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Target business schools with courses- (As per priority)

1. Columbia Business School- Masters in Marketing Science

2. Ross school of Business- Masters in Management
3. Cornell- Masters in Management
4. HEC/INSEAD- Masters in Management

Background and a bit about my college journey-

The function of sociology, as of every science, is to reveal that

which is hidden.
Pierre Bourdieu

Just like my life my schooling hasn’t been stable or built on a strong foundation. Coming from an Army
background- I have changed closed to 7 schools in my 12 years of schooling- leaving me little to no time
to adjust or getting used to the system. Living with uncertainty and shifting every 2 years had it’s pros
and cons. On one way hand, I had opportunities experiencing and getting to be a part of different cultures
and environments but on the other, my foundation years haven’t quite been solid. Starting fresh with new
faces around and getting accustomed, trying to find a way to “fit in” became tougher as I grew up.
Regardless, I have tried to make the most of it.
I completed my 10th and 12th from Loreto Convent, Delhi Cantt- I was a commerce student and score 93%
with 95+ marks in Business studies and Economics. My 12th grade result made me feel accomplished and
satisfied, almost as if I had found my niche- Commerce/Business.
Thanks to my grades I somehow managed to secure admission in India’s top colleges- Lady Shri Ram.
Something I’ll always be grateful for (magic of LSR), as I consider it one of my most enriching yet
toiling/challenging period of my life. Though I came out stronger and wiser.
I opted for Sociology Hons. & my life took a 180 degree turn, I didn’t analyse well enough or think of my
long-term goals. To be honest, I was in always in awe of the college and had to make a choice between
English hons. And Sociology. I opted for the latter, because I wanted to learn something new and as they
say- “the biggest risk is not taking one” and I personally believe that education never goes to waste,
there’s so much the world has to offer and you can’t restrict yourself to just fields that align with your
goals- because life for me is all about experiences and new learnings.
I might not have performed too well or been amongst the top 5% of the class, but I can confidently say I
have learnt a lot more as compared to the others in my own way(s). I was one of the 3 students who came
from a “Non-Humanities” background. It started out well and I was enthusiastic to learn but being
assessed and learning don’t go hand in hand for me and I could somewhere feel the pressure and
competition building around me. Gradually through classes I found myself sleeping through most of my
classes in my first year, going home and crying about how I couldn’t keep up with everyone around me.
However, LSR being a brilliant institution with offering plethora of opportunities- I decided to invest my
time & energy in various clubs and causes! (All of which are mentioned in detail at the end)
All of this changed after the 1st year, I started working twice as hard and I even found a mentor who
motivated me to do well- Miss Anuragini Shriya. Gradually things started to change and that’s when I
knew I was really starting to get the hang of sociology. I started viewing everything from a sociological
perspective.Things started to make sense and I started enjoying the subject. The best part of my 3 years
would be the Research trip to Kochi where I worked alongside brilliant set of minds! Harshita Sinha,
Shyra Hoon & I worked together on our research paper on “Migrant Workers in Kochi: a comparative
study of non-migrant & migrant workers” and that experience is what makes up for my 3 years in
sociology. One of the most enlightening & transforming experiences; thanks to which I now carry little
parts of Durkhiem, Karl Marx, Bourdieu, Goffman & Weber with me wherever I go. I might want to get
back to business and do my masters in business but I carry a part of sociology that I try to infuse into the
business world in whatever little way(s) I can and as for the knowledge I gained over my 3 years with
sociology remain forever etched in ways
I now aspire to now be a part of the best business schools, the only drawback being my GPA which seems
to be a barrier. Though I feel my grades shouldn’t come in the way of my dream school as learning cannot
be quantified especially because to take my academic performance in Sociology as a yardstick would be
slightly unfair as the 2 fields cannot be correlated and request you to help with the same through a Letter
of Recommendation which
I would also like to bring to your notice that I’m currently work for Boston Consulting Group- one of the
world's leading consulting firms. The Boston Consulting Group has been showing Exceptional
Consistency as a Premier Employer and is One of Only Two Companies to Make the Top Dozen Every
Year Since 2006- I count this as my 2nd biggest achievment knowing how even economiv

Things to highlight in my LOR for business schools-

 strong critical thinking skills and the leadership capabilities necessary for success in the
management field.
 Improvement in performance as compared to first year
 Coming from a commerce background
 Helped exchange students (Hilary and Loulou from paris and australia) with the course
material in
 Research work- KOCHI
 Despite wanting to specialise in business/management field- Sanyogita has shown keen
interest in the field of sociology and tried
 Emphasis on leadership qualities
 Sanyogita is an intelligent student who engages me in conversation after class about books
that she reads. She doesn’t have the highest average in my class but has a true passion for
learning, and her paper on herbal medicines was thoroughly researched and very well-
 Although Janet struggled to see her own potential earlier in her college career, encouragement
from her advisor as well as her labmates, coupled with her own growing desire to succeed,
transformed this once tentative student into an important contributor to the lab.
 Leadership postions and great at mangement and marketing
 Jordan has shown a desire to grow and improve by consistently asking for feedback and taking
constructive criticism well. Every time I grade one of Jordan’s essays, he makes the recommended
changes and asks for a conference to reflect upon what he learned through the revision process.
 Now working with BCG- Top consulting firm shows how she was always determined and inclined to
get into business
 Joe demonstrated tremendous effort and growth throughout the year and brought a great energy
to class
 Gloria's research success was partially attributable to her strong interpersonal skills. She works
well with alltypes of people and quickly puts others at ease. A huge challenge in her research was
explaining the dietand exercise protocol to the participating children and their families. Gloria
quickly established a positiverapport with all 50 subjects and their parents
 Fortunately, Pradip persevered. After a rocky start, he improved his GPA and found his niche
 Suffered setback post college but patiently applied to jobs, determined got a job with BCG a
world-renowned business consulting firm

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