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Teacher: Amer Draoui

Date: 22-10-2018
School: Charif Idrissi High School-Benslimane
Year: Common Core
Objective: Students will be able to use the present continuous to
speak about ongoing actions
Materials: PowerPoint slides with pictures on them.
Duration: 55 minutes

Segment Activities Materials Worki Ti

ng me
1. Warm Show pictures of people performing PowerPoint slides Whole 5
up tasks. with pictures on class min
Ask sts: What can you see in the them. .
picture? On slides, the first
Sts answer: A boy and a ball. click shows only
Model the present continuous the picture and the
e.g. Question: What’s he doing? verb “play”
Answer: He is playing football. Second click:
Question: What are they doing? question added.
Answer: They are exercising. Third click: Answer
2. -Write this sentence on the board: He Slide 1-the boy Whole 25
Presentati is playing football. playing football. class min
on -Ask sts: What tense is this? Elicit .
that it is the present continuous and
that this tense is used for actions
happening at the moment of
-Write three examples on the board:
He is playing football.
They are exercising.
She is doing her homework.
-Elicit what they have in common:
verb to be in the simple present+ Pair
verb+ ing work
-Now students complete the table on
the textbook with affirmative,
negative and interrogative forms
3. Practice -Sts practice asking and answering Pair 25
questions about the pictures on the work min
slides. Make sure they practice all the
forms: affirmative, negative and
-Now ask sts to mime an action and
get their partner to guess what they
are doing by asking: What am I Group
doing? work
- Game: Sts form 4 groups and
compete. The four groups choose a
name for their groups and T writes
the names on the board. The groups
choose a student among them to go Flashcards
to the teacher’s desk to pick a
flashcard and act out what they see
on it. The team gains a point if they
answer correctly within 1 min.

4. Homework: Sts prepare a play to act Pair or

Production out in class. The play must contain group
the target structure (present work
continuous). T gives the sts a model.
e.g. on the phone-St A: Can I speak
to Mr Smith?
St B: I’m afraid, he can’t right now;
he is having a shower.
5. When the students act out the plays,
Evaluation the teacher will check if the sts have
understood the lesson. The T plans
remedial work when necessary.

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