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Presents a copy of the The Firm pays the supplier

customer’s Purchase order in in case there is delay in the

order to inform the supplier payment of the customer,
and inquire about the though the goods were
availability of the product, SUPPLIERS already delivered
since firm uses JIT system

Goods are shipped to the

Payment thru Checks and firm from the supplier by
Vouchers (takes about 2-3 the firm itself, therefore
weeks after goods had been not requiring bill of lading
(LGUs and Payments thru Checks are
Barangay Units Orders with attachments immediately deposited in
such as Purchase orders and the bank
inspection order

The firm ships the goods to the
buyers and does not need any bill of
lading because no shipping
intermediary is involved. It takes an Mr. REX
average of 1-2 weeks for the goods LAGARTO-
to be shipped to the buyer Proprietor
Payment of Utilities HAND)
Honorarium of Truck
Driver Cash payments are directly
Cash Disbursements
placed in the custody of Mr.
Payment for Accountant for Payments
Rex Alford Lagarto, forming
to verify FS part of CASH ON HAND)

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