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Indian Journal of Textile Research

Vol. 11, March 1986, Pp.19-22

Influence of Number of Draw Frame Pas sag s

on Fibre Hooks inside Rotor
Department of Textile Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 1100 6, India
Received 3 July 1985; revised and accepted 5 September 1985

The number of draw frame passages had a marginal influence on the magnitude of hooks in the ro or; the direction of feed
had no effect. The mean hook extent of the rotor fibre ring was affected neither by the draw frame pass ges nor by the direction
of feed, but was always less than the mean hook extent of the feed sliver.

Keywords: Draw frame, Fibre hooks, Rotor spinning

1 Introduction were used as tracers. The trac fibre thus prepared was
The structure of rotor-spun yarn is entirely different mixed with the normal vi ose rayon fibre, the
from that of its ring-spun counterpart. The presence of concentration of tracer in the mix being 0.05%. About
hooked, looped and folded fibres gives the yarn much 40 g of the tracer-mixed fibre as spread evenly on the
of its unique character. However, at the same lime, feed table of a' Shirley miniat re card and passed' twice
these fibres are partly responsible for the lower through it. The web produc d at the second passage
tenacity of rotor yarn compared to ring yarn 1,2. In was passed through a trumpe to obtain a carded sliver
rotor spinning, once the desired number of layers of of 056 hank. The card was t en stopped, cleaned and
fibres is deposited inside the rotor, the accumulated the procedure was repeate so as to produce a
layers are simply twisted and then lifted from the rotor sufficient quantity of sliver. part of the carded sliver
groove to form the yarn. The configurations of fibres was separated and the rest s processed on a Platt's
in the yarn core will therefore be almost similar to minia ture draw frame, by kee ing a draft and doubling
those of fibres in rotor fibre ring. Hence, the six. Part of this once-drawn siver was kept as such, the
parameters affecting the configurations of fibres in the rest being given one more r issage. The process was
rotor ring will also influence the fibre shapes in the repeated to obtain slivers dra n once, twice, thrice and
yarn. Besides, according to Artzt", fibre configuration four times.
in rotor ring can also affect the spinning properties.
Singh and coworkers" and Dyson" have shown how 22 CoUection of Fibre Rings
the configurations of fibres and their orientation are Three ends of the same sli er, containing the tracer
affected by various processing parameters like opening fibres, were fed simultaneo ly to a Suessen OE spin
roller speed, wire angle and density, and suction draft. tester, so that the resultant:near density of the sliver
However, information on how and to what extent the fed was 3.2 g/m (0.185 han . The feed rate, opening
number of draw frame passages and the feed direction roller speed and the rotor s ed were 8.3 mm/s, 108.3
of the sliver influence the configurations of fibres in the rps and 750 rps respectively. The slivers were fed both
rotor fibre ring is scanty. Hence the present study in in the normal and in the r verse directions so as to
which the fibre configuration has been characterized in enable the majority hooks 0 be fed as leading and
terms of hooks. trailing hooks to the openin roller. The machine was
stopped after 10s of runnin and the deposited fibre
2 Materials and Methods ring was gently removed fr m the rotor groove. The
Normal viscose rayon fibre of 1.5 denier and 38 mm procedure was repeated a n mber of times in order to
length was used. collect a large number of fib e rings from each type of
21 Preparation of Sliver
The tracer fibre technique was used. Some fibres 23 Noting down Fibre Configura n
were dyed with a solution of a whitening agent (Skay The parent sliver and the corresponding fibre rings
White) and dried at room temperature. The dyed fibres were put under ultraviolet li ht and viewed through a


powerful magnifying glass so as to note the is almost the same as that offeed sliver, but beyond this
configurations of the tr cer fibres. The extent of hooks the number of hooks in the rotor is greater than that in
was then measured. e fibre configuration in the the feed sliver. The opening roller has, therefore, the
sliver was classified as majority, minority and both- capability to generate hooks.
end hooks. Majority an minority hooks are those that Since the hooks present in the rotor also consist of
trail and lead in the c rding respectively. The fibre leading, trailing and both-end hooks, it becomes
hooks in the rotor fibre ring were classified as leading necessary to know how the same factor influences
and trailing hooks. H re, leading hooks are those separately the proportion ofleading and trailing hooks
whose hook direction m tches the direction of rotation inside the rotor. Fig.2 shows that both types of hook
of the rotor and the re rse is true for trailing hooks. ha ve a general tendency to decrease with increase in the
The mean hook xtent was determined by number of draw frame passages. The proportion of
calculating the averag of the values collected on leading hooks is always more than that of trailing
individual hook extenn the total hook extent was hooks, irrespective of the direction of the feed.
determined by multiplying the mean hook extent by To assess the degree of association between the
the total number of ooked ends (in percentage) proportion of hooks fed in and the proportion of
observed. hooks observed in the rotor fibre ring, correlation
coefficients and regression equations were found out
3 Results
for both the directions of the majority hooks present.
For majority hooks being fed in the leading and
3.1 Influence of Number of D aw Frame Passages on Hooks inside
Rotor trailing directions, the correlation coefficients were
0.69 and 0.71 respectively. The equations of the best-fit
In Fig.I, the propor ions of hooked fibres in the
lines were:
rotor fibre ring and in he respective feed slivers are
y = 0.24 X + 44 (majority hooks fed as leading)
shown as a function 0 draw frame passages. As is
Y = 0.32 X + 39 (majority hooks fed as trailing)
expected, the proportio of hooked fibres in the feed
where Y is the proportion of hooked ends in the rotor,
sliver decreases progre sively with increase in the
and X, the proportion of hooked ends in the sliver.
number of draw frame assages. 71% and 17% hooks
3.2 Influence of Number of Draw Frame Passages on Mean Hook
of the feed sliver corre pond to approximately 66% Extent
and 45% hooks in rotor fibre ring. The slopes of the
Fig.3 shows that the mean hook extent of the
two lines are different, t e line representing the hooks
hooked fibres inside the rotor is always less than that of
in feed sliver has a high r negative slope than that of
the feed sliver. Both the direction of feed and the
rotor ring, implying the ercentage of hooks present in
number of draw frame passages seem to have no
the feed sliver to be muc more sensitive to the number
influence on the mean hook extent of the rotor fibre
of draw frame passages han that of rotor fibre ring.
The direction of feed do s not seem to have any effect
on the magnitude of ho ks present inside the rotor.
o-----c Majority hooks fed a!'. leadi
The same trend was obs rved by Lunenschloss 7 also. 70
Irrespective of the dir tion of feed till once-drawn X----I<Majority hooks fed a!'. trailing
sliver, the proportion-of ooked ends in the rotor ring ~
~ 60
100 0-'-' '-Majority hooks fed as '0
leading V
~ 90 -'0"
jc- - - - -fCMajority hooks fed as 0
~ 80 trailing ..r: 40
c Leading
tJ 70 0
hook!'. in
~ 60 30 rotor
""o .Q
s 50
'040 D. ~~.-::::* Trailing
•... 20 hooks in
g 30 a.. rotor
~ 20
c. Sliver 10
c, 10

o 2 3 4 0 2 3 4
Number of draw frame passages Number of draw frame passages
Fig. 1- Effect of the number 0 draw frame passages on proportion Fig. 2- Effect of the number of draw frame passages on leading
of ho ked ends and trailing hooks in the rotor ring


3.3 Influence of Number of Draw Frame Passages on Total Hook is either due to increase in the proportion of hooked
Extent ends or to the hook extent.
In Fig.4 the total hook extent for the rotor fibre ring The total hook extent of t e leading and trailing
and the respective feed slivers are plotted against the hooks of the rotor fibre ring for the two different
number of draw frame passages for the two different directions of feed of the maj rity hooks is plotted
directions of feed of the majority hooks. Here also the against the number of draw fra e passages in Fig.5. As
total hook extent in the rotor fibre ring follows the in the case of the magnitude 0 hooks, the total hook
same downward trend. The direction of feed also extent of the leading hook, irrespective of the
appears to have no effect. However, the total hook direction of feed, and total ho k extent of both types
extent of feed sliver is much more than that of rotor show a diminishing trend wit draw frame passages.
ring till once-drawn sliver; beyond this the trend is The correlation coefficients between the total hook
reversed. The considerable reduction in the total hook extent of the feed sliver and ro r fibre ring, for the two
extent till once-drawn sliver owes to the reduction in different directions of feed, ere 0.71 (for majority
the mean hook extent since the proportion of hooks hooks being fed, as leading, t the opening roller) and
does not change much as shown in Fig.l. Beyond this, 0.65 (for majority hooks bein fed, as trailing, to the
the increase in the total hook extent compared to feed opening roller) respectively. T e equations of the best-
fit lines were:
o Majority hooks fed as leading
12 0
y = 0.23 X + 238 (major' y hooks fed as leading)
)( l< Majority hooks fed as trailing y = 0.22 X + 257 (major ty hooks fed as trailing)
-5 10
where Yis the total hook exte t of rotor fibre ring; and
c 9
41 X, the total hook extent of f ed sliver.
x 8
7 4 Discussion
0 6 ~Feed sliver The suppression of hooks and the extent to which

s ~M ~ they are suppressed durin, fibre separation and
II! 4 transportation may be asc 'bed to the following
;:;: factors: (i) The combing ac ion of the teeth of the
opening roller on the leading ends of the fibres held in
o 0 2 3 4 the feed nip 7; (ii) the brushin action the trailing ends
Number of draw frame passages of the fibres experience when hey are released from the
feed nip and pass through t e fibre beard held at the
Fig. 3- Effect of the number of draw frame passages on mean hook
extent nip 7; (iii) the action of sucti n draft operating in the
transport channel; and (iv) t e rubbing action of the
trailing part of the fibres ag inst the inner surface of
o o Majorl ty hooks fed the transport channel whe the leading ends, after
as leading
>t)f--~I( Majority hooks fed
as trailing
C 600
E 300 )(

...o ~x
o II!


300 s:
hooks in


100 Trailing
hooks in
0 2 3 4
Number of draw frame passages
Number of d aw frame passages
Fig. 4- Effect of the number of draw frame passages on total hook Fig. 5- Effect of the number 0 draw frame passages on total
extent leading and trailing hook extent in the rotor ring


having been deposited on the rotor wall, are carried the number of hooks reduced or increased in size. For a
forward rapidly. sliver that has undergone a particular number of draw
Of these, the last three will be effective in frame passages, the above-mentioned factors probably
straightening out the tiling hooks, whereas the first balance each other in such a fashion that the direction
will be effective in rem ving leading hooks only. of feed ultimately shows no effect. The slight reduction
The generation of h oks, when a well-parallelized in the proportion of hooks with draw frame passages is
sliver is fed, could be due either to the action of the probably due to the reduction in the proportion of
teeth of the opening rolls r, which remove the fibre after hooked ends of the sliver being fed to the machine.
making them hook around the teeth 5, or to the im pact When hooked fibres pass through transport channel
of the fibres against th wall of the transport channel the trailing hooks only possess a fair chance of getting
when they are thrown ith a high force owing to the straightened out by the suction draft and factor (iv)
centrifugal force acting n them. When a card or once- mentioned earlier. Hence the leading hooks are always
drawn sliver, where ho ks are too many, is fed, the in excess of trailing hooks.
proportion of hooks st aightened out by these four The correlation coefficients show that the degree of
factors is almost equal t that of hooks generated out association between the hooks or the hook extent of
of the small percentage f straight ends present in the sliver and rotor ring is not very poor. The higher values
sliver as well as 0 the percentage escaping of the correlation coefficient in both the cases when
straightening-out action As a result, there is no change majority hooks are fed in the leading direction could be
in the magnitude of ho ks compared to that of feed. due to a lesser probability of a leading hook being
Therefore, the reduct on in total hook extent straightened out during the separation and transpor-
compared to feed is bas cally due to the reduction in tation process. The physical significance of the
mean hook extent. As ne feeds a well-parallelized intercepts of the regression equations is the fact that
sliver, the mean hook ex ent of the fibre ring does not even if a sliver completely free from hooks is fed, one
change as such, but th hooks generated out of the could expect a larger number of hooked ends in the
large number of straig fibres present in the sliver rotor ring.
outnumber the hook removed from a small
percentage of hooked e ds present in the sliver. As a 5 Conclusions
result, there is an overall increase in the proportion of The magnitude of hooks and their total extent in the
hooked ends to such an extent that even though the rotor ring are only marginally affected by the number
mean hook extent of th feed sliver remains always of draw frame passages. The direction of feed of
greater than that of the fi re ring, the total hook extent majority hooks does not seem to have any effect.
of the fibre ring becomes ore compared to that of the The mean hook extent of the rotor fibre ring, which
feed sliver. is always less than that of feed sliver, does not change
The mean hook ext nt of the fibre ring was with draw frame passages. The direction of sliver feed
influenced neither by t e number of draw frame has no influence on it.
passages nor by the dir tion of feed. However, the The total hook extent of the rotor fibre ring is much
mean hook extent of the f bre ring was always less than less compared to that of feed sliver till once-drawn
that of feed sliver. This i because a large number of sliver; beyond this the trend gets reversed.
hooks is reduced in size ather than being completely A certain proportion of. hooks in the rotor can
straightened out, resultin in a reduction in the mean always be expected even if a sliver free from any hooks
hook extent. Since the tot I hook extent is the product is fed.
of mean hook extent an the total number of hooks,
and since the mean hoo extent is not influenced by References
both the number of dr w frame passages and the I Hunter L, Text Prog, 10 (1978) 75.
direction of feed, the resp nse of the total hook extent 2 Cat ling H, Studies in modern yarn production (The Textile
of the fibre ring to dra frame passages and feed Institute, Manchester) 1968, 75.
3 Artzt P, Mel/iand Textilber, 57 (1976) 91.
direction would be exactl similar to the response of 4 Singh V P, Grosberg P and Oxenham W, Influence of opening
the total number of hooks to draw frame passages and ro//er speed on rotor-spun polyester/cotton yarn quality and
feed direction. The ultim te number or proportion of spinning stability, Paper presented at the seminar on rotor
hooks to be expected insid the rotor depends upon the spinning, lIT Delhi, 11-12 September 1981.
5 Dyson E and Behzadan H, The yarn revolution (The Textile
balance of factors like the proportion of hooks
Institute, Manchester) 1976 , 15.
generated or removed an the proportion of hooks 6 Nield R, Monograph on open-end spinning (The Textile Institute,
passing intact to the rotor roove. Similarly, the mean Manchester) 1976, 15.
hook extent depends upo the balance of factors like 7 Lunenschloss J, Hoth G and Schusser H, Mel/iand Textilber, 55
the number and size of the newly generated hooks and (1974) 403.


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