The Physiology of Induced Molting

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The Physiology of Induced Molting

W. D. Berry1

Department of Poultry Science, 232 Upchurch Building, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849

ABSTRACT The initiation of seasonal feather molting iological repertoire the ability to tolerate prolonged fast-
in wild avian species frequently coincides with incubation ing and to undergo a spontaneous regression of the repro-
of eggs and brooding of offspring. A period of natural ductive tract and feather molting. Induction of a coordi-
inappetence or anorexia usually accompanies this molt. nated molt, by manipulation of environmental and
This is particularly true of the jungle fowl, the wild ances- nutritional cues, or endocrine manipulation, can be used

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tor of the domestic chicken. Brooding of eggs by the jungle in domestic hens to regress and regenerate the reproduc-
fowl is accompanied by spontaneous anorexia, with little tive tract. This improves subsequent egg production and
food or water consumed throughout the period of egg eggshell quality. This process also induces temporary re-
incubation. During this time, the reproductive tract re- crudescence of lymphoid tissues and may alter immune
gresses, and feather molting is initiated. Selective breed- function in hens. The process of molting, and the subse-
ing for a high rate of egg production has blunted the quent recovery from the molt, may be viewed as a com-
response of the commercial laying hen to exogenous envi- plex physiological constellation, induced by environmen-
ronmental cues and reduced or eliminated the endoge- tal and nutritional cues, involving endocrine systems, re-
nous biological cues that coordinate initiation of seasonal productive tissue structure and function, lymphoid
molting. However, commercial layers retain in their phys- structure, and immune function.
(Key words: induced molting, molt, molting physiology, immune function, laying hen)
2003 Poultry Science 82:971–980

INTRODUCTION coined and came into common usage. Other terms such
as pause, rest, forced rest, and recycling have been used
Molting in avian species may be generally defined as synonymously with the term forced molting. However,
the periodic shedding and replacement of feathers. For artificially molting is the induction of a response that is
most wild species of birds, molting involves reproductive a natural component of the physiology of the hen. For
quiescence. The domestic hen likewise experiences a de- this reason, induced molting has been suggested as the
crease in reproductive function during a naturally oc- technically correct term.
curring molt. However, this reproductive quiescence has Conventional induced molting usually involves remov-
been found to be incomplete, and the hen often continues ing feed, water, or both from the hens and reducing the
to lay eggs at a low rate for a prolonged period. Therefore, photoperiod to that of natural day length or less. Hens
for the commercial egg producer, there would be a period are then fasted for a length of time sufficient to affect
of unprofitably low egg production signifying the end of complete involution of the reproductive tract. If water
the useful life of a flock. To avoid this, most hens are sold restriction is involved, it is usually removed at the begin-
and replaced just prior to the onset of natural molting. ning of fasting and may be continued for up to 3 d.
Decreasing prices for eggs and spent flocks generated Molting is said to be induced during this time, as egg
interest in methods by which the natural molt could be production ceases and the reproductive tract rapidly in-
avoided and flocks kept for more than 1 yr. “Forcing” volutes. The period during fasting and following refeed-
the onset of molting to occur other than at the time of the ing when egg production is essentially at zero is referred
natural molting completely halted reproductive function to as the rest period. During the rest period following
and precipitated a loss of feathers. Egg production re- fasting, various molting, developer, or resting rations are
sumed and increased rapidly to a profitable rate following often fed as a part of some molting programs. With the
this artificial molt. Thus, the term “forced molting” was onset of renewed egg production, a layer ration is re-

2003 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Received for publication October 18, 2002. Abbreviation Key: GnRH = gonadotropin-releasing hormone; HPA
Accepted for publication March 19, 2003. = hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; HPG = hypothalamic-pituitary-go-
To whom correspondence should be addressed: berrywd@acesag. nadal; LH = luteinizing hormone; (1,25(OH)2D3) = 1,25 dihydroxychole- calciferol; RBC = red blood cells; T3 = triiodothyronine; T4 = thyroxin.


turned to the flock, and a supplemental lighting program 1979; Ross and Herrick, 1981), feeding a ration containing
is initiated. Egg production then rapidly increases to a high levels (20,000 mg/kg) of Zn as ZnO (Creger and
level above that immediately preceding the induced molt. Scott, 1977), and feeding a diet containing 2,500 to 5,000
By this time rejuvenation has occurred. The length of mg/kg I as potassium iodide (Arrington et al., 1967).
molting, defined as the time from initiation of fasting until Conventional fasting techniques for induced molting
50% egg production, varies with the particular molting cause complete cessation of egg production within 10
technique and conditions. Induced molts generally range d from initiation of fasting (Swanson and Bell, 1971).
from 5 to 9 wk in length (Swanson and Bell, 1974a,b,c; Alternative molting techniques, with the exception of
Brake and Carey, 1983). high Zn diets, have not proven to be as consistent in
Various induced molting techniques that do not use halting egg production.
fasting have been suggested. These alternate methods of The efficacy of low Ca diets to halt production varies
induced molting use dietary manipulations to create an widely. Martin et al. (1973) found that a dietary Ca level
imbalance of a particular nutrient or nutrients (Douglas of 0.3% caused a complete cessation of lay within 14
et al., 1972; Creger and Scott, 1977; Berry and Brake, 1985, d in 69-wk-old Leghorn hens. Gilbert and Blair (1975)

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1987). Investigations into the feasibility of alternate molt- observed that 0.05% dietary Ca reduced production to
ing techniques have been concerned only with the effects less than 5% by 35 d in 32-wk-old pullets. A Ca level of
of these methods on egg production and shell quality. 0.09% with 0.32% P decreased production from 55 to 3%
Only a few studies have investigated the physiological in 14 d in 10-mo-old pullets and decreased production
effects of these alternate induced molting techniques or from 70 to 2% in 42 d in 6-mo-old pullets (Douglas et al.,
compared alternative versus conventional induced molt- 1972). However, after 3 d on the low Ca diet, many hens
ing (Berry and Brake, 1987, 1991; Berry et al., 1987). exhibited paralysis.
Induced molting is an important tool for the economic Low Na rations for molting laying hens have received
management of laying flocks. Concerns about the effects considerable attention (Wakeling, 1977). Diets deficient in
of fasting on the welfare of the hens and reports that Na inhibit egg production when administered to pullets
suggest that molting hens may be more susceptible to prior to egg laying (Whitehead and Shannon, 1974). Inves-
Salmonella infection have led to calls for the abolition of tigations into the use of low Na rations for induced molt-
induced molting. Curtailment of induced molting would ing, however, have met with limited success. Whitehead
be expected to reduce the profitability of the laying hen and Shannon (1974) found that a diet containing 0.038%
enterprise and increase the cost of eggs and egg products Na caused egg production to decline from 50 to 0% within
to the consumer. Understanding the physiological effects 4 wk in a flock of 70-wk-old hens. Hens fed a diet without
of molting is necessary to rationally address hen welfare added Na for 28 d exhibited a decrease in egg production
and food safety concerns and to most efficiently and hu- from 74% to less than 10% in 4 wk (Dilworth and Day,
manely manage laying flocks. This paper will compare 1976). Nesbeth et al. (1976a,b) reported that a diet calcu-
the induction of molting in wild and domestic species lated to contain 0.017% Na fed to 11-mo-old pullets re-
and will examine the physiological changes that accom- sulted in complete cessation of egg production in 21 d in
pany the induction and recovery from an induced molt one trial but only reduced production to 12% in another
with regard to the endocrine, reproductive, and immune similar trial. Naber et al. (1980) halted production within
and hematopoietic systems. 15 d with a low Na diet. However, special care was taken
in that each feed ingredient was individually analyzed
INDUCED MOLTING TECHNIQUES for Na content before inclusion into the experimental diet
(Naber et al., 1980). Ross and Herrick (1981) used a diet
Induced molting techniques have varied widely in calculated to contain 0.044% Na but which upon analysis
methods for initiating molting and halting egg produc- was found to contain 0.13% Na. They reported that pro-
tion. Conventional induced molting strategies have used duction decreased from 60 to 15% in 5 wk.
fasting of hens for a particular length of time (Swanson Dietary Zn, usually in the form of ZnO, is reported
and Bell, 1974b; Rolon et al., 1993), or to a targeted BW to be an effective agent for halting egg production and
(Brake and Carey, 1983), with or without water restriction. inducing molting. Zn, when fed at a level of 20,000 ppm,
Improved postmolt performance of flocks exposed to a caused a complete cessation of egg production within 5
short photoperiod during molt (Hansen, 1966a, 1969) led d (Scott and Creger, 1976; Creger and Scott, 1977; Berry
to inclusion of photoperiod modification in many conven- and Brake, 1985, 1987). Roberson and Francis (1979) re-
tional induced molting procedures (Swanson and Bell, ported that 20,000 ppm dietary Zn is as effective as fasting
1974b). for inducing molting. Shippee et al. (1979) observed that
Alternate molting techniques have used various nutri- 10,000 mg/kg Zn as oxide or acetate causes production
tional imbalances to induce molting. Methods studied to decline from 60 to 0% in 6 d. Combining a low calcium
included feeding a ration containing less than 0.3% Ca diet with a relatively low level of Zn (2,800 ppm) induces
(Douglas et al., 1972; Martin et al., 1973; Gilbert and Blair, reproductive involution and molting similar to that of
1975; Wakeling, 1978), feeding Na-deficient rations 20,000 ppm dietary Zn (Breeding et al., 1992).
(<0.04% Na) (Whitehead and Shannon, 1974; Dilworth High dietary levels of I (iodine) were found to induce
and Day, 1976; Nesbeth et al., 1976a,b; Campos and Baiao, a pause in egg production with or without loss of feathers.
Arrington et al. (1967) observed that feeding 2,500 to 5,000 that received a Zn ration for 12 d resumed production 25
mg/kg I as potassium iodide to hens resulted in complete d after removal of excess Zn from the diet (Scott and
cessation of egg production within 1 wk. Hebert and Creger, 1976). Shippee et al. (1979) found that hens molted
Cerniglia (1979) reported that high levels of I stopped with a Zn ration returned to production 2 wk from the
egg production in 10 d. end of treatment and reached 50% production by 5 wk
Decreased photoperiods during the molting period from initiation of the molt. Arrington et al. (1967) found
have been shown to hasten induction of molting and that of the hens molted by use of a 28-d high I diet, 85%
reduce mortality during molting (Lanson and Smyth, returned to production within 10 d of removal of excess
1955; Brake and Thaxton, 1982). Removal of water to I from the feed. The remaining 15% of the flock did not
augment fasting has been recommended as part of many resume production.
molting techniques (Swanson and Bell, 1974b). Swanson
et al. (1978) reported that withholding water increased POSTMOLTING PERFORMANCE
egg size, which is undesirable in most cases. Palafox
(1976) did not find such an effect. At present, withholding Association of Performance

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water is not recommended due to increased egg size con- with Reproductive Involution
cerns and increased mortality (Brake and Carey, 1983).
Baker et al. (1981a,b) postulated that maximum involu-
MOLTING PERIOD AND RETURN tion of the reproductive organs is essential for optimum
TO EGG PRODUCTION postmolt performance. Variability of BW loss, and there-
fore differing degrees of reproductive involution, was
Fasting Molts suggested as an explanation for the conflicting results
obtained by investigators using similar molting proce-
Conventional fasting and photoperiod modification dures. Loss of primary flight feathers also has been used
techniques for molting result in a cessation of egg produc- as an indicator of the completeness of reproductive invo-
tion that varies according to the length of time that the lution (Kreuger et al., 1977). However, some techniques
hens are fasted or photoperiod is reduced. Generally, such as molting by high dietary I may not cause any loss
flocks fasted up to 10 d produce the first eggs within 5 of feathers (Arrington et al., 1967).
wk and reach 50% production by 8 wk from initiation of Hansen (1960) and Len et al. (1964) reported an associa-
fasting (Wilson et al., 1969; Swanson and Bell, 1971, tion between improvements in both postmolting egg
1974b,c; Baker and Brake, 1981). quality and production and the length of the rest period.
The degree of improvement in postmolting performance
Low Ca Molts was associated with an increase in the number of days
during which no eggs were produced. Baker (1981) and
Wakeling (1978) reported that birds that received a Baker et al. (1981a,b) found that improvements in post-
0.09% Ca ration for 10 d returned to 50% production in molting performance were associated with increasing BW
4 wk. Hens that received a 0.09% Ca diet for 14 d reached loss of hens up to 31% of original BW. Hens that lost the
50% production by the eighth week after molt initiation greatest amount of weight exhibited the greatest improve-
(Douglas et al., 1972). Gilbert and Blair (1975) observed ments in eggshell quality and highest egg production
that hens molted with a diet containing 0.05% Ca for 6 after molting.
wk returned to 50% production by the eighth week after Reduction of BW beyond 35% may exert detrimental
initiation of treatment. effects on life of flock egg production. Although postmolt-
ing egg production continued to improve with increasing
Low Na Molts BW loss beyond 30%, the recovery period, during which
no eggs were produced, was prolonged such that overall
Whitehead and Shannon (1974) reported that pullets egg numbers were reduced for the life of the flock (Carter
fed a low Na ration for 7 wk molted and returned to 50% and Ward, 1981).
production by 6 wk after the end of treatment. Nesbeth
et al. (1976a,b) observed that pullets brought to a complete Livability
cessation of production by 23 d on a low Na diet returned
to production 17 d after the end of treatment. Hens that Livability in layer flocks is defined as the number of
did experience a decrease to below 10% production on a hens remaining in the layer house and is expressed as a
low Na diet were observed to return to 50% production percentage of the number of hens originally placed in the
within 2 wk of the end of treatment (Ross and Herrick, house. Swanson and Bell (1974c) reported that the average
1981). livability for 63 flocks molted by 10 d of fasting was 98.7%
during the feed withdrawal period. Wilson et al. (1969)
High Zn Molts found that livability of fasted hens did not differ from
that of nonfasted hens. Improved livability of fasted hens
Hens that received a Zn molting ration for 7 d resumed relative to nonfasted hens has been associated with re-
production 1 wk after returning to a normal diet. Hens duced photoperiod during the fasting period (Brake and

Thaxton, 1982). Fasted hens that receive a photoperiod Natural Molting

of less than 12 h during the molting period exhibite im-
proved livability as compared to fasted or nonfasted hens In the jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), the wild progenitor
receiving a photoperiod of more than 12 h. Flocks molted of the laying hen, establishment of broodiness appears to
by way of low Ca rations have higher mortality as com- be the primary initiating factor. With the onset of broodi-
pared to nonmolted controls (Douglas et al., 1972; Wake- ness, the jungle fowl hen experiences involution of the
ling, 1978). Low Na molting rations were observed to reproductive organs, a halt to egg laying, and, eventually,
have no effect on livability as compared to nonmolted the shedding and replacement of feathers (Sherry et al.,
controls (Whitehead and Shannon, 1974; Wakeling, 1978). 1980).
High Zn molting rations had no effect on livability as The broody jungle fowl hen exhibits a voluntary reduc-
compared to nonmolted controls (Shippee et al., 1979; tion in food intake, which has been referred to as sponta-
Palafox and Ho-A, 1980). Arrington et al. (1967) reported neous anorexia (Mrosovsky and Sherry, 1980). During
that high I molting did not affect livability of molted hens incubation of her eggs, the jungle fowl hen consumes
very little food and water even if it is placed near the

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as compared to nonmolted controls.
nest. During this time, the hen loses approximately 20%
of her BW. Approximately half the BW loss is due to
Feed Consumption involution of the reproductive organs (Sherry et al., 1980).
After the chicks have hatched, the hen gradually resumes
Wakeling (1978) observed no differences in postmolt-
feeding and feather replacement commences.
ing feed consumption among flocks molted by low Ca,
Spontaneous anorexia associated with incubation and
low Ca and Na, or low Na and controls. Hens molted by
brooding is a common adaptation of birds living in envi-
low dietary Ca have been reported to exhibit reduced feed
ronments where rearing of offspring is incompatible with
efficiency compared to hens molted by fasting (Martin et
feeding. Other birds which nest in environments that
al., 1973). Little data is available in the literature concern-
require a high degree of parental attention during incuba-
ing the effects of high dietary Zn induced molts on feed
tion and brooding experience some degree of anorexia.
consumption and efficiency. For two separate studies, Zn
A number of grouse, quail, and pheasant species reduce
induced molting did not affect postmolting feed con-
food consumption during incubation (Breitenbach and
sumption (Shippee et al., 1979; Palafox and Ho-A, 1980).
Meyer, 1959; Anthony, 1970; Redfield, 1973). Geese and
By definition, if feed consumption is not affected and egg
ducks also reduce their feed consumption and lose BW
production increased then feed efficiency is improved. In
during incubation (Korschgen, 1977; Ankney and MacIn-
these studies, the performance of hens molted by high
nes, 1978).
dietary Zn satisfied this definition.
The most extreme example of spontaneous anorexia in
birds is that of the male emperor penguin (Aptenodytes
PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF MOLTING forsteri). The male emperor penguin is responsible for
incubating the sole egg laid by their mate during the
An extensive, but nevertheless incomplete, body of lit- Antarctic winter. During this time, it is difficult for the
erature documents the physiological phenomena associ- male to move for feeding or other purposes. Thus, these
ated with molting of feathers and changes in reproductive birds will fast for about 120 d of incubation and brooding
function. Changing day length is characterized as the during which time they lose 40% of their BW (Le Maho,
primary environmental agent responsible for inducing 1977). From these examples, it is clear that many bird
molt in many avian species (Rowan, 1926). Photoperiodic species, including the chicken, survival with little or no
changes induce and entrain circadian and circannual food for relatively long periods of time is a normal feature
rhythms. These rhythms, manifested by the neural and of their physiology.
endocrine systems, initiate physiological processes that
produce migratory fattening and restlessness, changes in Endocrine Effects of Molting
reproductive function, and molting of feathers (Follett,
1973). In species exhibiting an annual molt, increasing day Prolactin. There is a considerable body of evidence
length promotes gonadal development and reproductive implicating prolactin in the development of broodiness
function. Decreasing day length initiates gonadal regres- and the subsequent collapse of reproductive function.
sion and allows molting to occur (Meier and Farner, 1964; Prolactin concentration in the blood rises as egg laying
Pittendrigh and Minis, 1964; Wolfson, 1966; Follett and proceeds. Eventually, the high level of prolactin reduces
Sharp, 1969; Meier and MacGregor, 1969; King, 1970). hypothalamic release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Other factors, such as temperature, are thought to modify (GnRH) and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from
the effects of photoperiod (Follett, 1973). Considerable the pituitary (Tabibzadeh et al., 1995). It appears that
differences exist in the timing of feather replacement and prolactin may also directly inhibit ovarian steroidogene-
reproductive function among species, and there is no sis (Rozenboim et al., 1993). Taken together, these actions
general agreement as to the physiological entities respon- of prolactin would lead to involution of the ovary with
sible for the initiation of feather replacement and involu- reduced ovarian steroidogenesis and regression of the
tion of the reproductive tract. oviduct.
In species that exhibit broodiness, such as the jungle progesterone or prolactin will induce molting of feathers
fowl and the domestic turkey hen, the endocrine changes and reproductive involution (Adams, 1955; Shaffner,
that occur at molt induction begin with rising prolactin 1955; Juhn and Harris, 1956, 1958; Tanabe and Katsuragi,
levels. Eventually this inhibits the hypothalamic-pitu- 1962). Stake et al. (1979) used the antiestrogenic com-
itary-gonadal (HPG) axis. However, in the commercial pound, tamoxifen, to produce ovarian regression. Pino
laying hen induced to molt by fasting, plasma prolactin and Hudson (1953) and Tanabe et al. (1957) induced molt-
concentration increases only slightly or not at all (Scanes ing with the antigonadotropic compound enheptin. Meth-
et al., 1979; Verheyen et al., 1983). allibure, another antigonadotropic compound, has been
Corticosterone. The first significant endocrine change reported to have effects similar to enheptin (Ishigaki et
observed in fasted hens is that corticosterone levels in- al., 1971). Castration of mature domestic fowl results in
crease as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis a continuous molt, which is reversed by administration
is activated by the need to mobilize body energy stores. of exogenous sex hormones (Assenmacher, 1958; Voitkev-
Juhn and Harris (1956) observed that exogenous deoxy- ich, 1966). These findings suggest that sex steroids inhibit
corticosterone was as effective as progesterone in induc- molting in domestic fowl. Hypophysectomized birds molt

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ing molting. Perek and Eckstein (1959) inferred adrenal feathers intensely 2 wk after the pituitary is removed and
activation in molting from the finding that adrenal remain in a state of perpetual feather molt and gonadal
ascorbic acid is depleted in molting hens. Reports by regression (Assenmacher, 1958).
others (Beuving and Vonder, 1978; Brake et al., 1979) In any case, exogenous administration of androgens,
indicate very little or no effect on adrenal activity of hens estrogens, and synthetic estrogenic compounds inhibit
molted by fasting. Also, circulating levels of adrenal corti- molting of domestic fowl (Takewaki and Mon, 1944; Ko-
cal hormones decreased during molting when photope- bayashi, 1954; Vaugien, 1955; Wagner and Muller, 1963)
riod is reduced (Gildersleeve et al., 1979). Etches et al. as does gonadotropin treatment in hypophysectomized
(1983) reported that corticosterone is elevated in hens birds (Assenmacher, 1958). As LH and follicle stimulating
during molting induced by fasting; however, the mea- hormone levels rise following refeeding and photostimu-
sured amount of corticosterone is lower than the amount lation, ovarian follicles enter into the maturational hierar-
of exogenously administered corticosterone required to chy and begin producing estradiol and progesterone.
induce ovarian regression. Exposure to short day length and reproductive tract
The degree of the increase in corticosterone depends involution abolishes photorefractoriness in seasonal
on the method used to induce molt. Methods such as breeding birds (Etches, 1996). Induced molting serves this
fasting, which induce a rapid and complete molt, are purpose in the domestic hen. Upon returning feed to the
associated with larger increases in corticosterone levels, hens and resuming their exposure to long day lengths
whereas methods that take longer to induce molt result following induction of molt, hypothalamic GnRH release
in a smaller increase in corticosterone levels (Etches, is resumed, and pituitary responsiveness is restored. This
1983). The corticosterone increase is transitory and de- results in increasing LH concentration, which stimulates
creases toward prefast levels as fasting continues. Upon ovarian development and ovarian steroid production. Es-
refeeding, corticosterone levels again increase. trogen and progesterone levels increase. Corticosterone
In the fasting hen, increased corticosterone levels are levels decline, but may show a transient increase as egg
associated with inhibition of the HPG axis (Williams et production resumes.
al., 1985). Luteinizing hormone, and presumably follicle- Thyroid Hormones. Many of the investigations into
stimulating hormone, levels decline as corticosterone lev- the endocrine mechanisms of molting have focused on
els increase at the beginning of the fast. A possible mecha- feather molting induction. Early research suggested that
nism for this is that corticosterone makes the pituitary the thyroid gland controlled molting of feathers. Zava-
refractory to GnRH. In the laying hen, corticosterone lev- dovsky (1925a,b) reported that feeding mammalian thy-
els exist in an inverse relationship with LH (Wilson and roid glands to chickens results in feather loss and caused
Cunningham, 1980). Diurnal cyclicity of corticosterone male plumage to resemble female plumage. Following
secretion declines as hens become sexually mature, dur- treatment with whole, minced thyroid glands, birds ex-
ing which time LH levels increase to maximum. However, hibit a refractory period during which further treatment
the interaction of the HPA axis and the HPG axis is com- does not initiate a new cycle of feather loss. Similar results
plex. In the hen, corticosterone may either augment or were reported for an experiment utilizing White Leghorn
inhibit reproductive function depending on the season, hens and cocks (Cole and Hutt, 1928). Van der Meulen
environmental circumstances, and availability of feed (1939) proposed that thyroid activity was primarily re-
(Carsia and Harvey, 2000). sponsible for feather loss and replacement. However, he
Ovarian Steroids. Loss of ovarian steroid support re- also observed that thyroid treatment did not affect normal
sults in regression of the oviduct (Himeno and Tanabe, reproductive cycles. From this, it was concluded that
1957; Tanabe et al., 1957; Tanabe and Katsuragi, 1962). feather loss and reproductive function are under sepa-
Ovarian regression begins soon after the start of fasting rate control.
with declines in estradiol and progesterone (Tanabe et Perek and Sulman (1945) observed an increase in the
al., 1981; Etches et al., 1984). Exogenous treatment of do- basal metabolic rate concomitant with molting in Single
mestic fowl with antigonadotropic compounds such as Comb White Leghorn hens. Thiouracil, an antithyroid

compound, was found to retard molting (Glazener and pendent on the duration of fasting and the rate of BW
Jull, 1946). However, Himeno and Tanabe (1957) reported loss. Beyond 25% BW loss, the ovary is fully regressed.
that feeding thiouracil could precipitate molting. Further- Involution of the oviduct follows the loss of ovarian
more, Perek and Sulman (1945) observed that although steroidal support. Regression of the oviduct is a true re-
thiouracil treatment lowers the basal metabolic rate, it modeling of the tissue rather than a decline in the size
does not prevent naturally occurring molting of Leghorn of cells or shrinkage of the tissue. Apoptosis removes
hens. However, I uptake studies indicated that if hens cells of the glandular epithelium during regression (Hery-
are maintained at elevated temperatures during periods anto et al., 1997b). Remodeling even extends to the con-
of feather loss then no increase in thyroid activity occurs nective tissue of the oviduct as evidenced by increased
(Tanabe and Katsuragi, 1962). Also, earlier work by Ta- levels of collagenase activity during involution.
nabe et al. (1958) indicated no increase in pituitary thyro- Upon resumption of sex steroid production by the
tropin release in molting hens. In contrast to this observa- ovary during recovery from the molt, the oviduct recru-
tion, histological examinations revealed that thyrotropic desces. Relatively little effort has been expended to study
the physiological basis for the apparent rejuvenation of

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B cells predominate in the pituitary at the time of molting
(Perek et al., 1957). In addition, Brake et al. (1979) ob- egg production and eggshell quality that occurs following
served an increased thyroxin (T4) level during fasting. molting. Brake and Thaxton (1979) postulated that “...the
Refeeding induced a sharp decrease of T4 and an increase effects of this rejuvenation may be manifested in many
in plasma triiodothyronine (T3) concentration. physiological parameters; however, discrete changes at
Coincidence of feather molting and reproductive invo- the cellular level must be the driving force. This rejuvena-
lution in the hen, in concert with evidence of thyroid tion may be mediated by an increasing tissue sensitivity
participation in molting, has led to considerable interest or efficiency. Reorganization of metabolic processes, re-
in possible interactions of ovarian steroids with thyroid moval of inhibiting substances at the cellular level, or
hormones. Shaffner (1954, 1955) and Adams (1955) ob- reversal of the normal, but as yet undefined, aging pro-
served that although progesterone administered to hens cesses of the laying hen could be involved.”
precipitates molting of feathers and cessation of repro- Improved shell gland function following induced molt-
duction function, the simultaneous administration of thy- ing may be due to remodeling at the cellular level. Cellular
roprotein acts synergistically to enhance the antigonado- proliferation in the oviduct replaces cells lost during the
tropic effects of progesterone and to induce molting. Fur- regression, as evidenced by increased staining of the pro-
ther work by Brake et al. (1979) indicated that the T4 liferating cells for proliferating cell nuclear antigen, a
increase during fasting coincides with active regression marker of cell proliferation (Heryanto et al., 1997a).
of the ovary. At the point of complete ovarian regression, Remodeling of shell gland tissue may also be responsi-
T4 decreases sharply with a concomitant increase in T3. ble for removing substances that interfere with shell gland
Vitamin D Endocrine System. The hormonally active function. The lipid content of the shell gland increases as
form of vitamin D, 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol hens age. Induced molting reduces shell gland lipid and
(1,25(OH)2D3), is of central importance to Ca transport alters the balance of lipid types (Baker et al., 1980; Baker,
mechanisms in the shell gland and gut. In combination 1981). Evidence for changes at the cellular level in the
with estrogen, 1,25(OH)2D3 is responsible for the Ca-bind- oviduct were found in reports from several researchers.
ing protein calbindin in the intestine and shell gland. Baker (1981) observed that the uterine glandular epithe-
lium, which is the site of eggshell Ca transport and deposi-
Plasma concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D3 decrease as hens
tion, contain quantities of intracellular lipid visibly detect-
age (Abe et al., 1982). Upon the return to egg production
able by histological staining. Roland et al. (1977) reported
following molting, plasma levels of 1,25(OH)2D3 are in-
that hens laying shell-less eggs have significantly higher
creased to levels similar to that of young hens (Abe et
uterine lipid levels compared to hens producing normal
al., 1982). Receptors for 1,25(OH)2D3 in the shell gland
eggshells. Further reports by Baker et al. (1981a) indicated
are also increased following an induced molt (Berry and
that induced molting halts the incidence of shell-less eggs
Brake, 1986). In addition, cellular proliferation in the shell
and removes lipid accumulation in the uterus. Baker et
gland is correlated with increased tissue receptivity to
al. (1980), Brake et al. (1981a), and Brake and McDaniel
1,25(OH)2D3 and increases Ca-binding protein content
(1981) have reported that optimum postmolting perfor-
(Heryanto et al., 1997a). Therefore, induced molting in-
mance was achieved when BW loss was greater than 25%.
creases the level of the hormonal form of vitamin D and They reported that uterine lipid was not lost until BW
tissue sensitivity to the hormone. decreased to that point, which coincided with maximum
oviductal regression.
Effect of Molting on Organ Systems As noted previously, molting increases tissue receptiv-
ity to 1,25(OH) dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Berry and Brake,
Ovary and Oviduct. Loss of gonadotropin support 1987). The location of the cytosolic receptors for 1,25(OH)
during fasting causes involution of the ovary. Follicles in dihydroxyvitamin D3 in shell gland glandular cells coin-
the maturational hierarchy become atretic and the yolk cided with the reported location of Ca binding protein.
material is resorbed. Ovary weight declines as follicles Intestine. Duodenal weight decreases during fasting
become atretic. Reduction in ovary weight is initially de- and returns to original size upon refeeding. Following
the molt, intestinal Ca binding protein concentration in- 1,25(OH)2D3, increased tissue 1,25(OH)2D3 receptor con-
creases (Berry and Brake, 1991) compared to unmolted centrations, and increased egg shell gland and intestinal
hens. Intestinal uptake of Ca also improves following calbindin-D28k concentrations are examples of these en-
molt (Al-Batshan et al., 1994). docrine and cellular changes.
Immune and Hematopoietic Systems. Significant Molting is also associated with thymic recrudescence
changes in the immune and hematopoietic systems have and lymphocytic repopulation that may improve immune
been noted in molting hens. Reproductive quiescence in function in the hen. However, during the induced molt,
the hen is accompanied by recrudescence and lympho- there are also transient reductions in the number of spe-
cytic repopulation of the thymus (Brake et al., 1981b). cific lymphocyte classes that may cause an increased sus-
Thymic recrudescence and lymphocytic repopulation has ceptibility to infection. Reduced mortality during and
been observed during the reproductive quiescent periods after induced molting suggests that molting does not im-
of other seasonal breeding animals such as deer. It is not pair immune function with respect to avian pathogens.
known whether this serves an adaptive function or is However, increased susceptibility to colonization by or-
merely the result of removal of gonadal steroid inhibition

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ganisms such as foodborne Salmonella, which are not
of thymic function. Peripheral lymphocyte numbers de- necessarily avian pathogens, are nevertheless of concern
crease and lymphocyte populations change during the from a food safety perspective.
fasting period of the molt (Alodan and Mashaly, 1999). Animal welfare activists have objected to induced molt-
The proportion of CT 4 lymphocytes decrease while the ing on the grounds that fasting to induce molting is cruel.
proportion of CT 8 lymphocytes increase (Holt, 1992), However, the degree of fasting imposed to induce molt
and a relative heterophilia has been consistently noted in must be viewed in the context of the physiological adapta-
molting hens (Holt, 1992). However, heterophil chemo- tions of the hen. Most birds are adapted to exploiting
taxis, phagocytosis, and oxidative burst are inhibited. food sources that are unevenly distributed both time and
A decrease in the number of B cells has been observed in space, forcing the birds to survive without food for in-
hens during fasting-induced molts (Holt, 1992). However, definite periods. Many species are also required to fast
antibody levels do not appear to be changed. These for extended periods by the conditions of migration or
changes are similar to those observed in birds placed in incubation. These birds have a number of adaptations
stressful conditions and are also similar to cellular including the ability to build fat reserves. Besides reliance
changes observed during inhibition of immune function on catabolism of abdominal and other fat depots, the
in mammals following trauma. This would appear to jungle fowl and the commercial hen have the ability to
reduce the birds’ ability to respond to new antigenic chal- consume resources made available by involution of the
lenges. In fact, conventional wisdom is that hens should ovary and oviduct which spares other fat and protein
not be vaccinated during molt. Reduced immune function reserves. It is clear that many avian species, such as the
during molt may contribute to the reported increase in jungle fowl, are well adapted to survive prolonged fast-
Salmonella incidence in hens during induced molt (Porter ing. Likewise, it would appear that the commercial layer
and Holt, 1993; Holt et al., 1994). is tolerant of fasting as evidenced by reduced mortality
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