IA Compressor PKG - Optimized

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llesign and $peGifioation of

A Com[rcs$ed Air $yslem
Prasanna Kenkre
Jacobs Engineering India Pvt. Ltd. A practical overuiew 0f what to look out for
n industrial compressed-air sys- when specifying a compressor
tem is expected to supply air of
defrned quality, required pres- and its associated components
sur€ ?rd desired quantity to all
the plant air and instrument air con- TABTE I. TYPICAT PROCESS CONDITIONS
critical utilities of a chemical plant, a Fluid Compressed Air
compressed air system should func- Service Instrument qnd ploni oir
tion efficiently and cost effectively. Requirements:
Therefore, designers should consider Process ond design condilions
parameters such as air quality, air Operoling pressure, borg 8-8.5
consumption and supply, storage and
Design pressure, borg 12.5
distribution and control management
Operoting lemperoture,'C Ambient
in their designs.
Most equipment manufacturers Design temperoture,'C 70 down lo lowesl ombienf site lem-
supply air compression and drying Peroturez
systems as packages comprised of
many units put together. However, Dew poinl ol operoting pressure of At leost l0'C below the lowesl ombi-
oir dryer oufletr,'C ent site lemperoture
the purchaser of the system has the
option of buying this complete pack- Moximum solid porticle size, pm <3
age system or requesting only a por- Moximum quolity of contqminonfs 0.1 mg/mr or 0.08 ppm (w/w)
tion of it. It is commonly observed (oil, liquid qnd gos)
that most compressed-air users de- Notes:
1) Plant air does not need to be dried.
sign and install the air storage and 2) Typically -25'c at operating pressure or
-40'c at atmospheric conditions in cold climate.
distribution system themselves. For
instance, in most FEED (front-end that will serve as input for the sup- (PSL) will close the shutoff valve and
engineering and design) and basic plier ofthe compressor and dryer. temporarily shut down the supply of
engineering jobs the process licen- This article is intended for readers plant air.
sors or the engineering contractors who want to gain a basic understand- Before initiating the specification,
clearly demark the scope of work on ing of the components of a compressed the following points need to be con-
a piping and instrumentation dia- air system. It also presents best prac- sidered for installing a proper air-
gram (P&ID). Thus on a P&ID of a tices that will prove helpful to a pro- system configuration:
compressed air system, the compres- cess engineer writing specifications 1) Who are the end-users or air con-
sor and dryer along with associated for such a system. sumers of compressed air in the plant?
instrumentation and piping will be 2) What is the expected quality of the
shown simply as a dotted block indi- Requirements compressed air in the plant?
cating the equipment manufacturers' The main components of a conven- 3) How much total compressed air is
scope. The downstream piping, stor- tional air-compression and dryrng required in the plant?
age receiver, distribution and instru- system are shown in Figure 1. Air 4) At what pressure is the air to be sup-
mentation will be shown in much supplied by the compressor is split plied to the consumers of compressed
more detail indicating that the engi- after the primary air receiver into two air in the plant?
neering responsibility lies with the streams. A major part of the air stream 5) What is the trend of air demand
owner or his or her detail-engineer- is dried and utilized in the plant as in- intermittent or continuous? -
ing contractor. Due to this predeter- strument air. The other stream is not Consum"ers or end. users. As a frst
mined work-scope split, process and treated further and serves as plant step, it is necessary to identify all
mechanical engineers are entrusted air. If pressure in the instrument air equipment, machinery, instruments
with preparation-of-enquiry speci- header falls below a certain pre-set and tools that require compressed air
fications of compressed air systems value, then a low-pressure switch in order to function. A list should be
Conventional air c0mprsssi0n and drying system

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FIGURE l. Shown here are the main components of a compressed air system

prepared that contains data, includ- cal) to breathing air (most critical). 1. Minimizing or eliminating sources
ing number and type of consumers, The cost of producing compressed of contamination. Contaminants can
minimum and maximum air-pressure air goes up with each quality level. enter the system at the compressor in-
requirements ofeach user, air flow re- Each increased quality level requires take or could be introduced in the air
quired by each user, utilization factor installing additional purifrcation stream by the system itself. Though
and so on. equipment and leads to a higher initial equipment, such as separators, fil-
Compressed air has a number of capital investment. The future operat- ters, dryers and condensate drains are
industrial uses based on its service. A ing cost will also rise due to increased used to improve the air quality, we can
major application of compressed air, enerry consumption and maintenance. still try to reduce the load and thus
when used as instrument air, is valve Therefore, the air quality level should the quality level expected from them
actuator control. Other common appli- be determined as the frrst step. by eliminating or minimizing sources
cations of instrument air include use in The quality class of compressed air of contamination. This can be done in
laboratories, rotating equipment seals, can be assigned as listed in detail in a number of ways.
paint spraying and powder coating, the international standard ISO SbZ3- For example, locate the compres-
climate control and so on. Industrial 1, which bases the classes on particle sor's air-intake filtersin a safe non-
workshops have consumer tools, such size, moisture and oil content in the air. hazardous area in open air outside
as pneumatic hammers, drills, grinders For example, the air quality specifica- the plant building away from sources
and such. Utility stations are often in- tion for instrument air is written as ofdirt; dust; moisture; toxic, corrosive
stalled in a plant for general purposes ISO 8573-1 Class 2.2.1, which means and flammable gases; and also at suf-
and require plant air. Breathing air 1 micron particulate filtration, -40.F ficient height (about 3 to 5 m) from
stations are provided in most chemi- (-40"C) dew point and 0.08 ppm w/w ground level to avoid dust, debris,
cal plants. Food, pharmaceutical and (0.1 mg/me) oil frltration. The air class insects and so on. As the air intake
electronic industries require mostly may also change from client-to-client is subject to extreme conditions with
process air. All of these users must be based on the purity requirement of air various contaminants causing foul-
carefully identified and listed. for the particular service. ing, corrosion and other problems, the
Quality. The air quality depends on The most stringent quality class material of intake filters should be
the levels of contaminants that the in this regard is Class 0. It does not selected with great care. Typically, the
end users can tolerate without affect- mean that the contaminant level will air intake filter and piping is made of
ing the smooth function of process be zero, but rather that the levels of stainless steel.
(Table 1). Typical contaminants com- particulate matter, dew point and oil Also, one should avoid using lubri-
monly encountered in compressed content of the air supplied-will be as cated air compressors in applications
air systems include solids (dirt, dust, per any values (typically lowest) speci- where high quality is desired.
pipe scales, and particles from com- fred by the user. Based on its equip- 2. Grouping of consumers. Consum-
pressor wear), liquids (water and oil) ment capabilities, the manufacturer ers with similar air quality and pres-
and gases (water vapor, oil, chemical must agree in writing that it can pro- sure level can be grouped along with
vapors). Based on the services ca- vide air ofsuch a class.
tered to, the quality ofcompressed air
air-treatment equipment in close
Some points to be considered when proximity. If different air quality re-
ranges from plant air (least critical), talking about air quality are given quirements exist in the same plant
process air and instrument air (criti- below: then the plant can be divided into dif-
ferent units. The air treatment equip- culated as the sum of the number of they can be met any time by future
ment can be kept dedicated to the end tools times the air consumption per compressor installations or temporary
users with high-quality requirements. tool times the load factor. The load fac- rented installations.
For example, if only one consumer tor takes care of the time a particular Pressure leael. Process engineers
requires lubricant-free air, only air tool is being utilized. This total tool- specify air-pressure requirements for
being supplied to it needs to be treated, air requirement can be used to size the process in their basis while the
thereby reducing costs. Alternatively the tool air compressor. valve and pneumatic tool manufac-
(based on economic and operational When designing a compressed air turers rate their valve and tools for
analysis), high-quality air may be sup- system, the approach should be to specifrc purposes as given in their
plied with a dedicated, lubricant-free minimize the demand and properly literature. Each air consumer has a
compressor. However, if there is a suf- size the compressor; oversizing should certain operating pressure require-
ficiently high requirement of higher be avoided. Variation in air demand ment to function correctly. The high-
air quality (say 70Vo or more), then the over time is a major consideration. est working pressure requirement of a
entire plant can be supplied with this Plants with a wide variation in de- consumer is used to determine the cor-
quality level. mand need a compressor oPerating rect installation pressure (or the com-
effrciently under partial load. Though pressor discharge pressure). In the
Quantity - Estimating system. ca'
paeity and. mnrgins. Before install- the air compressor efficiency will in- same system for the consumers where
ing a compressor, the quantity of air crease with size, oversized compres- such high pressures are not required
flow required by the plant should be sors are extremely ineffrcient because a self-regulating valve (or a pressure
known. The required compressed-air they use more energ'y per unit volume control valve (PCV)) can be installed
capacity is the sum of air require- ofair produced when operating at par- upstream to reduce the Pressure at
ments of instruments, tools and pro- tial load. the consumer's inlet.
cess operations assuming normal In existing installations, the air de- To decide the installation pressure,
plant operation at full load (taking mand is monitored with the helP of the pressure at the compressor dis-
into account the operational load flowmeters installed on main headers charge flange needs to be estimated.
factor of each piece of equipment). A and at various points in the system. To estimate this pressure, the losses
study is typically carried out to under- The electronic data loggers that track encountered in the circuit due to
stand the various applications requir- compressor activity over time also help equipment (frlters, dryers, flow ele-
ing compressed air and the duration of monitor the demand. The data thus ments, heat exchangers, piping and
their operation. measured can be used to size a new so on) must be added to the maxi-
However, the total air requirement plant. For new installations the com- mum pressure value required at the
is not simply the sum of maximum re- pressor capacity may be calculated as consumer end. The examPle given in
quirements for each tool, but rather the the example shown in Table 2. Table 3 clarifres this point.
sum of the average air consumption of Sizing for fature d'emand^ Always Table 3 shows that the working pres-
each. For example, in most plants the keep in mind that a Plant maY need sure is determined by adding system
capacity of a compressor is the capac- a new process unit sometime in the pressure losses to the maximum pres-
ity required for operating both instru- near future. As an examPle, saY that sure value required at the consumer
ment and plant air. Typically, the tool this unit will have a requirement of end. The equipment pressure drops are
air systems are kept separate from approximately 500 Nm3/h and the ap- dependant on vendor design and the
the instrument and plant air system. plication lies in the same pressure and values used in the example are typical
During plant shutdown, the tool air quality range as that of Table 2. Due values encountered. The pressure drop
requirements are especially large and to the availability of these data well in in the filters are low initially but in-
can be met by hired portable compres- advance during the sizing stage, 500 crease over time. For example, a desic-
sors. In this way, oversizing the in- Nm3/h are added to the existing flow cant dryer after-frlter may accumulate
strument and plant air compressor to of 3,400 Nm3/h and a new caPacitY is desiccant fines over time, which can
cover this temporary large demand of estimated as 3,900 Nm3/h. Although cause an increased pressure drop and
air can be avoided. in this case it may seem that the fu- increased power consumPtion.
In case it is planned to suPPlY tool ture requirements are taken care of, The flow regulation of a comPres-
air from the same compressor' then in reality the compressor has become sor may bring about flow variations in
care should be taken to ensure that: oversized for current use. In such a the system. As pressure drop through
there is no interconnection between case, the logical approach will be to a given pipe is directly proportional
piping of the two air systems down- install a smaller reciprocating unit of to the square of flowrate (M . Q2)
stream of the dryer; the receiver size 500 Nmslh at a later stage when actu- through the pipe, the Pressure droP
is adequate enough to supply instru- ally needed. will increase in case of a higher flow
ment air at all times: and that a low Thus care should be taken to avoid demand. To compensate for this vary-
pressure switch is installed that can adding extra margins to cover future ing pressure drop due to compressor
cut-off the tool air supply in case the applications or supply tool air as this regulation, a margin is considered.
instrument air pressure drops. may lead to oversizing the compressor. As a rule of thumb for compressed
The tool air requirement can be cal- When such demands are encountered, air systems in the range of 100 Psig
Symbols: Assumplions:
C = Compressor copocity, Nm3/h Air consumplion / inslrumenf 3.2 Nmg/h
I = Insfrumenl oir requirement, Nm3/h Air consumpfion / ufility siolion 200 Nm3/h
P = Plonf oir requirement, Nm3/h
7.of utility sfqlions working l0
N = Number of insfrumenls in plonl simultqneously
u = Number of utility stotions in plont Flow morgins to occount for :

U = Number of utility slqtions working o) leoks snd future exponsion 20

Formuloe: b) Air dyer regenerolion 20
C=l+P c) Compressor weqr ond elficiency (onlv
, -- Nx (Air consumption / instrument) for reciprocoting type, in oddition to o & b) 20 T"
U= u x (% of ufility sfotions working simultoneously)
P = U x (Air consumption / utility sfofion)
For on exqmple we consider the following figures:
IV= 475 (sov)
U= 60 (sov)
U= 60 x l0o/o 6
l= 475 x 3.2 1,520 Nm3/h
Nm3/h-(Considering centrilugcl fype ond opplying itow rnorgfns o A O to
l= x 1.2x1.2
1,520 2,r88.8 obove flow)
P= 6x200 1.200 Nm3/h
C= 2,I89 + 1,200 3,388.8 Nms/h
- 3,400 Nm3/h
Hence the esfimqled compressor size is 3,400 Nm3/h

(approximately 7-8 barg), for every 2 A package enquiry specifrcation cycle time; drying period; regeneration
psi (0.14 bar) increase in compressor The whole idea of writing an enquiry period; cooling period; tie-in point list;
discharge pressure, the following two specifrcation for the package system is instrumentation and control schemes;
changes occur: to do the following: and so on, are given by the vendor.
1. Energy consumption increases by 1. Build a basis of what is expected System details should cover the
approximately wo at full output flow. from the compressed air system. operational and control philosophy,
2. Energy consumption increases by 2. Present sufficient and precise tech- number of working and spare equip-
another 0.6-l%o due to unregulated nical data to the equipment manufac- ment, quality, quantity, pressure re-
usage (unregulated usage is typically turer to design this system. quirements of air, schematic sketch
considered to be about 30-507o of air 3. Identify the scope ofsupply. and so on.
demand). Some important points for the ven- Battery limit conditions, utility
The combined effect is a net rise of dor and the buyer which should be put availability, meteorological and cli-
abofi 1.6-2Vo l1l. in the speciflrcation in a clear and con- matic conditions, site location, geo-
With this information in mind, one cise way are given below. technical data, and any limitations on
should be careful in finalizing the sys- 1. Equipment, systetn and site plant dimensions details constitute
tem pressure. The calculated value of d.etails. Equipment details should the site details.
the compressor's discharge pressure contain some data given by the de- 2. Scope of supply. A vendor must
should not be simply rounded to the sign engineer and some information understand what exactly he has to fur-
nearest whole number. Instead, equip- lelt for the equipment manufacturer nish to the buyer. Commonly, vendors
ment manufacturers should be con- to confirm. Data, such as number of supplying compressors also supply
sulted for obtaining exact values of compressors and dryers; capacities teceivers, filters and dryers together
pressure drops across the equipment required; operating and design condi- to form what is called as the air com-
at maximum flowrates. These realistic tions; fluid properties; allowed noise pression-and-drytng package. Typical
values should then be used for calcu- level; expected air quality at the dryer details listed in the scope ofsupply are
lating the compressor discharge pres- outlet; maximum pressure drop across equipment; interconnecting piping;
sure. Also, an attempt should be made dryers and filters; and dryer outlet control panel; instrumentation; plat-
to select equipment and instruments temperature are to be given by the de- forms and ladders; bolts; lugs; skids;
with minimum pressure drop. signer. On the other hand, data such fabrication; surface preparation and
Operating with a lower pressure as equipment-rated capacity confirma- painting; inspection and testing; first
than needed will lead to erratic func- tion; number of compressor stages re- fill (desiccant, oil) supply; installation;
tion of instruments and endanger the quired; absorbed power and efficiency documentation; site shipment; author-
process. A higher pressure, on the at shaft; suction- and discharge-flange ity approval and certifrcation.
other hand, will cause more energy size and rating; consumption of utili- 3. Reference and. prcedulre. Indus-
consumption and may lead to system ties like cooling water and instrument trial equipment manufacturers have
leaks and thus increases of the plant air; design temperature based on com- their own set of internal manufactur-
operating costs in future. pressor discharge temperature; dryer ing quality standards. However, most
Pressure required ol consumer end P 6 borq
Elemenf Typicol pressure
Feature Report droo
Finol filter APr 0.3 bor
Air dislribulion pipinq APc 0.1 bqr
chemical process industries (hence- Dust filfer (dryer ofter filfer) APz 0.1 bqr
forth referred in this article as "client") Dryer AP.a 0.15 bor
require the vendors to adhere to global Coolescins filter (dryer pre filfer) APr 0.r bor
manufacturing codes, standards, guide- Flow element AP: 0.25 bor
lines, good recommended practices, Comoressor otler€ooler APz 0.I bor
directives (for instance, ASME, API, Compressor inter-cooler APe o.t bqr
ANSI). International clients operating bqr
Compressor reguloiion ronge APo 0.5
multiple industrial units at times have
Tolol pressure drop AP 1.7 bor
their own set of technical standards
and guidelines that the vendor has to Pressure required ol lhe P+
comply with. Typically, a list of such comoressor dischqrqe flonqe AP 7.7 borq
codes and standards to be followed is
available in the design basis of a proj- to the vendor's proprietary design. The following variables, if analyzed
ect and needs to be conveyed to the There may be certain technicalities in correctly, will provide a fair idea of
vendor through specifi cation. terms offabrication or state-of-art de- the compressor type to be selected be-
This section should also contain velopment that only the vendor may fore consulting a compressor vendor
administrative, procedural and other be better aware of. For example, air for details:
temporary requirements to be fol- intake filters or moisture separators 1. Hours of operation per month
lowed, including submission of expe- are entirely a vendor-supplied propri- 2. Nature of demand (continuous or
rience record proforma, complying to etary item. This will be designed by intermittent)
equipment qualification criteria, in- the vendor based on the particle-size 3. Pressure and flow requirements
structions for delivery to site, schedul- retention and moisture data given by 4. Environment (clean or dirty)
ing, warranties, and spare and main- the design engineer. A preliminary selection of the type of
tenance agreements. During the technical bid analysis air compressor can be made from the
(TBA) stage based on the specifica- typical graph of inlet flow versus dis-
Speeifuing equipment data tion given by the designer, different charge pressure, as given in the GPSA
A compressed air and drying package vendors offer their proposals that have handbook [21. For example, suppose
contains many types of equipment, to be evaluated technically for energy we want to select an air compressor for
such as air-intake filters, compres- efficiency and lifetime operating cost. 1,000 acfm and a discharge pressure of
sors, inter-coolers, after-coolers, mois- The data furnished by the vendor need 122 psig. By using such a graph, we will
ture separators, teceivers and so on. to be thoroughly checked by the engi- observe that for our application we will
The engineer who writes specifica- neer to see that all ofhis or her techni- end up selecting the following types of
tions for the package does not neces- cal and operational requirements are compressors: reciprocating (single and
sarily size all this equipment. Based in line with that given in the specifi- multiple stage), rotary screw and cen-
on rules of thumb, good engineering cation. Any other additional data fur- trifugal (single and multiple stage).
practices and sound technical as- nished as a result ofproprietary design All three types ofcompressors can suit
sumptions, he or she can fairly esti- should also be checked at least for cor- the application. So how do we decide
mate the capacities and sizes of these rectness and compliance to standards' which type of compressor is the best?
pieces of equipment. This may helP The answer is that we must not select
different engineers from disciplines Air compressor selection any compressor that simply fulfills the
like piping, static equipment, electri- During compressor and drive selec- flow and pressure requirements, but
cal and so on to get at least prelimi- tion, it must be kept in mind that in the one that is best suited to the ap-
nary data to proceed with their work. most industries it is the compressor plication (see Table 4).
For example, due to availability of that utilizes more electricity than any Suppose for the same application
equipment sizes, the layout engineer other equipment. Records show that in given above we further know that
can assigrr preliminary locations for many instances during the frrst year the nature of load will be continuous,
this equipment (which will be sup- ofoperation, the operating cost was al- heavy (high flowrate) and the system
plied as packages or skids) on the al- most twice that of the initial purchase has to be lubricant free. For high flow-
lotted plot plan and fix the area for price of the equipment. rates and oil-free conditions centrifu-
the air unit in the basic stage. When selecting new compressors, gal compressors are a common choice.
The sizes of some of the equipment industries with existing compressed- Also centrifugal compressors work
estimated by the engineer may not air installations have an advantage. well under continuous load rather
necessarily match that given by the They monitor their current air de- than variable load. Due to these rea-
vendor. Though seeming correct on mand and supply trends and also the sons a centrifugal compressor will be-
paper, such equipment may or may reliability and suitability of existing come a frrst choice for our application.
not give the desired result. This may air compressors. The data thus ob-
be either due to the capabilities and tained will prove useful to them in Correct flowrate units
limitations of the selected vendor's selecting and sizing any future com- As air is compressible it will occupy
manufacturing and machinery or due pressed air installations. different volumes at different tem-
Compressor lype Reciprocoting Screw Cenfrifugol
Best suiled for:
Flowrotes Low Medium High
Noture of oir demond Fluciuoling or Conlinuous or Continuous or
vorying sleody steqdy strument air cannot be compromised
Nolure of operolion lniermitlenl Continuous Continuous at any cost. The capacity of the spare
Operofing efficiency ot Mosf efficient Good Poor, suscepli- compressor is kept the same as the
lower / porl loods bility to surge largest duty compressor.
Reliobility ond High weor Good Even to cater to the normal opera-
Medium moin-
moinfenonce tenonce buf tion, sometimes multiple compres-
fiequenl sors are installed in a plant. For ex-
Complex ond Eosy ond low Check for un- ample, for a certain known capacity
frequent moin- mointenonce bqlonce ond we have a compressor installation of
tenqnce vibrotion 2 x I00Vo. This actually means that
we have two installed compressors,
peratures and pressures. There is pressure (P1) and final pressure (P2) out of which one is working and the
no global standard for specifying air in absolute units. A gage value is only other a standby. Selecting this instal-
compressor flowrates. Care should be a representation of pressure. It does Iation may mean that we get a single
taken to avoid confusion due to usage not include the atmospheric pressure compressor whose working capacity
of different units like cubic feet per and hence is not the true pressure is very large. Instead we can opt for
minute (CFM), standard air capacity of the gas. Typically in instrument a combination of a number of smaller
(SCFM), actual air-compressor capac- air systems, the overall compression compressors, which may prove an at-
ity (ACFM), inlet air capacity (ICFM), ratio is about nine. Due to this high tractive economic and operating alter-
free air delivery (FAD), normal cubic compression ratio we may need mul- native than having one large compres-
meters per hour (Nm3/h) and so on. tiple stages. sor. Likewise, a 3 x 507a combination
Compressor vendors rate their com- The compression ratio per stage is where we have three installed com-
pressors in terms of volume. The ven- limited by the discharge temperature pressors, out of which two are working
dor catalogs typically state compres- and usually does not exceed four. How- and the third a standby is an another
sor flows in CFM. It also seems logical ever, sometimes for small sized air option. For critical services, the option
and easy to visualize equipment size units with intermittent duty, a higher ofkeeping a spare rotor handy is also
in terms of volume rather than mass. compression ratio may be used by the considered at times.
Sometimes mass flowrate (kg/h) of vendor. Table 5 can be used for choos- Generally, a combination of differ-
gas is given by a design engineer with ing number of stages. ent drives is used to run compressors.
the understanding that mass of a gas Though an engineer can state the A petroleum refinery may have units,
remains constant. In such cases, the value of the number of stages in the for instance a hydrogen generation
moisture content in the gas (if any) specification, this value is subject unit (HGU) or a sulfur-recovery unit
should be subtracted from the given to the manufacturing capabilities of (SRU), where excess high-pressure
flowrate. The vendor should be told if the vendor. (HP) steam is generated in the pro-
the flowrate is wet or dry. In general, variable speed control is cess. If the generated excess steam is
When dealing with process gas ap- achieved by using a steam turbine, gas not being used or exported elsewhere
plications, the unit SCFM is commonly turbine or diesel or gasoline engines. and is sufficient to drive a turbine.
used while FAD finds a more common Constant speed control is achieved then a steam-driven turbine can be
usage in compressed air applications. by electric motors. Variable speed can selected as the main drive while an
also be obtained from electric motors electric motor may be used to operate
Number of stages and drives with variable speed drives. Drive se- the other compressors.
Multiple stages are used in compres- lection can be done based on the chart For example, a compressor with a
sors to achieve higher pressures. As given in the Instrument Engineers steam-turbine drive may supply 657o
high-pressure compression is carried Handbook [3]. of the total flow requirement while the
out in multiple stages, intercoolers compressor with electric motor and
provided between the stages remove Operational philosophy/spares variable speed drive (VSD) may sup-
heat of compression and bring down Most plants install at least two com- ply 35Vo of the total flow requirement.
the temperature to approximately pressors, one working and the other a The spare will also be VSD driven and
that at the compressor inlet. As a re- spare or standby. A spare air compres- sized to supply 65Vo of the total flow
sult of this cooling, the density of air sor is required in the system to ensure requirement in case of emergency.
increases and volumetric flowrate of maximum reliability and availability This leads to electric power saving,
the gas going to the next stage reduces. of compressed air during emergency increased reliability due to usage of
Due to this volumetric reduction the scenarios, such as equipment failure. a reliable source of utility (steam in
work of compression and hence the Mechanical failure of a compressor this case) and also extraction ofuseful
power need reduces. will directly affect instrument air sup- work from excess steam. All the three
The number of stages required is ply in the plant after the stored air ca- compressors will be sized for 657o of
determined by the overall compres- pacity of the air receiver is completely the air demand. The actual operating
sion ratio. The compression ratio is exhausted. A spare compressor is in- schemes are decided and approved by
calculated considering both the initial stalled where process criticality ofin- the chemical plant personnel along

higher than atmospheric will hold ofthe air dryer to protect the drying Distribution piping
more moisture, and air at a pres- medium (example, desiccant) from The compressed-air distribution piping
sure higher than atmospheric will getting contaminated. After-filters will be sized based on the ACFM for a
hold less moisture. The air leaving are installed downstream of the air minimum pressure drop of 0.1 bar/100
the compressor is both at a higher dryer to prevent desiccant fines from m ofpiping. Air velocities ofthe order
pressure and temperature than at- entering the system downstream. of 5 to 10 m/s are quite commonly
mospheric. Thus at the compressor After-frlters also help in removal of maintained. Incorrect sizing may lead
outlet a phenomenon occurs where vapor, harmful chemicals, micro-or- to excess pressure drop, hence piping
higher pressure will cause some of the ganisms and so on. Both the frlters systems should be designed properly.
moisture to be removed off while the also serve to coalesce oil and mois- Every possible attempt should be
higher temperature will enable the ture droplets, which can then be made to minimize pressure drop. For
air to hold on to some moisture. The drained. Over time, the filters may example, locate air supply, storage and
pressure dew point is more meaning- get clogged and cause increased sys- dryrng systems closer to the consumer
ful as it indicates the dew point at the tem resistance and energy consump- end, and minimizing pipe bends.
operating pressure. tion. Hence, timely fi lter maintenance Air distribution systems are mainly
The vendor must be provided with is very important in compressed air desigrred as closed-loop or ring main
maximum flowrate, required dew systems. Differential pressure gages headers. In the ring header the air
point, maximum and minimum inlet- should be installed across filters to flow is split into two directions from
air pressures, maximum and mini- keep a check on the pressure droP a point and can flow to an end-user
mum inlet-air temperatures, maxi- through them. in two different directions. Thus for a
mum cooling-water temperatures, Besides these filters, small filters particular air consumer the air flow
maximum pressure drop for dryer may also be installed at the Point- is available from both directions of
design. Table 7 provides guidelines for of-use end. Their function is to filter the header. As the air flow is halved,
dryer selection. particles generated in the distribu- the velocity reduces and also the
Pre-filters are installed upstream tion piping. pressure drop.
Piping in air systems should not con-
tain loops or be installed underground.
In addition to instrument air, if other
,tt€ulKtlt compressed air services like plant air
or tool air are supplied from the same
\eils${€E|Ns compressor then no cross connections
should be kept between these three air
services downstream of the dryer. I
Content Licensing for Editedby GeraldOndreY

Every Marketing StrategY References

1. "Improving Compressed Air System Perfor-
mance- aiourcebook for industn/, US. De-
Marketing solutions fit for: nartment ofEnergy, Enerry Efficiency and Re-
. Outdoor newable Energy &-Comprissed Air Challenge.

. Direct Mail 2. "GPSA Engineering Data book", 12th- ed.

Section 13, Compressors and Expanders,
-Fizure 13-3, Compressor Coverage Chart,
Gis Processors Suppliers Assn., Tulsa, Okla.
. TradeshoWPoP Displays
3. Bela G. Liptak,"Instrument Engineers Hand-
. Social Media book- Proiess Control", 3rd ed.
Section 8.9, Compressor Controls- Chapter 8,
a4d Op-
. Radio & Television timization, Figure. 8.9c, Each drive has its
own throughput and speed range, Chilton
Book Co., Radnor, Pa.

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