Automatic Current Range Detection For Biochemical Sensor: Wei-Lun Liu, Ming-Han Yu, Bin-Da Liu, and Chia-Ling Wei

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Automatic Current Range Detection for Biochemical Sensor

Wei-lun Liu, Ming-Han Yu, Bin-Da Liu, and Chia-Ling Wei

Department of Electrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University,

One University Road, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
+886-6-2098202, bruce,,, and

Abstract Digital
Input Current to Digital
Isensor Converter
In this paper, a current sensing mechanism for biochemical
sensor is presented. The sensing circuit consists of current
conveyor, current mirror, current range detection circuit, and
current to digital converter. The chip can be integrated in a Fig. 1 Block diagram of the proposed circuit.
potentiostat system. This work is implemented in TSMC
0.18-,um CMOS process, and the area is 0.5625 mrn . The A. Current Conveyor
measured current ranges from 20,uA to 1200,uA with average
linear correlation (R-squared) of 0.9986. The power When measuring the current flowing through the working
consumption of the proposed circuit is 1.41 mW from 1.8 V electrode of the potentiostat, the current conveyor [2] is used to
power supply. maintain the potential of the working electrode to be stable.

Keywords-Biochemical sensor, potentiostat, current mirror, B. Current Mirror

current range detection circuit.

When measuring the input current, the linearity of the output

Introduction current data is the most important item and must be taken into
consideration. Therefore, the first step is to reduce the input
In recent years, with the improvement in technology, current to an appropriate current range by a current mirror. To
medical instrwnents has ground-breaking development. The meet the design specification, in which the input current lsensor
public has gradually raised their requirement for health care is from 20 ,uA to 1200 ,uA, a three ratio reduction structure is
condition. Therefore, the demand for user-friendly medical presented. The current value is normalized to the same range
monitoring systems is increasing. The core architecture of this from 0.25 ,uA to 1 ,uA with better linearity. The current flows
kind of medical device is the biomedical sensor which has through the three current paths are denoted as Is, 1M, and h,
several features such as high specificity, high sensitivity, and which are the mirrored current of the original input current
instant output response. By changing different sorts of sensor lsensor. The current ratios of Is, 1M, and h to lsensor are designed
interfaces, various measuring purposes can be achieved. Users as 1180, 11320, and 111200 respectively.
can know about their physical conditions faster and more
conveniently than before with the help of medical devices C. Current Range Detection Circuit
enhancing the probability of early treatment and prevention of
diseases. For a general biomedical sensor, the concentration of The structure of the current range detection circuit is shown
analyte in the test solution is the basis of disease diagnoses. in Fig. 2. Similar to the structure of current mirror, this circuit
Thus, a potentiostat consists of three electrode (working, is also attached to the current conveyor. First, the sensor
reference, and counter electrode) is applied to detect the current lsensor is mirrored by the p-type MOS transistors so that
concentration [1]. By placing the electrode of the potentiostat the current flowing through the resistor RJ and R2 are identical
into the test solution, chemical reaction caused by potential to lsensof' Therefore, the voltages of VRJ and VR2 are determined
change will produce current flowing through the proposed by the product of the sensor current lsensor and the resistance
circuit. The current value is proportional to the concentration value of RJ and R2 respectively. The resistance of RJ is 2 kQ,
of analyte. Hence, a current sensing circuit is required. and that of R2 is 8 kQ, Vref is set to be 0.64 V. Outl and Out2
are the signal outputs indicating which current range is
Circuit Implementation selected. Switchl and Switch2 are transmission gates with
same structure but the latter one is placed inversely. If the
The architecture of the proposed circuit shown in Fig. control signal is low, Switch1 turns on, vice versa. The
consists of a current conveyor, a current mirror, a current range function of Switch2 is inverted. If lsensor is less than 80 ,uA,
detection circuit, and a current to digital converter. The Outl and Out2 remain low, only the current path Is flows
function works will be described in the following sections. through. If lsensor is in the range from 80 ,uA to 320 ,uA, Outl
remains low and Out2 changes to high, only the current path 1M
flows through. If lsensor is larger than 320 ,uA, both Outl and
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology,
Republic of China, under Grant #MOST 103-2220-E-006 -007.
978-1-4799-5127-71$31.00@)2014IEEE - 196- ISOCC2014
Out2 are changed to high, only the current path h flows
through. The value of h equals to one of the three currents each
16 f==:'''''
I ='
; " =,
.......... Theorelfcal line
---,- --, ,--- ,

Current Conveyor

, :

Oui2 04 >

;: :
t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Fig. 4 Linear relationship between both Outl and Out2 at low level.


Fig. 2 Structure of the current range detection circuit.

D. Current to Digital Converter

This ciucuit consists of a current to time converter, a counter,

and a register, and its function is to generate digital output

Experimental Results
Fig. 5 Linear relationship between Outl at low level and Out2 at high
The circuit has been fabricated in TSMC 0.18-,um CMOS
process. Fig. 3 shows the micrograph of the Ie. The chip area
is 0.75xO.75 mm • The relationship between the input current
to corresponding reciprocal time values obtained from digital
output codes are shown in Figs. 4 to 6. The trend lines and
theoretical lines of the output data are depicted in these figures.
In addition, the R-squared values are also shown in the figures.
Table I shows the comparison with other works of current
sensing architecture.


Fig. 6 Linear relationship between both Outl and Out2 at high level.

Comparison of Performance

Specifications This work [3] [4] [5]

Process (pm) 0. 18 0.5 0.5 0.35

Supply voltage (V) 1.8 5 3 5, 3.3

Clock frequency (Hz) 100M 1M lOOk lOOk

I pA- 100 fA-
Input current range 20 pA-1200 pA 0- 12 pA
IpA 1 pA
Power consumption
Fig. 3 Micrograph of the chip. 1.4 1 0.5 0.45- 1.2 5
Core area (mm2) 0.5625 1.2 1 9

Conclusion References
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20 1 1

978-1-4799-5127-71$31.00@)2014IEEE - 197 - ISOCC2014

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