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1.Read the following text. Answer the questions (1-9) after the text in a maximum of FIVE words on the
lines that follow the questions. There is an example (0) at the beginning.
John F. Kennedy
Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, into a wealthy family. Educated at Choate preparatory school
and Harvard University, he graduated in 1940. Following naval service in the Pacific in World War Two, he
entered politics in 1946 and won election as a Democrat to the US House of Representatives. Spurred on by
his father, Joseph Kennedy, in 1952 John Kennedy was elected to the upper house of Congress, the Senate,
defeating the incumbent Republican.
Unsuccessful in gaining the 1956 Democratic vice-presidential nomination, Kennedy ran and won the party's
presidential nomination four years later. His defeat of vice-president Richard Nixon in the subsequent election
made him the nation's first Roman Catholic head of state. He was also, at the age of 43, the youngest president
ever elected.
His presidency got off to an uncertain start, despite the promise in his inaugural address of January 1961 that
the US would 'pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend [and] oppose any foe to
assure the survival and success of liberty ...'. Subsequently, his years in power were marked by several areas
of tension in foreign affairs, together with a rhetorical commitment to domestic reforms, and most of all to the
civil rights of black Americans.
He inherited the Eisenhower administration's plan to use anti-communist Cubans to invade Cuba in order to
overthrow Fidel Castro's government there. In April 1961 the invasion ended in failure, and in Castro's
survival. Many historians suggest it was this fiasco that led the Soviet Union to conclude that Kennedy was a
weak leader, and that they could get away with installing nuclear weapons on Cuba in 1962. The subsequent
Cuban missile crisis did much to restore Kennedy's reputation, as Soviet Communist Party leader Nikita
Khruschev withdrew the missiles - after a 13-day stand-off that included the naval quarantine of the island by
the US.
Domestically, Kennedy introduced the desegregation of the University of Mississippi in 1962, and of the
University of Alabama the following year - despite the opposition to this policy of each state's political
establishment. More substantial legislation to encode civil rights was not passed, however, until the subsequent
administration of Lyndon Johnson (1963-9).
Kennedy was assassinated by gun shot in November 1963. According to the Earl Warren commission
established to investigate the assassination, a lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, killed the president. However,
few people found this an acceptable conclusion, and there has been consistent speculation ever since that
Kennedy's death was the result of a conspiracy.
2. Read the following text. Parts of some sentences have been removed from the text. Choose the most
suitable part from the list (A-K) for each gap (1-9) in the text. There is ONE EXTRA part that you do
not need to use. Write your answers in the gaps. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

A. who have voiced their support ont he internet

B. who is well-known for her Karaoke performances
C. when I used to sing
D. Susan Boyle, from Blackburn, stunned judges
E. when I got older
F. and began to enjoy it
G. we would like to add our best wishes
H. now tributes from across the globe are flooding in
I. those who have clicked to watch
J. to perform at the Royal Variety Performance
3. Read the following text. Choose the best word from the list (A-O) for each gap (1-12) in the text,
and write its letter in the gap. There are TWO EXTRA words that you do not need to use. There is an
example (0) at the beginning.

A. what H. with
B. top I. has
C. surviving J. flowers
D. keeping K. more
E. flute L. note
F. most M. making
G. had N. of

1. Read this text about culture shock and then prepare a 3-4 minute talk in answer to the question
below, using the text as a starting point. You can use ideas from the text but do not quote sentences or
give a summary of the article. During the talk you may use the notes you have made but you are not
allowed to read them out. You will have 10 minutes to prepare.

2. Agree or disagree with your partner’s ideas, and finally try to reach an agreement. Talk about at
least 2 things you see written on your card. You can also add your own idea.

1. You would like to work as an au-pair in London. You read the following advertisement in the Guardian.
Write a letter of enquiry to the agency.

Ask about ALL the points you have underlined with the help of the bubbles. Write about each point in a
minimum of 2 clauses / sentences, one of which should include your own idea.

Do not write any dates or addresses. Finish your letter as appropriate but do not write any name underneath.

The minimum number of words is 120 and the suggested maximum is about 160.

2. You are studying tourism at college. You would like to win 500 Euros to help you finish your studies, so
you have entered a competition organised by the European Tourist Council. You must write an essay with the
title "The best hotel I have ever stayed at".
Write a descriptive composition including ALL the points below:

 location
 your room
 staff
 services

Write about each point in a minimum of 2 clauses / sentences. The minimum number of words is 120 and
the suggested maximum is about 160.

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