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No Soal Jawaban 1

1 Mrs. Nadia : ............ I have an announcement for you a. That's great

Edo : What's that, Ma'am?

Mrs. Nadia : We will have a national jamboree, next mount

2 Kinar : .........................................
Aldo : ithas amazing pictures and an interesting story a. Attention, please

The following dialog is for questions 3 and 4.

Ilyas : look at this problem. Do ou think you can solve it?

Tiara: I think so, but give me a few minutes to recall the

Ilyas : no problem
Tiara : done! Pleasehave a look
Ilyas : Excellent! You're really smart. Please teach me how to
master math
Tiara : sure
3 What are Ilyas and Tiara talking about? a. A math problem
4 Ilyas ask, "Do you think you can slove it?". What does it mean? a. He wants to know if Tiara is
good at math

The following dialog is for questions 5 to 7.

Rona : I can't run this computer program. This is the first time I
use it. Can you tell me how to operate it, please?
Andika : Neither can I. Let's meet Kinar. She's very good at
operating computer programs.
Rona : You're right. She made a wonderful presentation last
5 What does Rona ask Andika to do? a. To help her make a

6 Andika says "Neither can I". What does it mean? a. He doesn't have time to meet
7 From the dialog we know that ……..? a. Andika is smarter than Rona

The following dialog is for questions 8 to 10.

Mrs. Khalisa : Randy, the fan doesn't work. Can you repair it?

Randy : Let me do it, Mom. I know how to repair it.

Mrs. Khalisa : Thanks, dear. But you have to be careful.
Randy : Sure, Mom.
Mrs. Khalisa : By the way, let me help you
Randy : No, Mom, thanks. I can do it my self. Let me get the
tools and do it right away.
8 what does Mrs. Khalisa ask Rendy to do? a. To repair a fan
9 Randy says, "Let me do it, Mom". The sentencess shows a. Ability
10 From the dialog we can conclude that ……….? a. Mrs. Khalisa and Randy repair
the fan together

The following text is for questions 11-13

Reni : you know what? I have to run for 1.5 km only in fifteen
minutes next week, brother. I don't think I can do it.

Agung : Let me ask you. Have you tried to do it?

Reni : No, I haven't. I can't run fast, you know.
Agung : Please listen to me. You should not lose yourself
Reni : I don't lose self confidence, but I know my limit
Agung : don't say that. Motive yourself that you can do it.i
know you can do it. I know you can do it. You just need more

Reni : thanks for your concern, but.....

Agung : no more argument. Let's jog tomorrow morning to
strengthen yor muscles. Everything's possible!
Reni : thanks for always supporting me.
11 who are talking in the dialog? a. Sister and brother
12 what is the topic of the dialog? a. Stanting physical limitation

13 Reni says Ii don't think I can do it". What does the setences a. Suggestion
14 Manis says "...., but I know my limit". What is the synonym of a. Target
the underlined word?
15 From the dialog we can conclude that ……….? a. Agung will show how to run

The following dialog is for questions 14 to 16.

Aldo : what do you think of my haircut?
Diana : That's neat and stylish! Where did you cut your hair?

Aldo : My father did it.

Diana : Your father is a sailor, isn't he?
Aldo : Yes, but he is gifted in everything, including cutting hair.

Diana : wow, that's cool! Anyway, is he at home now?

Aldo : Yes.He is off for several weeks.
16 what happens to Aldo? a. He has a holiday

17 Diana says "that's neat and stylish". What does she express? a. She asks for Aldo's opinion.

18 What profession probably suits Aldo's father after statement? a. A tailor

the following dialog is for questions 17 to 19.

Berlina : Excuse me, Sir. May I have your time, please?
Mr. Yoko : yes, please come in.
Berlina :Thank you, Sir.
Mr. Yoko : You're welcome. What's the matter?
Berlina :We'd like you to be the jury of an English speech
contest we will hold.
Mr. Yoko : Where will it be?
Berlina : Next two months, Sir.
Mr. Yoko : O.K
19 Where does the dialog probably take place? a. In classroom

20 What's the OSIS committee going to hold? a. An English course

21 why does Berlina meet Mr. Yoko ? a. To give him a proposal

The following dialog is for question 20 to 22.

Zaky : We've finished decorating the stage, Ma'am.
Mrs. Sekar : Wow! Beautiful! You present a unique stage
concept! I am sure that art performance will be more

Zaky : Thank you, Ma'am.

Mrs. Sekar : Who proposed the concept?
Zaky : Lili, but then we improved the idea and did the
decoration together.
Mrs Sekar : That's good. I am satisfied withyour teamwork.

Zaky : Thanks, Ma'am.

22 Mrs. Sekar compliments Zaky and his friends for ............. a. Their beautiful decoration

23 From the dialog we know that ……..? a. Zaky is the conceptor of the

24 what are the students like? a. Polite

The following dialog is for questions 23 to 25.
Mrs. Fatma : What happend to your shirt, Randy.
Randy : It was torn, Grandma.
Mrs. Fatma : Don't worry. I'll mend it for you.
Randy : You don't need to do that.
Mrs. Fatma : What do you mean? Can you sew it yourself?

Randy : No, Grandma. But I am interested to do it myself. Is it

easy, Grandma?
Mrs. Fatma : Yes. You only need to prepare the thread. Set it
in the sewing machine like this.
Randy : Then, what should I do, Grandma?
Mrs. Fatma : Hold the cloth like this. Then, press the ON knob
and start sewing. Get the point?
Randy : Yes, Grandma.
Mrs. Fatma : Now, try sewing your shirt.
Randy : O.K. Thanks, Grandma.
25 What is Randy going to do? a.Learn to sew a cloth

26 Mrs. Fatma says "Get the point?". What does she express? a. She compliments Randy

27 Mrs. Fatma says "Set it in the sewing machine like this". What a. The cloth
does the underline word refer to?
The following dialog isfor question 26 to 28.
Randy : Hey, listen to the loud sound! What's that?
Delia : It seems that a tree fell onto the ground.
Randy : What about going outside, to see what has
Delia : Wehad better not do that. It is raining heavily. The wind
is also blowing hard.
Randy : You're right. Let's see through the window.
Delia : O.K.
28 Why does Randy get Delia's attention? a. He saw an accident

29 What are Randy and Delia going to do? a. Go outside

30 How is the weather? a. It is rainy

The following dialog is for questions 29 to 31.
Arka : Onna, will you get me the hose from the warehouse,
Onna : Sorry, I won't. I have to go now
Arka : wait! I just need your help fora few seconds.
Onna : Sorry, I'm already late. Bye, Arka.
Arka: Bye.
31 Where doyouthink the dialog probably takes place? a. At home
32 Onna says "Sorry, I won't". What does she express? a. Her intention to help Arka

33 From the dialog we know that ……..? a. Arka is busy recently

For question 32 and 33, choose the correct expression to
complete the following dialog.
Destin : I need a person who is willing to represent mein the
interstudent meeting tomorrow afternoon. I have to attend
another meeting with the principal.

Dwiki : (32)...........................
Destin : I think everyone will agree. Thanks for willingness

Dwiki : No big deal

Destin : By the way, can you prepare all the documents you
need for meeting?
Dwiki : Sure. Leave it to me. (33).................
34 a. I know what i have to do in
the meeting
35 a. I can handle it

36 Delia : why do you need an egg whisker, Ran?

Randy : I'm going to learn to make doughnuts
Nur : Do you think you ...... Do it?
Irvin : I think so. That'swhy, I need to learn.
Nur : Let me help you then
Irvin : Thanks
The suitable word to complete the dialog is .......... a. Can
37 Wisnu : Look! That man is in trouble! It seems is overheated.
He should stop; otherwise, the engine will be broken.

Rio :.................
Wisnu : Sure. Let's do it
Rio : Let's!
The suitable expression to complete the dialog Rio is...... a. Doesn't he understand the
car's condition?

38 Kinar :............
Aldo : It has amazing pictures and an interesting story Aldo. a. Attention, please

39 Mr. Nugraha : Your sister is appointed the OSIS chairperson

Randy : ........... a. You know what!

40 Mrs. Intan : Mario, can you help me, please?

Mario : Sure, Mom. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Intan Please give this invitation to Mrs. Erli. She lives at JI.
Sartika no. 102. Her house is green with a small pond in front
of it. ................?

Mario : Yes, Mom a. What do you feel

Filejawb1 Jawaban2 Filejawaban2 Jawaban3 Filejawaban3
b. Please listen to me c. Do you understand?

b. Is the story c. What a very interesting

understandable? book!

b. A study club c. An effective formula

b. He needs information c. He ask if Tiara is
about a study club capable to answer the

b. To teach her hoe to c. To help her install a new

operate a computer computer program

b. He will not help Rona do c. He has never heard

the project about the program
b. Rona just bought a new c. Andika helps Rona
laptop computer install a new computer
b. To turn on fan c. To help his mother
b. Willingness c. Certainty

b. Randy will repair the fan c. Mrs. Khalisa is willing to

after doing his homework help Randy repair the fan

b.two close friends c. Daughter and father

b. Motivating someone c. Losing self confidence

b. Unwillingness c. Incapability

b. Achievement c. Maximum

b. Reni believes that she c.agung is sure that Reni is

only needs more pratice able to achieve the target
b. He has new haircut c. He cut his father's hair

b. She gets Aldo's attention c. She compliments Aldo's

hair style
b. A sailor c. A barber

b. In the OSIS room c. In Mr. Yoko's room

b. An English speaking club c. An English debate

b. To give him an invitation c. To ask him to become a

b. Their great stage c. Their succesful

concept performance
b. Mrs. Sekar criticized the c.the stage will be used for
students' work a graduation pary

b. Creative c. Careful
b. Repair a sewing machine c. Try to sew his shirt by
b. She gets Randy's c. She asks for Randy's
attention opinion.
b. The thread c. The machine

b. He saw a tree falling c. He heard a loud sound

b. Listen to the sound c. Continue their work

open the window
b. It is foggy is sunny

b. At school c. On the street

b. Her incapability to help c. Herunwillingness to
Arka help Arka
b. Onna has no time to c. Onna and Arka will work
help Arka together
b.we can attend the c. I will go if the OSIS
meeting together members agree
b.I will use the room c. Let me call you later

b. Will c. Have

b. Let's tell the man about c. He should have checked

what he should do his car

b. Is the story c. What a very interesting

understandable? book!

b. Is everything clear? c. Do you have another

b. Do you understand c. Where does she live
Jawaban4 Filejawaban4 Audio Vidio Gambar Ini Jawaban
d. I think it's good for you 2

d. What is your opiniom 4

about this e-book?

d. A smart girl 1
d. He tells Tiara about the 3
math homework

d. To tell Kinar that she 2

needs her assistant

d. He cannot operate that 4

d. Rona and Andika are 4
larning a new computer
d. To remove a fan 1
d. Confirmation 2

d. Randy doesn't need 3

any equipment to repair
the fan

d. Student and teacher 1

d.running for 1,5 km in 4
short time
d. Dissatisfaction 2

d. Boundary 3

d. Reni has to forget her 3

ambition to win the
running race
d. He is very good at 2
cutting hair
d. She cheeks Aldo's 3
d. A teacher 3

d. In a language 3
d.AnEnglish Speech 4
d. To discuss a 3

d. Their idea for the art 1

d. The students worked 3
hand in hand to dothe

d. Optimistic 2
d. Sew a shirt using a 3
sewing machine
d. She checks Randy's 4
d. The sewing machine 2

d. He is busy with his 3

d. Open the window 4

d. It is Cloudy 1

d. In a warehouse 1
d.Her uncertainty to hel 3
d. Arka will lwave the 2
house immediately
d. I can explain what the 3
meeting agenda is
d. You should attend the 1

d. Should 1

d. Are you willing to help 4

him push the car

d. What is your opinion 4

about this e-book?

d. No wonder! She is 4
smart and has a good
d. What does she look like 2

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