University of Engineering and Technology Lahore: Section Content

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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

Section Course Outline Report

Department: Transportation Engineering and Management Printed Date: 19-Aug-2019

Section Course Detail

Semester SUMMER 2019

Department Transportation Engineering and Management

Section A

Subject Title CE-314A Plain and Reinforced Concrete


M easureable Student Learning Outcomes

CLOs Description PLOs Level

CLO1 To explain the design methodologies, structural systems and their load PLO01 High
transfer mechanism

CLO2 To design singly and doubly reinforced rectangular RCC beams and PLO03 High
monolithic T- beam

CLO3 To distinguish between different types of slabs and design of continuous PLO03 High

Grading Policy

Q1 10.0% , Mid Term 30.0% , Q2 10.0% , End Term 40.0% , CP 10.0%

Class Timings

Section Content

Week Topics

Chairman Signature: _________________

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