Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., Patiala: Roll Number

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Roll Number:

Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., Patiala

Department Chemical Engineering
BE-Chemical (Yr Semester) MST UCH605: Process Utility and
Industrial Safety
13m March, 2019
Time: 2 Hours; MM: 30 Name of Faculty:
Rakesh Kumar Gupta

Notes: Answer all the questions. Use of steam table and psychometric chart is allowed.
Assume suitable data or assumptions, if required. Draw neat diagrams as required.

Question description M.M.

Q. No.
1(a) What are different uses of steam generation? Classify boilers according to 4
relative position of hot gases and water, method of firing and nature of heat
source to be used.

1(b) A boiler generates steam at 98.1 kPa and 200°C from feed water at 37°C. The 4
coal used in furnace has a calorific value of 33681 kJ/kg and 10 kg steam is
generated per kg of coal burned. If 250 kg of coal is fired per hour, what will
be the boiler efficiency?

2(a) What is the use of jet ejectors in any process industry? Completely discuss 4
working of a steam jet ejector with help of suitable diagram.

2(b) Air at 290 K is compressed from 101.3 kPa to 2065 kPa in a two stage 6
p pt 25
compressor operating with a mechanical efficiency of 85%. The relationi
= constant applies during compression stages. The compression ratio in each of
stages is same. Calculate the work required for compression of per kg of air

3(a) What do you understand by hardness in water? What different types of hardness 4
are present in water? How water hardness can be removed from water? Discuss.

3(b) Air at a temperature of 37.8°C, pressure of 101.3 kPa and relative humidity of 5
52% is passed into a cooling tower. Air exits tower at temperature of 48.9°C
and relative humidity of 84%. Calculate the rate of water evaporation from
cooling tower if dry air flow rate is 28.3 m3/s in the tower.

Write short notes on followings: 1.5

a) Steam traps
b) Different uses of water in process industry

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