Audio Information and Media

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Audio Information and Media


 Is a sound heard on a recording or broadcast

 Any recorded sound
 Produced through a recording and requires microphone, computer/recorder/cell phone,
and speaker.
 Audio editing is usually done through a specialized audio software in a computer or
through a console/mixer

 Sound effects  Newscasts
 Music  Public service announcement
 Songs  Speeches

2 Categories of Audio Base on Quality

1. Lossless Format
 Keeps the audio quality of the original source
 Example format: WAV, AIFF, FLAC, APE, Apple lossless
2. Lossy Format
 Compresses the file to save space without diminishing the audio quality
 Example format: MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer III), AAC, WMA, Ogg Vorbis

*Note: You can be able to distinguish the format of an audio through its file extension.

Audio Information

 It is simply when an audio bears an information

These are some popular examples of Audio Information

1. MUSIC- songs/rhythms that primarily aims to entertain, usu. aired in radio, streamedon
the internet, or bought in record bars, digital music stores
2. RADIO NEWSCASTS- news clips or articles delivered by radio journalists
3. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS (PSA)- messages disseminated by radios w/o
charge that aims to raise people’s awareness regarding a certain social issue.
4. RADIO COMMERCIALS- paid advertisements that intend to promote a service or
5. RADIO DRAMAS- similar to a television soap opera, these are purely acoustic programs
broadcasted on radio
6. PODCASTS- digital audio programs that can be streamed or download through internet
The Power of Audio Information and Media

 Can influence people to do extreme actions

1.) On Feb. 22, 1986 through Radyo Veritas Jaime Cardinal Sin encouraged
Filipinos to support Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel Ramos in their fight
against former President Ferdinand Marcos. It is said to have triggered the
1986 EDSA People Power Revolution.
2.) Jose Corazon De Jesus’ “Bayan Ko” was thought to then President
Ferdinand Marcos in Malacanang.
3.) In Portugal, Paulo de Carlvaho’s “E depois do adeus”, was said to have
sparked the Carnation Revolution which brought democracy to the
 Despite the rise of Computers and smart phones, Radio is still being used in many parts
of the world
1.) Public transportations and private vehicles still use radio to connect
with current events while on the road.
2.) Radio is also utilized as a public service provider by letting audience
make appeals, requests and calls on-air, making it more appealing to
3.) Some radio stations nowadays use social media to further connect with
their listeners like Monster Radio RX 93.1 and Magic 89.9
4.) “[Radio] is the most accessible channel to the Filipino masa”—Prof.
Ramon Tuazon (a UNESCO member)
 Audio is widely used in the world
1.) Worldwide, there were 164.5 billion songs streamed online on 2014
and was doubled in 2015 which reached 317 billion songs (Nielsen,
2.) 964.8 million Digital tracks were sold worldwide while digital albums
reached 103.3 million.
3.) In USA alone, 17% of their population listens to podcasts (Vogt,
 Audio as one of the most intimate form of media
1.) Approximately 30% of the world’s population are auditory learners
2.) Music as audio, has the ability to move people, to induce feelings,
moods and state of mind (Sacks, 2016).
3.) Audio is one of the most intimate form of media because it lets the
listener to constantly build and generate more vivid images than when
they are presented.
Hearing vs. Listening

The impact of audio information varies upon the response of the receiver.
Someone who merely hears audio info cannot be considered listener.

HEARING- act of perceiving sound LISTENING- requires attention of

by the ear; can be done involuntarily the receiver.

Listening involves the ff. process (Kadian-Baumeyer, n.d.)

1. Hearing- stage where the sound enters the eardrums and travels to the brain
2. Attending- the brain receives the sound and chooses what to listen to
3. Understanding- making sense of the listened sound
4. Remembering- most important stage where the sound is stored in one’s memory

3 Points to consider in Evaluating Information (regardless of what type it is)

1. Who/What is the SOURCE of information?

 Is the speaker professional in the field that the information is about?
 Does he/she has the credibility in presenting it?
 If he/she is a secondary source, who is/are the primary source/s mentioned?

If it is a…

 …song, research about the composer

 …podcast, research about the writer of the story

*If possible, know what inspired the source to write or speak about it.

2. What is the MEDIUM used?

 Some journalists still fail to follow the ethics of journalism, that is, to be
objective. In this case, you must be able to recognize the facts and biases in the
delivery of news.
 A music/ song is more difficult to analyze. Because a good rhythm stimulates the
brain depending upon a person’s preference, sometime people fail to recognize
the lyrics or gist of the song (e.g. encouraging kids to dance with songs like
“Twerk it like Miley”)
3.What is its PURPOSE?
 Analyze the content first
 Relate the content to information source
 Will the source benefit from releasing it to the public?
4.How is the Audio information made (or PRESENTED)?

 Are the significance point clear enough to be heard by its listeners?

 Are there minimal to dead airs?


 Similar with text and video information it also seeks for: relevance, triangulation,
medium used, audience and quality


1. Decide what type of audio you will produce. Is it a song? Newscast? Podcast?
2. Triangulate your infos. If you have all your sources, list down all the primary sources and
make sure to give credits.
3. Make content interesting


1. The quality and execution of sound are the primary factors of making an information
clear to your audience.
2. What recording device are you going to use? Make sure to use appropriate microphone
for there are different kinds (dynamic ,condenser, ribbon)

Here are the ff. tips in recording:

1. Configure your device

- Make sure to have enough storage and disable other function like vibrating
or ringing, which may affect the recording process.
2. Eliminate unnecessary song in the surroundings
- Ensure that the recording place is noise-proof
3. Improvise
- e.g. creating your own sound effect
4. Ensure audio quality
- Use the right file format
- There are audio editing software like “Audacity”, a free downloadable


- Make you content simple and easy to understand.

- If applying background music, take into consider the rules: music is
appropriate to content. If your content aims to narrate a story, background
music are prohibited
- Keep articulation clear
- Keep your content short but formative

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