOVA with unprimed words
did not show a higher rate of illness-related words in SFD
subjects than in controls; the interaction GroupWord Type
was not significant [ F(3,168)=1.1, P=.36]. This indicates
that a general response bias cannot account for the results of
the word-stem completion task.


The second explicit memory task consisted of the

Fig. 2. Word-stem completion in the SFD group and in the healthy recognition of previously presented words among a word
control group: the number of words (and standard error) completed list of primed and unprimed words. The SFD group and the
per category. control group did not differ in their overall ability to
correctly identify the material (dV) [ F(1,56)=0.40]. How-
ever, once again, a significant main effect of Word Type was
detected [ F(3,168)=19.46, Pb.001, partial g 2=.26]. The dV
nature of the interaction (Fig. 2), separate MANOVA were for the recognition of illness-related words was significantly
carried out for each group. In the SFD group, the effect better than the dV for the other word categories [contrast
Word Type was highly significant [ F(3,96)=11.67, F(1,56)=33.19, Pb.001, partial g 2=.37]. The overall recog-
Pb.001, partial g 2=.27]. Furthermore, specific contrasts nition rate for illness-related words was higher than that for
confirmed that the number of correctly completed words words with unspecific negative, positive, or neutral content
was higher for illness-related words than for the other (paired comparisons, P’sb.05).
three categories for the SFD group [ F(1,32)=16.16, Contrary to the hypotheses, it could not be shown that
Pb.001, partial g 2=.34]. Paired comparisons confirmed SFD group subjects recognized illness-related words more
higher completion rates in the illness-related category than often than did control group subjects [GroupWord Type,
in any of the other categories ( P’sb .05). Control subjects F(3,168)=0.23].
did not show a bias for completing illness-related word
stems more often than a bias for completing other word Reanalysis to control for depression severity
stems [ F(3,72)=2.15].
Additional t tests were conducted to compare the two In a second step, a reanalysis controlling for BDI
groups with respect to each word category and showed that depression (ANCOVA) was conducted. The effects of the
the SFD group completed more illness-related words covariate were not significant in the free recall, recog-
correctly compared to the control group [t(56)= 1.94, nition, and word-stem completion tasks [ F’s(1, 54)=0.01–
Pb.05, d=0.52]. The groups did not differ with respect to 0.53]. The pattern of results across the three memory
the completion of negative, positive, and neutral words tasks was the same as that reported in previous analyses:
[t’s(56)=0.05–1.05]. no group main effects: F’s(1, 54)=0.49–1.2; significant
The relative implicit bias for illness-related words Word Type main effects: F(3,162)=3.4–12.2 for all tasks;
(correct completion of illness-related words divided by the interaction GroupWord Type being significant in the
overall correct completion100) correlated with clinical word-stem completion task only: F(3,162)=2.30 ( Pb.05,
characteristics of SFDs, but did not show any significant partial g 2=.04.) Thus, the identified effects of the main
association with the number of lifetime somatoform analyses cannot be solely explained by differences in
symptoms (r=.08), the number of current somatoform depression severity.
symptoms (r=.05), symptom severity (r=.04), and the
degree of health anxiety (r=.06).
Association between memory tasks
Post-hoc analysis for unprimed word-stem completions
Free-recall and recognition rates as assessed with the two
To rule out a general response bias for illness-related explicit memory tasks correlated significantly with each
information in SFD subjects, we conducted the following other (r’s=.42–.67; illness related, r=.42; negative, r=.54;
post-hoc analysis. An independent researcher (blinded to positive, r=.67; neutral, r=.61). As expected, correlations
study aims and design) categorized all nonhit words in the between the implicit task and the explicit tasks bfree recallQ
word-stem completion task, so that the number of unprimed (r’s=.16–.31; illness related, r=.16; negative, r=.24; pos-
A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671 669

itive, r=.31; neutral, r=.25) and brecognitionQ (r’s=.20–.41; for word completion prior to the encoding–free recall–
illness related, r=.34; negative, r=.20; positive, r=.41; word-stem completion sequence, which was kept constant
neutral, r=.34) were lower. across all subjects. We therefore conducted additional
post-hoc analysis with unprimed word-stem completions,
and results did not indicate that SFD subjects had a
Discussion general tendency to complete word stems with disorder-
congruent information.
The main findings of the study were that individuals with Until now, there have only been a few experimental
multiple somatoform symptoms showed a bias for illness- studies on memory bias in SFDs, and overall results have
related information in the implicit memory task, whereas been inconsistent.
such a bias could not be revealed with the free-recall and Our result of an implicit task-based bias for health-related
recognition tasks, which require more elaborative processes. information confirms one previous finding. Scholz et al.
The overall memory capacity (the number of words [22] reported an implicit, but not explicit, information-
correctly remembered) did not differ between the two processing bias in subjects with multiple somatoform
groups in any of the tests. symptoms. Contrary to our result, Lim and Kim [23], using
In the word-stem completion task, the subjects completed a tachistoscopic word-identification task, did not show
word stems with the first word that came into their mind. differential patterns of implicit memory across the SFD,
Individuals with somatization syndrome filled in the depressive, and panic groups. The absence of implicit
previously presented illness-related content more often than memory biases in this study may be explained by the nature
controls. This implies that SFD subjects’ first reaction of this task. As Watkins [47] has argued, an implicit mood-
towards an ambiguous stimulus showed the tendency to congruent memory bias does not appear to exist when
primarily consider body-related and illness-related informa- perceptually driven tests are used.
tion. In this respect, the finding gives support to cognitive– We were unable to demonstrate a bias for illness-related
behavioral models of SFDs [6,40,41] and hypochondriasis words with the explicit memory tasks of free recall and
[42,43]. All of these models emphasize the interaction of recognition. This is in accordance with some previous
attentional focus on health-related information and body findings [18,21,22] but is in contrast to some others
signals with misinterpretation of these stimuli in a cata-
[19,20,23]. Rief et al. [21] did not show a recall bias for
strophizing manner. The role of memory is not explicitly
illness-related words in a sample of patients suffering from
formulated, but can be embedded in these models [44]:
multiple somatoform symptoms. The characteristics of the
cognitive schemata about body functions, health, and illness
clinical sample were similar to those of the somatization
can influence the memory, perception, and interpretation of
syndrome group in our study. Two other studies that
associated stimuli.
provided some support for an explicit bias included
The implicit bias for illness-related information was
samples characterized by hypochondriac anxiety [19,20].
found on a categorical level, while its association with
It is possible that the inconsistent findings are a result of
somatoform symptoms severity did not appear to be a linear
one (as indicated by very low correlations). sample characteristics, as the group of SFDs covers a
However, other explanations for the findings in the range of heterogeneous disorders; in other words, perhaps
word-stem completion task need to be considered. Stem the variety of SFDs suggests different and varied
completion task performance might not reflect pure information-processing biases. Current cognitive models,
implicit information processing but also explicit processes however, do not sufficiently differentiate between diag-
because participants are sometimes aware that the words noses within the spectrum of SFDs, as has been shown in
they are reporting were presented during the encoding anxiety disorders [48].
task [45]. Based on the methods used in this study, we The previously mentioned study of Lim and Kim [23]
were unable to disentangle the relative contribution of showed a higher free-recall ratio of physical threat words
implicit and explicit processes to the observed memory for SFD patients to physical threat words for healthy
task performance. Future studies should therefore controls. However, memory results were confounded by
consider methods such as the bmethod of oppositionQ reduced memory capacity in SFD patients compared to
(e.g., see Richardson-Klavehn and Gardiner [46]) to controls. In our study, both samples showed comparable
separate the relative contributions of implicit and memory capacity, and the overall recall rate appeared to
explicit processes. be higher than that in Lim and Kim. Thus, these
The results of the implicit memory task might also be variations might account for the different results on
influenced by a general response bias in SFD patients due explicit memory bias. Further studies are needed to
to a higher familiarity with illness-related stimuli. In the appraise the role of explicit memory processes across
present study, the word stems were derived from the variations in stimulus sets and experimental paradigms in
primed word list only, and we did not assess a baseline various SFDs.
670 A. Martin et al. / Journal of Psychosomatic Research 63 (2007) 663 – 671

In the present study, we chose an established To summarize, the results suggest a disorder-congruent
paradigm to assess disorder-specific information-process- information-processing bias in somatization syndrome,
ing bias. However, one might object that confrontation appearing in a task that reflects more automatic encoding
with word stimuli, followed by subsequent memory and does not need deep elaboration. A general tendency to
tasks, lacks some ecological validity. It is possible that better recall disorder-related information in explicit mem-
memory biases in SFDs appear especially with current ory tests was not shown. Overall, the results provide some
ambiguous events. For example, a recent study showed support for the cognitive model of SFDs. The identifica-
that patients with somatization syndrome remembered tion of particular maladaptive information-processing
increased likelihood estimates of medical causes for body strategies could lead to a better understanding of the
symptoms, which had been presented in audiotaped nature of SFDs. However, as the body of evidence is still
medical records [49]. very limited and inconclusive, there is still an obvious
Further shortcomings of the present study need to be need for further research.
mentioned. The clinical sample consisted of a group of
patients suffering from somatization syndrome (SSI-3/5),
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Appendix. Word stimuli, by category

Word type [English translation (original German material)]

Illness related Negative Positive Neutral
Illness (Krankheit) Loss (Verlust) Peace (Frieden) Paper (Papier)
Surgery (Operation) Disaster (Katastrophe) Justice (Gerechtigkeit) Entrance (Eintritt)
Disease (Erkrankung) Failure (Versagen) Confidence (Zuversicht) Second (Sekunde)
Drug (Medikament) Insult (Beleidigung) Leisure time (Feierabend) Front door (Haustqr)
Headache (Kopfschmerzen) Ignorance (Ignoranz) Compliment (Kompliment) Encyclopedia (Lexikon)
Stroke (Schlaganfall) Jealousy (Eifersucht) Affection (Zuneigung) Borough (Stadtbezirk)
Infection (Ansteckung) Bitterness (Bitterkeit) Brightness (Helligkeit) Cassette (Kassette)
Migraine (Migr7ne) Ozone hole (Ozonloch) Summertime (Sommerzeit) Carpet (Teppich)
Breathlessness (Atemnot) Pollution (Verschmutzung) Tenderness (Z7rtlichkeit) Ballpen (Kugelschreiber)
Heart attack (Herzanfall) Rage (Wutausbruch) Heartiness (Herzlichkeit) Rooftile (Dachziegel)
Cancer (Krebs) War (Krieg) Beach (Strand) Cupboard (Schrank)
Joint pain Spitefulness Amusement Mashed potatoes
(Gelenkschmerzen) (Geh7ssigkeit) (Vergnüglichkeit) (Kartoffelbrei)

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