DLP Mapeh g9

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Lesson plan in Mapeh

Grade 9

Date: 10/07/2019

Time: 3:15-4:15

I. Objectives

A. They will learned about the Social dances and dance mixers

B. They will explained the dance etiquette

C. They demonstrate difference dance

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Dance Etiquette

Reference: Physical Education & Health

Material: Book

III. Lesson procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

. Prayer

. Greeting

. Checking Attendance

B. Recall/Review

What we Discuss Yesterday?

C. Motivation

Show some video about the etiquette of dances.

D. Discussion

Our topic today is about dance etiquette, what do you think are the etiquette when it comes

E. Generalization

Who among you can summarize our topic today? About what have you learn?

IV. Application

Group yourself into 5 groups and we will have activity, you will performed the Cha Cha Dance

V. Evaluation

Direction: Answer the following question

1-5 What are the don’ts in term of outfits and dance shoes.?

VI. Assignment

Search about the different dances the are existing up to the present.
Lesson Plan In Mapeh

Grade 9

Date: 10/08/2019

Time: 3:15-4:15

I. Objectives

A. They will know about the Nature and Back ground of solid dances and dance Mixers.

B. They will explained the latin dances and modern standard dances

C. They will performed the the latin dances and modern standard dances.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Nature and Back ground of Social and dance Mixers

Reference: Physical Education & Health

Material: Book

III. Lesson procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

. Prayer

. Greeting

. Checking Attendance

B. Recall/Review

What we Discuss Yesterday?

C. Motivation

Show some video about the dance of Latin America and Modern standard dances

D. Discussion

Our topic today is about Nature and Back ground of solid dances and dance Mixers.

E. Generalization

Who among you can summarize our topic today? About what have you learn?

IV. Application

Choose a Partner and you will perform the Cha Cha Dance.

V. Evaluation

Direction: Answer the following question.

1. -2 what are the two major of social dances?

3-4 Give 2 example of latin America dances

5. Give 1 example of Modern standard dances.

V. Assignment

Search about the fitness side of social dancing and dance mixers.
Lesson Plan In Mapeh

Grade 9

Date: 10/09/2019

Time: 3:15-4:15

I. Objectives.

A. They will know about the misconception about drugs of abuse.

B. They will inform aout the bad effects of Drug abuse

C. They will explain the bad effect of drugs abuse.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Misconception about drugs of abuse

Reference: Physical Education & Health

Material: Book

III. Lesson Procedure

IV Lesson procedure

A. Preparatory Activity
. Prayer

. Greeting

. Checking Attendance

B. Recall/Review

What we Discuss Yesterday?

C. Motivation

Show picture cause of drug abuse.

D. Discussion

Our topic today is about Misconceptions about drugs of abuse.

E. Generalization

Who can summarize our topic today on what have you learned.


Group your self into 5 and you will make an acrostic poem. Use the letters of the words” SAY

VI. Evaluation.

Direction: Answer the following question

1. -5 what are the facts about drugs of abus

VII. Assignment

What are the short term and long term effects of substance use and abuse.

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