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Examenul de bacalaureat national 2015

Proba C
de evaluare a competen_elor lingvistice într-o limbă de circula_ie
studiată pe parcursul învătământului liceal
Proba de întelegere a unui text audiat la Limba engleză
Toate filierele, profilurile si specializările/ calificările
• Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.
• Timpul de lucru efectiv este de 20 de minute.
SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)
You will hear a woman talking to an Australian about Hamilton, a
small country town. For questions
1 – 4 choose the best answer (A, B, C or D).
1. How many inhabitants are there in Hamilton?
A. 10000
B. 1000
C. 1000000
D. 100
2. Where is Hamilton situated?
A. in the south of Australia
B. in a small country town
C. in the south of Victoria State
D. three hours west of Melbourne in Victoria State
3. According to the man, the Australians have
A. only the language in common with the British
B. language, culture and television in common with the British
C. nothing in common with the British
D. everything in common with the British
4. What kind of food do Australians eat?
A. traditional
B. modern
C. traditional and modern
D. French and Asian
SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)
You will hear two people talking about camping. For questions 5 –
10, choose the best answer (A,B, C or D).
5. The first time Richard and Jackie went camping together was:
A. in Sicily, in an olive grove last summer
B. in Sicily last summer
C. in Sicily, in an olive grove a number of years ago
D. in Sicily, in an orange grove a number of years ago
6. When he was a child, Richard
A. went camping with his friends
B. used to go camping with his friends in the back garden
C. used to go camping with his family
D. used to go camping with Jackie
7. The tent Richard and Jackie used when they first went camping
A. is a modern tent
B. is not made of cotton
C. has flexible poles
D. is an old, rigid, cotton, A frame one
8. How did Jackie manage to make breakfast when they went
camping recently:
A. by making a campfire at the front of the tent
B. by singing around a campfire
C. by using a gas stove at the front of the tent
D. by being trendy
9. When they go camping and have to eat, they normally have:
A. a gas lamp
B. a folding table and chairs, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans
C. a gas stove
D. a gas lamp and a gas stove
10. Why did they buy a new tent?
A. there was room only for the mattress in the old tent
B. there was room only for their sleeping bags in the old tent
C. there was not room for the gas stove in the old tent
D. there was not room to sleep on hard ground in the old tent

SUBIECTUL I (40 de puncte)

4 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 40 de puncte
1-A; 2-D; 3-B; 4-C.

SUBIECTUL al II-lea (60 de puncte)

6 răspunsuri x 10 puncte = 60 de puncte
5-C; 6-B; 7-D; 8-C; 9-B;10-A.

Nivelul de competentă se va acorda în functie de punctajul

obtinut, după cum urmează:
- : 0-10 puncte
A1: 11 - 30 puncte
A2: 31 - 60 puncte
B1: 61 - 80 puncte
B2: 81 - 100 puncte

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