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Submitted by:

Equiza, Maui Rei D.

Javier, Reggie Lorraine I.

Corsame, Ma. Michaela A.

Po, Josiah Mae B.

Barron, Jason Andrew B.

Velonta, John Daryhl

F /10

O /10

E /10

C /10
Villareal, Ashley Mae B.
S /10
Ruslin, Faith Hannah S.

Gabalfin, Rudy M.

Grisola, Roselle Del S.

Gomana, Sam Daniel J.

Grade 12 ABM 1- Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

Submitted to:

Mr. Ralph Robert J. Alalay

Traditional Filipino games remind memories that show lively and joyful childhood. To
show how creative Filipino children, Adi Bontuyan and Francis Beltejar made a short film called
“Taya” that is formerly known as “Bangsak”. The director, which is Adi Bontuyan, and the
concept maker, which is Francis Beltejar, are Communication Arts graduate from De La Salle
University. The said short film is their undergraduate thesis short film for their degree in
Communication Arts in De La Salle University. The short film has a title of “Taya” which means
the loser of the game. Adi and Francis wanted to portray the lives of Filipino who live in slum
and squatters area, specifically in Quezon City that is now known as Vertis North. It is about the
people who settle in public land without title or the possession of unoccupied premises. Adi
Bontuyan and Francis Beltejar related the tradional Filipino games in dealing of squatters people
in life. The games were transitioned into dealing with real-life problems and issues experienced
by the poor. Through the director’s hardwork in making the short film “Taya”, it won Special
Jury Price and Audience Choice Award in Cinemalaya 2013.

Taya is an eight-minute short film that tackles about a twelve-year-old boy named Junjun.
He and his mother are just new in the neighborhood and do not know anyone, but after some
time, he still managed to make friends who taught him how to play a different types of Filipino
games like bangsak, langit-lupa, tomsawyer, etc., which in the story have a deeper meaning,
symbols and representations. It portrays the life of the individuals living in the slums of
squatters’ area. Children are playing while protecting what they think they own. He learned a lot
of traditional Filipino games as soon as he interacts with the children in their new house location.
The set of games he learned were connected to the issues that the community deals with. As
Junjun and his friends were playing, the demolition team interrupts them. A series of flashbacks
of their games such as Langit Lupa, Mataya-taya, Tagu-Taguan, Patintero, Agawan Base as
their houses were all being demolished. A year later, Junjun and his friends continued to play
their games with the destroyed houses as their playground. Life goes on but the traces and marks
of the past can never be erased. At end of the short film, Junjun is still playing in the same place
but not with the same playmates anymore. It only means that Junjun and his family chose to stay
to the same location where they used to play with other children. It is the end but also a new
beginning of life for Junjun.

Taya by Adi Bontuyan and Francis Beltejar is a film about Junjun, the main character in
the movie that has a many friends but has no idea that there is an issue in the place where they
live and that is the demolition of properties because of possession. The short film has different
camera shots like wide shot, medium shot and medium close up. The short film also gives basic
ideas and issues of the production as well as the main character, location of the story and the
story angles. The full story has sequence, and contains some key scenes or scenes that we can
easily remembered in the video. The camera shots were nice. Audiences will also have lessons to
learn. For some reason, the audio was not clear enough for the audience to understand who
watched the short film. The cinematography really shows that this is one of the issues that
Filipino families deal with because of poverty.

In the short film Taya, many scenes show the reality that happen in the community. It
gives knowledge about the government actions towards the people who live in the squatters’
area. Traditional Filipino games were used to see the situations of our fellow countrymen. The
message of the short film is well presented and delivered but there are parts of the short film that
are not clear because of audio problem but it still give the message behind the usage of
traditional Filipino games in the relation of real-life situations.

In conclusion, the short film is worth watching for. It justified the message, the actors
played and perform the roles properly, and the cinematography fits perfectly. Behind the smiles
on the faces of the children while playing are the problems and issues that soon will be faced in
the future. Just like what Bill Gates said, “If you are born poor, it is not your mistake. But if you
die poor, it is your mistake.” The real and true “Taya” are the ones who lose in life because of
not doing anything to escape and solve the problems in life.

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