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1. Name and describe the EXPECTED overall psycho-social developmental level of your class according
to Erikson’s theory. Use the LCAS class data set information.

Using the LCAS class data set information, I was able to find that the average of fourth grade students in
Class A is 9.24 years old, which becomes 9 when rounded. The class has 25 students, 19 of them are 9
years old and the other 6 are 10 years old. At this age, it is expected that the students are in the Industry
vs. Inferiority stage of Erikson’s Theory of Psycho-social Development. This stage, also called Latency,
revolves around students’ competence. Social interaction greatly affects a child during this stage. In the
earlier stages of Erikson’s theory, family members play a huge role in the child’s social skills. However, it
is classmates that play the largest role in a child’s social skills at this stage. At this stage, children are able
to perform more complex tasks. They then try to master new skills. When students are encouraged in
their abilities by parents and teachers, they develop a sense of competence. Students that do not
receive much encouragement from parents and teachers will begin to doubt their own abilities. At this
stage, it is extremely important that the students are offered support and that they are encouraged by
both teachers and parents.

2. Name and describe the EXPECTED overall moral developmental level of your class according to
Kohlberg’s theory. Use the LCAS class data set information.

Using the information that I found earlier regarding the class average for age, it is expected that Class A
is at Level 2 for Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development. This means that the students have
conventional morality. Much like Erikson’s theory states for children at this age, they rely heavily on
their classmates. They look to their social groups of friends as being the authority. This level has 2
stages, numbered 3 and 4. Based on the class average for age, most students are in Stage 3. This is when
children feel the need to impress the other members of the group. By doing this, they want to learn the
rules that will help them fit in with their friends and learn how to behave properly.

3. Using the Table below, describe what can be expected behaviorally from the students in your class
with the predominant psycho-social developmental level. Then describe how that information about
these students should impact your classroom practice in the areas of instruction, assessment, and
classroom management. (As you begin typing in the spaces below the indicators, they will expand to
accept your content.)

Predominant What insight does Erikson’s theory give Implications from Erikson’s theory about
(EXPECTED) you about the expected behaviors by classroom practice (instruction,
Psycho-Social most of this class assessment, management, etc.)
Level in the Class
Industry vs. Most of this class will behave in ways In this classroom, students would
Inferiority that will be happily accepted by their benefit greatly from instruction that
classmates, teacher, and parents. They allows them to work with their teacher
thrive off of encouragement and in small groups. That way they can
support. If they receive too much receive the support they deserve and
encouragement, they can become the encouragement the need to
arrogant. With insufficient succeed. The assessments in this
encouragement, they will not try hard classroom should be reviewed with the

when it comes to schoolwork. Leading teacher and students. This would allow
to them doing poorly in the rest of the students to understand what they
their educational career. did correctly and what they struggle

4. Using the Table below, describe what can be expected regarding decision-making processes from the
students in your at the expected moral developmental level. Then describe how that information about
these students should impact your classroom practice in the areas of instruction, assessment, and
classroom management. (As you begin typing in the spaces below the indicators, they will expand to
accept your content.)

Predominant What insight does Kohlberg’s theory give Implications from Kohlberg’s theory about
(EXPECTED) Moral you about the expected behaviors by classroom practice (instruction,
Developmental most of this class assessment, management, etc.)
Level in the Class
Level 2 This class will have friend groups that The instruction in this class can be done
like to be around each other and may in groups. The students could form
work well together. The children try to groups of 2 or 3 to complete
be on their best behavior in front of assignments. Some students work well
their friends. their friends and are very productive.
However, some students act up in front
of their friends in order to make them
laugh and end up accomplishing no
work. Therefore, groups may have to be
altered by the teacher. Assessments in
this class be done after students review
their study guides in groups. They can
play jeopardy, eggspert, or even use
flashcards in groups to try to earn extra
points. This would encourage students
to study and really learn the material.
They would not want to let their friends
down, so they would try harder in front
of them.

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