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Lesson Preparation
Topic/Day Grade: 9/Propagating Plants by Cuttings/Day 2 of a 3 day unit
-PS.03.01.03.a. Summarize optimal conditions for asexual propagation and demonstrate
Standard(s) techniques used to propagate plants by cuttings, division, separation, layering, budding and
grafting. (AFNR Standard)
-TSW identify the benefits of plant propagation and three main methods of plant propagation
using a PowerPoint presentation and guided questions. (Comprehension)
-TSW apply what they have learned by correctly propagating a geranium plant using the stem
cutting method in order to increase their knowledge of asexual reproduction in plants.
Materials/ Geranium plants, small dixie cups, planting soil, bottled water, scissors,small ziplock bags
Technology PowerPoint presentation, Smartboard, Teacher Laptop
Vocabulary/ Asexual propagation, Leaf cutting, Root cutting, Stem cuttings, Herbaceous cuttings, Parent
Academic Plant
Student Grouping Students will work individually throughout the lesson.
Content Process Products
The PowerPoint Presentation
will be used for visual
learners, class discussion and
Differentiated guided questions will be used
Instruction for those who learn by
listening and the process of
propagating the geranium
plant will be used for
kinesthetic learners.
Modifications/ Students with special needs will be assisted by an educational aid or a gifted/talented classmate
Accommodations throughout the lesson.
Learning-Teaching Process Time
Activate Who has heard of Dolly the sheep? She was the first ever mammal to be cloned 1
Anticipatory Set

Student through the use of an adult somatic cell. The practice of plant propagation also closely
Interest relates to cloning.
The students will participate in a brief group discussion centered around the question, 1
Activate Prior minute
Knowledge “What uses can you think of for plants?”
-I can identify the benefits of plant propagation and three main methods of plant 30
propagation using a PowerPoint presentation and guided questions.
“I can” -I can apply what I have learned by correctly propagating a geranium plant using the
stem cutting method in order to increase my knowledge of asexual reproduction in
Lesson Core Formative Assessment Time
TSW learn about different plant propagation A guided question will be used to 4
techniques through a brief PowerPoint assess student understanding.
What is one benefit of asexual plant
Content Exploration

What are the three main methods of

IW model what a properly propagated IW ask the students to identify the 1
Modeling geranium plant looks like in front of the class steps I took to properly propagate the
after using the herbaceous stem cutting geranium plant.

What steps did I take to correctly

propagate the geranium plant?

IW ask a student to come to the front of the IW ask the students a question to 1
classroom to demonstrate how to correctly which they will answer by giving a
propagate a geranium plant with my direct thumbs up or thumbs down signal to
supervision. show whether they understand how
to do the question that is asked.
Guided Practice
“Now that you have learned about
plant propagation from the
PowerPoint, by watching me
correctly propagate a plant and by
watching your classmate correctly
propagate a plant are you ready to
propagate you own plant?”
TSW use the knowledge they have gained throughout the lesson to properly propagate 1
Practice/Assignment/Ho a geranium plant.

Today we have identified the benefits of plant propagation and three main methods of 30
plant propagation using a PowerPoint presentation and guided questions. We have also
applied this knowledge by correctly propagating a geranium plant. Congratulations!
You have each successfully propagated a geranium plant.
Summative Assessment (End of Unit)
When the unit on plant propagation has been completed students will take a 45 question test that requires fill in the
blank, multiple choice and critical thinking responses from the student.
Lesson Reflection (Complete after lesson)

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