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Q.1 (i) Explain the forms of Data processing along with Data Cleaning
(ii) Write short note on Dimensionality reduction.
(iii) What do you understand by Data mining and Data warehousing?
(iv) Describe Data Integration and Transformation in detail.
(v) What is Date Mining and Warehousing? Explain the forms of Data
Preprocessing along with Data Cleaning.
(vi) Explain data discretization and concept hierarchy generation.
(vii) Describe Data Integration and Transformation in detail.
(viii) Write short notes on (a) Data Cleaning (b) Noisy Data (c) Data Cube
(ix) What do you mean by data mining? Briefly explain knowledge discovery as a
(x) Explain data transformation methods?
(xi) Write down the difference between operational database data and data warehouse
(xii) Define the data warehousing and its basic characteristics?

Q.2 (i) Explain the concepts of Data Association and Data Generalization in detail along
with attribute of analysis relevance.
(ii) What do you mean by statistical measures in large databases.
(iii) What is different type of databases? Explain them.
(iv) Explain the concepts of Data Association and Data Generalization in detail along
with analysis of attribute relevance.
(v) What do you understand by measuring central tendency, dispersion of data.
(vi) What is Apriori Algorithm explain with suitable example?
(vii) Explain the following:
a) Association rule mining
b) Multi level association rule
(viii) What do you mean by Data Generalization? Explain.
(ix) Describe in detail Apriori algorithm?
(x) What do you understand the measurement of central tendency?
(xi) What are data mining association rules? Explain.
Q.3 (i)
Explain Discretization and Concept hierarchy in detail.

(ii) Describe the various Data reduction strategies,

(iii) Write short note on:
(a) Regression
(b) Clustering
(iv) Explain the term data cube aggregation.
(v) Discuss issues to consider during data integration with example?
(vi) Write short note on dimensionality reduction.
(vii) Use these methods to normalize the following group of data?
a) Min-max normalization by setting min=0 and Max=1
b) Z-score normalization
(viii) Discuss the Binning method? Explain how it is useful with suitable example?
(ix) What is Bayesian classification? What is cluster analysis?
(x) Describe Neural Network Techniques for data mining?
(xi) What are the different categories rules?
(xii) Describe partitioning method and hierarchical methods?

Q.4 (i) Write short note on:

(a) Quartile
(b) Range
(ii) What are Generalized association rules?
(iii) What do you mean by Outliers and Box plots?
(iv) What are data mining association rules? Explain.
(v) Describe any one statistical based algorithm for classification with suitable
(vi) Write short notes on:-
a) Quartiles
b) Range
c) Outliers
d) Boxplots
(vii) What are the different type of databases ?Explain them?
(viii) What do you mean by information gain and how it is calculated?
(ix) What are the different phases of the knowledge discovery from database?
(x) Write short note on Data Cleaning.
(xi) Write short note on Noisy Data.

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