Palestine Issue: Homeland Is Needed To Stop The Violence Against The Jews."

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Palestine Issue

1. Funding for modern Zionism - Theodore Herzl - a leading Jewish sympathizer “a Jewish
homeland is needed to stop the violence against the Jews.”
2. Balfour Declaration 1917 - British Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917
 view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the
Jewish people
 will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object
 nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine…”
3. Sykes-Picot Agreement
 On May 19, 1916, Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as
the Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of
the Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and French spheres of
influence with the conclusion of World War I.
4. LON, July 24, 1922 “Mandate for Palestine” – Unanimous Declaration of 51 Memebers
 “Recognition Has Been Given to the Historical Connection of the Jewish People
with Palestine and to the Grounds for Reconstituting their National Home in
that Country.”
5. Mandate for Palestine - The British Mandate
 Great Britain was entrusted by the LoN with the responsibility to administer the
area delineated by the “Mandate for Palestine” in accordance with the
provisions of the articles of the Mandate.
6. 1920 – Original Mandate Territory - Assigned to the Jewish National Home (Figure)
 Iraq was given to Faisal bin Hussein, son of the sheriff of Mecca in 1918. To
reward his younger brother Abdullah with an emirate, in 1922, Britain cut away
77 percent of its mandate over Palestine earmarked for the Jews and gave it to
Abdullah, creating the new country of Trans-Jordan or Jordan, as it was later

7. British Double Dealing/Betrayals and Promises

 It’s all about the double dealing of Britain, and promises and betrayals
 It has promised the same land to Arabs and Jews simultaneously.
 Actually Russia, France and Britain wanted to divide Ottoman Empire to keep
the balance in the region that’s why they ignited the Arab Nationalism to reduce
the power of the ottomans.
 After Sykes picot Arabs (Balfore Declaration) and ottomans felt betrayed
especially Arabs.
 Arabs fought with British against Ottomans (Arab Revolt 1916-1918)
8. US stance on the Issue
o Woodrow Wilson March 3, 1919
 Expressed his deep belief in the eventuality of the creation of a Jewish
o Warren G. Harding September 21, 1922
 Signed the joint resolution of approval to establish a Jewish homeland in
9. UN Partition Plan 1947 (Resolution 181)
 Post WWII Britain sends the issue to UNO
 UN partitioned British controlled Palestine into Arab and Jewish states (Lands)
 Results
 Jewish happily accepted the plan
 Received 55% of the land even though they had 34% population
 Palestinians and All Islamic countries rejected the plan
 The world supported it because they felt bad about Holocaust.
10. First Arab Israel War
 May 15 Israel declared its independence from Britain
 That led to war
 5 Arab countries Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon attacked Israel
 Results
 Israel defeated Arabs and seized territory UN had designated to
 Arabs refused to sign peace treaty after ceasefire
 No Arab country recognized Israel
 750,000 Palestinian refugees fled to Arab countries
11. Suez Canal Crisis 1956

12. Second Arab Israel War 1967

13. PLO

14. Yasser Arafat

15. Conspiracy to Malign Freedom Struggle

16. Third Arab Israel War, 1973 (Yom Kippur War- 1973)

 Egypt and Syria attack Israel on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur
 Israel again successfully defends itself with no changes in borders.
 Middle Eastern countries agree to stop sending oil to Western countries
like the United States.
 Gas shortages occur
 Spill over into US and Russia
 Russia supplies Arab countries with weapons
 US supplies Israel with weapons
 Tensions rise between US and Russia

17. Camp David Accords, 1979

18. Israel Invasion of Lebanon, 1982

19. Resistance Movements

20. Intifada, Shaking Uprising

21. Rise of Hamas

22. Oslo Accord, 1993

23. Jordan-Israel Pease Agreement, 1994

24. 2000 – 2005 Second Intifada

25. Advent of Mehmood Abbas on the scene

26. Israeli Disengagement, 2005

27. Hezbollah and Israel War

28. Resistance movements become political powers

29. Short War between Fatah and Hamas

30. War in Gaza, 2008 – 2009

31. Unresolved Issues

32. Unresolved Issues
33. Conclusion
 "Compared to the findings of survey in June 2014, support for the two-state
solution decreases among Israelis from 62% to 51% and among Palestinians
from 54% to 51%...
 56% of Palestinians think that Israel's goals in the long run are to extend its
 25% think the goals are to annex the West Bank while denying political
rights to the Palestinians.
 43% of the Israelis think that the Palestinian aspirations in the long run are
to conquer the State of Israel and destroy much of the Jewish population in
 18% think the goals of the Palestinians are to conquer the State of Israel.“

June 23, 2015 - Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR)

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