HW 03

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HW 03 (due 11:00 am, Oct 9)

Problem 1 (20 points)

Problem 2 (20 points)
The plane stress solution for a semi-infinite elastic solid under a concentrated point loading is

developed. With respect to the axes shown in the following figure, the Cartesian stress

components are found to be

calculate the maximum shear stress at any point in the body and plot contours of maximum shear

stress, σx, and σy.

Problem 3 (20 points)
Problem 4 (20 points)
A rosette strain gage is mounted on the surface of a stress-free elastic solid at point O as shown

in the following figure. The three gage readings give surface extensional strains ea = 300 × 106,

eb = 400 × 106, ec = 100 × 106. Assuming that the material is aluminum with nominal properties

with E=68.9GPa, ν=0.34, determine all stress components at O for the given coordinate system.
Problem 5 (20 points)
Using cylindrical coordinates, we wish to determine and compare the uniaxial stress-strain

response of both an unconfined and confined isotropic homogeneous elastic cylindrical sample

as shown. For both cases we will assume that the shear stresses and strains will vanish. For the

unconfined sample, the stresses σr=σθ=0, while for the confined sample, the strains er=eθ=0.

Using Hooke’s law in cylindrical coordinates, show that the uniaxial response for the unconfined

case is given by the expected relation σz = E ez, while the corresponding relation for the confined

E(1 −  )
situation is σz = E* ez, where E*= . Finally make a plot of E*/E versus ν over the
(1 +  )(1 − 2 )

range 0 ≤ ν ≤ 0.5 and discuss the results.

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