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Emiel A.


According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, personality develops through a series

of stages. Freud's psychoanalytic theory stated that human behavior is the result of the
interactions among three components: the id, ego, and superego.

This theory of a personality has a great importance of behavior and personality. Even
more the personality of individual develops during childhood to adulthood. During each
component, a child encountered a problem between biological and social but if these problems
resolve it will lead fully development of each component and become matured in personality, the
personality of the individual develops from what Freud theory tells about: the id, ego, and
superego. The Freud theory talks about the balance among these three components on what
each of them “desires,” determines how do we behave and approach the world. What balance
we strike in any given situation determines how we will resolve the problems of being aggressive
and pleasure-seeking vs. being a socialized person and control over these three components.

Freud's theory has many advantages that helped the psychological understanding of a
personality of an individual in without limits. In his theory emphasis the structure of the human
personality, Freud doesn’t care about what will happen to the environment, sociology, or culture.
Freud been criticized for not taking account the view of human personality. The strengths of
Freud's theory of psychoanalysis is that one must consider a few of the qualities that make a
theory of a personality or behavior “great.” There some content in the Feuds' theory is hard for
me to accept that all mental problems stem is from issues concerning aspects of sex, such as
unresolved Oedipal and Electra complexes. Even though I had found that the Freud theory had
strength and extremely significant.

Therefore, the Freud theory should not be disregarded because its content significant
parts of the theory are accurate and Freud theory is comprehensive, it can be applied in practical
ways, and contains valid arguments. If Freud theory is fully disregarded there will no additional
psychological theories and hypotheses that will be discovered.

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