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name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3

metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource

food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
cruciferous 5 cancer prevention, cancer vegetable 1,930,000 cruciferous Cauliflower, Cruciferous vegetables may
International Journal
vegetables mortality vegetables cabbage, cress, protect against numerous cancer
of Food Sciences and
cancer broccoli, sprouts types and reduce cancer Nutrition; BMJ;
and similar mortality. A review of primary Nutrition and Cancer;
vegetables may studies and meta‐analyses Molecular Nutrition
protect against indicates that higher and Food Research;
numerous cancer consumption of cruciferous Annals of Oncology
types and reduce vegetables probably reduces the
cancer mortality risk of colorectal and gastric
cancers by approximately 8%
and 19%, respectively. Another
review (11,497 subjects) found a
19% reduced lung cancer risk
with intakes of up to 100g of
cruciferous vegetables per day.
fruit + veg, all types 5 cancer prevention cancer fruit 57,100,000 fruit vegetables Eating fruit and One review of 95 studies found Epidemiology; British
cancer veg reduces that on average, there was a 3-
Journal of Nutrition
cancer risk 4% reduction in the relative risk
overall, with of cancer for each 200g/day
certain types increment in intake of fruit,
having a bigger vegetables, and fruit and veg
impact on combined. 800g/per is the
specific cancers. optimal intake. While general fruit
and vegetable intake was only
weakly associated with overall
cancer risk, particularly cancer
incidence, specific fruits and
vegetables may be more strongly
related to specific cancers,
especially cruciferous vegetables
and green-yellow vegetables.
Another review (10,000 cancer
cases and 17,000 controls)
suggested a protective role of
fruit and vegetable intake on
several common cancers, with
stronger effects for vegetables
than for fruit.
allium vegetables includes garlic, onions, 4 stomach cancer cancer vegetable OTW 3,090,000 garlic onions Allium High allium vegetable
Molecular Nutrition
leeks, chives, shallots etc. prevention stomach cancer vegetables consumption is likely to reduce and Food Research
(garlic, onions, gastric cancer risk. This evidence
leeks, chives, is derived mainly from case–
shallots etc) are control studies. Further data from
likely to reduce large cohorts are desirable for
gastric cancer conclusive confirmation.
citrus fruits 4 cancer prevention cancer fruit 9,730,000 citrus fruits People who eat A reduced risk of cancers, Epidemiology; British
cancer lots of citrus fruits particularly of the digestive tract
Journal of Nutrition
have a reduced and larynx, was found for high
risk of cancer - consumption of citrus fruit.
particularly of
the digestive
tract and larynx.
fish oil / omega 3 4 colorectal cancer cancer compound 47,600,000 fish oil omega 3 It is thought that It is thought that omega 3
Gut: British Society of
colorectal cancer omega 3 reduces reduces the risk of colorectal Gastroenterology
the risk of cancer and is effective in its
colorectal treatment.
garlic aged garlic extract 3 cancer treatment cancer vegetable 41,800,000 garlic cancer People who eat Although there were inconsistent International Journal
aged garlic have evidence from human studies, of Preventative
lower incidence results of the animal and Medicine
of cancer, but laboratory results were mostly
there isn't consistent. The overall findings
enough evidence may suggest that intakes of aged
to prove a garlic are inversely associated
connection yet. with cancer. Overall, the current
findings are not sufficient to
assess the effects of aged garlic
on cancer. However, due to
anticancer properties of aged
garlic, its consumption along with
healthy diet may have beneficial
effects on cancer. More clinical
trials and prospective cohort
human studies with adequate
sample size are necessary.
green tea 3 cancer prevention cancer plant / herb 25,800,000 green tea cancer The evidence is The evidence is conflicting. Cochrane
prevention conflicting. However, drinking 3-5 cups a day
However, might have general health
drinking 3-5 cups benefits.
a day might have
general health
garlic 2 cancer prevention cancer plant / herb OTW 8,080,000 garlic cancer Garlic might Garlic might prevent certain
National Cancer
prevention prevent certain cancers, but there is a lack of Institute
cancers, but clinical trial evidence. The WHO
there is a lack of recommends consuming at least
clinical trial one clove a day for general
evidence. The health benefits.
consuming at
least one clove a
day for general
health benefits.
reishi mushroom G. lucidum 2 cancer treatment cancer plant/herb 601,000 reishi mushroom Reishi mushroom The meta-analysis results
cancer seems to showed that patients who had
enhance been given G. lucidum alongside
chemo/radiothera with chemo/radiotherapy were
py effects, but more likely to respond positively
available studies compared to chemo/radiotherapy
are small. alone. G. lucidum treatment
alone did not demonstrate the
same regression rate as that
seen in combined therapy.
However, studies reviewed were
small and there were some
quality concerns.
strawberries 2 cancer cancer fruit 21,300,000 strawberries Freeze-dried Results of a small trial (75
Cancer Prevention
cancer strawberry patients) indicate the potential of Research
powder may freeze-dried strawberry powder
prevent for preventing human
esophageal esophageal cancer, supporting
cancer. further clinical testing of this
natural agent in this setting.
black tea 1 cancer prevention cancer plant / herb 151,000,000 black tea cancer Reviews have Reviews have found no
Nutrition and Cancer
found no association between black tea
association and ovarian or breast cancer risk.
between black
tea and ovarian
or breast cancer
fish oil / omega 3 1 appetite among cancer animal product 23,100,000 fish oil appetite There isn't There is not enough evidence to
Journal of Cachexia,
cancer patients enough evidence support a net benefit of n-3-FA in
Sarcopenia and
to say that fish oil cachexia in advanced cancer. On Muscle; Palliative
improves the other hand, adverse effects Medicine
appetite in were infrequent, with no severe
cancer patients. adverse effects.
almonds 6 cholesterol, cardio nut / seed 13,100,000 almonds In several In several studies, almonds have
Nutrients; The
cardiovascular cholesterol studies, almonds been shown to reduce LDL-C— Journal of Nutrition
disease have been which is a known risk factor for
shown to reduce CHD—and the effect of almonds
risk factors for has been well documented in
cardiovascular systematic reviews and meta-
disease. analysis of clinical trials. Addition
of almonds in the diet has been
shown to not only to reduce LDL-
C levels, but also to maintain
HDL-C levels.
barley 6 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse 11,000,000 barley Barley has a Pooled analyses show that Journal of
cholesterol lowering effect barley β-glucan has a lowering Clinical Nutrition
on some effect on LDL-C and non-HDL-C.
cholesterols. Inclusion of barley-containing
foods may be a strategy for
achieving targets in CVD risk
beetroot juice Nitrate 6 exercise endurance cardio plant extract 2,580,000 beetroot juice Several good Several recent systematic
European Journal of
performance quality studies reviews and meta-analyses Applied Physiology;
found that dietary conclude that dietary nitrate
Sports Medicine;
nitrate (found in (found in beetroot) Nutrients; Nitric Oxide
beetroot) supplementation enhances
enhances exercise performance,
exercise particularly through lowering
performance, oxygen cost and increasing
particularly over endurance. This effect was
2-15 days. observed after either a single
bolus (2-3 h prior to exercise) or
a long-term (2-15 days)
supplementation. The ergogenic
effects of beetroot
supplementation appear to be
dose-dependent and are most
often observed after long-term
ingestion (approximately 6 days),
at high exercise intensities and in
less fit individuals.
hawthorn crataegus spp. 6 chronic heart failure cardio fruit 1,070,000 hawthorn heart Hawthorn Randomized, controlled trials in
American Journal of
failure improves heart patients with heart failure have Cardiovascular Drugs
function in those demonstrated that hawthorn
with chronic increases functional capacity,
heart failure. alleviates disabling symptoms,
and improves health-related
quality of life. It has a very
favourable safety profile both as
monotherapy and add-on
olive oil (high 6 cardiovascular cardio plant extract 30,900,000 olive oil heart disease
Olive oil, Compared to low polyphenol
Critical Reviews in
polyphenol) disease especially the olive oil, high polyphenol olive oil
Food Science and
varieties with lots significantly improved measures Nutrition;
of healthy of malondialdehyde, total Phytomedicine
chemicals cholesterol and HDL cholesterol.
(polyphenols), High phenolic olive oil should be
significantly considered as a nutraceutical in
improves cardiovascular prevention.
risk factors.
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
pulses 6 cholesterol, cardio grain / pulse 3,280,000 pulses Two or three Pulses reduce cardiovascular
Journal of Functional
cardiovascular cholesterol cups of pulses disease (CVD) risk, primarily by
Foods; Health
disease per day altering plasma lipid composition, Benefits of Pulses
significantly and several meta-analyses
lowers conclude that ∼2/3 cup pulses
cholesterol, and daily significantly lowers total and
protects against LDL cholesterol. Pulses also
other cardio risk lower CVD risk by other
factors. mechanisms, including increased
satiety, thereby reducing food
intake and the accumulation of
excessive adipose tissue;
through improvements in
glycemic control; and by reducing
blood pressure and inflammation.
Overall, available evidence
suggests that whole pulse
consumption lowers CVD
biomarkers and supports a role
for pulses as part of a dietary
strategy for CVD prevention.

flaxseed 5 cardiovascular cardio nut / seed 3,000,000 flaxseed blood Flaxseed Meta-analysis of RCTs showed
Clinical Nutrition; The
disease, blood pressure supplementation significant reductions in both
Journal of Nutrition
pressure reduces blood systolic blood pressure and
pressure. diastolic blood pressure following
supplementation with various
flaxseed products.
grapes 5 cardiovascular cardio fruit 11,700,000 grapes heart Grapes protect Human clinical data support
Journal of the
disease disease against cardioprotective benefits of Science of Food and
numerous cardio grapes through inhibition of Agriculture
risk factors. platelet aggregation, decreased
low‐density lipoprotein (LDL)
oxidation, reduction in oxidative
stress and improvements in
endothelial function. Emerging
evidence suggests that grapes
may also have a favorable effect
on blood lipids, decrease
inflammation and reduce blood
pressure in certain populations.
Studies to date have shown that
berries can have a beneficial
effect on reducing LDL oxidation.
Limited data suggest that berries
may have a favorable effect on
endothelial health and blood
pressure. Collectively, these data
support the recommendation to
incorporate products made with
grapes and other berries into a
heart‐healthy diet.
beetroot 4 blood pressure cardio vegetable OTW 2,860,000 beetroot blood A safe and cost- In conclusion, this meta-analysis
Advances in Nutrition;
pressure effective confirms previous findings and
Journal of
nutritional contributes important new Hypertension;
approach for evidence that indicates the Molecules
managing high hypotensive properties of
blood pressure. beetroot to be a potentially safe
and cost-effective nutritional
approach for managing
hypertension and preventing
undesirable cardiovascular
outcomes. Further clinical studies
with larger sample sizes and
longer durations with the use of a
standardized beetroot
supplement for NO3 content and
other bioactive compounds are
chlorella Chlorella pyrenoidosa 4 blood pressure, cardio alga 948,000 chlorella blood Significantly Meta-analysis on 19 RCTs with
Clinical Nutrition
cholesterol, pressure decreases blood 797 subjects indicated that
cardiovascular pressure, blood Chlorella administration
disease glucose, and significantly decreased the levels
some of total cholesterol, low-density
cholesterols. lipoprotein cholesterol, systolic
blood pressure, diastolic blood
pressure, and fasting blood
glucose whereas changes in
triglycerides, high-density
lipoprotein cholesterol, and body
mass index were not statistically
chocolate, dark 4 cardiovascular cardio grain / pulse 25,600,000 dark chocolate Good evidence This review provides moderate‐
disease heart disease that chocolate quality evidence that flavanol‐
and cocoa rich chocolate and cocoa
products cause a products cause a small (2
healthy, small mmHg) blood pressure‐lowering
short-term effect in mainly healthy adults in
lowering of blood the short term. Long‐term trials
pressure. investigating the effect of cocoa
on clinical outcomes are also
needed to assess whether cocoa
has an effect on cardiovascular
events and to assess potential
adverse effects associated with
chronic ingestion of cocoa

fish oil / omega 3 4 cardiovascular cardio compound 233,000,000 fish oil omega 3 Numerous Two large (10,000+) open-label;
Cochrane; New
disease heart disease studies found trials found that 1g or more of England Journal of
that omega 3 omega-3 fatty acids per day gave Medicine; JAMA
provided significant protection against Cardiology
significant coronary events. However,
protection subsequent placebo-controlled
against trials did not. The authors
cardiovascular conclude that, overall, the
disease, but hypothesis that omega-3
there was some supplements protect the heart in
inconsistency. various ways is plausible &
It's promising, supported by numerous studies,
but more but more research is needed.
research is
garlic 4 blood pressure, cardio vegetable OTW 26,300,000 garlic blood Taking garlic Garlic supplements have the
The Journal of
cholesterol pressure supplements potential to lower blood pressure
short-term can in hypertensive individuals, to Phytomedicine
lower blood regulate slightly elevated
pressure and cholesterol concentrations, and
cholesterol. to stimulate the immune system.
Trials on long- Garlic supplements are highly
term effects are tolerated and may be considered
needed. as a complementary treatment
option for hypertension, slightly
elevated cholesterol, and
stimulation of immunity. Future
long-term trials are needed to
elucidate the effect of garlic on
cardiovascular morbidity and
hemp seeds 4 cardiovascular cardio nut / seed 2,770,000 hemp seed Hemp is In conclusion, the beneficial Nutrients
disease cardiovascular beneficial in the effects of omega-3 fatty acids
prevention of and their esters [inc. hemp] have
cardiovascular been previously documented in
disease, as long terms of both primary and
as the dosage is secondary prevention of
correct. cardiovascular system disorders.
It has to be highlighted, however,
that the achievement of optimal
performance requires an
appropriate quantitative
composition and the proper
proportions of delivered fatty
oats 4 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse OTW 11,900,000 oats cholesterol Promising There is a lack of evidence to
evidence shows date from longer‐term studies (>
oats lower 12 weeks) of the effect of
cholesterol, but wholegrain oats. The one trial
longer-term that studied oats exclusively
studies are found reductions in total and LDL
needed. cholesterol with whole grain oat
cereal compared to the control.
Oats (and barley) also typically
contain soluble non‐starch
polysaccharide such as β‐
glucan, which has been
associated with a cholesterol‐
lowering effect of oats. Due to
the presence of β‐glucan, it is
possible that whole grain oats
may have differential effects than
other whole grains. There is a
need for more studies of longer
duration on the effect of whole
grain oats on CVD and
cardiovascular risk factors.
green coffee beans chlorogenic acid 3 blood pressure cardio grain / pulse 11,000,000 green coffee Intake of In conclusion, the evidence from Journal of Human
beans blood chologenic acid published RCTs suggests that Hypertension
pressure (CGA) from chlorogenic acid (CGA) intake
green coffee causes statistically significant
beans reduces reductions in systolic and
blood pressure, diastolic blood pressures. The
but trials were size of the effect is moderate.
funded by CGA Few clinical trials have been
manufacturers. conducted; they vary in design
Independent and methodology and are
research is confined to Asian populations
needed. and funded by CGA
manufacturers. Large
independent trials evaluating the
effects of CGA on blood pressure
are warranted.
hawthorn crataegus spp. 3 blood pressure, cardio fruit 18,400,000 hawthorn heart Mixed results, Mixed results, with some studies
Cochrane; BMC
cardiovascular with some showing no effect and others
Complementary and
disease studies showing suggesting positive benefits.
Alternative Medicine;
no effect and Larger, longer-term randomized Phytotherapy
others clinical trials are needed. Research
positive benefits.
Larger, longer-
term trials are
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
red wine 3 cardiovascular cardio plant extract 50,300,000 red wine heart Mounting Despite a lack of consensus on a
Circulation; Nutrients;
disease disease evidence specific type of beverage being Current Medicinal
suggests that beneficial to the heart, mounting
ethanol and evidence suggests that ethanol
polyphenols and polyphenols within wine can
within wine can synergistically confer benefits
protect against against chronic cardiovascular
chronic diseases, mostly IHD. The
cardiovascular polyphenols in red wine can be
diseases. divided into 2 important groups,
flavonoids and nonflavonoids,
that together can decrease
platelet aggregation, improve
fibrinolysis, increase HDL
cholesterol, and promote NO
green tea 2 cholesterol cardio plant / herb 50,000,000 green tea Drinking green Drinking green tea might help to
cholesterol tea might help to reduce total cholesterol levels,
reduce total but trials were small and exposed
cholesterol to bias.
levels, but trials
were small and
exposed to bias.
kale 2 cholesterol cardio OTW 8,420,000 kale cholesterol 150ml of kale A small study found that
Biomedical and
juice daily for 12 consuming 150ml of kale juice Environmental
weeks reduced per day for 12 weeks favorably Sciences
cholesterol, but influenced serum lipid profiles
this was a very and antioxidant systems,
small study. reducing the risks of coronary
artery disease in men with high
cholesterol. (32 subjects)
pomegranate 1 cardiovascular cardio fruit OTW 36,400,000 pomegranate Concentrated Very few human studies. One!divAbstract
Advanced Biomedical
disease, cholesterol heart pomegranate tiny study (5 patients) found
Research; Clinical
products lowered positive effects on blood
Nutrition; The British
cholesterol in two pressure after 3yrs of
Journal of Nutrition;
small studies, pomegranate juice consumption. International Journal
and Two small studies (51 and 22 for Vitamin and
pomegranate patients) concluded that Nutrition Research
juice lowered administration of concentrated
blood pressure in pomegranate products over a
a tiny study (5 short period (4 and 8 weeks)
people). lowered cholesterol.
prickly pear cactus nopal cactus, Opuntia ficus 1 blood pressure, cardio vegetable 441,000 prickly pear Poor quality Consumption of OFI can cause
indica cholesterol blood pressure studies show significant reductions in
prickly pear can percentage body fat, blood
reduce body fat, pressure, and total cholesterol.
blood pressure, Few clinical trials evaluating the
and total effects of OFI have been
cholesterol. published. They vary in design
and methodology, and are
characterized by inconsistent
quality of reporting. Further
clinical trials evaluating the
effects of OFI on body
composition and metabolic
parameters are warranted.
strawberries 2 cardiovascular cardio fruit 98,000,000 strawberries heart Strawberries Strawberries appear to have a
Journal of the
disease appear to have a slight decreasing effect on total American College of
slight decreasing cholesterol, but no effect on lipid Nutrition
effect on total profiles in healthy, non-obese
cholesterol. subjects. Further studies are
necessary to establish the clinical
significance of paraoxonase
suppression and to define a
group of healthy subjects who
can benefit from strawberry
consumption with respect to
cholesterol levels.
elderberry 3 oxidative stress, cardio, diabetes, fruit 2,280,000 elderberry health Elderberries Elderberries can greatly affect
Journal of Functional
cardiovascular general health benefits have a significant the course of disease processes Foods
disease, diabetes protective effect by counteracting oxidative stress,
against various exerting beneficial effects on
chronic diseases, blood pressure, glycaemia
but there are reduction, immune system
some issues with stimulation, antitumour potential,
side effects and increase in the activity of
safety. antioxidant enzymes in the blood
plasma, including also
glutathione, and the reduction of
uric acid levels. However,
possible side effects and
contraindications to elderberry
consumption are found and
elderberry component stability
and application in complex
systems needs research.
kiwifruit 2 cardiovascular cardio, cancer fruit OTW 53,800,000 kiwi heart Kiwifruits might The data indicate that kiwifruit
Platelets; Advances
disease be beneficial in contains very potent antiplatelet
in Food and Nutrition
both preventing and anti-ACE components.
and treating Consuming kiwifruits might be International Journal
cardiovascular beneficial as both preventive and of Food Sciences and
disease. therapeutic regime in Nutrition
cardiovascular disease.
tree nuts 6 cholesterol cardio, general nut / seed 45,100,000 nuts cholesterol Eating large-ish A review of 61 trials concluded
American Journal of
health amounts of any that tree nut intake lowers total Clinical Nutrition
nuts - apart from cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,
peanuts - lowers ApoB, and triglycerides. The
cholesterol. major determinant of cholesterol
lowering appears to be nut dose
walnuts, pistachios, rather than nut type. Tree nuts
macadamia nuts, pecans, include walnuts, pistachios,
cashews, almonds, macadamia nuts, pecans,
hazelnuts, pine nuts, Brazil cashews, almonds, hazelnuts,
nuts pine nuts, and Brazil nuts.
fibre 3 cardiovascular cardio plant/herb OTW 22,500,000 fibre heart Fibre appears to The pooled analyses for CVD
disease disease reduce blood risk factors suggest reductions in
pressure and total cholesterol and LDL
cholesterol, but cholesterol with increased fibre
studies are at intake, and reductions in diastolic
high risk of bias. blood pressure...Risk of bias was
More trials are unclear in the majority of studies
needed. and high for some quality
domains so results need to be
interpreted cautiously. There is a
need for longer term, well-
conducted RCTs
wholegrains 5 diabetes diabetes grain / pulse 12,000,000 wholegrains Very large Findings from large
Journal of
diabetes studies have observational-prospective or
consistently cross-sectional studies have Medicine; European
shown that those consistently demonstrated that a Journal of
who eat more higher intake of wholegrain is Epidemiology;
wholegrains have associated with a lower risk of Nutrients
a lower risk of T2DM, as well as an
type II diabetes. improvement of its major risk
factors, i.e., overweight/obesity,
plasma glucose regulation,
postprandial hyperinsulinemia,
and insulin resistance. Moreover,
habitual wholegrain consumption
is also associated with a reduced
risk of other chronic diseases
and with a better nutritional
quality of the diet, due to greater
intakes of micronutrients.
Epidemiological evidence
indicates that individuals who
consume an average of two-to-
three daily servings (60–90
g/day) of wholegrain have a 21–
32% reduction in the incidence of
T2DM compared with those who
rarely or never consume
seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum and 4 type II diabetes diabetes alga OTW 2,930,000 seaweed Seaweed has Phenolic and non-phenolic Marine Drugs
Fucus vesiculosus diabetes similar effects to compounds isolated from
known anti- seaweed have positive impacts
diabetic drugs, on the recognised hallmarks of
and shows huge T2DM such as hyperglycaemia
potential in type and hyperlipidaemia. Generally,
II diabetes these seaweed bioactive
management. compounds’ modes of action are
comparably similar to other
known anti-diabetic drugs.
Therefore, seaweed and
seaweed-derived bioactive
compounds possess huge
potential to be employed in
T2DM management either as
part of dietary intake or as
purified pharmacological agents
and supplements.
nattō fermented soybeans 3 glucose and insulin diabetes microbe 904,000 fermented Femented soy Soy products and soy
Diabetes Research
responses soybeans products (e.g. constituents (soy protein and soy
and Clinical Practice;
diabetes nattō) may isoflavones) may be associated Nutrition Research
reduce risk of with a lower risk of type 2
type II diabetes, diabetes mellitus. Future studies
but the should focus on the dose-
mechanism is response effect and the
unclear. mechanism. The evidence does
suggest that fermented soy
products may be better for
preventing or delaying the
progression of type 2 diabetes
compared with nonfermented
nettles stinging nettle, Urtica dioica 3 type 2 diabetes diabetes vegetable 659,000 nettles diabetes Nettle may safely Nettle may safely improve
Journal of Evidence-
improve blood glycemic control in type 2
Based Integrative
sugar control in diabetic patients needing insulin
Medicine; Clinical
type II diabetic therapy. Laboratory; Pakistan
patients needing Journal of Biological
insulin therapy. Sciences
buckwheat 2 type II diabetes diabetes grain / pulse 1,810,000 buckwheat Small studies Small studies found that
Nutrition Research;
diabetes found that buckwheat intake has beneficial
buckwheat has effects on some (but not all)
beneficial effects markers of diabetes type II.
on some, but not
all, type II
cinnamon 1 diabetes diabetes herb / spice 23,300,000 cinnamon Cinnamon is no The review authors found
diabetes more effective cinnamon to be no more effective
than a placebo in than placebo, another active
reducing glucose medication or no treatment in
levels. More reducing glucose levels and
high-quality glycosylated haemoglobin A1c
studies are (HbA1c), a long‐term
needed. measurement of glucose control.
Many of the trials conducted
were of poor quality. High quality
studies are needed.
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
sweet potato 1 type 2 diabetes diabetes vegetable 20,600,000 sweet potato Insufficient There is insufficient evidence
diabetes evidence about about the use of sweet potato for
the use of sweet type 2 diabetes mellitus. In
potato for type II addition to improvement in trial
diabetes. methodology, issues of
standardization and quality
control of preparations ‐
including other varieties of sweet
potato ‐ need to be addressed.
Further observational trials and
RCTs evaluating the effects of
sweet potato are needed to guide
any recommendations in clinical
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 0 cardio risk factors in diabetes, cardio animal product 132,000,000 eggs diabetes Eating eggs may Egg consumption may be
The American
diabetes may increase associated with an increased
Journal of Clinical
incidence of type incidence of type 2 diabetes
Nutrition; The Journal
II diabetes among the general population of Nutrition; European
among the and CVD comorbidity among Journal of
general diabetic patients. Epidemiology
population and
symptoms of
diabetic patients.
kiwifruit 5 constipation digestion fruit 1,110,000 kiwi constipation Daily intake can Several RCTs suggest that daily
Dietary Patterns and
relieve intake of kiwi fruit can help in
Whole Plant Foods in
constipation. relieving constipation symptoms Aging and Disease;
similarly to psyllium. Alimentary
Pharmacology and
Therapeutics; Bali
Medical Journal
probiotics 5 antibiotic-associated digestion other 1,420,000 probiotics Short term use Based on this systematic review
diarrhea antibiotic can reduce and meta-analysis of 31
diarrhea diarrhea caused randomized controlled trials
by antibiotics. including 8672 patients,
moderate certainty evidence
suggests that probiotics are
effective for preventing [diarrhea
associated with antibiotic use]...
The short-term use of probiotics
appears to be safe and effective
when used along with antibiotics
in patients who are not
immunocompromised or severely
prunes 5 constipation digestion fruit 831,000 prunes Daily intake can Several RCTs suggest that daily
Dietary Patterns and
constipation relieve intake of prunes (dried plums)
Whole Plant Foods in
constipation. can help in relieving constipation Aging and Disease;
symptoms similarly to psyllium. Alimentary
Pharmacology and
Therapeutics; Bali
Medical Journal
peppermint oil 4 irritable bowel digestion herb / spice OTW 1,030,000 peppermint oil Peppermint oil is
Peppermint oil is a safe and
syndrome ibs a safe and effective short-term treatment for Gatroenterology
effective short-IBS. Future studies should
term treatment assess the long-term efficacy
for IBS. and safety of peppermint oil and
its efficacy relative to other IBS
treatments including
antidepressants and
antispasmodic drugs.
flaxseed 3 constipation digestion nut / seed OTW 1,840,000 flax seed Small studies Small individual studies have
constipation show daily shown daily flaxseed intake to be
flaxseed intake to an effective treatment for
be an effective constipation, with no adverse
treatment for effects. However, we found no
constipation, with large trials or metastudies.
no adverse
effects. There
have been no
large trials or
metastudies yet
turmeric (curcumin) curcuma longa, curcumin 3 IBS and other bowel digestion herb / spice 2,310,000 turmeric IBS Curcumin is Random-effects meta-analysis
(active ingredient) diseases potentially useful based on three studies and 326 Gastroenterology
in treating IBS patients found curcumin to have Reports; Journal of
symptoms, but it a beneficial albeit not statistically Clinical Medicine
hasn't been significant effect on IBS
compared to symptoms. With its unique anti-
other treatments. oxidant and anti-inflammatory
activities and ability to modulate
gut microbiota, curcumin is a
potentially useful addition to our
armamentarium of agents for
IBS. However, it has not been
compared to standard treatment
for IBS.
yoghurt, live probiotics 4 gut health, immune digestion, microbe 4,770,000 probiotic yogurt Probiotics are Probiotics appear to be British Medical
system infections immune effective in efficacious in IBS, but the
Journal; Current
treating IBS, but magnitude of benefit and the Pharmaceutical
the magnitude of most effective species and strain Design
benefit and the are uncertain. Overall, the picture
most effective that emerges from studies of
species and probiotics on immune, infectious
strains are and inflammatory outcomes in
uncertain. humans is mixed and there
appear to be large species and
strain differences in effects seen.
lychees 1 exercise exercise fruit 688,000 lychees workouts In two small Two small studies suggest
Journal of Clinical
performance performance studies, young lychee derivative
Biochemistry and
athletes felt less supplementation in young Nutrition; Advances in
fatigued during athletes shows significant Exercise and Sports
training. subjective positive effects Physiology
particularly on the feeling of
fatigue during regular track-and-
field training, possibly
contributing to the maintenance
of good conditioning.
coffee 5 many conditions general health grain / pulse 261,000,000 coffee health A review of 218 An umbrella review of 218 meta- British Medical
benefits studies found analyses concluded: The benefit
that coffee associated with coffee
lowered the risk consumption was supported by
of significant associations with
cardiovascular, lower risk for the generic
cancer and outcomes of all cause mortality,
general mortality. cardiovascular mortality, and
It also improved total cancer. Consumption was
type 2 diabetes, associated with a lower risk of
metabolic specific cancers, including
syndrome, prostate cancer, endometrial
gallstones, gout, cancer, melanoma, non-
renal stones and melanoma skin cancer, and liver
several liver cancer. Consumption also had
conditions. beneficial associations with
Finally, coffee metabolic conditions including
consumption type 2 diabetes, metabolic
seems to reduce syndrome, gallstones, gout, and
the symptoms of renal stones and for liver
Parkinson’s conditions including hepatic
disease, fibrosis, cirrhosis, cirrhosis
depression, and mortality, and chronic liver
Alzheimer’s disease combined. The beneficial
disease. Go get associations between
a hit! consumption and liver conditions
stand out as consistently having
the highest magnitude compared
with other outcomes across
exposure categories. Finally,
there seems to be beneficial
associations between coffee
consumption and Parkinson’s
disease, depression, and
Alzheimer’s disease. Overall,
there is no consistent evidence of
harmful associations between
coffee consumption and health
outcomes, except for those
related to pregnancy and for risk
of fracture in women.
blueberries 4 chronic disease / general health fruit OTW 9,780,000 blueberries Can help prevent The consumption of blueberries
Critical Reviews in
general health health and cure chronic is a supplementary function to
Food Science and
inflammatory prevent and cure chronic
Nutrition; The Natural
diseases. inflammatory diseases, providing Products Journal;
an admirable medical therapy Journal of Functional
support in order to reduce Foods; USDA;
degenerative damage. However, Innovation in Aging
further studies conducted on
larger populations are strongly
coffee 4 asthma general health grain / pulse 29,500,000 coffee asthma Caffeine appears Caffeine appears to improve
to modestly airways function modestly, for up
improve to four hours, in people with
breathing, for up asthma. Some trials used
to four hours, in caffeine pills rather than coffee.
people with
asthma. Some
trials used
caffeine pills
rather than
quinoa 3 many conditions general health grain / pulse OTW 62,000,000 quinoa health Quinoa could There have been a small number
Journal of Nutritional
reduce cardio of clinical trials, plus numerous and Food Sciences
risk and diabetes cell culture and animal studies. A
risk factors and 2016 review concludes: Including
might even quinoa in the diet could decrease
reverse the oxidative stress, improve serum
effects of these lipid profile, help to control body
diseases. weight and serum glucose, and
decrease cardiovascular disease
and type 2 diabetes risk factors;
quinoa may even prove
beneficial in reversing the effects
of these diseases. There is a
justified need for well-designed
clinical trials and increased
scientific research in this field.
cherries 3 many conditions general health fruit 9,970,000 cherries health Reasonably Evidence from published reports Nutrients
benefits strong evidence is reasonably strong to indicate
that cherries that consumption of cherries
reduce decreased markers for oxidative
inflamation, stress, inflammation, exercise-
blood pressure induced muscle soreness and
and muscle loss of strength, and blood
soreness after pressure acutely after ingesting
exercise. Limited cherries. Limited numbers of
evidence for published reports also indicate
beneficial effects beneficial effects of consuming
on arthritis, cherries on arthritis, diabetes,
diabetes, blood blood lipids, sleep, cognitive
lipids, sleep, functions, and possibly mood.
cognitive Many of these studies used
functions, and amounts (45–270 cherries/day)
possibly mood that might be considered to be a
high dose. Because of the finite
number of studies and some
inconsistencies among the
results, additional studies are
needed to support these claims.
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
apples 2 many conditions general health fruit 42,300,000 apples health Limited evidence There is very limited evidence
Nutrition Bulletin
benefits in human available from human studies.
studies, but Preliminary findings show that
apples may polyphenols present in apples
reduce blood may potentially have a positive
pressure and influence on blood lipid
blood lipids. parameters and blood pressure
in humans. However, firm
conclusions cannot be made
based on the limited studies
available. Further research is
needed to evaluate the full
potential of polyphenols and their
effect on human health.
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 2 eye health general health animal product 102,000,000 eggs eye health Increasing Increasing evidence suggests a
Plos One; Journal of
evidence beneficial effect of lutein and
suggests eggs zeaxanthin on the progression of
and enhanced age-related macular
egg products degeneration. Daily consumption
may protect eye of lutein or zeaxanthin enriched
health. egg yolks as well as an egg yolk-
based beverage show increases
in serum lutein and zeaxanthin
levels that are comparable with a
daily use of 5 mg supplements.
goji berry wolfberry 2 eye health general health fruit 2,550,000 goji berry eye Goji berry Goji berry (Lycium barbarum L.)
The British Journal of
health improved is purported to benefit vision Nutrition
markers of eye because of its high antioxidant
health in a small (especially zeaxanthin) content,
study, but the although this effect has not been
mechanism isn't demonstrated in high-quality
clear. human studies. A small study
(150 subjects) found
supplementation with goji berry
for 90 days increases plasma
zeaxanthin and antioxidant levels
as well as protects from
hypopigmentation and soft
drusen accumulation in the
macula of elderly subjects.
However, the mechanism of
action is unclear, given the lack
of relationship between change
in plasma zeaxanthin and
change in macular
wheatgrass juice 2 many conditions general health plant extract 1,330,000 wheatgrass juice Wheatgrass may Clinical trials show that
Mini-Review in
health benefits boost wheatgrass may induce Medicinal Chemistry
chemotherapy synergistic benefits to
results and chemotherapy and may
improve side attenuate chemotherapy-related
effects, benefit side effects, as well as benefit
rheumatoid rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative
arthritis, colitis, hematological diseases,
ulcerative colitis, diabetes, obesity, and oxidative
hematological stress. However, all the trials
diseases, were small and a number of
diabetes, obesity, methodological problems arose.
and oxidative
stress. However,
all the trials were
small and some
were poor
açaí berry 1 weight control general health fruit 4,530,000 açaí berry weight There's no Acai berries are widely marketed
National Institute of
loss definitive for weight loss despite no Health
scientific definitive scientific evidence.
evidence that
acai berries have
any effect on
weight loss.
fish oil / omega 3 1 asthma general health animal product 15,300,000 fish oil asthma Populations with Eating more fish has been Cochrane
diets high in fish recommended as one way of
also have low possibly reducing asthma.
rates of asthma, Populations with diets high in fish
but there is no also have low rates of asthma.
evidence that fish As diets in other communities
oil actually have become higher in saturated
causes those low fats, asthma has also increased.
rates. The theory has been that an
ingredient in fish oil may reduce
inflammation. Inflammation
causes the swelling in the
airways of the lungs that leads to
asthma attacks. However, this
review of trials found that people
with asthma changing their diets
to include more fish oil did not
improve their asthma.
blackcurrants 2 cancer general health, fruit 659,000 blackcurrants Limited evidence Limited evidence from clinical
British Journal of
ageing cancer that data indicates that the use of
anthocyanins, anthocyanins [as found in Comprehensive
found in blackcurrants] can improve life Reviews in Food
blackcurrents, qualityand might provide a Science and Food
can allow survival advantage in terminal Safety
terminal cancer care for cancer patients.
patients to live However, the availability and
longer. But the stability of anthocyanins in the
mechanism is human body is problematic, and
largely the mechanisms of action remain
unexplained. largely unexplained. Further
rigorous scientific investigation
and more clinical proof are
camu camu myrciaria dubia, camucamu, 2 oxidative stress general health, fruit 64,100 camu camu Only two small There have only been two human
The Journal of
cacari, camocamo cancer oxidative stress human studies to studies to date, both very small Alternative and
date. One (20 and 12 subjects). One study Complementary
showed benefits examined the effect of camu Medicine
for smokers. The camu on the oxidative stress of
other showed no smokers, with positive results.
change for non- The other studied its effect in
smokers. healthy non-smokers, and
reported no change. Thus, there
is some very slight evidence that
camu camu might be beneficial
to those in situations with
increased oxidative challenge,
such as smoking, physical
activity, and after consumption of
turmeric (curcumin) curcuma longa, curcumin 4 many conditions general health, herb / spice OTW 54,400,000 turmeric health Curcumin has a Extensive cell studies and a
Tumor Biology;
(active ingredient) cancer, diabetes, long list of smaller number of clinical trials Reviews of
mental health protective have demonstrated
properties. neuroprotective, antitumor, Biochemistry and
However, very antioxidant, anticancer, anti- Pharmacology;
large amounts inflammatory, anti-acidogenic, Journal of Traditional
have to be radioprotective, anti-esophageal, and Complementary
ingested to get anti-nephrotoxicity, antimicrobial, Medicine; Indian
the effects - a antiviral, anti-angiogeneic, anti- Journal of Clinical
problem that proliferative, anti- Biochemistry
researchers are immunomodulatory,
working on hepatoprotectivity, antimalarial,
solving. anticytotoxicity and anti-diabetic
properties. However, clinical
applications of curcuminoids are
restricted by their poor solubility,
low absorption and
bioavailability, high metabolism
rate, a limitation that can be
resolved with various
modifications. Overall, it is clear
from the studies described that
curcuminoids are highly
promiscuous and can be used as
a novel drug in future.

amla berry aamla berry, Indian 2 oxidative stress in general health, fruit 1,530,000 amla berry One small study Data from one small study
The American
gooseberry, Phyllanthus people with kidney urinary kidney suggests that suggest that Amla Journal of Chinese
emblica failure Amla berry might supplementation may increase Medicine
increase plasma plasma antioxidant power and
antioxidant decrease oxidative stress in
power and uremic patients. However, Amla
decrease extract did not influence hepatic
oxidative stress or renal function, or diabetic and
in people with atherogenic indices in uremic
kidney failure. patients.
dandelion dandelion soup 2 tonsillitis infections plant / herb 338,000 dandelion Dandelion might Dandelion might have
tonsillitis have antimicrobial properties, which Health Care
antimicrobial could help with throat infections.
properties, which
could help with
throat infections.
elderberry 2 flu infections fruit 1,740,000 elderberry flu Two exploratory Several in vitro studies together Phytotherapy
human studies with two exploratory studies in Research
suggest humans and one open study in
elderberry extract chimpanzees indicate that the
might be useful aqueous elderberry extract
in treating flu Sambucol may be useful for the
symptoms. treatment of viral influenza
infections. These promising
effects of elderberry fruit
preparations from experimental
and clinical studies should be
backed by more rigorous studies
before these preparations are
recommended in the prevention
of diseases and in treatment
honey 2 coughs in children infections animal product 35,700,000 honey cough Honey is as Honey probably relieves cough
Cochrane; Journal of
effective at symptoms to a greater extent Alternative and
relieving coughs than no treatment, Complementary
as some diphenhydramine, and placebo, Medicine
conventional but may make little or no
treatments, but difference compared to
less effective dextromethorphan. Honey
than others. probably reduces cough duration
better than placebo and
salbutamol. There was no strong
evidence for or against using
garlic 1 colds infections plant / herb 3,370,000 garlic colds Insufficient There is insufficient clinical trial
clinical trial evidence regarding the effects of
evidence on the garlic in preventing or treating the
effects of garlic common cold.
on the common
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
tomatoes 3 prostate cancer men, cancer fruit OTW 1,720,000 tomatoes A huge review A review of 30 studies related to Cancer and
prevention prostate cancer found that those tomato consumption and PCa Prostatic Diseases
who eat more risk were included in a meta-
tomatoes have a analysis, which summarized data
lower risk of from 24,222 cases and 260,461
prostate cancer, participants. The review
but we don't concluded that increased tomato
understand the consumption is inversely
mechanism yet. associated with prostate cancer
risk. Further studies are required
to determine the underlying
mechanisms of these
prickly pear cactus nopal cactus, Opuntia ficus 1 hangovers, men, women, vegetable 129,000 prickly pear No evidence that No compelling evidence exists to British Medical
indica inflammation general health hangover any treatment for suggest that any conventional or Journal
a hangover complementary intervention is
works. effective for preventing or
treating alcohol hangover. The
most effective way to avoid the
symptoms of alcohol induced
hangover is to practise
abstinence or moderation.
sage Salvia officinalis 3 Alzheimer's, mood, mental health herb / spice OTW 3,670,000 sage alzheimer's Sage appears to Sage appears to enhance
CNS Neuroscience
memory be safe and cognitive performance both in
and Therapeutics;
effective in healthy subjects and patients Journal of Traditional
enhancing with dementia or cognitive and Complementary
cognitive impairment and is safe for this Medicine
performance for indication. Mood-enhancing
both healthy properties may applications in
patients and the treatment of agitation in
those with advanced dementia. There is no
dementia, but report of negative side effects for
trial quality long-term use. Unfortunately,
issues promising beneficial effects are
undermine the debased by methodological
results. issues. Further clinical trials of
higher quality are needed.
coffee caffeine 3 Alzheimer's, mental health grain / pulse 48,500,000 coffee dementia In several large Several cross-sectional and
The Journal of
dementia studies, coffee, longitudinal population-based
Nutrition, Health and
tea and caffeine studies suggested a protective
Aging; Archives of
use have shown effect of coffee, tea, and caffeine Medical Science;
a protective use against late-life cognitive Nutrition
effect against impairment/decline, although the
late-life cognitive association was not found in all
decline. cognitive domains investigated
and there was a lack of a distinct
dose-response association, with
a stronger effect among women
than men. Furthermore, for
dementia and AD prevention,
some studies with baseline
examination in midlife pointed to
a lack of association, although
other case-control and
longitudinal population-based
studies with briefer follow-up
periods supported favourable
effects of coffee, tea, and
caffeine consumption against
peppers bell peppers, sweet peppers 2 Parkinson's disease mental health fruit OTW 574,000 peppers Vegetables from Multiple observational studies
CUNY Academic
Parkinson's the solenaceae show vegetables from the Works
disease family, solenaceae family, specifically
specifically peppers, have a protective effect,
peppers, may possibly due to their nicotine
protect against content. Full clinical trials are
Parkinson's. warranted.
fish oil / omega 3 1 dementia prevention mental health animal product 9,140,000 fish oil dementia Fish oil The results of the available
supplements studies show no benefit for
have no benefit cognitive function with omega‐3
on cognitive PUFA supplementation among
function in cognitively healthy older people.
healthy older
fish oil / omega 3 2 child intelligence mental health, compound 31,900,000 fish oil omega 3 Fish oil Fish oil supplementation has a
Cochrane; Research
children child intelligence supplementation very minor positive impact on in Developmental
has a very minor some measures of learning and Disabilities
positive impact performance.
on some
measures of
learning and
coffee 4 depression mental health, grain / pulse 123,000,000 coffee Coffee and Coffee and caffeine consumption
Australian and New
women depression caffeine are were significantly associated with
Zealand Journal of
associated with a decreased risk of depression in a Psychiatry; Molecular
decreased risk of meta-review of human Nutrition and Food
depression. observation studies (~370,000 Research
subjects in total).
nattō fermented soy 2 bone health musculoskeletal microbe OTW 3,100,000 fermented soy Nattō (fermented Preliminary findings show that
milk bone health soy milk) may fermented soymilk may prevent Climacteric
prevent bone bone loss in postmenopausal
loss in post- women. However, further studies
menopausal with a larger number of subjects
women. per group are required to
evaluate trends showing a
positive effect on hormones,
bone formation and
cardiovascular disease risk.
pineapple 3 osteoarthritis musculoskeletal fruit 578,000 pineapple Results are Results are mixed. One recent
osteoarthritis mixed. One study study concluded bromelain
recorded a short- (found in pineapple) has no Journal of Clinical
term effect, but difference in reducing symptoms and Diagnostic
no long-term of mild-to-moderate knee OA Research
effect. Another after 4 weeks when compared
found significant with diclofenac, but did work in
improvements. the short-term (>4wks). Another
found significant improvement in
reducing pain in patients treated
with oral enzymes and diclofenac
sodium combination therapy.
horsetail Equisetum arvense, 2 osteoporosis musculoskeletal vegetable 98,600 horsetail A small, old Contains silicon, a mineral
shavegrass, common osteoporosis study showed needed for bone health. An old
horsetail, field horsetail, horsetail (1999) study of menopausal
tsukushi improved bone women treated with titrated dry
density in horsetail extract for 40 or 80 days
menopausal showed improved bone density
women. above placebo. Improvements
were enhanced when the women
took horsetail in combination with
krill oil 1 arthritis musculoskeletal animal product 650,000 krill oil arthritis Marine oils might Meta-analysis suggests a small Nutrients
have a slight favorable effect of marine oil in
effect on arthritis reducing pain in patients with
pain, but the arthritis, but the evidence was of
evidence is poor low quality. More research is
quality. needed in order to provide
evidence for firm conclusions
regarding the effect of marine oil
in OA and other types of arthritis,
but also regarding the optimal
dose, ratio of EPA and DHA, and
which type of marine oil is
elk velvet antler elk antler velvet 1 rheumatoid arthritis musculoskeletal animal product 45,300 elk velvet antler No good quality Claims made for velvet antler
The New Zealand
arthritis evidence for elk supplements do not appear to be Medical Journal
velvet antler as a based upon rigorous research
treatment for from human trials.
cordyceps sinensis ophiocordyceps sinensis, 3 kidney health urinary fungus 200,000 cordyceps Cordyceps Cordyceps preparation, as an
caterpillar fungus, yartsa sinensis kidney mushrooms, adjuvant therapy to conventional
gunbu, yatsa gunbu, Dōng taken alongside medicine, showed potential
chóng xià cǎo, bailing conventional promise to decrease serum
medicine, shows creatinine, increase creatine
potential promise clearance, reduce proteinuria
in improving and alleviate CKD‐associated
kidney health. complications, such as increased
More high-quality haemoglobin and serum albumin.
research is However, definitive conclusions
needed. could not be made because of
the low quality of evidence.
nettles stinging nettle, Urtica dioica 3 urinary symptoms urinary, men vegetable 774,000 nettles urinary Some studies Although earlier reviews
Journal of Patient-
have shown suggested stinging nettle extracts Centered Research
nettle extracts may be useful in the treatment of and Reviews
can treat benign mild to moderate symptoms of
prostatic benign prostatic hypertrophy,
hypertrophy, more recent reviews have noted
while others have the contradictory outcomes of
provided individual studies and the fact
contradictory or that other studies suggesting
uncertain results. efficacy were done with
combination products that
included stinging nettle but also
several other potentially active
ingredients. Toxicities in the
studies have generally been mild.
cranberry products cranberry juice, cranberries 1 urinary tract urinary, women plant / herb 880,000 cranberry urinary There is no There is no statistically significant
infections tract infections statistically evidence that cranberry juice or
significant supplements prevent UTIs.
evidence that
cranberry juice or
prevent UTIs.
coconut oil Cocos nucifera 4 weight control weight control plant extract 74,300,000 coconut oil Replacing other Replacement of long chain
Journal of the
weight loss cooking oils with triglycerides with medium-chain Academy of Nutrition
coconut oil could triglycerides (MTCs) [as found in and Dietetics
lead to modest coconut oil] in the diet could
weight loss. But potentially induce modest
better studies reductions in body weight and
needed. composition without adversely
affecting lipid profiles. However,
further research is required by
independent research groups
using large, well-designed
studies to confirm the efficacy of
MCT and to determine the
dosage needed for the
management of a healthy body
weight and composition.
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 4 appetite weight control animal product 29,300,000 eggs appetite Eating eggs Eating eggs, particularly for
Nutrition Research
keeps you fuller breakfast, may keep you feeling
for longer, fuller for longer – reducing
reducing appetite feelings of hunger over the next
through the day. 4-36 hours – and may also
They might also reduce food intake and regulate
regulate blood blood glucose and insulin levels.
glucose and
insulin in the
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 searchterm notes noteslong mainlink study1 study2 study3 linksource
food alternative name evidence condition condition type substance one to watch popularity search term notes source notes main study source link Cochrane systematic review
other international review
board orstudy
metastudy source names
0 = harmful our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / Google hits used to generate appears in Linked to from bubbles. Calculated from next 3 cols. Prioritises Cochrane, then metastudies, then individual studies
1 = no evidence higher the bubble condition substance is trials but (used to scale Google hits bubble on
2 = slight better) this? positive the bubbles) figure mouseover
3= potential
4 = promising
5 = good
6 = strong
seaweed 3 weight loss weight control alga 9,040,000 seaweed weight Seaweed might The majority of studies assessing
Food Science and
loss increase fullness, the short-term effects of alginate
Human Wellness;
reduce energy consumption indicate that Obesity Reviews
intake and alginate may increase satiety,
support weight reduce energy intake and
loss, but longer support weight reduction.
trials are needed Mechanisms suggested for these
for firm effects include delayed gastric
conclusions. clearance, stimulation of gastric
stretch receptorsand attenuated
nutrient absorption. Long-term
studies in humans are required in
order to allow firm conclusions.
pu-erh tea pu'er tea, black Chinese tea 1 weight loss weight control plant extract 474,000 pu-erh tea A very small A fermented dark Chinese tea
Nutrition Research
weight loss study found that with high gallic acid content.
participants lost Demonstrated to elicit antiobese
significantly more effects in animals. We could only
weight over 8 find one human study. 36
weeks when preobese Japanese adults drank
drinking pu-erh powdered barley tea with or
tea. without pu-erh tea extract for 12
weeks. After 8 weeks, the pu-erh
tea group had lost significantly
more weight, reduced their waist
circumference and visceral fat.
ecklonia cava 3 cholesterol, weight weight control, alga 62,600 ecklonia cava There's evidence A review suggests there is Marine Drugs
seaweed loss cardio cholesterol that seaweed evidence that diet
supplements can supplementation with whole
combat several macroalgae or products of
mechanisms macroalgae origin can ameliorate
behind the onset several mechanisms underlying
of cardiovascular the onset and propagation of
disease. Ecklonia CVDs. One study of ecklonia
in particular has cava in particular (80 subjects)
been shown to concluded that ECE
decrease supplementation improved blood
cholesterol. lipid profiles through decreasing
total cholesterol and LDL-
cholesterol levels which are
known as major cardiovascular
risk factors. More studies are
needed to establish the long-term
safety and effectiveness.
fermented kimchi 2 body weight, weight control, microbe 3,230,000 kimchi weight A small trial Kimchi is a Korean fermented
metabolic cardio loss found fermented vegetable condiment. A small
parameters kimchi improved trial of 22 overweight and obese
factors patients found the ingestion of
associated with fermented kimchi had positive
metabolic effects on various factors
syndrome. Not associated with metabolic
the case with syndrome, including systolic and
non-fermented diastolic blood pressures,
kimchi. percent body fat, fasting glucose,
and total cholesterol, compared
with the fresh kimchi. These
results suggest that the maturity
of kimchi (fresh vs fermented)
may affect obesity, lipid
metabolism, and inflammatory
grapefruit 2 weight loss, weight control, fruit 17,200,000 grapefruit weight Some evidence A review of 3 randomized clinical
Critical Reviews in
cardiovascular health cardio loss that grapefruit trials looking into body weight, Food Science and
decreases blood blood pressure, and lipid profile Nutrition
pressure, but in overweight and obese subjects
doesn't appear to concluded that grapefruit made
help with weight no difference to bodyweight, but
loss. appeared to decrease systolic
blood pressure. However, paucity
in the number of RCTs, short
durations of interventions, and
lack of an established minimum
effective dose limit the
conclusions that can be drawn
about the effects of grapefruit on
body weight and metabolic
parameters. Further clinical trials
evaluating the effects of
grapefruit are warranted.
chia seeds Salvia hispanica 1 cardio risk factors, weight control, nut / seed 12,700,000 chia seeds heart No statistically Most of the available studies did Nutricion Hospitalaria
weight loss cardio significant results not demonstrate statistically
in the available significant results in relation to
studies on cardio cardiovascular disease risk
risk factors. factors. The evidence is
insufficient and there are multiple
limitations to the studies
apple cider vinegar 3 weight control, weight control, plant extract 16,500,000 apple cider Vinegar can be Findings suggest that vinegar
Diabetes Research
diabetes diabetes vinegar diabetes effective in can be effective in reducing
and Clinical Practice;
reducing glucose postprandial glucose and insulin
International Journal
and insulin levels levels, indicating it could be of Diabetes
after eating. considered as an adjunctive tool Research; Journal of
for improving glycemic control. It Evidence-Based
would be worthwhile to carry out Integrative Medicine;
large carefully planned trials to European Journal of
determine the efficacy and Clinical Nutrition
effectiveness of vinegar as an
adjunct treatment modality.
flaxseed 5 breast cancer women nut / seed 1,050,000 flaxseed breast Eating flaxseed Current evidence suggests that
Integrative Cancer
cancer is associated flax may be associated with
Therapies; Frontiers
with a lower risk decreased risk of breast cancer.
of breast cancer, Flax demonstrates
and can help antiproliferative effects in breast
those with breast tissue of women at risk of breast
cancer live cancer and may protect against
longer. primary breast cancer. Mortality
risk may also be reduced among
those living with breast cancer.
ginger 5 morning sickness women herb / spice 4,130,000 ginger morning Very effective for Numerous studies of ginger
Cochrane; The
sickness reducing nausea. compared with placebo found Journal of Maternal-
ginger to be superior in reducing Fetal and Neonatal
nausea within a few days. The Medicine
effect is comparable with several
other herbal and conventional
soy isoflavones phytoestrogen 5 menopausal hot women plant extract 334,000 soy isoflavones menopause
Helpful for A review of 62 studies (6653
Jama; British Journal
flushes reducing subjects) reported that individual
of Clinical
menopausal hot phytoestrogen interventions such Pharmacology
flushes. as dietary and supplemental soy
isoflavones were associated with
improvement in daily hot flashes.
Another review of 16 studies
(1710 subjects) concluded that
soy isoflavones show slight and
slow effects in attenuating
menopausal hot flashes
compared with estradiol.
flax seeds 4 menopausal hot women nut / seed OTW 285,000 flax seeds hot Helpful for A systematic review of 5 studies
Avicenna Journal of
flushes flashes reducing concluded that flax seed Phytomedicine;
menopausal hot products decreases both the Journal of Medicinal
flushes. frequency and severity of hot Food
flashes in menopausal women.
krill oil 2 PMS women animal product 646,000 krill oil period A small study In a study of 70 subjects with
pain concluded krill oil PMS, it was found that Neptune
significantly Krill Oil can significantly reduce
reduces the dysmenorrhea and the emotional
physical and symptoms of premenstrual
emotional syndrome and is shown to be
symptoms of significantly more effective for the
PMS. complete management of
premenstrual symptoms
compared to omega-3 fish oil.
saffron, celery seed, star anise 2 period pain women herb / spice OTW 122,000 saffron celery Saffron, celery We could only find one study.
Journal of Midwifery
& anise seed anise seed, & anise 180 female students were given and Women's Health
period pain extract relieved either placebo, mefenamic acid,
period pain as or 500mg of saffron, celery seed,
effectively as and anise extract (SCA) three
conventional times daily for three days. Both
drugs, but it was drugs effectively relieved
a small study. menstrual pain as compared with
the placebo, but the magnitude of
the reduction was significantly
greater in the SCA group than in
the mefenamic acid and placebo
sage Salvia officinalis 1 menopausal hot women herb / spice 3,170,000 sage hot flashes Some trials found Some trials found that
flushes sage influences phytoestrogen [found in sage]
hot flushes but treatments alleviated the
they were small frequency and severity of hot
and of poor flushes and night sweats when
quality, and compared with placebo, but
showed a strong many trials were small and were
placebo effect. determined to be at high risk of
bias. A strong placebo effect was
noted in most trials, with a
reduction in frequency ranging
from 1% to 59% with placebo. No
conclusive evidence shows that
phytoestrogen supplements
effectively reduce the frequency
or severity of hot flushes and
night sweats in perimenopausal
or postmenopausal women.
fennel 1 PMS women vegetable 928,000 fennel period There is no There is no consistent evidence
pain consistent for fennel as a treatment for
evidence that dysmenorrhoea, and studies on
fennel helps with safety effects of dietary
period pain, and supplementation for PMS are
safety studies lacking.
are lacking.
previous score criteria new score criteria
0 = no evidence 0 = harmful
1,2 = slight 1 = no evidence
3 = conflicting/moderate 2 = slight
4 = promising 3 = conflicting/moderate
5 = good 4 = promising
6 = strong 5 = good
6 = strong
food condition change change notes date
multiple entries for cardio, general health consolidated Consolidated into a single 'tree nut' entry. May 2019
different types of tree
lemons, oranges cancer consolidated Folded both into 'citrus fruits'. April 2019
sweet potato type II diabetes downgraded Downgraded from conflicting/moderate to no April 2019
mushrooms cancer downgraded Downgraded from conflicting/moderate to slight. April 2019
sage hot flushes downgraded Downgraded from conflicting/moderate to slight. April 2019
apples many conditions downgraded Downgraded from conflicting/moderate to slight. April 2019
pomegranate general health downgraded Downgraded from conflicting/moderate to slight. April 2019
Refined condition from 'general health' to
'cardiovascular disease, cholesterol'.
fish oil / omega appetite among cancer downgraded Downgraded from good to no evidence. April 2019
conflicting/moderate patients
cordyceps sinensis kidney health downgraded Downgraded from promising to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
nettles urinary problems in men downgraded Downgraded from promising to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
eggs cardio risk factors in downgraded Downgraded from slight to harmful. April 2019
chia seeds cardio risk factors, weight downgraded Downgraded from slight to no evidence. April 2019
cinnamon diabetes downgraded Downgraded from slight to no evidence. April 2019
garlic colds downgraded Downgraded from slight to no evidence. April 2019
prickly pear cactus hangovers, inflammation downgraded Downgraded from slight to no evidence. April 2019
oats cholesterol downgraded Downgraded from strong to promising. April 2019
kale tbc new New addition. April 2019
kale cholesterol new New addition. April 2019
kiwi constipation new New addition. April 2019
açaí berry cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
alfalfa general health removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
amaranth cholesterol removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
artichoke digestion removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
asparagus cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
aubergine cholesterol removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
avocado cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
barleygrass juice all conditions removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
black tea stress removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
bladderwrack menstrual health removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
burdock root all conditions removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
butternut squash all conditions removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
carob cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
dulse all conditions removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
fennel digestion removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
figs cardiovascular disease, removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
goji berry general health removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
honey cardio risk factors removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
longan fruit weight control removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
mango cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
papaya prostate cancer prevention removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
parsley oxidative stress/cancer removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
pomegranate juice erectile dysfunction removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
prunes cardiovascular disease, removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
pumpkin seeds cancer removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
raspberries cardiovascular disease, removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
zinc sex drive removed Removed - no human trials found April 2019
honey antimicrobial activity removed Removed - topical only, not ingested April 2019
açaí berry cancer prevention score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
amla berry oxidative stress in people score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
with kidney failure
barley cholesterol score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
beetroot blood pressure score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
Buckwheat diabetes score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
camu camu oxidative stress score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
coconut oil weight control score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
coffee Alzheimer's, dementia score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
dandelion tonsilitis score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
eggs eye health score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
elk velvet antler rheumatoid arthritis score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
fennel PMS score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
fish oil / omega cardiovascular disease score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
flaxseed constipation score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
garlic cancer prevention score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
grapefruit weight loss, cardiovascular score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
green coffee beans blood pressure score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
green tea cholesterol score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
green tea cancer prevention score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
krill oil arthritis score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
natto bone health score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
olive oil cardiovascular disease score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
peppermint oil IBS score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
pineapple osteoarthritis score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
probiotics antibiotic-related diarrhea score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
prunes constipation score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
red wine cardiovascular disease score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
sage Alzheimer's symptoms score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
turmeric IBS score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
wheatgrass juice general health score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
yoghurt, live gut health, immune system score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
lychees general health score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. . April 2019
Refined category to 'exercise performance'.
prickly pear blood sugar, blood lipids score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
Changed condition to 'blood pressure, cholesterol'.
hawthorn blood pressure score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
Expanded to blood pressure & cardiovascular
fish oil / omega cognitive function in older score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. Refined April 2019
conflicting/moderate people condition to 'dementia prevention'.
blackcurrants cancer, heart disease score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
prevention Removed 'heart disease' from condition.
strawberries cardiovascular disease, score unchanged Notes & sources updated, score unchanged. Split April 2019
cancer conditions into two separate entries.
black tea cancer score unchanged Notes and sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
cranberry UTIs score unchanged Notes and sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
fish oil / omega child intelligence score unchanged Notes and sources updated, score unchanged. April 2019
anise period pain score unchanged Score unchanged. Changed to 'saffron, celery seed, April 2019
and anise' as per study cited.
cabbage cancer upgraded Folded in to 'cruciferous vegetables' entry. Upgraded April 2019
from conflicting/moderate to good.
coffee many conditions upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
fruit and veg, all types cancer upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
ginger morning sickness upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
soy isoflavones menopausal hot flashes upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
flaxseed blood pressure upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
broccoli cancer upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to good. April 2019
Changed to 'cruciferous vegetables'.
fish oil / omega colorectal cancer upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to promising. April 2019
flaxseed menopausal hot flashes upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to promising. April 2019
hemp seeds cardiovascular disease upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to promising. April 2019
turmeric general health, anti- upgraded Upgraded from conflicting/moderate to promising. April 2019
almonds cholesterol, cardiovascular upgraded Upgraded from good to strong. April 2019
pulses cholesterol, cardiovascular upgraded Upgraded from good to strong. April 2019
hawthorn chronic heart failure upgraded Upgraded from good to strong. April 2019
garlic cancer treatment upgraded Upgraded from no evidence to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
quinoa general health upgraded Upgraded from no evidence to promising. April 2019
grapes cardiovascular disease upgraded Upgraded from promising to good. April 2019
beetroot exercise performance upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
brazil nuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
cashew nuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
hazelnuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
macadamia nuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
pecan nuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
pine nuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
walnuts cholesterol upgraded Upgraded from promising to strong. April 2019
apple cider vinegar diabetes, weight control upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
cherries general health upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
ecklonia cava seaweed cholesterol, weight loss upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
natto diabetes upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
nettles type II diabetes upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
peppers Parkinson's disease upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
fibre cardiovascular disease upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. May 2019
tomatoes prostate cancer prevention upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
rockweed appetite upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
Changed condition to 'weight loss' and changed food
from 'rockweed' to 'seaweed'.
elderberries oxidative stress, lipids upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
Expanded to oxidative stress / cardiovascular disease
/ diabetes.
kiwi cardiovascular disease, upgraded Upgraded from slight to conflicting/moderate. April 2019
cancer Removed 'cancer' from condition.
flaxseed breast cancer upgraded Upgraded from slight to good. April 2019
wholegrains diabetes upgraded Upgraded from slight to good. April 2019
blueberries general health upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. April 2019
coffee depression upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. April 2019
dark chocolate cardio upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. April 2019
garlic blood pressure upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. April 2019
bladderwrack and insulin response upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. Broadened food to April 2019
rockweed 'seaweeds' and condition to 'type II diabetes'.
leek stomach cancer prevention upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. Changed to 'allium April 2019
chlorella blood pressure upgraded Upgraded from slight to promising. Expanded April 2019
condition from 'blood pressure' to 'blood pressure /
cholesterol / cardiovascular disease'.
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 metric_002 metric_003 metric_004 notes exclude linksource firstsource secondsource thirdsource
Food alternative name EVIDENCE condition HEALTH TYPE One to watch POPULARITY NO OF SCIENTIFIC UNUSED notes Exclude notes Main study source Cochrane Other International Link to main no. of studies % positive no. of studies year(s) of No. of N positive studies / main study source Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual
CONDITION STUDIES WE INTEREST link systematic review review board or individual study in Cochrane studies / trials in metastudy metastudy individual trials study study study study study study study study study study
EXAMINED metastudy metastudy studies /
0 = no evidence, 1,2 our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / square root of can also mean square root of every day language Hide this medical language Linked to from (i.e, those that N trials showing
= slight, 3 = higher the bubble condition substance is trials but google hits no data on no. of Google Scholar item in the bubbles. Calculated are not benefit in areas
conflicting or better) this? positive (used to scale papers in a hits - "food + viz? from next 3 cols. systematic or tested (p<.05). 0.5 =
moderate, 4 = potential the bubbles) - review health" Prioritises Cochrane, other reviews). significant results in
promising, 5 = good, "food + health" then metastudies, some areas but not
6 = strong then individual others
burdock root Arctium lappa 0 general health general health vegetable OTW 1100 0 99 Used in traditional Chinese medicine. Contains several compounds that may boost skin Used in traditional Chinese medicine. 2011: No human trials yet, but burdock 0 Chan et al 2011
blood circulation, improve skin texture and quality and help cure eczema. No human root contains active ingredients that may promote blood circulation to the skin
trials yet. surface, improve the skin quality/texture and curing skin diseases like eczema.
Antioxidants and antidiabetic compounds have also been found in the root.
carob 0 cancer prevention cancer nut / seed OTW 3076 0 119 Lab trials show carob extract can protect human colon cells from DNA damage. But no No human trials, but in vitro trials show carob extract can protect human colon Klenow et al 2009
trials on humans yet. cell lines from DNA damage.
dulse Palmaria palmata, sea 0 all conditions general health alga OTW 733 2 48 A potential source of antioxidants. Very high in potassium - one woman with kidney No human trials, but has been investigated in the lab as a source of 0 0 McGrath et al 2010 (case report)
lettuce flakes problems was hospitalized after eating dulse. No human trials yet. antioxidants. It is very high in potassium, and a case was recorded of a woman
with kidney problems being admitted to hospital as a result.
goji berry wolfberry 0 general health, general health, fruit OTW 2047 2 25 Used in traditional Chinese medicine. Clinical studies lacking. 2010: In view of the available pharmacological data and the long tradition of use 2 1 Potterat 2010
longevity ageing in the traditional Chinese medicine, L. barbarum and L. chinense certainly
deserve further investigation. However, clinical evidences and rigorous
procedures for quality control are indispensable before any recommendation of
use can be made for Goji products.
prunes 0 cardiovascular cardio, cancer fruit OTW 3655 0 184 Compounds in prunes called phenols show beneficial effects on cholesterol in the lab, Phenolic compounds in prunes had been found to inhibit human LDL oxidation Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis et al
disease, cancer so might protect against heart disease and cancer. No human studies yet. in vitro, and thus might serve as preventive agents against chronic diseases, 2001
such as heart disease and cancer.
pumpkin seeds 0 cancer prevention cancer nut / seed OTW 1811 0 76 Pumpkin seeds contain high-levels of 'squalene', an important dietary cancer preventive. Squalene was particularly abundant in pumpkin seed (89.0 mg/100 g). No 0 Ryan et al 2007
human trials, but several studies have indicated that squalene is an important
dietary cancer chemopreventive agent.
amla berry aamla berry, Indian 1 oxidative stress in general health, fruit OTW 871 1 27 Patients with uremia (a side effect of kidney failure) benefited slightly from a 4-month 2009: In patients with uremia (a side effect of kidney failure), supplementation
100% 1 1 Chen et al 2009
gooseberry, Phyllanthus people with kidney urinary amla-berry supplement for 4 months (changed one sign of cell damage in the blood). with amla extract for 4 months reduced one blood marker of oxidative stress
emblica failure But no significant differences were observed in liver function, kidney function, diabetic and increased total antioxidant status of the blood. But there were no significant
and cardiovascular risk.. differences observed in liver function, kidney function, diabetic index and
cardiovascular risk factors.
anise star anise 1 period pain women herb / spice OTW 1944 1 160 1 Nahid et al 2009
artichoke 1 digestion digestion vegetable OTW 2332 1 171 1 Valussi 2012
asparagus 1 cancer prevention cancer vegetable OTW 7085 2 187 2 Gullett et al 2010
avocado 1 cancer prevention cancer fruit OTW 9844 2 185 2 Ding et al 2006
buckwheat 1 diabetes diabetes grain / pulse OTW 3615 1 181 1 Li and Zhang 2001
camu camu myrciaria dubia, camucamu, 1 oxidative stress general health, fruit OTW 1,304 1 27 Very high in vitamin C. But a single study of smokers suggests its powerful anti-oxidant 2008: 70ml of camu-camu juice per day, containing 1050mg vitamin C, or just
100% 1 1 Inoue et al 2008
cacari, camocamo cancer and anti-inflammatory effects may be due to other substances in the fruit. 1050mg vitamin C (control) given to 20 male smokers for 7 days. Oxidative
stress and inflammatory markers decreased significantly in the camu-camu
group, while there was no change in the vitamin C group. Camu-camu juice may
have powerful anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, compared to
vitamin C tablets containing equivalent vitamin C content. These effects may be
due to the existence of unknown anti-oxidant substances besides vitamin C or
unknown substances modulating in vivo vitamin C kinetics in camu-camu.
chlorella Chlorella pyrenoidosa 1 blood pressure cardio alga OTW 1972 2 151 Good source of magnesium and GABA (a chemical with a calming effect on the brain). 2009: 20mg of chlorella (a kind of algae) twice a day for 12 weeks significantly
50% 2 1 Shimada et al 2009
Has slight lowering effect on blood pressure. More research needed. decreased systolic blood pressure in people compared with placebo, especially
among those already with borderline hypertension. The authors suggest its high
GABA levels are related to the BP reduction. Diastolic blood pressure also
tended to decrease, but not significantly. 2010: 52 Korean male smokers took
6.3g of chlorella or placebo every day for 6 weeks. Antioxidant status improved.
Blood pressure tended to decrease, but not significantly.
ecklonia cava 1 blood pressure cardio alga OTW 365 1 70 A high dose of a polyphenol extract from seaweed for 12 weeks lowered blood pressure. 2012: 144mg of a polyphenol extract from Ecklonia cava every day for 12 weeks
100% 1 1 Shin et al 2012
seaweed A lower dose did not. lowered systolic blood pressure compared to placebo among overweight male
and female adults (average age 40.5), but a lower dose (72 mg / day) did not.
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 1 blood sugar and diabetes, cardio animal product OTW 15620 1 938 In diabetics, a high protein diet with eggs lowers blood pressure, blood sugar and In a 2011 trial of 65 subjects with type-2 diabetes, those on a high-protein
100% 1 1 Pearce et al 2011
cardio risk factors in improves other aspects of cardio health better than the same diet without eggs. The calorie restricted diet including eggs showed improved glycaemic and lipid
diabetes cholesterol issue: eggs do raise cholesterol in a small number of people, but not the profiles, blood pressure and lowered apo-B (a measure of heart disease risk)
majority. compared to those on the same diet but not including eggs. Background
information: most people do not show elevated cholesterol after eating eggs, but
a small number of people do (hyper-responders).
fennel 1 digestion digestion vegetable OTW 4706 1 181 Plants that have a substantial body of data in support of their digestion-;year=2009;volume=3;issue=6;spage=346;epage=352;aulast=Garga
2012 1 Valussi 2012
enhancing activities are ginger, peppermint, aniseed and fennel.
fennel 1 PMS women vegetable OTW 4706 1 181 1 Delaram et al 2011
figs 1 cardiovascular cardio, cancer fruit OTW 4397 2 659 2 Solomon et al 2006
disease, cancer
goji berry wolfberry 1 eye health general health fruit OTW 2047 2 25 High in antioxidants needed for good vision. Goji supplements for 90 days increase 2011: Goji berry (Lycium barbarum L.) is purported to benefit vision because of
100% 2 2 Bucheli et al 2011
blood levels of these antioxidants and improves some measures of eye health. More its high antioxidant (especially zeaxanthin) content, although this effect has not
trials needed. been demonstrated in high-quality human studies. Daily dietary
supplementation with goji berry for 90 days increases plasma zeaxanthin and
antioxidant levels as well as protects from hypopigmentation and soft drusen
accumulation in the macula of elderly subjects. However, the mechanism of
action is unclear, given the lack of relationship between change in plasma
zeaxanthin and change in macular characteristics. 2005: Epidemiological
studies provide some evidence that an increased consumption of lutein and
zeaxanthin with the diet is associated with a lowered risk for age-related
macular degeneration, a disease with increasing incidence in the elderly. 2005b:
2005: Zeaxanthin in whole wolfberries is bioavailable and that intake of a
modest daily amount markedly increases fasting plasma zeaxanthin levels.
horsetail Equisetum arvense, 1 osteoporosis musculoskeletal vegetable OTW 1162 1 51 Contains silicon, a mineral needed for bone health. Menopausal women treated with Contains silicon, a mineral needed for bone health. 1999: menopausal women
100% 1 1 Corletto 1999
shavegrass, common dried extract improved bone density, especially when horsetail taken with calcium. treated with titrated dry horsetail extract for 40 or 80 days showed improved
horsetail, field horsetail, bone density above placebo. Improvements were enhanced when the women
tsukushi took horsetail in combination with calcium.
kimchi 1 body weight, weight control, microbe OTW 1414 1 120 A Korean fermented vegetable condiment. One trial showed fermented kimchi better Kimchi is a Korean fermented vegetable condiment. 2011: Twenty-two
100% 1 1 Kim et al 2011
metabolic cardio than fresh kimchi at lowering blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and body fat in overweight and obese patients were randomly assigned to two 4-week diet
parameters overweight people. More trials needed. phases separated by a 2-week washout period (crossover design). During each
diet phase, the subjects consumed either fresh or fermented kimchi. The
ingestion of fermented kimchi had positive effects on various factors associated
with metabolic syndrome, including systolic and diastolic blood pressures,
percent body fat, fasting glucose, and total cholesterol, compared with the fresh
kimchi. These results suggest that the maturity of kimchi (fresh vs fermented)
may affect obesity, lipid metabolism, and inflammatory processes.
mango 1 cancer prevention cancer fruit OTW 11619 1 203 1 Noratto et al 2010
nattō fermented soybeans 1 glucose and insulin diabetes microbe OTW 890 1 84 May lower blood sugar and insulin levels after a meal. 2008: Peak glucose and insulin concentrations after a test meal containing nattō
100% 1 1 Taniguchi 2008
responses (fermented soybeans), vegetables and rice were significantly lower than after
the control meal containing just soybeans, vegetables and rice. The incremental
areas under the curve for glucose and insulin over 0-120 min after the test meal
were also significantly reduced as compared with the control meal (28 and
parsley 1 oxidative stress general health, herb / spice OTW 3768 1 189 May decrease damage to blood proteins. Apigenin, a flavanoid found most abundantly in A single 1999 human trial of 14 volunteers showed parsley ingestion decreased
100% 1 1 Nielsen et al 1999 studies on
cancer parsley and camomile flowers, shows anti-cancer effects in the lab. No human trials on oxidative damage to blood proteins. More recent studies show apigenin, a mechanisms:
cancer as yet. flavanoid found most abundantly in parsley and camomile flowers, exhibits anti-
cancer effects in vitro. No human trials on cancer as yet.
peppers bell peppers, sweet peppers 1 Parkinson's disease mental health fruit OTW 5,916 1 216 People who eat more peppers appear to lower their Parkinson's risk. The reason? 2013: Parkinson's disease was inversely associated with consumption of all;jsessionid=B282B352C0F08E1135310326AD41792B.d01t01;jsessionid=B282B352C0F08E1135310326AD41792B.d01t01
1 1 Nielsen et al 2013;jsessionid=B282B352C0F08E1135310326AD41792B.d01t01
Nicotine. Pepper plants come from the same family as tobacco. Protective effects edible Solanaceae combined (relative risk [RR] = 0.81, 95% confidence interval
strongest for non-smokers. [CI] = 0.65–1.01 per time per day), but not consumption of all other vegetables
combined (RR = 1.00, 95% CI = 0.92–1.10). The trend strengthened when we
weighted edible Solanaceae by nicotine concentration (ptrend = 0.004). An
inverse association was also evident for peppers specifically (ptrend = 0.005).
The potentially protective effect of edible Solanaceae largely occurred in men
and women who had never used tobacco or who had smoked cigarettes <10
pomegranate juice 1 erectile dysfunction sex fruit OTW 2345 1 128 One study showed a marginal effect of pomegranate juice on erectile dysfunction. But 2007 pilot study of 53 men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction: subjects
50% 1 0.5 Forest et al 2007
don't all rush at once: the results weren't quite statistically significant. were more likely to have improved erectile dysfunction scores when
pomegranate juice was consumed, but the results were not quite statistically
significant (P=0.058).
pu-erh tea pu'er tea, black Chinese tea 1 weight loss weight control plant extract OTW 946 1 47 A fermented dark Chinese tea. Possibly effective as a weight loss aid. More human A fermented dark Chinese tea with high gallic acid content. Demonstrated to
100% 1 1 Kubota et al 2011
studies needed. elicit antiobese effects in animals. 36 preobese Japanese adults drank
powdered barley tea with or without pu-erh tea extract for 12 weeks. After 8
weeks, the tea group had lost significantly more weight, reduced their waist
circumference and visceral fat.
raspberries 1 cardiovascular general health fruit OTW 8905 1 185 Overall, there is a need for human intervention studies with whole red 1 Rao and Snyder 2010
disease, cancer raspberries to confirm the observations made with individual components of
these berries. Although impressive advances have been made over the past
decades, several key areas remain to be explored.
rockweed Ascophyllum nodosum, kelp 1 appetite weight control alga OTW 165 2 30 Very preliminary evidence for reducing appetite. Hall et al 2012: In a small single blind study of 12 men, men who ate bread
50% 1 0.5 Hall et al 2012
(one of many species), egg enriched with ascophyllum nodosum ate on average 16.4% fewer calories at a
wrack test meal 4 hours later than those who had consumed unenriched bread, yet the
enriched bread did not appear to reduce hunger.
blackcurrants 2 cancer, heart general health, fruit OTW 1666 0 81 Some of the natural compounds in berries have been linked to delaying the onset of 2010: Compounds that may delay the onset of aging is receiving intense Paredes-López et al 2010
disease prevention ageing aging. Their antioxidant effects may help human health, but no link has been research attention; some berry phenolics are being associated with this
scientifically proven. Cell studies show anti-cancer effects. But no human evidence. functional performance. 2007: Antioxidant activity of berry phenolics, in
addition to other mechanisms, may contribute to human health, but possible
relationship yet to be scientifically substantiated. 2005: Some berry
constituents have been proven to have cancer preventive actions on chemically
induced tumors in vivo and cancer suppressive effects in in vitro studies.
cherries 2 general health general health fruit OTW 7396 1 185 Cherries are nutritionally rich. In lab and animal studies, show antioxidant and anti- Cherries, and in particular sweet cherries, are a nutritionally dense food rich in 1 McCune et al 2011
cancer effects. But human studies are needed. anthocyanins, quercetin, hydroxycinnamates, potassium, fiber, vitamin C,
carotenoids, and melatonin. These constituent nutrients and bioactive food
components support the potential preventive health benefits of cherry intake in
relation to cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, and
Alzheimer's disease. Mechanistically, cherries exhibit relatively high antioxidant
activity, low glycemic response, COX 1 and 2 enzyme inhibition, and other anti-
carcinogenic effects in vitro and in animal experiments. Well-designed cherry
feeding studies are needed to further substantiate any health benefits in

chocolate, dark 2 cardiovascular cardio, diabetes grain / pulse OTW 6132 7 150 People who eat more chocolate have a lower risk of heart disease (by 37%), stroke A 2011 review of 7 studies including 114,009 participants found 5 of the studies 7 2011 0 Buitrago-Lopez et al 2011
disease, diabetes (29%) and diabetes. But properly controlled trials needed. It could be something other reported a beneficial association between higher levels of chocolate
than the chocolate. consumption and the risk of cardiometabolic disorders (cardiovascular disease,
myocardial infarction, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, heart failure, diabetes,
metabolic syndrome). The highest levels of chocolate consumption were
associated with a 37% reduction in cardiovascular disease and a 29% reduction
in stroke compared with the lowest levels. However, none of these studies was
a randomised controlled trial. RCTs are needed to establish this link firmly.
cinnamon 2 diabetes diabetes herb / spice OTW 11082 5 195 Some individual studies have suggested cinnamon may lower blood glucose. But 2008: An analysis of five clinical trials concluded that cinnamon does not appear 5 2008 Baker et al 2008
overall, cinnamon appears not to affect various factors related to diabetes and heart to affect factors related to diabetes and heart disease. However, some
disease. individual studies report positive results. 2011: Cinnamon intake, either as
whole cinnamon or as cinnamon extract, results in a statistically significant
lowering in fasting blood glucose and intake of cinnamon extract also lowered
fasting blood glucose. 2007 review of 3 trials: Cinnamon has a possible modest
effect in lowering plasma glucose levels in patients with poorly controlled type 2
ecklonia cava 2 cholesterol, weight weight control, alga OTW 365 2 70 12 weeks of either seaweed or extract reduces body weight and fat, and improves 2012: After 12 weeks of supplementation with a polyphenol extract from
100% 2 2 Shin et al 2012
seaweed loss cardio various cardio measures including cholesterol. Polyphenols may be active compounds. Ecklonia cava at either a low (72 mg/day) or high (144mg / day) dose, both
Larger studies needed. dosage groups showed significant decreases in BMI, body fat ratio, waist
circumference, waist/hip ratio, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
cholesterol, total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and
atherogenic index (AI) compared with the placebo group. A second 2012 pilot
study found 400mg a day for 12 weeks in individuals with high cholesterol
reduced hip circumference and lowered total cholesterol, LDL-C, and C-reactive
protein (an inflammation marker).
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 2 eye health general health animal product OTW 15620 2 938 6 eggs a week may improve eye health. Eggs contain carotenoid compounds needed for Two carotenoids found in egg yolk, lutein and zeaxanthin, accumulate in the
100% 2 2 Wenzel et al 2006
good vision. macular retina where they may reduce photostress and reduce the risk of age-
related macular degeneration. 2006 /1 : serum zeaxanthin, but not serum lutein,
and macular pigment optical density increased in groups of women who 6 eggs
a week for 12 weeks. 2006/ 2: in older adults, 5 wk of consuming 1 egg/d
significantly increased serum lutein and zeaxanthin concentrations without
elevating serum lipids and lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.
grapefruit 2 weight loss, weight control, fruit OTW 6870 3 195 May provide small boost to weight loss when eaten before meals. Fruit or juice had Two recent studies suggest eating grapefruit or consuming grapefruit juice has
67% 3 2 Dow et al 2012
cardiovascular health cardio negligible effect on blood pressure and cholesterol in a single study. a small, nonsignificant effect on body weight, lipids (cholesterol), and blood
pressure. A 2006 study showed half of a fresh grapefruit eaten before meals
was associated with significant weight loss. In metabolic syndrome patients the
effect was also seen with grapefruit products. Insulin resistance was improved
with fresh grapefruit. 2012: grapefruit should be further evaluated in the context
of obesity and cardiovascular disease prevention.
nettles stinging nettle, Urtica dioica 2 type 2 diabetes diabetes vegetable OTW 1649 2 156 2012: A single-blind, randomized clinical trial was conducted on 50 type 2
100% 2 2 Tarighat et al 2012
diabetes patients, given 100 mg/kg of hydro alcoholic nettle extract or placebo
daily for 8 weeks. Hydro alcoholic extract of nettle had positive effects on lipid
profiles and blood pressure status, indicating its consumption can be
recommended as auxiliary therapy in patients for type 2 diabetes. 2011: In a
randomized double-blind trial of 50 type 2 diabetes patients, two inflammatory
indicators (Interleukin 6 and High Sensitive C-Reactive protein) dropped after 8
weeks of nettle extract.
broccoli 3 cancer prevention cancer vegetable OTW 9690 11 205 Eating broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables is related to 2012: Cruciferous vegetable intake is related to decreased risk of bladder
10 2013, 2009, 1 Liu et al 2013
decreased risk of bladder cancer. No effect seen for colorectal cancer. cancer in meta-analysis. 2009: The way in which compounds exert protective 2006
effect is unproven. 2006: review of studies did not find anticancer effect on
colo-rectal cancer.
cabbage 3 cancer prevention cancer vegetable OTW 9176 11 244 Eating broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables is related to Cruciferous vegetable intake is related to decreased risk of bladder cancer.
10 2012,2009 1 Liu et al 2013
decreased risk of bladder cancer. No effect seen for colorectal cancer. Studies did not find anticancer effect on colo-rectal cancer. 2006
green coffee beans 3 high blood pressure cardio grain / pulse OTW 2,709 4 32 Green (unroasted) coffee appears to lower blood pressure while ordinary roasted coffee 2005: blood pressure among 117 male volunteers with mild hypertension was
75% 4 3 Yamaguchi et al 2008
does not. The more green coffee is drunk, the larger the effect. Why? The BP-lowering significantly reduced over 28 days in a dose-related manner by daily green
effects of beneficial acids in green coffee seem to be inhibited by other compounds coffee bean extract. 2006: 140 mg / day chlorogenic acids from green coffee
produced during the roasting process. beans reduced blood pressure among 28 men with mild hypertension. 2008:
hydroxyhydroquinone (HHQ), produced by roasting green coffee beans, may
inhibit the antihypertensive effect of chlorogenic acids in brewed coffee. But this
study showed reducing HHQ had no effect on blood pressure. 2008: reduced
HHQ coffee did lower blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner compared to
ordinary coffee.
turmeric curcuma longa, curcumin 3 IBS and other bowel digestion herb / spice OTW 3,755 3 168 Curcumin, found in turmeric, is a potential treatment for ulcerative colitis, Crohn's 2013 review: 'Various clinical studies have suggested that curcumin might be a
100% 4 4 Sareen et al 2013
(active ingredient) diseases disease, colonic cancer and IBS. But difficult for body to absorb in its natural form. potential candidate for the prevention and/or treatment of a variety of colonic
diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and colonic cancer.
However, several evidences suggested the role of curcumin in multiple
diseases, but the major challenge is to obtain optimum therapeutic levels of
curcumin due to its low solubility and poor bioavailability.' A single 2004 pilot
study (partially blinded, no control group), suggested turmeric might reduce
symptoms of IBS. 2011 review: 'Curcumin has shown limited benefit for patients
with psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), inflammatory eye diseases,
familial adenomatous polyposis, and kidney transplantation (SOR: B, small,
short randomized controlled trials [RCTs]).'
turmeric curcuma longa, curcumin 3 general health, anti- general health, herb / spice OTW 3,755 7 168 Used medicinally in China and India for thousands of years. Active ingredient, curcumin, 2013 review: curcumin has anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
100% 7 7 Asher and Spelman 2013
(active ingredient) inflammatory cancer a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Clinical studies promising but more needed. antithrombotic, antiatherosclerotic, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, memory
Could treat cancer and other chronic diseases. Hard to absorb, but could form basis for enhancing, antiparkinsonism, antirheumatic, anti-infectious, antiaging,
new drugs. antipsoriatic, and anticonvulsant activities. Second 2013 review: Preclinical
studies point to mechanisms of action that are predominantly anti-inflammatory
and antineoplastic, while early human clinical trials suggest beneficial effects for
dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, uveitis, orbital pseudotumor, and pancreatic cancer. 2012 study of
healthy middle aged people (19 low dose lipidated curcumin extract, 19 placebo
for 4 weeks): Curcumin, but not placebo, produced the following statistically
significant changes: lowering of plasma triglyceride values, lowering of salivary
amylase levels, raising of salivary radical scavenging capacities, raising of
plasma catalase activities, lowering of plasma beta amyloid protein
concentrations, lowering of plasma sICAM readings, increased plasma
myeloperoxidase without increased c-reactive protein levels, increased plasma
nitric oxide, and decreased plasma alanine amino transferase activities. 2011
review: shows strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, might be a
potential candidate for the prevention and/or treatment of cancer and other
chronic diseases.
beetroot 4 blood pressure cardio, men vegetable OTW 3048 4 131 In trials, nitrates in beetroot, beetroot-juice and beetroot-enriched bread all lowered The nitrates in beetroot have been shown to lower blood pressure in trials.
100% 2012 4 Hobbs et al 2012
blood pressure in the 24 hours after consumption. Some studies show an effect in men, 2012: beetroot juice or beetroot-enriched bread both lowered blood pressure
but not women. over the 24 hours after consumption in a near dose-dependent manner. 2010:
beetroot juice decreased blood pressure in male volunteers, with higher
baseline blood pressure and lower plasma nitrite concentrations, but not in
female volunteers.
beetroot juice 4 exercise endurance cardio plant extract OTW 619 4 32 4 Lansley et al 2011
açaí berry 0 cancer prevention cancer fruit 4382 #VALUE! 28 No human trials. Cell studies show strong anti-oxidant effects - but that's a long way No human trials, but in vitro studies suggest acai berries exhibit significantly 0 No human trials in vitro studies:
from being "anti-cancer" in humans. high antioxidant capacity in vitro, and therefore may have possible health
açaí berry 0 weight control general health fruit 4382 0 28 Acai berries are widely marketed for weight loss despite no definitive scientific evidence. National Institutes of Health
aubergine 0 cholesterol cardio vegetable 3110 4 103
0% 4 Praça et al 2004
barleygrass juice 0 all conditions general health plant extract 1414 0 26 No human trials No human trials #VALUE! 0 No human trials
butternut squash 0 general health general health vegetable 3063 0 81 No human trials #VALUE! 0 no studies
elk velvet antler elk antler velvet 0 rheumatoid arthritis musculoskeletal animal product 151 2 11 Ineffective. Two studies so far show no improvements in joint pain and swelling and 2002: among 40 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, elk velvet antler plus
0% 2 0 Allen et al 2008
other arthritis symptoms after taking velvet antler compared to placebo. standard arthritis medication was safe but did not significantly improve
symptoms compared to drugs alone. 2008: no significant differences between
groups in symptoms.
mushrooms 0 cancer treatment cancer fungus 10330 0 218 Several anti-cancer drugs are derived from mushroom compounds. But no scientific 2012: Several of the mushroom polysaccharide compounds have proceeded Chang and Wasser 2012
basis for use of mushrooms or mushroom extracts themselves in treatment. through phase I, II, and III clinical trials and are used extensively and
successfully as drugs in Asia to treat various cancers and other diseases. 2009:
A high level of biological efficiency has been found in beta-glucans. (Biological
efficiency refers to the relative ability of beta-glucans to promote a desired
response, for example to induce leukocyte activation and to produce
inflammatory mediators.) 2008: There is, at present, no scientific basis for the
use of either mushrooms or mushroom extracts in the treatment of human
oysters 0 sex drive sex animal product 4923 0 202 Oysters are an excellent source of zinc. Severe zinc deficiency can cause impotence. Oysters are an excellent source of zinc. Severe zinc deficiency can cause National Institutes of Health
But no evidence that eating oysters boosts sex drive. impotence. But there is no evidence that eating oysters boosts sex drive.
quinoa 0 general health general health grain / pulse 5054 0 134 High nutritional value but few trials. 2010: Quinoa is an excellent example of ‘functional food’. Functional properties Vega-Gálvez et al 2010
are given also by minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants that can make
a strong contribution to human nutrition, particularly to protect cell membranes,
with proven good results in brain neuronal functions. 2009: Quinoa has shown a
high nutritional value and only recently is being used as a novel functional food.
A single 1997 study tested it against other cereals to determine which allowed
the best iron absorption among infants. Otherwise no human trials.
garlic aged garlic extract 0.5 cancer treatment cancer vegetable 13950 1 247 Aged garlic extract increased natural killer cell activity but did not improve quality of life In a randomized double-blind trial, administration of aged garlic extract to 50 1 1 Ishikawa et al 2006
in patients with advanced gastric cancer. patients with advanced cancer of the digestive system improved natural-killer
cell activity, but caused no improvement in quality of life.
apple cider vinegar 1 weight loss, diabetes weight control, plant extract 2419 4 79
40% 4 Ostman et al 2005
black tea 1 cancer prevention cancer plant extract 11747 1 665 Highly conflicting evidence on cancer (some studies suggest benefits, others report no Several studies have explored a possible association between regular 1 Medline
effects). Black tea does contain antioxidants but green tea has more - and besides the consumption of black tea and rates of cancer in populations. This research has
'take antioxidants' to improve your health theory has largely been disproved. Why not yielded conflicting results, with some studies suggesting benefits, and others
make yourself a nice cup of tea while you think about this? reporting no effects. Laboratory and animal studies report that components of
tea, such as polyphenols, have antioxidant properties and effects against
tumors. However, effects in humans remain unclear, and these components
may be more common in green tea rather than in black tea. Some animal and
laboratory research suggests that components of black tea may be
carcinogenic, although effects in humans are not clear. Overall, the relationship
of black tea consumption and human cancer remains undetermined.
bladderwrack Fucus vesiculosus 1 menstrual health women alga 573 1 30 Appears to have hormonal effects. In a small case-report (not placebo controlled) intake Appears to have hormonal effects. 2004 case report of three women, not
50% 1 0.5 Skibola 2004
(seaweed) of bladderwrack significantly increased menstrual cycle length (by 5.5-14 days). More placebo controlled: intake of bladderwrack was associated with significant
and larger studies are needed to establish this. Bladderwrack is a good source of iodine increases in menstrual cycle length (of 5.5-14 days). In one woman, the
(the mineral needed for thyroid health). seaweed appeared to lower oestrogen levels and increase progesterone levels,
but larger studies are needed to establish this. Bladderwrack is also a good
source of iodine (the mineral needed for proper thyroid function).
bladderwrack and Ascophyllum nodosum and 1 insulin response diabetes alga 236 1 8 Ingesting capsules containing a mix of two brown seaweeds after a high-carb bread 2011: Ingesting capsules containing a mixture of two brown seaweeds improved
100% 1 1 Paradis 2011
rockweed Fucus vesiculosus snack affected insulin but not glucose levels. insulin response but not glucose response following a high-carb bread snack,
compared to placebo.
chia seeds Salvia hispanica 1 cardio risk factors, weight control, nut / seed 6173 5 26 May increase omega 3 levels in older women. Weak evidence for cardio effects. No Two 2012 studies: consumption of milled chia seeds increased levels of two 0% 2 2009 3 0 Ulbicht et al 2009
weight loss cardio evidence for weight loss. types of omega 3 - ALA and EPA - in postmenopausal women but had no effect
on DHA levels, inflammation or other disease risk factors. 2009: 50 g chia seeds
per day for 12 weeks raised ALA levels but had no effect on body composition,
inflammation, oxidative stress, blood pressure, and lipoproteins among
overweight and obese people of both sexes. 2009 review: There is limited
evidence supporting the efficacy of Salvia hispanica for any indication; thus far,
only two clinical studies have examined the effects of Salvia hispanica on
cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors (including body weight). One study
showed some effects on some CVD risk factors, while the other did not. Neither
study showed any effects of Salvia hispanica on weight loss.
cranberry products cranberry juice, cranberries 1 urinary tract urinary, women plant extract 4736 24 166 Cranberry juice doesn't prevent painful urinary tract infections. In trials many people In a 2012 review of 24 studies (4473 participants) comparing cranberry products
24 2012 Cochrane review: Cranberries for
infections stopped drinking it. Cranberry tablets and capsules also ineffective. with control or alternative treatments, there was a small trend towards fewer preventing urinary tract infections
UTIs in people taking cranberry product compared to placebo or no treatment
but this was not a significant finding. Many people in the studies stopped
drinking the juice, suggesting it may not be a acceptable intervention. Cranberry
juice does not appear to have a significant benefit in preventing UTIs and may
be unacceptable to consume in the long term. Cranberry products (such as
tablets or capsules) were also ineffective (although had the same effect as
taking antibiotics), possibly due to lack of potency of the 'active ingredient'. The
Cochrane review of cranberry products for the treatment of UTIs found no
suitable studies.
dandelion dandelion soup 1 tonsilitis infections vegetable 2809 1 151 Dandelion soup + penicillin more effective for tonsilitis than penicillin alone. Tan 2010, reported in Cochrane review: Compound dandelion soup and sodium
1 2012 0 Cochrane review: Chinese
penicillin was more effective than sodium penicillin alone for acute purulent medicinal herbs for sore throat
tonsillitis (Tan 2010). Eighteen participants out of 50 (36%) recovered in the
compound dandelion soup group, while five recovered in the control group
elderberry 1 flu infections fruit 2227 2 100 An elderberry extract called Sambucol may be good for viral influenza. But more Several in vitro studies together with two exploratory studies in humans and one 2 2010 Vlachojannis et al 2010
rigorous studies are needed. open study in chimpanzees indicate that the aqueous elderberry extract
Sambucol may be useful for the treatment of viral influenza infections. These
promising effects of elderberry fruit preparations from experimental and clinical
studies should be backed by more rigorous studies before these preparations
are recommended in the prevention of diseases and in treatment schedules.
elderberry 1 lipid and antioxidant cardio fruit 2227 1 100 Low doses of an elderberry extract had a minor antioxidant and cholesterol lowering 2004: Elderberry spray-dried extract at a low dose exerts a minor effect on 1 1 Murkovic et al 2004
status effect. serum lipids and antioxidative capacity.
fish oil / omega 3 1 asthma general health animal product 4637 9 1015 Changing your diet to include more fish oil does not improve asthma. Eating more fish has been recommended as one way of possibly reducing
9 2009 Cochrane review: Dietary marine
asthma. Populations (such as Eskimo communities) with diets high in fish also fatty acids (fish oil) for asthma in
have low rates of asthma. As diets in other communities have become higher in adults and children
saturated fats, asthma has also increased. The theory has been that an
ingredient in fish oil may reduce inflammation. Inflammation causes the swelling
in the airways of the lungs that leads to asthma attacks. However, this review of
trials found that people with asthma changing their diets to include more fish oil
did not improve their asthma.
fish oil / omega 3 1 cognitive function in mental health animal product 4637 3 1015 No benefit on cognitive function among healthy older people without dementia. But DHA Cochrane review of 3 high-quality studies: No benefit for cognitive function with
3 2012 Cochrane review: Fish oils for the
older people supplements may improve learning and memory among people already showing signs omega-3 PUFA supplementation among cognitively healthy older people. 2010 prevention of dementia in older
of age-related cognitive decline. paper (not included in Cochrane review): some benefit of DHA supplementation people
on learning and memory function among people already showing signs of age-
related cognitive decline.
flax seeds 1 breast cancer women nu
name alternativename primaryvalue subcategory category type highlight metric_001 metric_002 metric_003 metric_004 notes exclude linksource firstsource secondsource thirdsource
Food alternative name EVIDENCE condition HEALTH TYPE One to watch POPULARITY NO OF SCIENTIFIC UNUSED notes Exclude notes Main study sourceCochrane Other International Link to main no. of studies % positive no. of studies year(s) of No. of N positive studies / main study source Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual Link to individual
CONDITION STUDIES WE INTEREST link systematic review review board or individual study in Cochrane studies / trials in metastudy metastudy individual trials study study study study study study study study study study
EXAMINED metastudy metastudy studies /
0 = no evidence, 1,2 our score (the appears inside the the type of what type of few studies / square root of can also mean square root of every day language Hide this medical language Linked to from (i.e, those that N trials showing
= slight, 3 = higher the bubble condition substance is trials but google hits no data on no. of Google Scholar item in the bubbles. Calculated are not benefit in areas
conflicting or better) this? positive (used to scale papers in a hits - "food + viz? from next 3 cols. systematic or tested (p<.05). 0.5 =
moderate, 4 = potential the bubbles) - review health" Prioritises Cochrane, other reviews). significant results in
promising, 5 = good, "food + health" then metastudies, some areas but not
6 = strong then individual others
prickly pear cactus nopal cactus, Opuntia ficus 2 blood lipid cardio vegetable 1010 3 86 Traditionally consumed as a vegetable. May lower blood sugar and improve metabolic Opuntia ficus-indica (prickly pear cactus) leaves are traditionally consumed as a
83% 3 2.5 Linarès et al 2007
indica parameters, blood syndrome (a combination of factors including being fat and having high blood pressure vegetable. 2007: Among 59 overweight or obese women following a diet plan
sugar that increase cardiovascular disease risk). for 6 weeks, 39% of those consuming either prickly pear cactus, but only 8% of
those consuming placebo, no longer had metabolic syndrome at the end of the
trial period. 2010: 16 weeks of prickly pear vs placebo showed some acute
blood glucose-lowering effects in the prickly pear group.
prickly pear cactus nopal cactus, Opuntia ficus 2 hangovers, men, women, vegetable 1010 2 86 Appears to affect inflammation an might reduce hangover symptoms. Improved nausea, 2004: 64 healthy, young adult volunteers were randomly assigned to receive
100% 2 2 Wiese et al 2004
indica inflammation general health dry mouth and appetite in a trial of the hungover. Cut risk of a severe hangover in half. prickly pear extract (1600 IU) and identical placebo, given 5 hours before
alcohol consumption. During 4 hours, subjects consumed up to 1.75 g of alcohol
per kilogram of body weight [8.75 units for a 50kg person, 13 units for 75kg].
Hangover severity (9 symptoms) and overall well-being were assessed on a
scale (0-6). Three of the 9 symptoms-nausea, dry mouth, and anorexia-were
significantly reduced by prickly pear. Overall, the symptom index was reduced
by 2.7 points on average, and the risk of a severe hangover was reduced by
half. The symptoms of the alcohol hangover are largely due to the activation of
inflammation. An extract of the OFI plant has a moderate effect on reducing
hangover symptoms, apparently by inhibiting the production of inflammatory
mediators. 2004: Consumption of cactus pear fruit positively affects the body's
redox balance, decreases oxidative damage to lipids, and improves antioxidant
status in healthy humans.
strawberries 2 cardiovascular general health, fruit 13928 0 232 Broad benefits noticed on cardiovascular and neurological health. Several reports have demonstrated various cardiovascular, antiproliferative, and 2012 Giampieri et al 2012
disease, cancer cardio, cancer neurologic benefits associated with the consumption of strawberries.
Fibre 2 cardiovascular cardiovascular plant/herb 794 1 261 The pooled analyses for CVD risk factors suggest reductions in total cholesterol and
disease LDL cholesterol with increased fibre intake, and reductions in diastolic blood pressure...
Risk of bias was unclear in the majority of studies and high for some quality domains so
results need to be interpreted cautiously. There is a need for longer term, well-
conducted RCTs'
amaranth 3 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse 1581 0 101 The bulk of the research has been in animal studies. The Amaranth grain does contain 2012: Although the great majority of the research about the beneficial functions Caselato-Sousa and Amaya- studies:
potentially beneficial medicinal compound in varying amounts. Results: inconclusive. and actions of amaranth has been conducted in experimental animal models, Farfán 2012
there are compounds in the grain with potentially beneficial medicinal properties
present in the various fractions. 2009: Conclusion: results positive but cannot be
attributed to amaranth alone.
apples 3 many conditions general health fruit 38341 3 701 Beneficial effects on cancer risk, cardiovascular disease, asthma, and Alzheimer's 2011: Beneficial effects on risk, markers, and etiology of cancer, cardiovascular 1 2011 3 Boyer and Liu 2004
disease. Compounds called "polyphenols" may positively influence on levels of fat in the disease, asthma, and Alzheimer's disease. 2010: Polyphenols in apples may
blood and blood pressure. Some apple varieties may be better than others. However, have a positive influence on blood lipid parameters and blood pressure in
firm conclusions cannot be drawn. humans. However, firm conclusions cannot be made. Apple polyphenolics' are
extracted from the peels and then concentrated for usage in supplements, and
benefits seen with isolated phenolics may not apply to moderate fruit
consumption. 2004: Apples may play a large role in reducing the risk of a wide
variety of chronic disease. 2012: the effects may differ by variety.

coffee 3 general health general health grain / pulse 35228 1 721 People who drink more coffee suffer less from diabetes, various cancers, Parkinson's 2011 review: coffee consumption inversely correlated with incidence of diabetes
100% 1 Butt and Sultan 2011
and Alzheimer's. But coffee raises cholesterol and worsens insomnia and some heart mellitus, various cancer lines, Parkinsonism, and Alzheimer's disease. Coffee
problems. Caffeine withdrawal an obvious downside for the addicted. Pregnant and ameliorates oxidative stress and caffeine and its metabolites help in proper
postmenopausal women should avoid drinking too much. cognitive functionality. Coffee lipid fraction containing cafestol and kahweol act
as a safeguard against some malignant cells by modulating the detoxifying
enzymes. On the other hand, their higher levels raise serum cholesterol, posing
a possible threat to coronary health, for example, myocardial and cerebral
infarction (heart attacks and strokes), insomnia, and cardiovascular
complications. Caffeine also affects adenosine receptors and its withdrawal is
accompanied with muscle fatigue and allied problems in those addicted to
coffee. An array of evidence showed that pregnant women or those with
postmenopausal problems should avoid excessive consumption of coffee
because of its interference with oral contraceptives or postmenopausal
coffee caffeine 3 Alzheimer's, mental health grain / pulse 35228 13 721 Those with a higher caffeine intake appear have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's 2010 meta analysis: The summary relative risk (RR) for the association between 11 2010 Santos et al 2010
dementia and other dementias. But more research needed to establish causality. caffeine intake and different measures of cognitive impairment/decline was
0.84. A trend towards a protective effect of caffeine found, but large
methodological heterogeneity across a still limited number of epidemiological
studies. 2011 review: Many research investigations, epidemiological studies,
and meta-analyses regarding coffee consumption revealed its inverse
correlation with that of diabetes mellitus, various cancer lines, Parkinsonism,
and Alzheimer's disease. 2010: AD mice given caffeine in their drinking water
from young adulthood into older age showed protection against memory
impairment and lower brain levels of the abnormal protein (amyloid-beta; Abeta)
thought to be central to AD pathogenesis.
fish oil / omega 3 3 colorectal cancer cancer animal product 4637 15 1015 People who consume the most fish oil seem to have a lower risk of developing colorectal 2007 meta analysis of population cohort studies: pooled relative risks for 14 2007 1 Geelen et al 2007,_n_3_fatty_acids_and_human_colorectal_and.8.aspx
cancer (around 12-34% lower than those who consume the least). But more research colorectal cancer 12% lower (relative risk of 0.88) for the highest as compared
needed to establish whether the link is causal. to the lowest fish consumption category. The pooled relative risks were 22%
lower for women and 6% lower for men. Another large 2007 Scottish study,
tracked c1500 people, 1999-2006: dose-dependent risk reduction. Highest fish
oil consumers showed 34% lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to lowest
flax seeds 3 cardiovascular cardio nut / seed 4601 0 179 National Institutes of Health
disease, blood
flax seeds 3 constipation digestion nut / seed 4601 0 179 Contain soluble fiber and may have a laxative effect. Flaxseed contains soluble fiber and may have a laxative effect. National Institutes of Health
flax seeds 3 menopausal hot women nut / seed 4601 0 179 National Institutes of Health
fruit + veg, all types 3 cancer prevention cancer fruit 30790 12 1369 Contrary to popular belief, eating fruit and vegetables has little effect on overall cancer Contrary to popular belief, evidence suggests eating fruit and vegetables has 12 2011 Boffetta et al 2010
risk. But specific groups of vegetables may protect against particular cancer types. little effect on overall cancer risk. 2011 review: 'The possibility that fruit and
vegetables may help to reduce the risk of cancer has been studied for over 30
years, but no protective effects have been firmly established..' An analysis
(Boffetta et al, 2010) involving 142 605 men and 335 873 women over 1992-
2000 found that high fruit and vegetable intake lowers cancer risk only by a
small amount: around 1-3%. The study found a stronger reduction in risk in
heavy drinkers, confined to cancers caused by smoking and alcohol. However,
consumption of specific groups of vegetables and fruits may protect against
subtypes of esophageal and gastric cancer. For example, the risk of developing
a type of oesophageal cancer dropped by 19% per 25g/day of raw vegetables
consumed, and brassica vegetable consumption was associated with lowered
risk of a type of stomach cancer.
ginger 3 morning sickness women herb / spice 13149 27 217 Ginger products may be helpful to women, but evidence of effectiveness limited and not The use of ginger products may be helpful to women, but the evidence of 2010 Cochrane review: Interventions
consistent. effectiveness was limited and not consistent. for nausea and vomiting in early
green tea 3 cancer prevention cancer plant extract 13191 51 732 Conflicting evidence on whether it reduces cancer risk. But appears to be safe to drink In a Cochrane review of 51 mainly observational studies with more than 1.6 51 2009 Cochrane review: Green tea for
moderately and regularly. million participants, the evidence that the consumption of green tea might the prevention of cancer
reduce the risk of cancer was conflicting. This means, that drinking green tea
remains unproven in cancer prevention, but appears to be safe at moderate,
regular and habitual use.
hawthorn crataegus spp. 3 blood pressure cardio fruit 2755 3 104 A small number of studies suggest hawthorn extract may modestly lower blood pressure. 2006 RCT: 1200mg hawthorn extract per day lowered blood pressure among patients 2006 Walker et al 2006 #
with type 2 diabetes already taking blood pressure-lowering drugs better than placebo.
The reduction in diastolic BP was 2.6 mmHg. There was no reduction in systolic BP
above placebo. 2005: Korodin Herz-Kreislauf-Tropfen, a herbal drug containing D-
camphor (2.5 %) & fresh hawthorn berries extract (97.3%), was found effective & safe
in the treatment of orthostatic hypotension for all age groups (11-102 yrs) in 490
patients & independent of initial blood pressures. Asgary 2004: Administration of a
hydroalcoholic extract of Iranian Crataegus curvisepala, a species of hawthorn, in total
of 92 men and women with primary mild hypertension, aged 40-60 years, 3 times daily
for more than 4 months showed a decrease in both systolic and diastolic BP after 3
hemp seeds 3 cardiovascular cardio nut / seed 1451 0 55 Questions remain regarding the cardiovascular effects of hemp seed. There remain many questions regarding the cardiovascular effects of hemp 2010 Rodriguez-Leyva and Pierce
disease seed that demand scientific answers in order to definitively establish this food as 2010
a preventive or therapeutic dietary intervention.
honey 3 cardio risk factors, cardio animal product 15067 3 515 Honey may lower cholesterol and positively affect other cardio risk factors. Also reduces 2010 review: 2 studies show honey (compared to sucrose) ameliorates 2 2010 1 1 Alvarez-Suarez et al 2010
inflammation markers of inflammation during cycle training. cardiovascular risk factors, including lowering cholesterol, in healthy individuals
and in patients with elevated risk factors. 2012 paper: Honey reduces
inflammatory markers during cycling training.
lemon 3 cancer prevention cancer fruit 18028 9 287 Eating citrus fruit appears to decrease stomach, perhaps pancreatic, but not prostate Eating citrus fruit appears to decrease stomach, perhaps pancreatic, but not 9 2009 Bae et al 2009
cancer risk. prostate cancer risk.
nattō fermented soybeans 3 bone health musculoskeletal microbe 890 4 84 High in vitamin K2, which may play a role in bone formation. Appears to increase blood Nattō is high in vitamin K2, which may play a role in bone formation. 2004: 73
75% 4 3 Katsuyama et al 2004
levels of K2 and a bone-building protein called osteocalcin. Improves some markers of healthy premenopausal women given natto 3x/week for a year showed some
bone health but not others. improvement in bone turnover markers but not bone stiffness. 2010: among
healthy postmenopausal Norwegian women, 1 year supplementation of vitamin
K2 in the form of Natto capsules had no effect on bone loss rates. 2 2000
studies: dietary natto did increase blood levels of vitamin K2 and osteocalcin (a
bone-building protein).
oily fish 3 colorectal cancer cancer animal product 1428 14 185 People consuming the most fish, especially oily fish, at a lower risk of colorectal cancer Population studies show those consuming the most fish, especially oily fish, 14 2007 Geelen et al 2007,_n_3_fatty_acids_and_human_colorectal_and.8.aspx
than those consuming the least. But more clinical trials needed. show a lower risk of colorectal cancer than those consuming the least, in the
range of 12-34%. But intervention studies are needed.
oranges 3 cancer prevention cancer fruit 7106 9 226 Eating citrus fruit appears to decrease stomach, perhaps pancreatic, but not prostate Eating citrus fruit appears to decrease stomach, perhaps pancreatic, but not 9 2009 Bae et al 2009
cancer risk. prostate cancer risk.
pineapple 3 osteoarthritis musculoskeletal fruit 9460 0 193 A compound in pineapple called bromelain mght reduce swelling and pain after injury or 2012: Some research suggests bromelain might reduce swelling and pain after Medline / NIH
surgery. surgery or injury. Possibly effective for osteoarthritis pain and knee function
when used in combination with trypsin and rutin (Phlogenzym). This
combination seems to be about as effective as some prescription painkillers.
2001: further clinical trials necessary.
pomegranate 3 general health general health fruit 5559 20 182 Juice or extract may protect against diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some 2012: Research studies suggest that pomegranates have beneficial effects on a
20 2012 National Cancer Institute
cancers. number of health conditions. 2010: Pomegranate juice or extract may protect
against and even improve several diseases, including diabetes and
cardiovascular disease; it may even help to prevent and arrest the development
of certain cancers, in addition to protecting the health of the mouth and skin.
red wine 3 cardiovascular cardio plant extract 9772 3 229 Moderate drinking of red wine reduces cardiovascular risk, including artery-thickening 2009: Epidemiological and experimental studies have revealed that a mild to
100% 3 3 Bertelli and Das 2009
disease (atherosclerosis) and heart disease (ischemic). Obviously, there are additional risks moderate drinking of wine, particularly red wine, attenuates the cardiovascular,
involved in drinking alcohol. cerebrovascular, and peripheral vascular risk. Both wines and grapes can
attenuate cardiac diseases such as atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.
2007: In view of the potential risks, cautious view about the beneficial effects is
warranted. 2001: Evidence from epidemiologic and experimental studies
suggests a protective effect against CVD.
reishi mushroom Ganoderma lucidum 3 cancer treatment cancer fungus 1196 5 42 Analysis of trials did not find sufficient evidence to justify the use of Reishi as a first-line 2012 Cochrane review: Our review (5 RCTs, 373 patients) did not find sufficient
5 2012 Cochrane review: Ganoderma
cancer treatment. However, it could be used to boost anti-tumour responses and evidence to justify the use of G. lucidum (reishi) as a first-line treatment for lucidum (Reishi mushroom) for
immune system. cancer. It remains uncertain whether G. lucidum helps prolong long-term cancer cancer treatment
survival. However, G. lucidum could be administered as an alternative adjunct
to conventional treatment in consideration of its potential of enhancing tumour
response and stimulating host immunity. [...] There are limitations of the results
from this systematic review. First, most included studies were small and there
were concerns on the methodological quality of individual trials. Second, all
participants in the individual trials were recruited from the Chinese population.
sage Salvia officinalis 3 hot flushes women, men herb / spice 586 4 114 Daily use may reduce hormonal hot flushes in both women and men. Combining with May reduce hormonal hot flushes in both women and men, but more research
100% 1 2013 2 2 Hanna et al 2005
alfalfa may increase the effect. required. Review: Sage plus alfalfa (1 RCT, n=30): the RCT reported a
significantly greater reduction in the frequency of hot flushes at 12 weeks
compared with placebo. 2011: Fresh sage leaves once a day for 8 weeks
reduced hot flushes among 71 menopausal women and was very well tolerated.
2012: 150mg of sage extract three times a day reduced hot flashes among 10
male prostate cancer patients treated with androgen deprivation therapy.
soy isoflavones phytoestrogen 3 menopausal hot women plant extract 15482 30 523 Can reduce the frequency and severity of hot flushes. 2012: Soy isoflavone supplements are significantly more effective than placebo 2009, 2012 Cochrane review:
flushes in reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes. 2009: Some trials found a Phytoestrogens for vasomotor
slight reduction in hot flushes and night sweats with phytoestrogen-based menopausal symptoms
treatment but overall there was no indication that phytoestrogens worked any
better than no treatment. Many of the trials were of low quality and were
sweet potato 3 type 2 diabetes diabetes vegetable 6434 3 196 Insufficient evidence that sweet potatoes are useful for type 2 diabetes sufferers. There is insufficient evidence to recommend sweet potato for type 2 diabetes
3 2012 Cochrane review: Sweet potato
mellitus. for type 2 diabetes mellitus
brazil nuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 1519 2 99 Brazil nuts improved the level of fats in the blood of obese adolescents, possibly due to This review includes multiple studies that find promising results for tree nuts (but 2011 2 Bolling et al 2011
health health its high level of unsaturated fats and other bioactive substances. not conclusive evidence). 2011: Brazil nuts intake improved the lipid profile and
microvascular function in obese adolescents, possibly due to its high level of
unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive substances.
broccoli sprouts 4 stomach cancer cancer vegetable 1985 3 148 The compound "sulforaphane" found in broccoli sprouts kills the bacterium Helicobacter 2009: The compound sulforaphane in broccoli spouts kills the bacterium
100% 3 3 Yanaka et al 2009
animal study:
prevention pylori – a major cause of stomach cancer – after daily intake for 8 weeks. Helicobacter pylori, which is strongly associated with stomach cancer. 48 H.
Pylori infected patients fed with broccoli sprouts daily for 8 weeks showed
reduced signs of infection and gastric inflammation compared to placebo. 2004:
Consumption of oral broccoli sprouts was temporally associated with eradication
of H. pylori infection in three of nine patients. 2004: one week intake of broccoli
sprouts improved cholesterol metabolism and decreased oxidative stress
markers. 2001: The glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in broccoli sprouts
protect animals against chemically induced cancer.
cashew nuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 4763 1 173 1 Bolling et al 2011
health health
chocolate, dark 4 blood pressure cardio grain / pulse 6132 15 150 2-18 weeks of dark chocolate slightly (but significantly) reduces blood pressure in those Meta-analysis: significant blood pressure-reducing effect of cocoa-chocolate 15 2010 Ried et al 2010
with high blood-pressure. Less effect on those with normal blood pressure. compared with control (mean BP change +/- SE: SBP: -3.2 +/- 1.9 mmHg, P =
0.001; DBP: -2.0 +/- 1.3 mmHg, P = 0.003). However, subgroup meta-analysis
was significant only for the hypertensive or prehypertensive subgroups (SBP:
-5.0 +/- 3.0 mmHg; P = 0.0009; DBP: -2.7 +/- 2.2 mm Hg, P = 0.01), while BP
was not significantly reduced in the normotensive subgroups (SBP: -1.6 +/- 2.3
mmHg, P = 0.17; DBP: -1.3 +/- 1.6 mmHg, P = 0.12). CONCLUSION: dark
chocolate is superior to placebo in reducing systolic hypertension or diastolic
prehypertension. Flavanol-rich chocolate did not significantly reduce mean
blood pressure below 140 mmHg systolic or 80 mmHg diastolic.
coconut oil Cocos nucifera 4 weight control weight control plant extract 5235 4 243 Replacing other fats with coconut oil when on a diet can enhance weight loss, spare Replacing some fats in the diet with the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut
100% 4 4 Assunção et al 2009
muscle and reduce hunger. oil when on a low-calorie diet is associated with greater and more rapid weight
loss, particularly abdominal weight loss, and may also spare lean muscle mass
and reduce feelings of hunger.
coffee 4 asthma general health grain / pulse 35228 7 721 Modestly improves airway function in people with asthma for up to 4 hours. Some trials Caffeine appears to improve airways function modestly, for up to four hours, in
7 2010 Cochrane review: Caffeine for
used caffeine pills rather than coffee. people with asthma. Some trials used caffeine pills rather than coffee. asthma
cordyceps sinensis ophiocordyceps sinensis, 4 kidney health urinary fungus 940 4 62 A fungus that grows on moth larvae – yum. Regular supplementation improves some A fungus that parasitizes the larvae of ghost moths and produces a fruiting body
88% 4 3.5 Li et al 2009
caterpillar fungus, yartsa aspects of kidney health among transplant patients or those with kidney disease. valued as an herbal remedy. 2002: cordyceps powder with artemisinin effective
gunbu, yatsa gunbu, Dōng at treating symptoms of lupus nephritis, an inflammation of the kidneys. 2004:
chóng xià cǎo, bailing cordyceps as dry powder capsules positively affected numerous markers of
kidney and blood health among kidney transplant patients and incidence of
infection was significantly lower. 2008: bailing (fermented cordyceps) and
enalapril together improved markers of kidney health after kidney transplants
better than either treatment alone. But bailing performed better than control
(control group given other immunosuppressive agents). 2009: 1g cordyceps 3
times a day improved some markers of kidney health among kidney transplant
patients but not others. May be effective at reducing incidence of chronic
allograft nephropathy.
eggs hen's eggs, chicken's eggs 4 appetite weight control animal product 15620 4 938 Can reduce hunger, reduce food intake and regulate blood glucose and insulin levels for Eating eggs, particularly for breakfast, may keep you feeling fuller for longer –
88% 4 3.5 Ratliff et al 2010
up to 36 hours. Particularly effective if eaten for breakfast. reducing feelings of hunger over the next 4-36 hours – and may also reduce
food intake and regulate blood glucose and insulin levels.
fish oil / omega 3 4 cardiovascular cardio animal product 4637 89 1015 Omega 3 fats are found in oily fish and some vegetable oils. Not clear whether omega 3 2009 Cochrane review: it is not clear whether dietary or supplemental omega 3
89 2012 Cochrane review: Omega 3 fatty
disease intake has any effect on heart attack, stroke or cancer risk, or risk of death from any fats (found in oily fish and some vegetable oils) alter total deaths, cardiovascular acids for prevention and
cause. But potent at lowering triglycerides (which increase cardio disease risk) among events (such as heart attacks and strokes) or cancers in the general population, treatment of cardiovascular
people with high levels. or in people at risk of, or with, cardiovascular disease. When the analysis was disease
limited to fish-based or plant-based, dietary or supplemental omega 3 fats there
was still no evidence of reduction in deaths or cardiovascular events in any
group. 2012 meta-analysis: insufficient evidence of a secondary preventive
effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplements against overall cardiovascular events
among patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. 2012 second meta-
analysis: omega-3 PUFA supplementation was not associated with a lower risk
of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, sudden death, myocardial infarction, or
stroke based on relative and absolute measures of association. 2009 meta-
analysis: Fish oil supplementation produces a clinically significant dose-
dependent reduction of fasting blood TG but not total, HDL or LDL cholesterol in
hyperlipidemic subjects. 2011: both EPA and DHA reduce triglycerides
grapes 4 cardiovascular cardio fruit 9317 3 281 Emerging evidence of protective effect against cardiovascular disease. Perhaps due to 2009: Studies in humans support beneficial effects, perhaps due to polyphenols.
100% 3 3 Pérez-Jiménez and Saura-
disease polyphenols. 2008: In animal and human studies, grape products have been shown to Calixto
produce hypotensive, hypolipidaemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects. 2008:
Mounting evidence that grape extracts afford some protection against CVD.
hazelnuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 3571 0 141 2011 Bolling et al 2011
health health
macadamia nuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 1481 0 73 2011 Bolling et al 2011
health health
nettles stinging nettle, Urtica dioica 4 urinary symptoms urinary, men vegetable 1649 5 156 A potentially effective treatment for lower urinary tract symptoms caused by prostate 2 studies of nettle alone and 3 of nettle in combination with other ingredients
100% 5 5 Safarinejad 2005
problems in older men. Effective for moderate and severe symptoms. No negative side show nettle to be a potentially effective treatment for lower urinary tract
effects. symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia in older men. It was effective
in patients with moderate and severe symptoms and did not have negative side
pecan nuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 5637 0 178 This review includes multiple studies that find promising results for tree nuts (but 2011 Bolling et al 2011
health health not conclusive evidence).
peppermint oil 4 irritable bowel digestion herb / spice 4980 4 184 Probably an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. In trials, rated symptoms 2008 meta-analysis of 4 trials including 392 patients: Peppermint oil was more 4 2008 Ford et al 2008
syndrome improved by 57% on average. effective than placebo in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Assessed
symptoms improved by an average of 57%.
pine nuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 2454 0 118 This review includes multiple studies that find promising results for tree nuts (but 2011 Bolling et al 2011
health health not conclusive evidence).
sage Salvia officinalis 4 Alzheimer's, mental health herb / spice 586 4 114 Improvement in memory, attention, mood and anxiety levels consistently seen in studies. 2008: Sage extract improved performance on secondary memory and attention
100% 4 4 Akhondzadeh et al 2003
memory, mood, tasks compared to placebo for several hours after the active dose was received.
anxiety 2006: Dried sage leaf improved mood ratings in the absence of a stressor,
reducing anxiety and increasing self-rated alertness, calmness and
contentedness. A stressful test interfered with its effect however. 2010: even the
aroma of sage can improve memory and mood to some extent. 2003: Sage
extract for 4 months improved cognitive function in elderly patients with mild to
moderate Alzheimers.
walnuts 4 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 4347 0 184 This review includes multiple studies that find promising results for tree nuts (but 2011 Bolling et al 2011
health health not conclusive evidence).
yoghurt, live 4 gut health, immune digestion, microbe 394 0 21 Probiotics show a lot of promise. Unfortunately, marketing and popularity has outpaced Some—but not all—probiotic formulations have been widely studied and show National Institutes of Health
system infections the research. So a lot of the health claims are not backed up and many are false. We're considerable promise. However, the rapid growth in marketing and consumer
planning a visualisation clarifying probiotics very soon. interest and use has outpaced scientific research on the safety and efficacy of
probiotics for specific health applications.
almonds 5 cholesterol, general cardio, general nut / seed 3782 11 131 Almonds consistently lower "bad" (LDL) cholestrol in healthy individuals, and those with Consumption of tree nuts has been shown to reduce low-density lipoprotein 2011 11 11 Bolling et al 2011
health health high cholesterol and diabetes. (Berryman et al 2011) cholesterol (LDL-C), a primary target for coronary disease prevention, by 3-
19%. Almonds have been found to have a consistent LDL-C-lowering effect in
healthy individuals, and in individuals with high cholesterol and diabetes.
(Berryman et al 2011)
fish oil / omega 3 5 appetite among cancer animal product 4637 17 1015 People with advanced cancer benefit from omega 3 supplements. Omega 3 increases A 2007 systematic review of 17 studies (8 of high quality) found oral 17 2007 Colomer et al 2007
cancer patients weight and appetite, improves quality of life and health after surgery. More than 1.5 supplements with n-3 fatty acids benefit patients with advanced cancer and
grams per day for at least 8 weeks recommended. weight loss. The advantages observed were: increased weight and appetite,
improved quality of life, and reduced post-surgical morbidity. It is recommended
to administer > 1.5 g/day for a period of at least 8 weeks.
hawthorn crataegus spp. 5 chronic heart failure cardio fruit 2755 10 104 Hawthorn extract made from dried hawthorn improved heart function and symptoms of 2009 Cochrane review: Hawthorn extract (made from the dried leaves, flowers
10 2009 Cochrane review: Hawthorn
heart failure in patients with chronic heart failure. Appears beneficial when used in on and fruits of the hawthorn bush) may be used as an oral treatment option for extract for treating chronic heart
top of existing treatment. chronic heart failure. In this review, 14 double-blind, placebo controlled failure
randomised clinical trials (RCTs) were found. They did not all measure the
same outcomes and several did not explain what other heart failure treatments
patients were receiving. Those trials (10 trials, 855 patients) that could be
included in a meta-analysis showed improvements in heart failure symptoms
and in the function of the heart. The results, therefore, are suggestive of a
benefit from hawthorn extract used in addition to conventional treatments for
chronic heart failure.
honey 5 antimicrobial activity infections animal product 15067 2 515 Kills infections when applied directly to wounds. Also promotes healing when eaten by 2011 review: As well as having antimicrobial action when applied directly to
100% 2011 2 2 Al-Waili et al 2011
killing bacteria and controlling inflammation. New Zealand manuka honey the best. wounds (there is strong evidence for this), honey also promotes healing when
ingested and shows antibacterial action by decreasing prostaglandin levels,
elevating nitric oxide levels, and exerting prebiotic effects. These factors play a
major role in controlling inflammation and promoting microbial control and
healing processes. 2010 review: New Zealand manuka honey shows the
greatest antibacterial activity.
probiotics 5 diarrhoea related to digestion, microbe 3821 63 158 42% Associated with 42% lower risk of diarrhoea caused by antibiotics. Lactobacillus strains 2012: Across 63 trials, probiotics were associated with a 42% reduction in the 63 2012 Hempel et al 2012
antibiotic use infections mostly used in trials. More research needed to see which strains most effective. risk of diarrhoea associated with antibiotic use. The majority used Lactobacillus
-based interventions alone or in combination with other genera; strains were
poorly documented. More research is needed to determine which probiotics are
associated with the greatest efficacy and for which patients receiving which
specific antibiotics.
prunes 5 constipation digestion fruit 3655 0 184 Better than a standard remedy (psyllium husk) at treating mild to moderate constipation. 2011 study: Dried plums are safe, palatable and more effective than psyllium for Attaluri et al 2011
the treatment of mild to moderate constipation, and should be considered as a
first line therapy. 2001 review: Because of their sweet flavor and well-known
mild laxative effect, prunes are considered to be an epitome of functional foods,
but the understanding of their mode of action is still unclear.
pulses 5 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse 3750 13 178 Foods high in soluble fibre like oats, beans and pulses can help lower cholesterol. 2012: Foods that are high in soluble fibre such as oats, beans, pulses, lentils, 11 2002 2 Anderson and Major 2002
Appears to reduce blood pressure, blood sugar, diabetes and obesity risk. So may also nuts, fruits and vegetables, can help lower cholesterol. 2002: Intake of pulses
protect against cardiovascular disease. may reduce risk for CVD by favourable effects on blood pressure, glycaemia
and risk for diabetes, and risk for obesity. Overall, the available evidence
indicates that regular consumption of pulses may have important protective
effects on risk for CVD.
barley 6 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse 8939 126 416 Three grams of the sugars oats & barley (beta-glucans) per day lowers blood total 2011: Consuming 3 grams of the beta-glucan (sugars) in oats & barley per day 126 2011 Tiwari and Cummins 2011
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. The average reduction in total lowers blood cholesterol.
cholesterol in the studies examined was 0.6 mmol/L.
oats 6 cholesterol cardio grain / pulse 6213 126 232 Three grams of the sugars oats & barley (beta-glucans) per day lowers blood total 2011: Consuming 3 grams of the beta-glucan (sugars) in oats & barley per day 126 2011 Tiwari and Cummins 2011 http://www.ncbi.nlm.
cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides. The average reduction in total lowers blood cholesterol. nih.
cholesterol in the studies examined was 0.6 mmol/L. gov/pubmed/2163151
1 2011
olive oil 6 cardiovascular cardio plant extract 10354 25 281 Olive oil is associated with a wide range of anti-artery-hardening effects. Olive oil-rich 2012 review: 'Olive oil, an oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and minor 4 Rafehi et al 2012
disease diets can be a useful tool against risk factors for cardiovascular disease. constituents including phenolic compounds, is a major component of the
Mediterranean diet. The potential health benefits of the Mediterranean diet were
highlighted by the seminal Seven Countries Study, and more contemporary
research has identified olive oil as a major element responsible for these
effects. It is emerging that the phenolic compounds are the most likely
candidates accounting for the cardioprotective and cancer preventative effects
of extra virgin olive oil.' 2009: Olive oil-rich diets can be a useful tool against risk
factors for cardiovascular disease. 2007: Wide range of anti-atherogenic effects
associated with olive oil consumption.

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