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Mohawk College

Heating and Cutting
• Edmund Davy a British chemist is
considered the first man to make acetylene
• In 1836 he came up with a black compound
(Potassium Carbide) which reacted with
water to produce a gas which burned with
great brilliancy.
• The cost of production was too high to
make it useable for lighting purposes.
• Calcium carbide was not made until 1862.
• It like potassium chloride when mixed with
water will produce acetylene.
• Neither of these compounds exists in nature.
• A mixture of quicklime and coal tar heated
in an electric furnace provided an
economical means of producing acetylene.
• Although oxygen is a naturally occurring
substance, 21% of the air we breath, it was
not until a method of purifying it became
available in 1905 that it could be used in the
welding process.
• The oxygen is pressurized until it is in a
liquid state, and then through a process
called fractionation it is separated from the
other gases in the air.
– Fractionation is the process of heating a
mixture and removing the different components
at there various boiling points. Distillation
– The boiling point of oxygen is -297.3 f
Oxy-Acetylene Cutting
• In 1907 Eugene Bournonville, showed the
US navy that 14” port holes could be cut in
2-3” plate in under 12 minutes.
• The previous method of chipping out the
hole took 7 men 10 days to cut one port
• Acetylene is made of _________________
____________________ C2H2.
• Other fuel gases include Methane, propane
and “Mapp” gases .
• When pressurized above _____________.
acetylene becomes very ___________ and
may ___________.
• Acetylene breaks down into Hydrogen and
Carbon gases. ____________ is very
• The acetylene in the tank is dissolved in
____________. Therefore it is in a liquid
state and is much safer to handle.
• Never set the acetylene pressure above
The Flames
• This is the _________ of the three flames
• Can be recognized by the __________
feather inside the envelope of the flame.
• This feather is excess ______________
• Used for welding aluminum (1225°f), Silver
soldering and hard surfacing.
– (Adds carbon to steel to harden the surface.)
The Flames
• 5300°f - 5800°f 2927°C - 3205°C
The Flames
Neutral Flame
• Temperature 5900°f 3260°c
• No Excess __________ or _____________
• Balanced flame
• This flame is used for ______ types of
• Also used for brazing and heating
– does not negatively affect the steel by adding
The Flames
Neutral Flame
• Temperature 5900°f 3260°c

Inner Cone Sharp to

Rounded point
The Flames
• Temperature 6300°f 3482°C
• This is the ___________ of all the flames
• Has an excess of _____________
• The excess oxygen causes “___________”
to form when welding.
• Used only for brazing and braze welding.
The Flames
• Temperature 6300°f 3482°C
Oxygen Cylinder
• Oxygen stored at pressures up to
__________ p.s.i.g.
• The cylinder is made of one
solid piece of high carbon steel.
• The cylinder is _____________
• Pressure tested to _________
• Most popular size is the A
cylinder which holds 244 cu in
Oxygen Cylinder
• The valve is also specially made
• It has a ___________, fully ________ and
fully ________, for this reason when ever
the cylinder is used the valve should be
completely __________.
• Also contains a bursting or rupture disk.
This is made of a low strength alloy that
will relieve at __________ p.s.i.g..
Oxygen Cylinder
• The cylinder valve is protected
by a “______________”.
• The cylinder should ________
be moved without the the safety
cap in position.
– If the valve is accidentally
knocked off the cylinder would
take off like a rocket.
Acetylene Cylinder
• Made of welded steel plate
• Much cheaper than oxygen cylinder
• They only have to hold _________ p.s.i.g.
• The cylinder is filled with
• This could be cement, wood chips, coke,
charcoal, or fused clay (Kitty Litter)
Acetylene Cylinder
• This porous material is saturated with
• The acetylene is absorbed into the acetone
• 25 times as much acetylene can, by volume,
be absorbed into one volume of acetone
• Never lay the cylinder _______________.
This will allow the acetone to flow into the
torch lines.This would cause a serious fire
Acetylene Cylinder
• The acetylene cylinder also has
a safety cap. Usually built right
into the tank.
– Fuse plugs are used instead of a
bursting disc. These will melt at
– If exposed to fire the plugs will
melt and relieve the pressure
Acetylene Cylinder
• If a large volume
of acetylene is
required then the
tanks are
connected to a
• A mechanical device that is used to control
the ____________________________.
• A controlled pressure of both oxygen and
acetylene are required to maintain a steady
• The working pressure can be set with an adjusting
screw acting on a spring loaded diaphragm
• Two stage regulators have two gauges or dials.
• One gauge shows _________________ and the
other shows regulated
Oxygen Regulators
To Set The flame
• The gas pressures are set by ____________
but the torch valves set the flame by fine
tuning the oxy-acetylene mixture.
Mixing the gasses
• ________________________________

• This is done in the ____________________
• On some torches the mixing chamber is part
of the torch body on others it is part of the
Directing the flame
• The tip has a precisely ________________
• at the end which gives you the needle like
flame for accurate heat and direction control
Acts as a handle
• The torch is made to be well balanced and
comfortable to hold so that the welder can
point and control the flame easily
Mixing Chambers
• Two types of mixing chambers, ________
_________________________________ or
low pressure mixer
Mixing Chamber
• The equal pressure mixing chamber is the
most common
• Works best with _____________________
of oxygen and acetylene
Mixing Chamber
• The injector type is used with smaller tips
when lower gas pressures (____________.)
are needed.
• A ____________is used to make the
oxygen flow more quickly. This faster flow
of oxygen creates a suction which helps
draw and mix the acetylene gas more
completely at lower pressures
Welding Tips
• Tips come in a variety of sizes
• Usually numbered _________________
• _____ being the largest and ______ the
• As the tip size changes it is the amount of
heat that changes not the temperature. The
temperature of a neutral remains at 5900°f
regardless of the size of the tip.
Welding Tips
• A ____ tip would use ___ p.s.i.g. of both
gasses a ____ would use ____p.s.i.g. of
both gasses
• If not enough pressure is used the flame will
be unsteady and will usually go out with a
loud “POP”!
• Made of heavy rubber with woven cord
• Usually colour coded.
– The oxygen hose is ______
– The acetylene is ________
• The hoses are also fitted with attaching nuts.
• The oxygen hose has a ____________ thread
• The acetylene hose has a “_______” hand
thread and is marked with a groove
– This prevents the possibility of connecting the
hoses up wrong
Bottle Cart
• The cylinders are best kept __________ to
the cart to prevent knocking the bottles
• This also allows easy transportation to
different work areas in the shop.
Flash Arrested
• This device is ___________________ and
prevents the possibility of a flame from a
flashback from burning back to the
• It is a ____________________ with a metal
ball and spring inside.
Flash Arrested
• The pressure of the gas pushes the ball off
it’s seat during normal operating
• In the event of a _____________ the ball is
forced into the seat by the spring and the
pressure caused by the flame
Safety Rules
• The welding torch is designed for
– It is not a toy! Do Not attempt to make bombs
out of balloons or bags filled with oxygen and
– The torch is not a cigarette lighter. The heat
from the torch will burn your face if you get to
Safety Rules
• The welding torch is designed for welding
and cutting only!
– It is not a hammer do not use the torch to tap
plates into position or to knock pieces off that
have been cut.
– Do not use it to blow off your clothes. The
oxygen may stay trapped between you skin and
clothes and cause them to burn very quickly.
Safety Rules
• Make sure that the area that you are
working in is free from _____________
– The molten cutting slag and spatter can fly up
to 30 feet ( 10 Meters) from the work area.
– Watch out for solvents and fuels!
Safety Rules
• Have your ___________________ nearby
and ready to use when welding and cutting.
– Make sure that you know how to use it!
Safety Rules
• __________________ or cut into metal
cans, drums or tanks unless you know what
was in them and they are safe.
– Clean the tank and fill with water to a point just
below where you are going to weld or cut.
– You can also seal and fill the container with an
_________ gas like CO2, argon or nitrogen
– When in doubt “_______________________!”
Safety Rules
• Do Not weld or cut steel on concrete or
cement floor.
– The cement is very ___________ and it holds a
certain amount of ____________. When heated
the water vaporizes and the pressure produced
by the steam can cause the surface to explode.
– Use a scrape piece of material as a heat shield
to protect the floor.
Safety Rules
• Make sure that your area is well
– The fumes produced by heating, cutting and
welding on painted or galvanized surfaces can
make you sick.
– Always use a fan or blower when working
Safety Rules
• Always wear ___________________
– your goggles protect your eyes from Flying
Spatter and slag and the the bright light of the
molten steel. Usually a #5 filter lens is used.
• Wear ________________________.
– Cotton and Wool clothes do not burn as well as
synthetic materials, so they are safer to wear.
___________________________ will melt if
heated and will stick to your skin. This
produces a very painful burn.
Safety Rules
• Wear a ___________________
and___________________ to protect your
arms and legs from spatter.
– Also make sure there are no loose threads or
cuffs on your pants that can trap spatter and
burn your legs.
• Wear ______________________________
– Never tuck your pants into your socks or boot
Safety Rules
• Always wear leather gloves and a jacket or
sleeves when oxy-acetylene cutting.
• Never carry matches or lighters in your
pockets. The spatter may cause them to
• If you have long hair then it should be tied
back or where a cap.
Safety Rules
• You should not wear jewelry when welding
and cutting.
• Chains and bracelets can get caught in
machinery such as grinders and drills. Rings
and metal watch bands can heat up causing
nasty burns
Safety Rules

• Safety is the ________

priority in the shop!
Back Fires and Flashbacks
• Back fires are usually caused by low gas
pressure. Usually a loud pop or series of
– _____________________________________
• Flashbacks are usually caused by blockage
of the tip or mixing chamber. Usually a loud
high pitch squealing sound.
– ______________________________ right
away and allow it to cool.
Welding Safety
• Inspect your equipment at least once a week
to make sure it is in good working order.
– Never try to fix a leaking torch or regulator,
return it to the welding supply store for repair.
– Never put grease or oil on the threads or
– Grease and oil will burn instantly when
exposed to oxygen.
Hose Safety
• Check your hoses for leaks every month or
so. If a leak is found use a proper splicing
kit to make a repair, __________________!
• Leaks can be found with _______________
_or by closing the torch valves and the
cylinder valves and ___________________.
Tip Cleaning
• ________________________________!
• Select a “drill” that fits the orifice snugly
• Open the oxygen valve a small amount to
keep filings from getting to the mixing
Tip Cleaning
• Clean the tip gently so that you do not
enlarge the hole you only want to unclog it.
Spark Lighter
• Always use a spark lighter to light the torch,
Matches and cigarette lighters should never
be used. The spark igniter is designed to
keep your hands ______” from the flame.
Setting up the Torches
• If the regulators are to be installed the tanks
must be “______________” to remove any
debris from the valve seat and threads.
– Always work with the outlet and regulator
pointing away from you!
• Attach the regulators to the tanks. Use a
proper size wrench.
– Do not over tighten the fittings _____________
Fittings are made of Brass
Setting up the Torches
• Remember that the fuel has a ___________
• Attach the hoses and the torches. Again
remembering not to over tighten them.
• Make sure that the regulator screws are
Setting up the Torches
• Open the acetylene tank valve _______turn.
It is only opened this much for safety
– Some acetylene tanks have double seated
valves in the tank so they must be opened all
the way.
• Open the acetylene torch valve and adjust
the regulator to the desired working
Setting up the Torches
• Open the oxygen cylinder ______________
until the handle stops. This is a double
seated valve.
• Open the torch valve and adjust the
regulator to the desired working pressure.
Setting the Flame
• Have your striker ready in your hand.
• Open the acetylene torch valve ______turn
and light the flame.
• Adjust the torch valve until a _________
flame is achieved.
– If there is too little acetylene ________ will fill
the air.
– If to much acetylene the flame may leave the
end of the tip.
Setting the Flame
• Open the oxygen torch valve ___________.
If opened to quickly it may blow out the
• Adjust the level to achieve the
Shutting down the Torch
• Turn off the _____________torch valve
• Then shut off the acetylene. If a small flame
is still present when the valve is completely
closed _____________________
Shutting down the Torch
• Turn _________ the cylinder valves and
_______________ the regulator screws.
• Open the torch valves and bleed the gases
from the hoses.
• Store the equipment in a safe area.
The Cutting Torch
• The flame preheats the steel to the Kindling
temperature Approximately 1500°f .
The Cutting Torch
• Then the high pressure oxygen stream
“Burns” the steel.
Kindling Temperature
• This is the temperature at which a material
will start to burn. Steel when heated to
1500°f (816°C) will kindle and burn.
• Could also be called the
“_________________________” or
“Ignition Point”
The Cutting Torch
One Piece Torch
• This torch is designed for cutting only.
• It is heavier and more rugged than a
combination torch and it is much longer
which keeps your hands away from the
flame and heat.
The Cutting Torch
One Piece Torch
The Cutting Torch
Combination Torch
• This is a regular welding torch with a
special attachment called a cutting “Head”
that screws onto the end in place of a
welding tip.
• With this torch the oxygen valve on the
torch handle is _________ all the time.
The Cutting Torch
Combination Torch
Cutting Tips
• Tips come in different
styles and different
sizes for cutting
different thickness' of
• Larger tips have larger
holes to give a larger
____________ flame.
Cutting Tips
• To clean the cutting tip
• First ______ the end flat with a small file.
– Then turn the ___________ on low to blow out
any filings
– Select the proper drill to clean out the preheat
holes and the cutting orifice
– Then give it a quick blast on the oxygen trigger
Oxygen Cutting Safety
• The slag can fly up to ________’ away
from the cut. Be very careful of flammable
Oxygen Cutting Safety
• Always wear ______________________
• Always wear ______________________
• Never cut steel on a concrete or cement
• Never cut into _______________ unless
you know what was in them and that they
are clean
Starting a Cut
Cutting Plate
Cutting Guide
How to Cut A Hole
– Heat the area where you want the hole
– Raise the torch tip _______s of an inch and
trigger cutting oxygen
– When a hole is blown through then proceed to
cut out your hole the the final dimension.
Cutting Angle Iron
• Start at the
and work
toward the
corner on
Cutting Round Bar
Cut Diagnosis
Cut Diagnosis
– 1. Good cut
– 2. Too slow
– 3. Preheat too hot
– 4. Oxygen too low
and slow speed
– 5. Nozzle is too
Cut Diagnosis
– 6. Too slow erratic
– 7. Speed too high
– 8. Erratic cutting
– 9. Careless

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