17 - Telecommunications - 13.05.2010gupthaji

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take full advantage of the technology,
17.1. The development of the Information, digitalisation of broadcasting network should
Communications Technology (ICT) sector has be given priority and a complete switchover
transformed the way we live and the way that made to digital transmission by 2015, as
business is being conducted at all levels. It planned.
has helped India in her march towards
creating a knowledge society. The expansion 17.3. The National e-Governance Plan
of ICT into all sectors will help achieve the (NeGP) requires that ministries and
Eleventh Plan objectives of inclusive growth, departments be encouraged to provide
enable us to achieve our objectives in services online and there are guidelines for
education and healthcare, as well as in spending 2–3 per cent of budgetary
reaching social benefits to the intended allocations for ICT development and e-
beneficiaries amongst the socially and governance programmes.
economically weaker sections. It also holds
great potential in disseminating knowledge Telecommunications
and awareness to the rural sector, especially
to the farm sector and enable it to improve 17.4. India has the second largest network
productivity and incomes through the adoption with 562.15 million telephone connections at
of better cultural practices, greater awareness the end of December 2009. It has grown
of the situation in markets and prices and very rapidly in the range of 40 per cent per
improved information about the management annum, which has permitted the addition of
of pests and the constraints from weather nearly 300 million connections in the first two
related events. and a half years of the Eleventh Plan. The
Eleventh Plan of Department of
17.2. The Eleventh Plan has laid emphasis Telecommunications (DoT) aims at bridging
on a world class telecommunication the digital divide between the urban and rural
infrastructure as a vehicle of inclusive growth. areas and extending broadband connectivity.
A digital divide has arisen in terms of internet Rural telephony is an integral part of the
and broadband connectivity between the Universal Service Obligation Policy which is
urban and rural India and policy has to executed through the Universal Service
address this issue squarely. With Obligation (USO) Fund. GBS for the Eleventh
convergence of technologies, it is now Plan for DoT was fixed at Rs. 1,752 crore with
possible to provide multiple services on a IEBR component of Rs. 89,582 crore.
single platform and on a single device. To
Telecommunications 385

17.5. The broad Eleventh Plan Targets in 17.6. The rural areas in the country have
Telecom Sector vis-à-vis corresponding experienced rapid growth in telecom services
achievements made so far are shown in the and the tele-density has risen from 5.9 per
Box 17.1 below. The growth of telephony in cent in March 2009 to 21.16 per cent in

Box -17.1

Eleventh Plan Broad Physical Targets in Achievements/ Status as on December 2009

Telecom Sector

To reach a telecom subscriber base of 600 Total no. of telephone connections (up to
million. Dec 2009): 562.15 million (wireless: 525.09 + wire
line: 37.06 million). Overall tele-density at the end of
December 2009 is 47.88 per cent (which in turn
consists of urban tele-density of 110.96 per cent and
rural tele-density of 21.16 per cent)
To provide 100 million rural telephone The no. of rural connections added up to December
connections by 2010 and reach 200 million 2009 is 174.53 million and present rural tele-density
connections by 2012, that is to achieve rural is 21.16 per cent.
tele-density of 25 per cent.

To provide telephone connection on demand Almost achieved.

across the country at an affordable price as
envisaged in Broadband Policy 2004.
To provide broadband connection on demand Programmes initiated. Total no. of Broadband
across the country by 2012. connections: 7.82 million.
To provide Third Generation (3G) services in This is yet to be achieved, as 3G Spectrum is
all cities/towns with more than 1 lakh expected to be auctioned during first half of 2010.
To facilitate introduction of mobile TV. Introduced on experimental basis in Mumbai and Delhi
To provide broadband connectivity to every Programmes initiated
secondary school (SS), health centre, Gram
Panchayat (GP) on demand in two years.
To make India a hub for telecom equipment During Eleventh Plan the capital investment in
manufacturing by facilitating establishment of Telecom Sector is around Rs. 830,000 crore. Further
telecom specific SEZs. Nokia, Motorola, Flextronics, and Foxconn have set
up SEZ units within the country for manufacturing
mobile handsets.
Establishing Telecom Centres of Excellence Under Telecom Development and Investment
in premier educational institutions and other Promotion (TDIP) 7 Telecom Centres of Excellence
reputed organisations in the country in PPP (TCOEs) have been set up in PPP mode in various
mode. areas of Telecom Sector.

India has been led primarily by the wireless December 2009. The total number of rural
segment with over 10-12 million connections communications at the end of December
added every month on an average. 2009 was 174.53 million compared to 47
million at the start of the Eleventh Plan. In
386 Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan

November 2004, an agreement was signed had issued 24 International Long Distance
with BSNL to provide public telephones under Service and 29 National Long Distance
the Bharat Nirman Programme to 66, 822 Service licenses (including BSNL) by
uncovered villages. The roll-out period was December 2009. The achievements up to
initially prescribed as 20, 40 and 40 per cent December 2009 of both public and private
respectively over a period of three years sectors are given in the Table 17.1:
ending November 2007. This period has since

Table: 17.1
Achievements of Public and Private Organisations up to December 2009

Service Total Market Wireline Wireless Market Rural Market

Provider Telephone Share of Subscribers Subscribers Share of Subscribers Share of
Subscribers total (in Million) (in Million) wireless (in Million) rural
(in Million) telephone subscribers subscribers
subscribers (%) (%)

Public 99.3 17.7 31.6 67.7 12.9 32.3 18.5

Private 462.8 82.3 5.5 457.4 87.1 142.2 81.5

Total 562.2 100.0 37.1 525.1 100.0 174.5 100.0

been extended. As on December 2009, 17.8. The year wise growth of telephone
61,186 village public telephones (98 per cent) connections during the Eleventh Plan (from
had been provided. However, BSNL has Apr 2007 to Dec 2009) is depicted in Figure
informed DoT that 4,520 villages cannot be 17.1:
provided public telephones due to various
reasons. Certain areas, for instance are 17.9. The Internet subscriber base has not
affected by extremism, some villages are de- grown as envisaged. As on December 2009,
populated, and certain villages are not the Internet subscriber base stood at 15.24
traceable or are those that have been million, out of which the number of Broadband
submerged. subscribers was 7.82 million and the share of
Broadband subscription in total Internet
17.7. The number of telephone subscribers subscription was 51.3 per cent. The number of
in India stands at 562.15 million at the end of subscribers of public and private ISPs stood at
December 2009. The overall teledensity in 10.78 million and 4.46 million respectively with
India has reached 47.88 as on December the corresponding market shares of 70.73 per
2009. The private sector is playing an cent and 29.27 per cent. BSNL holds 55.91
important role in the expansion of telecom per cent of the market share with reported
sector and the growth has been largely driven subscriber base of 8.52 million. MTNL is at
by the private enterprise. This has been second place with 2.26 million subscribers
possible because of the liberalisation regime followed by Bharti (1.25 million).
put forward by the Government. The share of
17.10. There is a growing need for more
private sector in total telephone connections is
bandwidth to support the spectacular growth
82.33 per cent as on December 2009 as
in cellular telephony. Besides, catering the
against a meager 5 per cent in 1999. There
sheer increase in the number of subscribers,
were 241 Unified Access Service, 2 Basic
greater bandwidth is also needed for value-
Service and 38 Cellular Mobile Service
added and better quality service. Government
Licenses by December 2009. Government
Telecommunications 387

is committed to introduce 3G services and need to improve their productivity and asset
efforts are underway to auction the spectrum usage by pushing innovative value added

Figure 17.1:
Growth of Telephone connections during 11th Plan (Apr 2007 – Dec 2009)

Total 562.15

In million


54.62 134.48
36.29 44.97
46.29 81.01
3.85 6.81 30.06
11.45 99.33
71.39 79.55 89.55
43.17 46.48 52.09 61.08
32.44 38.16









Ye ar

for introduction of the 3G and WBA services services.. The policy for utilisation of funds
which are likely to transpire in the beginning of under Universal Service Obligation (USO)
2010-11. Policy has to ensure the creation of requires to be reworked in order to address
incentives for efficient use of spectrum. The expansion of rural telephony and rural
counterpart to this is a provision to recover broadband and in general ICT penetration into
spectrum from assigned users if it is not being the rural areas.
used as per the terms and to reassign the
same. Government should also consider Information Technology
permitting t spectrum trading as a measure of
efficiency. 17.12. The National e-Governance Plan is
one of the major Eleventh Plan initiatives that
the Department has prepared to contribute to
Remaining Plan Period: Agenda in the wider development and progress of Indian
Telecommunications society. In addition, there are other schemes
such as National Knowledge network (NKN)
17.11. The laying of optical fibre cables to the Information Technology Research
uncovered areas, especially rural areas must Academy (ITRA), Skill Development in IT
proceed towards completion. Appropriate which plans to train 10 million persons by
scheme of operation for auction and 2022, and is an important component of the
managing of 3G and Wireless Broadband National Skill Development Policy. The
Service (WBS) is called for. This is linked to principal targets set for the Department in the
the necessary jump in broadband connections Eleventh Plan are presented in Box 17.2.
including rural broadband. MTNL and BSNL
388 Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan

17.13. The achievements of the Department multi gigabit connectivity to all knowledge
in the Eleventh Plan are presented in Box institutions in the country is also being
17.3. implemented by NIC.

Box 17.2

Targets for the Eleventh Plan

o Encourage State Governments to initiate major citizen-centric mission projects under NeGP,
preferably in the PPP mode
o Fast replication of already successful e-governance programmes
o Encourage the adoption of e-procurement model in all government procurements
o Promote electronics/IT hardware and semiconductor manufacturing industry
o Address issues related to Cyber Security
o Set up Integrated Modern Townships for sunrise industries including IT and BPO
o Creation of National Knowledge Network
o Initiate projects for developing quality human resource which is industry ready
o Initiate projects for Gender Empowerment and development of SC/ST through IT
o Initiate programmes for development of quality faculty
o Encourage technology development in Indian languages
o Identify and encourage R&D in various thrust areas in IT sector.

17.14. The development of IT in China and 17.17. Activities related to Human Resource
other parts of East and South East Asia as Development have been undertaken to ensure
well as in Eastern Europe, are new challenges availability of trained human resource for the
that the Indian IT industry will have to face. IT sector. Initiatives include identifying gaps
The cessation of certain income tax benefits emerging from the formal sector, planning
to IT companies will add to the challenges. programmes in non-formal and formal sectors
However, the Indian IT industry has for meeting these gaps. The Department of
considerable depth and maturity and has to Electronics Accreditation of Computer
find a way to maintain its leadership role. Courses (DOEACC) Society was set up as an
Companies in the IT sector, especially those Autonomous Society of the Department to
in the hardware department, where Indian carry out Human Resource Development and
achievement has been limited, are in a related activities in the area of Information
position to avail of the benefits available in the Electronics & Communication Technology
Special Economic Zone (SEZ) scheme. (IECT). It is also a National Examination Body,
which accredits institutes/ organisations for
17.15. Some of the highlights of the specific conducting courses in the non-formal sector of
initiatives taken under the NeGP are IT education & training. C-DAC’s education
presented at Box 17.4. and training programs are based on finishing
school model. Various courses offered by
17.16. National informatics Centre (NIC) has these institutions are designed to produce
set up a country-wide communication network industry-ready professionals.
‘NICNET’ as the backbone network
infrastructure for Government informatics 17.18. As Indian IT industry is fast becoming
providing linkages to 611 districts covering 35 a global IT industry hub, the lack of adequate
States and Union Territories.. The National qualified researchers, engineers and faculty is
Knowledge Network (NKN) initiative to provide posing a major threat to the growth of the
Telecommunications 389

Box 17.3
Key Achievements

• IT-ITES Exports have increased from US $ 31.1 Billion in 2006-07 to US $ 46.3 Billion in
2008-09, an increase of about 49 per cent.
• Production of electronics/IT hardware has increased from Rs. 66,000 crore in 2006-07 to
Rs. 94,690 crore (estimated) in 2008-09, an increase of about 44 percent.
• Contribution of Electronics & IT-ITeS Industry to GOP has increased from 5.2 per cent in
2006-07 to 5.8 per cent in 2008-09.
• Direct employment in IT-ITES Sector has increased from 1.62 million in 2006-07 to 2.20
million in 2007-08, a net addition of 0.58 million over last two years.
• Under the National e-Governance Plan approved by Government in May 2006, 76,100
Common Services Centres have been rolled out in 27 States by March. 2010.
• IT leveraged to extend reach and increase impact. Initial phase of National Knowledge
Network started by upgrading 15 PoPs of NICNET at 2.5 gbps capacity.
• Open Source Software (BOSS) released.
• Param “Yuva” Super computing system commissioned.
• IT Amendment (Act) 2008 enacted catering to emerging needs & developments.
• Software tools and fonts for all 22 constitutionally recognised Indian languages have been
released in public domain for free use.
• IT projects initiated to empower gender & SC/ST and development of North East region.

industry. There is an urgent need for set a target of skilling 500 million by 2022. DIT
strengthening the educational institutions to has been identified as one of the agencies to
meet this demand of IT industry as well as the implement skill development initiative in IT
new institutions that are being established by sector. Accordingly, it has a target to skill 100
the government. This can be achieved by lakh persons by the year 2022. A strategy to
producing large numbers of high quality scale up the existing training activities of
researchers and faculty. Accordingly, DIT has DOEACC and C-DAC has been drawn up.
put forward a proposal for setting up of IT
Research Academy (ITRA) programme with a 17.20. In order to disseminate knowledge
budget outlay of Rs.149 crore for five years. freely, DIT has taken up the Digital Library
The project will engage 40 participating initiatives and as part of this, copyright-free
institutions, 75 ITRA faculties, 25 adjunct books and manuscripts are digitised and
faculty, 480 ITRA PhD students. made available on the web.

17.19 Government has announced the 17.21. Efforts are being made by the Indian
National Skill Development Policy which has Computer Emergency Response Team
390 Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan

(CERT-In) to increase cyber security are found acceptable have to be implemented

awareness, education and skills in the with urgency.
country. Special training programmes are
being conducted for judicial officers and law 17.24. The IT hardware manufacturing
enforcement agencies. industry apparently suffers from
disadvantages due to tax structures as well
17.22. Over the years, with several new as cost of infrastructure. These will have to be
forms of computer crime, misuse and fraud addressed. The Indian ICT industry must find
taking place using computers and internet on a way to service the needs of various sectors

Box 17.4
Status of Major Schemes under NeGP

State Wide Area As of March,2010 SWANs in 19 States/ Union Territories (Haryana, HP,
Network (SWANs) Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka, Chandigarh, Delhi, Tripura,
Puducherry, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Chattisgarh,
U.P, Sikkim, Maharashtra and Orrisa rolled out, while in other States and
Union Territories it is expected to be rolled out by September 2010.
Common Service As of December 2009, number of CSCs rolled out in 27 States is 76100.
Centres (CSCs) Remaining CSCs are expected to be rolled out by September 2010.
State Data Centres SDC proposals of 31 States/ Union Territories have been approved by
(SDCs) DIT.12 SDCs are expected to be set up by December 2010 and remaining
shall get operationalised progressively by December 2011.
Capacity Building As of March, 2010 State e-Mission Teams (SeMTs) have been established
in 22 States.

the rise, a need was felt to strengthen the from defence to social service sector
legislation pertaining to information security. programmes of the government like Mahtama
The Information Technology (Amendment) Gandhi National Rural Employment
Act, 2008 upgrades the existing legal Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and
framework to instill confidence in the users Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
and investors in the area of Information etc in a way that meets the needs of the
Technology. This act inter-alia adds provisions users.The development of IT industry in India
to the existing Information Technology Act, has been entirely built on the foundation of the
2000 to deal with new forms of cyber crimes satisfaction of its consumers across the globe.
like publicising sexually explicit material in The same principle must apply for the
electronic form, video voyeurism; cyber expansion of IT activity and the acceptability
terrorism, breach of confidentiality and of IT vendors for government programmes.
leakage of data by intermediary and e-
commerce frauds. 17.25. Training programmes for IT
professional under the Skill Development
Remaining Plan Period: Agenda in Mission must move with speed, cyber security
Information Technology systems and basic R&D activities need to be
. strengthened as well.

17.23. Priority must be given to the

expansion and consolidation of IT hardware
manufacturing clusters. The recommendations
of the Hardware Task Force need to be
examined and those recommendations that
Telecommunications 391

Indian Posts to provide value added services by developing

appropriate linkages with their agencies/
17.26. The Post Office has been in the organisations.
service of the nation for 150 years now and is
positioned as an integral part of the 17.27. The major achievements and policy
community life. Indian Post has a network of issues before the Department of Posts (DoP)
1.55 lakh post offices spread across the in Box 17.5 and Box 17.6
country and constitute the largest postal

Box 17.5
Major Achievements of DOP during Eleventh Plan

o The Brand Identity of India Post was enhanced with the launch of its new logo by the end
of first year of the Eleventh Plan, 12696 POs including those in the rural areas have been
computerised. 1304 Offices have been networked so far with the National Data Centre.
o Modernisation 1000 Post Offices and upgrading core operations under ‘Project Arrow’.
o Introduction of three Freighter Aircraft in hub and spoke manner for carriage of mails
between major cities and North East.
o Logistics Post Air operations was launched through the India Post Freighters at six
centres viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata (including North East), Bangalore, Nagpur and
o Provision of GPS in Mail Motor vehicles in the North Eastern Region for better services
and monitoring of mail transmission.
o Twenty-five new National Speed Post Centres have been established and 17 Premium
delivery centres for fast, dedicated and effective delivery of Speed Post articles. Up-
gradation of 41 existing Speed Post Centres in National network to handle additional
o Parcel services revamped across the nation
o Establishment of Print to Post system at four stations to provide total mailing solutions to
bulk customers by integrating printing, pre-mailing services, dispatching and distribution
o 121 Postal Finance Marts set up.
o Instant Money Order (IMO) extended to 1705 centres.
o Established International Money Transfer arrangements with various countries.
Postal Life Insurance (PLI) activity revamped and employing Anganwadi workers as
insurance agent in rural areas for faster roll out of PLI.
o Switching over to web based software for faster delivery of Insurance products.
o Sale of gold coins introduced.
o Payment of wages to NREGS beneficiaries (3.54 crore) undertaken.

system in the world. In addition, there are 17.28. The development of our nation-wide IT
5,460 Panchayat Sanchar Sewa Kendras to base has made it possible for India Post to
provide basic postal services in the rural offer a range of e-enabled services to
areas. The department aims not only to customers. An online domestic money
discharge its obligations under USO but also transmission service is functional over 1,400
to effectively utilise this network and reach out locations across the country. The Electronic
392 Mid-Term Appraisal of the Eleventh Five Year Plan

Box 17.6
Important Policy Issues of DOP during Eleventh Plan

• Re-organisation of DOP and expanding into newer business potential areas such as
Global Business, Financial Services, Retail, Rural Business
• Redrafting the Indian Post Office Act, 1898
• Induction of technology: Computerising & Networking at all post offices, mail processing
• New division to be created to specifically target rural postal network
• Transforming Postal Life Insurance into a commercial business entity
• Transformation of Human Resource of the Department into a technology savvy business
oriented work force
• Development of Postal Estates for commercial exploitation and revenue generation

Clearance Service (ECS) provides an Pradesh Postal Circle in 2006 the payment of
electronic method of effecting payment to wages under MGNREGA is currently
customers. The department is offering ECS in operational in 19 postal circles across 21
all 15 locations of RBI and 21 locations of SBI States and more than 90,000 post offices.
for payment of monthly interest under the Nearly, 36 million MGNREGA accounts have
Monthly Income Scheme (MIS). Electronic been opened and approximately Rs. 4,000
payment (e-payment) services for utilities are crore has been disbursed in the first half of
available to customers presently, at 8,457 2009/10. It is expected that up to 5 million
post offices and will be soon extended to all MGNREGA accounts will be opened in post
12,696 computerised post offices. The offices during the remaining years of the
revenue from various premium and value Eleventh Plan. Old Age Pension is being paid
added products have increased from Rs. 426 through 2 million postal savings accounts in
crore in 2003/04 to Rs. 1,435 crore in Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand and the Northeast and
2008/09. India Post has actively pursued the through money orders in Jammu & Kashmir,
objective of government for financial inclusion Karnataka, Himachal, Gujarat, Rajasthan and
in rural India using its vast network. The total Tamil Nadu. India Post has tied up with SBI to
number of postal savings accounts has sell its deposit and savings products through
increased from 1.2 million in 2003-04 to 20.5 identified post offices. Initially five States –
million in 2008-09. The number of rural Postal Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and
Life Insurance policies has increased from 2.7 Tamil Nadu are being covered in this
million in 2003-04 to more than 7 million in scheme. It is expected to extend to 23 States
2008/09. and Union Territories.

17.29. The rapid growth in economic Information & Broadcasting

development has led to an increase in the
requirement of postal services. The 17.31. The media sector has been one of the
Department of Posts has introduced franchise fastest growing sectors in the economy.
outlets in places where it is not possible to Digitalisation has promoted convergence of
open departmental post offices. So far 850 technology and thus created new business
franchisee outlets have been opened. opportunities. The Eleventh Plan outlay for the
Ministry was fixed at Rs. 5,439 crore.
17.30. Department of Post has been given
the responsibilities to disburse wages to the 17.32. Significant initiatives have been made
MGNREGA beneficiaries through the Post by the Press Information Bureau (PIB) in
Office Savings Account. Starting with Andhra dissemination of information relating to the
Telecommunications 393

flagship programmes of government. The Accordingly, targets for digitisation have been
Directorate of Audio Visual Publicity (DAVP) worked out beginning with Delhi going digital
has initiated various programmes to by 2010 and shifting to digital transmission
disseminate information on the government’s from the present analogue mode by 2017.
flagship programmes as well as on various Funds have been allocated on priority to both
issues covering national integration, AIR and Doordarshan for this scheme and
communal harmony and other elements of could not be absorbed, as the schemes are
national and social importance with special yet to get approval. The performance of
emphasis on the Northeast. The Ministry is Prasar Bharati needs to fast track its actions
implementing various schemes in the film to achieve the set targets. The Host
sector at a cost of Rs. 450 crore in the Broadcaster, Doordarshan is to provide TV
Eleventh Plan which includes the digital coverage of the Commonwealth Games in
restoration and preservation of the High Definition TV mode and also provide
cinematographic heritage of the country. All games feed to the International community in
India Radio and Doordarshan have Rs. 1,618 HDTV mode. HDTV is quite new to India. It
and Rs. 3,032 crore as approved expenditure has been decided that Expert Production
respectively for the Eleventh Plan. The AIR Crew and required HDTV equipment
today has 231 stations in its network which (standard / High-end I Ultra High end) would
virtually covers the entire country in terms of be hired from the international market for
both population and geographical area. which a scheme was approved at a cost of
Doordarshan has played an important role in Rs.483 crore. In respect of HDTV
bringing audio-visual entertainment and news broadcasting, Cabinet has approved Rs. 165
into homes and reaches 92 per cent of the crore for creation of the necessary
population through a network of 1,414 infrastructure in four metros for programme
terrestrial transmitters. Further, Doordarshan production and carrying out of terrestrial
has introduced Direct-to-Home (DTH) services transmission. The scheme also envisages
to cover the entire country. providing satellite transponder to link the four
metros. Although terrestrial transmission in
17.33. The Government has constituted a HDTV mode would not be possible for the
Sub Committee under the ICE Committee to Commonwealth Games, Dooradarshan has
work out the road map for Going Digital assured that the people would be able to view
keeping in line with the international trends. the games in satellite mode.

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