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Peace Not War by Patricia Lithuanian

Boom! blood, flesh, struggle and fear

surrounding in the atmosphere

if one is sulky, one is scorned

if one is not a noble, one is a peasant

there are crimes, abuses, hates and injustices

and the only thing that rules the earth is immorality

Sshhh… silence,

for the end may come

(But we won't cry

And we won't start to crumble
Whenever they try To shut us or cut us down
we won't be silenced
You can't keep us quiet
Won't tremble when you try it

cause we know is we won't go speechless )

voices are not made to speak the truth,

but to shout and scream!

eyes are not made to see the reality,

but to hide the facts and cry, and weep

and the hands are not made to reach out

but to fight instead!

This is not yet over

this is chaos

this is what we call

It was a day of in famine

last September 11, 2001

when an airplane crashed it’s way into human life!

The United States of America’s

World Trade Center

Shattered! Boom!

tranquility and harmony was lost

roaming outsider, Boom!

Many lives were gone in just a blink of an eye

mothers died, fathers vanished and brothers suffered

leaving no more but distress

and pieces of mind and soul

Guess what the cause is?


brought by the power of this indespicable greed

This is the beginning of the 3rd world war, or the featured

prophecy of Nostradamus

God forbid though in this world

where every one is divided by walls

that separates east and west through religion

and all living creatures that exists

came from only one creator



showering of bullets,

bombs and missiles

biochemical weapons,

and death!

The story of why many human beings

who were victimized and sought for moral righteousness


Start walking on ice where beings die,

in a shivering cold and lose their lives


I was there, I was there, I was there

and shout!

Listen, and you will hear the cry of the trouble of our faith

so now, eliminate all your senses!

Talk, and you will not be heard

for your rights are separate from the other turfs


For the riches of life were broken

because, we are dreamers

STOP! This are all hatred, hatred and hatred!

You who did cause for the voices of the youth

Youth who have the right to be hold

for the unity and progress of the future year

It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to do something!

the clock is ticking…

and then,
10 selfishness

9 arrogance

8 hate

7 injustice

6 pride

5 war

4 kindness

3 respect

2 love

and at last

1 peace

It is peace and wisdom we want

like a steel pad that serves us on it’s path

May that be all?

we need to show the true virtue of peace, love

soldiers may march towards the war

guns may kill millions of men

homes may be shuttered

and lives may be called in danger

but one thing is for sure

this is not the end

there is hope

We, the youth lays here and wakes up in the advent of war processes

save our future

join hands together

(But I wonder what would happen if you

Say /what you wanna say

And let the words fall out/ 2x)

for what we want is

Peace Not War.

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