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Marketing Strategy, Promotion

Jennifer Brown

Southern New Hampshire University

06 October 2019
Marketing Strategy, Promotion 2

Marketing Strategy, Promotion

Front Break Light Company has developed a marketing plan that reinforces our brand

messaging, it is also consistent and persuasive. This marketing method is called, Integrated

Marketing Communications (Taylor, 2019). Promotions refer to the entire set of activities that

communicate the product to the consumer. Promotions are important because you can have a

great product, at a great price, but if no one knows about it, then your efforts are redundant

(Glover, 2019). The objective is to let the world know that our product exists and then to

motivate them to buy it. In order to be strategic, Front Break Light Company has decided to use a

combination of three promotion avenues which are, direct marketing (Facebook, Google+), point

of sale promotion and public relations.

Front Break Light Company’s primary objective is to attract new customers, increase

sales, and to raise awareness about our product. Because Front Break Light Company is working

with a limited advertising budget, our scope of initiative will be restricted to these three goals for

the next 24 months. In regard to direct marketing, FBC will use websites such as Facebook and

Google+ to promote our product in a more relaxed environment. We will use, short video ads

that demonstrate our product preventing a car accident or preventing a pedestrian from getting

stuck by a vehicle. The objective is to not come across as “trying to sell” something. But instead,

to come across as an organization who is in touch with people on a more personal level. If these

social media efforts strengthen the bond between FBC and the consumer, then it should

ultimately present a more appealing and familiar image of the company through the eyes of the

buyer. We need to be a brand that consumers remember.

Front Break Light Company’s 2nd promotion approach is point-of-sale promotions. With

this method, we are promoting Front Break Light in stores such as Discount Auto Parts and
Marketing Strategy, Promotion 3

Advanced Auto Parts. We want the product to be displayed at the check-out counter and we want

to motivate our prospects to make an impulse buy (out of convenience). We will also ensure that

the disposable displays are covered with product branding. Our non-disposable displays will

likely include some type of lighting that will draw attention to the product (Washington, 2008).

Front Break Light Company’s final promotional strategy will be the most cost-effective of all,

public relations. FBC intends to keep all press relations in a positive light, we also intend to

sponsor various efforts to publicize the safety features of Front Break Light. And finally, we will

rely heavily on internal feedback to change any negative perceptions that the public may have.

Front Break Light Company has an advertising goal to reach $100,000 in sales. Because

the advertising goal is to set aside 5% of our projected sales, FBC is working with a $5k

advertising budget (Faulkner, 2018). Because we do not have aggressive competition, it is

unlikely that we will have to spend more. The first step of FBC’s promotional plan is testing, for

example, we would want to test a POS promotional strategy in (1) large Discount Auto Parts

market before we launch the products into all other markets. The 2nd step in our proposed

promotion plan is to build response strategies. For example, if a consumer responds to two or

more of our direct marketing campaigns, we will send a personalized direct mail follow-up . For

direct mail campaigns, the CPM (Cost per thousand ‘mille’) is broken down as follows: a

10,000-piece 4x6 postcard campaign costs $0.50 per piece or $5000.

Finally, Front Break Light Company will create an annual promotion calendar in an effort

to maximize the impact of our advertising dollars throughout the year. Because our product is

associated with the automotive industry and is considered an everyday product, our target market

encompasses a large part of the population. To be specific, our target market is American’s with
Marketing Strategy, Promotion 4

registered vehicles and an annual household income of $50,000 or more. In regard to customer

acquisition costs, we used the following formula:

 FBC acquired 100 customers last month.

 FBC spent $5000 on direct advertising last month

 (3) people work in our sales and marketing team making $2500 per/month a piece.

 FBC spent $1000 on marketing s/w last month. There were no further customer

acquisition costs.

 FBC has determined that our average cost per customer is $135 and our payback period is

2 months.

In conclusion, if Front Break Light Company’s marketing strategy is properly planned,

executed, tracked and measured, we expect to generate a successful business. We intend to put

our marketing process on a continuous cycle so that it never ends and ultimately leads to our

products success.
Marketing Strategy, Promotion 5


Berry, T., & Wilson, D. (2005). On target : the book on marketing plans : how to develop and

implement a successful marketing plan. Eugene, Or.: Palo Alto Software.

Faulkner, L. (2018). Advertising Budget. Retrieved October 6, 2019, from website:

Glover, L. (2019). Definition of Promotions | What is Promotions ? Promotions Meaning - The

Economic Times. Retrieved October 6, 2019, from The Economic Times website:

Taylor, L. (2019). What is IMC? | WVU Integrated Marketing Communications | WVU

Integrated Marketing Communications | West Virginia University. Retrieved October 6,

2019, from website:

Washington, V. (2008). Top Ten Promotional Strategies. Retrieved October 6, 2019, from website:


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