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Name : Regina Brigitha Helsiana Lakat.

Theme : Teens for Christ.

Title : Teenager as the pillar of the church.

Good day everyone, especially to the honorable judges...

Before I start my speech, let us be grateful to our Lord, Jesus Christ, who has accompany and blessed
us so we can gather in this place without lacking anything.

Ladies and Gentleman, It’s a great honor for me to be here and speak about “Teens for Christ”. That’s
why, I wanna say thank you for the time and the opporturity that has been given to me.

Now, let’s talk about Teenage.

Teenage is the transition from child to adult. Most children need a lot of attention, and adult was
confident and more responsible. We can found bouth of it in teenage. Because of this attitude,
teenage have unstable emotion and they can’t even control it. But not every one can figure it out.
Sometimes that was caused a lot of problem for them, it can be at home, school, church, or wherever
they are. That’s why, a teenage need a proper guidence. That can make them grow up properly , and
when they grow up properly, we can see that’s a lot of potential in them.

As teenager, we have a big potential that called as The Pillars of The Church. That’s mean, the church
need us to be the pillars for now and later on. So, how to be the pillar of the church?

To be the pillar of the church, we have to be strong and sturdy.

To be strong and sturdy pillar, we need to be build by using high quality ingredients, and proper way
to build. That’s what teenagers need to have a strong faith. From the words, attitude, and behavior,
we can see the quality of faith in our self. So, when did somebody have a faith? Only through their
attitude and behavior.

To build a strong faith isn’t an easy thing for teenager, that’s need a process and intention. Faith is
strengthen through problems in their daily activity. More problems will make us stronger. But, don’t
be afraid, because God never let our problems knock us down, and He will always accompany us to
get through it all. So, to be high quality teenager that have a strong faith, we always need to pray and
give our lives only for God.

So my fellow teens, let’s being a great, strong, and sturdy pillar of the church for the better future,
and don’t let anybody saw you weak because you’re young, be the example for everyone through your
words, behavior, love, loyality, and chastity.

My name is Regina Lakat from Jehwa Teens, Thank you.

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