The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

It is undeniable that the Internet has numerous benefits, such as providing

valuable information, we can do many things from our houses that help us and
communication is less complicated. However, the use of the internet has some
disadvantages, such as consuming a lot of our time, relations between people
are worse and can put us at risk to receive false information.

The first of all, the internet has a lot of valuable information about all topics for
everyone. For example, people can find many magazines, newspapers and
books of their interest. People can read about the life of someone very
important, they find beauty and fashion tips or can inform of what is happening
around them and especially they can get to learn a new language online.

Second, people can do many things from their houses because they can handle
at any time their financial matters comfortably, buying something without leaves
home, making the necessary bookings for a trip and comparing prices online, so
they save time, energy and money. Also, communication is less complicated
because people can talk with other people and receive messages easily and
exchange ideas and share information with others.

However, the internet is consuming a lot time because people have become
addicted to the Internet wasting their time surfing on the web and they prefer
talking online than face to face, so the Internet has become a fascinating toy
instead of a helpful tool. For that reason, the direct interaction and
communication between people are being affected and many marriages are
being destroyed.

Finally, the internet contains misinformation that poisons our minds like
pornography, violence, terrorism, drugs and sex. This is because there are no
rules about who can publish their ideas, information, images and suggestion. As
a result, people think that all these things are not bad because they often see
that information on internet.

In conclusion, although the internet offers us a lot of advantages by knowing

more information about other people or other subjects, it also allows us to talk
with people that live in other countries, reading different books with several
topics, in general is a good tool for us. But, the internet has become an
addiction for a lot of people that prefer waste their time playing video games
and chatting with people that could be dangerous. However, we should be
responsible when we use the internet. On the other hand, using the Internet can
benefit us, so the decision is on our hands.

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