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Teacher: Students:

Acza Hernandez Wilson Rodríguez

Franklin Moreno
Gustavo Martínez
Agronomy, Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Veterinary

Agriculture, livestock and fisheries are some of the most important activities for
humanity, since they are what ensure their livelihood and food. According to the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, there are 2 570 million people around the
world who depend on them to live. In turn, most developing countries base their economy
on the exploitation of these resources, according to this entity.

Due to the importance and delicacy of these productive activities, the world
needs people who dedicate themselves to studying them in a professional manner. Thus,
an increasingly sustainable and beneficial development for the planet and humanity will be

Those who dedicate themselves to these areas can find both a broad academic
offer and a diverse work horizon. Both scientific research in laboratories or companies and
advice for public or private organizations, as well as teaching in institutes and universities
are possible paths for professionals in these disciplines. In addition, there are several
careers focused on the administrative management of agricultural businesses, which
allows combining a scientific profile with the business field.

What should these professionals have in common? A taste for outdoor work, a
serious and responsible commitment to scientific rigor, as well as respecting nature and
the environment. In addition, those who wish to pursue tertiary studies in the areas of
Agronomy, Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries or Veterinary need a solid background in basic

The academic offer includes undergraduate, master's, doctorate and even post-
doctorate studies, although there are also technical and technological courses that allow a
more flexible insertion in the labor market.
Agronomía, Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Veterinaria

La agricultura, la ganadería y la pesca constituyen algunas de las

actividades más importantes para la humanidad, Quienes se dediquen a estas
áreas podrán encontrar tanto una amplia oferta académica como un horizonte
laboral diverso. Tanto la investigación científica en laboratorios o empresas como
la asesoría para organizaciones públicas o privadas, así como la docencia en
institutos y universidades son caminos posibles para los profesionales en estas
disciplinas. Además, existen diversas carreras enfocadas a la gestión
administrativa de negocios agropecuarios, lo que permite combinar un perfil
científico con el ámbito empresarial.

Debido a la importancia y delicadeza de estas actividades productivas, el

mundo necesita de personas que se dediquen a estudiarlas de forma profesional.
Así, se logrará un desarrollo cada vez más sostenible y beneficioso para el planeta
y la humanidad

Agronomy, Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Veterinary

Agriculture, livestock and fisheries are some of the most important

activities for humanity. Those who dedicate themselves to these areas can find
both a wide academic offer and a diverse work horizon. Both scientific research in
laboratories or companies and advice for public or private organizations, as well as
teaching in institutes and universities are possible paths for professionals in these
disciplines. In addition, there are several careers focused on the administrative
management of agricultural businesses, which allows combining a scientific profile
with the business field.
Due to the importance and delicacy of these productive activities, the
world needs people who dedicate themselves to studying them in a professional
manner. Thus, an increasingly sustainable and beneficial development for the
planet and humanity will be achieved
KEY WORD: Agronomic, livestock, fishing, professionals, labor

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