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Filipino’s comprehension level in English is spiraling down. From rank 12 in 2015,

Philippines went down to 14 in the latest research conducted by Lucerne (2017) which

focuses on people’s proficiency level.

Further, the Switzerland-based firm gathered data from more than 950,000 adults

from 88 countries in 2017, Philippines was ranked 14th in the English Proficiency Index

by EF Limited. Furthermore, the country scored an English Proficiency Index of 61.84,

while Malaysia had a higher score of 62.81, Singapore with 64.38. Out of the 19 countries

in Asia, only Singapore was included in the top 10 which ranked 6th place worldwide (EF

English Proficiency Index, 2017).

On one hand, English is one of the subjects being offered in the K to 12 Curriculum

as prescribed by the Department of Education. In this subject, at the end of every quarter,

there are performance standards of which students must actively participate in order to

develop lifelong learning skills. Hence, for the first quarter until the end of the fourth

quarter, the researcher who also serves as the School Head of the Secondary LSEN

students, will implement, through the teachers, Differentiated Instruction in their English


Moreover, learners with special educational needs (LSEN) is an educational

program/service designed to meet the needs of children with special needs who cannot

profit from general or regular education because of disabilities or exceptional disabilities.

This is derived from the premise that in a democracy, every individual is valuable in his

own right and should be afforded equal opportunities to develop his full potential. Equal

Educational opportunities do not mean the same educational experiences but rather

different experiences based on the child`s unique needs. The right to education cannot be

denied a person if only because of his disabilities (Rocal, 2016).

In this kind of endeavor, the language macro-skills of LSEN students will be

developed by students through the implementation of Differentiated Instruction. Explicitly:

listening, speaking and viewing; reading, viewing and responding; writing and

representing and the development of thinking skills which include critical thinking, creative

thinking, and metacognition. With this, the English teachers allow students to make

meaning through language.

In addition, Differentiated Instruction, as a strategy in improving the reading

comprehension of learners, means teaching differently or changing how instruction and

practice occur in schools to enhance student learning, particularly for improving reading

achievement. Departing from traditional classroom practice, differentiating instruction

includes more interactive collaboration that is data informed and student-focused.

Following a whole class activity for introducing or quickly reviewing vocabulary or a

concept or skill, students then work in small study groups or with assigned peer partners.

The students complete guided practice activities from previously taught lessons, providing

feedback to each other. Another small group participates in a teacher-led, small-group

reading lesson whose content and feedback are differentiated, specific to student need,

to enhance comprehension. Some students work independently completing written

assignments using skills that were introduced previously by the teacher and practiced in

workstations. Expectations for performance and outcomes vary in response to diverse

needs and student progress. In other words, teaching and practice are differentiated

because all students do not receive the same instruction, nor do they complete the same

assignments at the same time (Gibson, 2011).

Gibson (2011) further noted that changing old habits to differentiate teaching and

learning can be challenging if routines have not been established. Managing grouping is

essential, and that requires establishing classroom and behavioral procedures that ensure

the teacher can teach a small group with minimal disruptions. Student-focused, small-

group teaching and guided practice opportunities that enable students to collaborate and

practice depart from traditional classroom habits. Although small group reading instruction

is used more frequently in lower elementary classrooms, differentiating teaching and

practice in small groups is less common in upper elementary, middle school, and high

school classrooms. Thus, differentiating instruction requires adjusting expectations and

behavioral habits that affect how we teach and how students practice.

Further, differentiating instruction applies to all grade levels and subject areas, and

it is critically important when teaching students to read and comprehend new or

challenging text. Managing classrooms in order to teach a group with minimal interruptions

is essential to teacher and student success. While many available resources describe

differentiating instruction and herald the need for educational reform, fewer resources

provide practical steps for making it happen in classrooms (Benjamin, 2002).

The Basic Education Curriculum of the Department of Education aims to produce

functionally literate graduates where everyone possesses the required and expected skills

needed in the 21st century. Hence, reading programs have been set up in all school

divisions by both public and private groups for the students to develop a good reading

habit. Moreover, subject offerings in the K+12 program were aligned with these programs

in the aim of producing multi-literate and independent problem solvers.

However, despite the government efforts and school programs that uphold the

DepEd’s vision, still, the growing problem in reading persists.

On the other hand, teachers, as facilitators of learning, view that there is a need

for supervising students in their voyage towards the realization of good and quality

education. The said quality can be tested through performance standards of which they

are expected to accomplish. Reading comprehension marks the beginning of enhancing

the learner’s confidence in dealing with the strategy called Differentiated Instruction.

Moreover, the researcher, who also serves as the School Head of Macayo

Integrated School noticed that a high number of students who are below average as

presented in the Psychological Test conducted for Grade 7 students: 6 or 25 percent under

Below Average, while another 6 or 25 percent under Borderline Level and 10 or 41.67

percent of the Grade 7 students under Mental Retardation Level.

Based on the data of the Secondary LSEN students of Macayo Integrated School,

it is very evident that they highly need remediation in the said matter in order to help them

progress with their language skills as focused in reading comprehension. The researcher

then views that using Differentiated Instruction will help advance the learners to the next

level of performances in the succeeding quarters.

With these predominant conditions, the researcher conceives the idea of

conducting an action research in improving the class performance in reading of the

secondary LSEN students with the implementation of in differentiated instruction.


This research study aims to improve the level of reading comprehension

Secondary LSEN students of Macayo Integrated School through the implementation of

Differentiated Instruction.

Specifically, this research study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of reading comprehension of the Secondary LSEN students

before the implementation of Differentiated Instruction?

2. What is the level of reading comprehension of the Secondary LSEN students

after the implementation of Differentiated Instruction?


3. Is there a significant difference in the level of reading comprehension level of

the Secondary LSEN students after the implementation of Differentiated


Basic Assumption

The use of Differentiated Instruction, as a teaching and learning strategy, is very

effective in improving the reading comprehension level of the Secondary LSEN students.


This action research will be focused in improving the reading comprehension level

of the Secondary LSEN students of Macayo Integrated School for the SY 2019-2020. It

will also determine the effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction in improving the level of

comprehension of the students.

With the abovementioned instances, the researcher, who also serves as the

School Head of the Secondary LSEN students of Macayo Integrated School, is

encouraged to initiate and implement Differentiated Instruction as a strategy in improving

the level of reading comprehension of the LSEN’s, through its teachers handling English


This action research method will utilize Differentiated Instruction which was

explained by Tomlinson (2005 in Azah, 2016) as a philosophy of teaching that is based

on the premise that students learn best when their teacher accommodate the differences

in their readiness levels interest and learning profiles. To differentiate instruction is to

recognize students varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preference in

learning, interest and to react responsively.

Differentiated Instruction sees the learning experience as social and collaborative;

the responsibility of what happens in the classroom is first to the teacher and then the

learner. Based on this, Mulroy and Eddinger (2013) add that differentiated instruction

emerged within the context of increasingly diverse student population. Within the learning

environment permitted by the differentiated instruction model, teachers, support staff and

professionals collaborate to create an optimal learning experience for students. Within this

learning environment, each student is valued for his or her unique strengths. While being

offered opportunities to demonstrate skills through a variety of assessment techniques.

In particular, Differentiated Instruction is a complex and sometimes perplexing

concept Tomlinson (2009), the main authority in this field expresses the fact that

differentiation is not an instructional strategy or a teaching model. It is a way of thinking

about teaching and learning, whereby learners are exposed to a plan of action which takes

into consideration learner’s readiness, interest and learning profile. It is a way of thinking

that challenges how educators typically envisage assessments, teaching learning

classroom roles, use of time and curriculum. Rather than providing a preplanned set of

teaching and learning strategies, differentiation requires that teachers re-evaluate

classroom structures and functions in their entirety. Differentiation changes the teachers’

role from classroom commander to facilitator of time and space. As an assessor of

students, the teachers’ main role is to become a helper engaging students in rewarding


Further, Differentiated Instruction maintains attention on curricular objectives while

providing children with the kind of support, resources, instruction, and tasks they need to

meet and exceed established standards, but it starts with the child and the teacher and

not the content. It involves finding a path that’s just right for the learner. Differentiating also

requires that teachers find time to work with small groups and individuals. That’s not a

new phenomenon; teachers have always done that while other students are engaged in

independent practice, independent writing, projects, learning centers, or other such

activities, alone or quietly working with others. Of course, protocols and expectations for

behavior when the teacher is conducting small groups must be clearly established and

reviewed regularly (Shea, 2015).

In the case of this action research, the Secondary LSEN students have the chance

to learn and improve proper reading comprehension through the conduct of this study

which will be conducted for three (3) consecutive months. This approach will provide

multiple opportunities for the Secondary LSEN students to improve their reading

comprehension with the use of Differentiated Instruction.


This part briefly discusses the methods and procedures that will be undertaken in

the conduct of this action research. It deals with the participants, gathering methods and

the data analysis plan which all will be utilized in conducting this action research.

a. Participants
This action research will be focused in helping the students to improve

their level of reading comprehension in English. The participants of this study

will be twenty-four (24) Secondary LSEN students who are currently enrolled

at Macayo Integrated School for the SY 2019-2020. The twenty-four (24)

students will be taken from Grade 7 SPED class of the aforementioned school.

There are two (2) who qualified as Average, six (6) who were considered under

Below Average, while another six (6) who were considered under Borderline

Level and ten (10) under Mental Retardation level.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researcher will then submit the action research proposal to the

School Evaluation Committee and will be forwarded to the Officials of the


Department of Education Pangasinan II Division in order for the researcher to

secure permit to conduct the study.

The result of the initial oral reading test will be conducted and secured

by the researcher. Once the action research is approved to be conducted, the

researcher will start implementing Differentiated Instruction in the English

classes of the Secondary students.

Once the implementation is over, the researcher will then evaluate and

analyze the data that will be gathered. The final presentation, analysis and

interpretation of data, summary, conclusions and recommendations will be

completed and will be submitted on December 21, 2019. The action research

will run for three months, October 2019 until December 2019.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The current action research will exclusively rely on the results of the

pre- and post- assessments of the Phil-IRI Report once this study will be

implemented. The descriptive-comparative method will be utilized in this

research to find out if the level of reading comprehension of the students has

improved or not.

The data that will be gathered will be tabulated, evaluated and analyzed

using frequency and percentages and will determine the improvement of the

learners after the implementation of Differentiated Instruction.

Further, t-test for independent samples will be utilized to test the

improvement in reading comprehension level of Secondary LSEN students of

Macayo Integrated School through the implementation of Differentiated



Plan of Action

A. Objectives

 To improve the level of reading comprehension of the twenty-four (24)

Secondary LSEN students through the implementation of Differentiated


 The conduct of this action research will run for three (3) months during SY

2019-2020. The implementation of Differentiated Instruction will be conducted

during the English subjects of the LSEN’s.

b. Activities to be Undertaken

To address the stated problem on the level of reading comprehension

among Secondary LSEN students of Macayo Integrated School, the following

course of activities will be carried out:

1. Embolden remediation in reading comprehension using Differentiated

Instruction to improve the overall reading skills of Secondary LSEN


2. Strengthen this current action research by asking permission from the

Schools Division Office through a request letter for the utilization of

chosen Secondary LSEN students during the implementation of this

action research.

3. Carry out the remediation program using Differentiated Instruction to

improve the level of reading comprehension of the Secondary LSEN


4. Evaluate pre- and post- assessments as a guide in carrying out the

necessary remedial activities in reading.


5. Generate a learning approach which is engaging, effective and

befitting to the learners.

c. Time Table

The implementation of Differentiated Instruction will be administered on a

daily basis during the English classes of the Secondary LSEN students. The

following course of activities will be properly executed during the implementation

of the remedial reading program:

Activities Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Persons

1. Preparation of action research Teachers, Pr
2. Submission of proposal to Teachers, HT,
School and Division Evaluation Pu, Pr, EPS,
Committee. ASDS, SDS
3. Approval of the proposed EPS, ASDS,
action research. SDS
4. Preparation /production of Teacher
5. Distribution of questionnaire. Teachers, Pu, Pr
6. Retrieval of questionnaire. Teachers, Pu, Pr
7. Tabulation of results. Teachers, Pu, Pr
8. Classroom lectures/ demo Teachers, Pu, Pr
9. Actual performance of pupils Teachers, Pupils
10. Post evaluation/ comments/ Teachers, Pupils
11. Remarks/ recommendations. Teachers,
Pupils, HT, P,
12. Finalization of output/ result of Teachers,
the study. Pupils, HT, P,
HT- Head Teacher EPS- Education Program Supervisor
Pr- Principal ASDS- Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Pu - Pupils SDS- Schools Division Superintendent

D. Evaluation Criteria

By the end of December 2019, at least 50 percent of the Secondary LSEN

students have improved in terms of reading comprehension. Further, the students

are also expected to have higher level of comprehension appropriate for their

current grade level.


In the implementation of the research, the researcher will allocate P1,500

expenses as personal fund for the production/printing of manuscript and reproduction of

certificates as specified in the table below:

Particulars Cost

Production/ Printing of Manuscript P 1,000.00

Reproduction of Questionnaires and other P 500.00


Total P 1,500.00


The result of the study can be used in the area of teaching and learning especially

in developing reading comprehension using Differentiated Instruction which can be further

enhanced through consciousness-raising intervention programs by reinforcing the quality

of instructional designs in the English courses, which allows for further exploration of

alternative and effective teaching strategies and instructional materials that are more

context-sensitive to the needs and traits of students.



Azah, A.J. (2016). Effect of Differentiated Instruction on the Fluency and Decoding Skills
of Children with English Language Reading Problems: A Case Study of Primary
Four Pupils of Government School Bukwai. Cameroon. International Journal of
Humanities Social Sciences and Education. 03 (08).

Benjamin, A. (2002). Differentiated instruction: A guide for middle and high school
teachers. Larchmont, NY: Eyes on Education.

Gibson, V. (2011). Differentiating Instruction: Teaching Differently to Improve Reading

Instruction. Read Naturally. Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.

Mulroy, J.L & Eddinger, Y. (2013). Differentiated instruction: A research basis.

International Education Journal. 07 (07).

Rocal, E.P. (2016). Special Education. Retrieved from:

Shea, M. (2015). Differentiating Writing Instruction: Meeting the Diverse Needs of

Authors in a Classroom. Journal of Inquiry & Action in Education. 06 (02),



Name :

Position :

Designation :

School :

School Address :

District :

Years in Service :

Birthdate :

Father :

Mother :

Husband :

Address :

Educational Background School/University Year Graduated Honor





Graduate Studies


Position Inclusive Dates/Year School

Teacher I

Teacher III

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