Student Objective

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Writing #6

Teacher Candidate: Erin Crawford Date: October 9, 2019

Cooperating Teacher: Lisa Gross Coop. Initials:
Group Size: 16 students Allotted Time: 20 minutes Grade Level: Kindergarten
Subject or Topic: Writing Section: 391

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

 CC.1.4.K.B - Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to focus on one
specific topic.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

● Students will be able to add details to drawings.

A. Introduction/Hook –
 Last time we talked, we talked about adding details to people in our drawings.
 Writers often draw things and then come back later to add more details.
 Explain that today we are going to go back to a drawing we have already done to add
more details to it!

B. Development –
 Model how to find a previous picture in your journal.
o Ask: What details can you think of that would make my picture more complete?
 Add details to your picture.
 Have students find a previous picture in their journals.
o Turn and talk – Tell your partner details that you are going to add to the picture
(details to an animal or person maybe)

C. Closure –
 Have students partner up and share what they drew about today and discuss the details
they added to their drawing.
 Select one or two students to share their drawings and ideas with the class.

II. Assessment/Evaluation plan

1. Formative
 Look at students work once it is completed to observe if they added detail to their person.

III. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives

Student Objective –
B. Personal Reflection
1. How clear was I in my modeling? Was it engaging?
2. Was I able to pace my lesson to fit the allotted time?
3. How could this lesson be improved?
4. Did I give the students long enough to implement the lesson in their writing?

VI. Resources

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