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Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


TOPIC Colombia.
LANGUAGE FOCUS Present simple and adjectives.
SKILLS FOCUS Speaking: Naming landforms and bodies of water and describe
AUTHOR(S) Bendek Ingrid, Carvajal Vannesa, Díaz Julie, Garzón Alejandra,
Moreno Geraldine.
DESIGN September 26, 2019 . Bogotá, Colombia.

Students will name landforms and bodies of water and use adjectives to describe them.

Students will be able to describe landforms according to the region they chose in


Exercise 1. Name the words according to the picture. Mountains, Oceans, rivers,
forests, valleys, deserts, city, mountain range, island, lake.

Bogotá, Colombia September, 2019

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés

Exercise 2. Ask a partner to name the landform or
body of water according to the definition.

Do they match?


A land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a

Island. A large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.

Mountain A large natural stream of water flowing in a particular course toward a

range. lake, ocean, or other body of water.

A group of connected mountains that were formed during the same

time period.

Lake. A large and important town where many people live and work.

An area of land smaller than a continent and surrounded by water on

all sides.

Mountain. A long area of low land between mountains or hills.

A large body of fresh or salt water that is surrounded on all sides by


The vast body of salt water covering about three quarters of the
earth's surface.

City. A very dry, sandy area with few or no plants growing in it.

Bogotá, Colombia September, 2019

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


1. Imagine you are a travel agent and you must describe different landforms to
promote the tourism in each.

Colombia has beautiful mountains, they are green and big.You can visit them
and have all kinds of weather. They are very important for the rivers and the
ecosystems in our country.

Do as well with the words from the vocabulary.

2. In Groups of 3 answer the questions, take into account the vocabulary

previously learned.

Bogotá, Colombia September, 2019

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


1. In groups of 2 or 3 people choose a Colombian place (San Andrés, Medellín,

Cali, Bogotá, Popayán, Villavicencio, etc).
2. Each group should make a poster and using images that describe the place
3. Each group will explain why this place is their favorite in Colombia, and they
should prepare a short description using the vocabulary learned in class in their
own words.


Boyacá is my favorite place because my grandparents are from here and it has
beautiful and great places to visit. Boyacá has a variety of places. It has
beautiful green mountains. There are a big lake named “Playa Blanca” or Tota
Lake and It has a high mountain range “Nevado del Cocuy.”

Bogotá, Colombia September, 2019

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Licenciatura en Lengua Castellana, Inglés y Francés


Very well ok Needs


1. I can name landforms and bodies of water.

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2. I can talk about landforms and bodies of water.
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3. I can describe landforms
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4. I can recognize and mention Colombia’s landforms.
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5. I can describe my favorite place in Colombia.
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6. I can identify differences between different landforms
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Bogotá, Colombia September, 2019

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