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Hernandez 1

Giesell Hernandez

Professor Teri Wyckoff

EDU 299

15 September 2019

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

To continue my Bachelors’ Degree in Education, I must pass the Praxis Core

Exam, these tests are required by the state department of education and by the colleges

and universities to measure the academic skills, achievements, and proficiency of each

individual upon entering or completing the teacher preparation programs. The given

passing scores for the Praxis Core Exam in Nevada for reading, writing, and math are as

followed: for math, you must obtain a 150, for the reading exam you must obtain a 156

and for the writing exam you must obtain a qualifying score of 162. Before taking the

practice Praxis Core Exam I did read about the exam and what I needed for me to pass

and used the practice questions from ETS to help myself better prepare for the exam. The

results I had received for the Reading exam was 41% which meant that I need significant

improvement. The results I received for the Math exam was at 60% which meant I need

improvement and for the writing exam I received 68% which meant I also need

improvement. Which if I were to take the official Praxis Core exam as of right now, I am
Hernandez 2

not likely to pass it, but with more practice, I can better prepare myself by giving myself

more time to study each section and concepts of those sections that I need the most help

on. I think by looking over all of the study material that ETS provides will help me better

comprehend the questions more, and also by using other helpful resources such as having

a tutor, or the library and other online resources might help me prepare myself more for

not only the Praxis Core Exam but all of the necessary exams that I need in order for me

to be successful in my career.

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