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Hay 90 microclimas diferentes en el Perú

Perú tiene los paisajes más diversos de todos los países en los que he estado para convertirlo en
uno de los países con mayor diversidad biológica del planeta y mi favorito para visitar y
fotografiar. Gracias a las abundantes selvas tropicales y 90 microclimas distintos, Perú se
encuentra entre los 10 países con mayor diversidad biológica del mundo. Es el hogar de 25,000
especies de plantas (10% del total mundial) y cerca de 5,000 especies de peces y animales. Ocupa
el primer lugar en el mundo en términos de distintas especies de peces, el segundo para las aves
y el tercer lugar para los anfibios y los mamíferos. De hecho, el Parque Nacional Manu en el
sureste de Perú recientemente estableció un récord de biodiversidad luego de que se
encontraron en el parque más de 1,000 especies de aves, 1,200 especies de mariposas y 287
especies de reptiles.

There are 90 different micro-climates in Peru

Peru has the most diverse landscapes of any country. Thanks to the abundant rainforests and
90 distinct microclimates, Peru counts among the 10 most biologically diverse countries in the
world. It is home to 25,000 plant species (10% of the world’s total) and close to 5,000 species of
fish and animals. It ranks first in the world in terms of distinct fish species, second for birds, and
third place for both amphibians and mammals. In fact, the Manu National Park in south eastern
Peru recently set a biodiversity record after more than 1,000 species of birds, 1,200 species of
butterflies and 287 species of reptiles were found in the park

Peru has the most diverse landscapes of any country. For example, Peru has 90 distinct
microclimates. Thanks to the abundant rainforest, Peru counts among the 10 most biologically
diverse countries in the world. If you traveled to Peru, you would know many things about the
culture of Peru. First you need to make a budget and save money for the trip, if you wish to
travel in many places of Peru. Also, you shouldn’t spend money in unnecessary things when
you’re in Peru. If you went to the sierra, you would buy cold clothes. If you went to the jungle,
you would buy warm clothes. It depends on the circumstances. And them, if you took a lot of
photos, you would be very happy because your dream is already complete. I wish that I could
travel around Peru because I would like to know many micro-climates in different places of Peru.

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