Tkam Explication

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Kelly Wilson

H English
Justice and Ethics

Harper Lee portrays Atticus as an ethical man to show that one should always do the right
thing regardless of the consequences. Atticus is willing to sacrifice everything he cares about to
do the right thing. The moral of the story is acceptance and understanding. Lee shows the
importance of accepting people for who they are without letting prejudices cloud your
judgement. Ethics are moral codes of conduct made for good living. Ethics are important in the
story because it separates Atticus from the rest of Maycomb. Lee’s ​To Kill A Mockingbird​ takes
place during the Great Depression in the 1930’s in a small southern town, Maycomb. Most of its
residents are blinded by racism except for Atticus. Atticus Finch is a lawyer and single father
raising two kids, Jean Louise (Scout) and Jeremy (Jem) and he lives a life guided my his morals.
When Atticus is asked to defend Tom Robinson, an African American man accused of raping a
white girl, he agrees. Atticus and his kids receive a lot of backlash for siding with an African
American rather than one of their own. At the beginning of the novel Lee represents Atticus as
fair and just. Since Atticus is the “same in the courtroom as he is in the public street” Lee is
examining how authentic he is. Atticus doesn’t have a hidden agenda, he isn't hiding anything
from anyone. Atticus doesn’t dance around anything he is straightforward and honest.When
Atticus teaches Scout about morality and “conscience” we see Atticus doing right by himself. He
teaches his kids the right way to view the world so that their actions aren’t determined by
“majority rule.” Lee shows us that one's decisions are completely their own to make. Atticus also
teaches Scout about “considering things from [someone else’s] point of view.” He shows that
you can’t possibly “understand a person” until you “climb into [their] skin and walk around it.”
Lee shows us that in order to fully understand why anyone behaves in any manner you must first
“consider’ where they came from and what they’ve been through. (ch.3 pg 36) When Scout ask
Atticus if they’re gonna win the trial Lee shows us real courage. He explains just because one is
“licked… before [they] start is no reason for [them] not to try to win.” (ch.9 pg. 87) While
Atticus is faced with a situation he knows he cannot succeed in he still does the ethical thing.
Defending Tom Robinson shows Atticus’s respect for the African American community and
provides his family with some closure. Atticus’s nickname, one shot Finch, surprises Jem and
Scout nearly half way through the story. Atticus “‘hasn't shot a gun in thirty years’”(ch.10 pg.
111). Once Atticus realizes that he has “an unfair advantage over most living things” he decides
not to shot until he has to. Atticus “put his gun down” because his “gift from God” was creating
inequality between him and “most living things” (ch.10 pg 112). He doesn’t shoot again until he
has to defend himself or the people he loves. Atticus doesn't change much throughout the novel,
we we compare his character from the beginning of the novel to the end he is still fair and just.
Atticus is one of the most ethical people I have ever encountered. Not only does he live a life
honoring his moral codes but he sacrifices his family and everything he cares about because he
believes that everyone should be given a fair trial. Even though he knows that there is no way
Tom Robinson will be released back to his family he fights for his freedom. Atticus doesn't hold
back while defending Tom Robinson, and both characters manage to spark change in the small
prejudice town. Tom Robinson as a martyr and Atticus as an ally to the African American

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