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Tableau & Exasol expert opinion

How to Analyze
Big Data in Tableau
How to Analyze 2
Big Data in Tableau
The terms Big Data, Data Lake, real- large data volumes when it comes to
time processing and streaming are analysis in general and visual analytics
all around us. While most analyses in particular? The short of it is: there
done in organizations are still at the isn’t that much of a difference. At the
‘spreadsheet level’, involving small detailed level, however, there are a
tables and manageable data volumes, number of things to consider to make
the challenge of working with very the analysis process as smooth and
large volumes (100 million records and efficient as possible, while also making
beyond) is something more and more the most of the rich and granular
people have to tackle. datasets available to you.
Whether you are a data analyst We want to share a few tips for
searching for insights in your data, a analyzing Big Data in Tableau. These
decision maker in need of actionable ideas apply generally to visual analysis
information to drive your company and we have included a couple of
strategy, or you lead a team of analysts interactive visualizations to help you
who want to use their tools in the better understand how you can put the
most effective way, handling big data suggestions into practice.
volumes is a topic you will not be
able to ignore in the long-term. So
what is so special about working with
Know and understand 3
your data
Having a good grasp of your data will help not be required to gain insights and 2009-2015, colored by Taxi Type
you work with massive datasets much can be slowed down by processing (Yellow cabs vs. Green cabs).
more effectively. This includes some power. Knowing and understanding
The map clearly shows the dominance
preparatory work with the metadata, your data means you can run effective
of Yellow Cabs in lower Manhattan,
identifying the fields available, data types, visual analyses without running into
the coverage by Green Cabs of the
hierarchies that exist in the dataset, date performance problems.
Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn, and the
ranges and the level of granularity.
Exasol and Tableau, together, are ready popularity of the route to JFK airport.
Why is this helpful? Working with data to handle your analysis, your exploration,
This dataset contains 1.2 billion records
volumes in excess of several hundred and to help you answer the really tricky
for taxi trips between 2009-2015. Do
million records means that when questions. Just make sure your computer
we need all those data points to see the
visualizing individual data points, we need can keep up!
above pattern? Not really.
to understand what happens when we
place specific fields into a view. Applying a simple date filter helps
reduce the data to a subset and gives us
When you build a scatterplot in Tableau Use effective filters a starting point for our analysis.
and drag a field onto the Level of Detail Filtering? But why? You want to explore
marks card, which has record level detail, Any pattern we detect can now be
all your data, right? You certainly
the result will be a visualization with a investigated further. For example, by
should be able to tackle your analytical
huge amount of data points. The larger only looking at the data for Queens
questions using all of your data if that’s
the number of data points displayed, the but extending it out across all dates,
what you want to do. Filters can help
greater the processing demands on your or reducing it to Green Cabs across all
you to structure your analysis in a way
machine to render the visualization. Boroughs.
that also supports the previous point
Understanding what each field in your about knowing your data: There are
dataset represents, means you can build only so many data points you can
visualizations more effectively. realistically work with and interpret in a
single view at any one point. The view displays
We want you to visually explore and 325,557 data points.
analyze as much data as possible, Take maps for example. We visualized
while being mindful that displaying four taxi pickups for New York City on
million data points at once will probably February 1 for every year between
Know and understand 4
your data
Using effective filters therefore gives us Which filters will work best? Are you
 European market analysis | Growth across key regions
the best chance of staying in the flow of interested in specific date ranges
analysis, moving from one insight to the across all regions or do we need to
next, going from the aggregate level to visualize a single region’s results across
the finest detail, tackling subsets of data all years?
and generating hypotheses which we
How can we produce aggregated

then test against ALL the data.
visuals that tell an effective story and
Visual analysis is the strength of Tableau reflect the insights we found in the
– and for massive data volumes, Exasol detailed data?
is a powerful enabler to keep you in
What flexibility do our users need

the flow, working without disruptions
when it comes to interacting with the
as your data processing will be
data in a dashboard?
exceptionally fast.
No waiting, no coffee breaks to kill time.
You‘ll be able to focus on your analysis,
get those insights and move on.
Knowing and understanding your
data before you dive deep into your
analysis will help you find the smartest,
most effective approach to your data
Know and understand 5
your data

Interactivity and There are ways to address this. If yourself the freedom to make The resulting dot plot shows the
your product manager wants a some recommendations here): concentration of harmful ozone levels
user-centric design comprehensive dashboard based on A dashboard you deliver which for a single state, at the ‘hour of the
It can be tempting to give your audience ALL of the available data relating to the provides them with guided analysis day’ level across months, displaying
ten different quick filters to customize product domain, and wants a lot of around the business questions every single reading for that state that
the dashboard for their preferences so flexibility in this dashboard, then you they have. You can also deliver an falls above a certain value.
they can drill down into the detailed data basically have two options: additional ‘self-service’ exploratory
for their department, a specific team, or dashboard, where you establish
Option 1: Give them a dashboard

even individual employees. the connection to the database,
with all the filters they ask for,
create a couple of ‘starter views’,
The question I want to challenge you but reduce the underlying data The dot plot for California
and give them the ability to drag
with, is this: Do you really need all that to aggregated levels as the contains 477,109 data points.
and drop, bringing in fields and
flexibility, which also assumes a certain individual transaction-level data Imagine how many data points
running their own analyses on
sophistication from your end users is unlikely to be required. Should would be in the chart if every
more detailed data.
when it comes to dashboard usage and they wish to go that far into the state was displayed at once …
an understanding of interactive data detail, discuss whether providing Okay, so aside from not filling up
visualizations? And are you willing to drilldown capabilities in a separate your dashboard with numerous quick
make compromises for the sake of this dashboard (one that doesn’t filters, what else can you do to create
flexibility? contain all the high-level business an effective dashboard your users will
insight visualizations as well) would WANT to interact and work with?
Quick filters impact performance and
be better and give them a second
there are simple ways to avoid the Use Dashboard Actions to drive
dashboard where they can get into
challenge that comes with Tableau filtering and highlighting in your
the detail, but with limited filtering
sending queries to the database to workbook, and use it to reduce
identify the values that need to be complexity. As a result, you would
visualized, for the given selection made Option 2: Recommend a two-
 give your users a similar level of
in a quick filter. Multiply this effort of pronged approach and challenge control over the display as what
querying all the possible values across them on the flexibility they are would be achieved with quick filters.
all the quick filters in your view and you asking for (after all, YOU are
In the below example of a dashboard
understand where performance issues the expert when it comes to
about Air Quality in the US, ozone
can come from. visualization and analysis, so give
levels were analyzed for each state.
Know and understand 6
your data
The hexmap acts to fulfill different Seasonal patterns of unhealthy ozone levels in the US Dashboard actions work very quickly and
objectives: are intuitive to use. Including specific
instructions and calls to action that draw
provide context: i.e., we’re looking

people‘s attention to these levels of
at US data and the data is at a state
interactivity will ensure your audience
explores the data and information.
drive interactivity from the

With this user-centric design approach, you
audience: i.e., ‘Select a state’ lets
can guide your audience not just through
the viewer take an action and
a single dashboard but through layers of
navigate through the data
information and an entire data story step by
filter the results: i.e., in the dot
 step. Whether you use Tableau‘s story points
plot, only the values for a single to let your insights unfold or you apply
state are displayed at once to show dashboard actions that take your viewers
a meaningful view where patterns from one page to the next, you can use
become obvious. This would be interactivity to guide your audience to, and
obscured if all states were shown through, your findings and let your analysis
together. Additionally, the hexmap develop gradually.
also filters the slope chart in the
In my opinion, guided analysis can be
top right corner to show an overall
much more effective than handing over a
increase or decrease between the
dashboard with a dozen filters, resulting in an
first and the most recent year of
audience unsure what to actually look for.
the measurements.
As the analyst, show your findings and tell
your audience how you got there. Take
them from the summary level into the detail
of your data. Share information, create ‘Aha’
moments, and engage people by making
data and insights accessible.
Know and understand 7
your data

Enrich your data Yes, you may already have massive

amounts of data and adding
As a third recommendation, I want to ‘complexity’ by joining further data
suggest that you enrich your data to could seem too ambitious, given
make it more meaningful. the time or expertise available in
your team. Don’t let that restrain
Our ozone data is interesting and rich
you, though. Find people in your
and gives us plenty of opportunity
organization who can support you
to explore different hypotheses,
by making data available, preparing
but imagine if we combined it with
custom views for you, or assisting
population data, as well as the
with finding relevant data in the first
numbers of cars and factories in the
area where the sensors are located ...
This would allow us to correlate the Telling better data stories with richer
data and gain even more insights, tell datasets will be a worthwhile effort
more data stories and reach a broader that can inject fresh ideas for the
audience. business areas you work with and can
help them identify new focus areas
You have massive datasets in your
and priorities.
organization and want to drive
insights from them. It is important to
identify whether they can be joined
to other relevant data in a meaningful
way. This allows you and the other
analysts in your team, department or
organization, to dig deeper, analyze
more and to identify new ideas that
were possibly never thought of
Are you ready? 8

Start with Big Data data to give you scope for more
analysis, meaningful correlations
Get to know your data and gain a and new insights that can push your
good understanding of your metadata organization into new directions.
which can help you analyze it more I’d love to hear how you use Tableau
efficiently and effectively. Make to bring your Big Data to life. If that’s
sure you use effective filters and not yet what you’re doing but you are
don’t immediately default to the keen to play with massive datasets in
commonly used quick filters that can Tableau, or any other tool you have
impact performance. Instead, create access to, register for access to our
dashboards that use interactivity publicly hosted data sets that you can
and are designed for the audience. explore, analyze and visualize ...
Take people on a journey through
your insights, working from the
high-level findings to the granular
details, moving from one point to
the next effectively and without
performance implications. Keep your
design clean and simple to support
this structure and, lastly, enrich your
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