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Journal of Reproduction and Development, Vol.

56, Suppl, 2010

Infectious Causes of Reproductive Disorders in Cattle

Han Sang YOO
Department of Infectious Diseases, BK21 for Veterinary Science and KRF Priority Zoonotic Research Institute, College of
Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Abstract. The incidences of reproductive disorders in bovine are increasing over years. This scenario is further
aggravating due to more emphasis on selection and rearing of animal for specific commercial purposes which
compromises livestock reproduction. Reproductive disorders like infertility and abortions in cattle are major problems
in the bovine industry. The reproductive disorders might be caused by several different agents such as physical agents,
chemical agents, biological agents, etc. Also, the causative agent and pathogenesis of reproductive disorders are
influenced by various factors including environmental factor. The exact causes may not be evident and are often
complicated with multiple causative agents. Thus, there is a need for multi-faceted approach to understand correlation
of various factors with reproductive performance. Of the agents, infectious biological agents are significant cause of
reproductive disorder and are of high priority in the bovine industry. These factors are not only related to the
prosperity of bovine industry but are also important from public health point of view because of their zoonotic
potentials. Several infectious agents like bacterial, viral, protozoon, chlamydial and fungal agents are known to have
direct impact on reproductive health of cattle. These diseases can be arranged and discussed in different groups based
on the causative agents.
Key words: Cattle, Infectious agents, Reproductive disorders
(J. Reprod. Dev. 56: S53–S60, 2010)

eproductive efficacy is one of the main factors that make the attention as important causes of reproductive diseases, including
cattle industry economically and clinically sound. Factors that abortion and sterility, in cattle. Brucella abortus, Leptospira inter-
affect reproduction have a substantial economic impact on produc- rogans, Camphlyobacter fetus, Listeria monocytogenesis, and
ers who want the production of viable and healthy offspring [1–3]. Salmonella spp. have been implicated in reproductive failure in
Causes of reproductive disorders such as infertility and abortion are bovine. These bacterial agents and how they cause reproductive
numerous and range from simple management errors to compli- failure in bovine are discussed next.
cated multi-factorial disease complexes due to several different
factors such as physical, chemical, biological, and environmental Brucella abortus
agents [1–3]. Although there have been attempts to improve the Bovine brucellosis caused by Brucella abortus results in abor-
reproductive efficacy of bovine, the incidences of reproductive dis- tions in female cattle and infertility in male cattle that are infected
orders in bovine have still been increasing over the years. The and discharge bacteria in their semen [4–6]. Bovine brucellosis is
exact cause of this may not be evident and is often complicated by widely seen in most parts of the world except for some countries
multiple causative agents. Thus, there is a need for a multi-faceted such as Australia, Japan, and northern Europe (OIE, 2005). The
approach to understanding the correlation of various factors with importance of the disease is related not only to economic losses in
reproductive performance in the bovine industry. animal production, but also to risks to human health [6–8]. The
Of the agents, infectious biological agents are significant causes causative bacterium is a Gram-negative coccobacilli that is non-
of reproductive disorders and are being given high priority in the spore-forming, non-motile, and non-encapsulated. Nine species of
bovine industry [1–5]. These factors not only have a significant Brucella have been identified within the genus: B. abortus, B.
impact on the prosperity of the bovine industry but are also impor- canis, B. melitensis, B. neotomae, B. ovis, B. suis, B. ceti, B. pinni-
tant from the public health point of view because of their zoonotic pedia and B. microti [6, 7]. Although most of these species have a
potentials [2–4]. Several infectious agents such as bacterial, viral, wide range of hosts, B. abortus is the main causative agent of bru-
protozoal, and other agents such as chlamydial and fungal agents cellosis in bovine [4, 6]. Infection with B. abortus showed the long
are known to have a direct impact on the reproductive health of cat- and variable incubation period and the occurrence of latent infec-
tle. The causes of reproductive failure will be discussed under tion in calves born to infected cows without serological response
different categories based on the causative agents. upon future infection [5, 7, 8]. Also, the bacteria can survive inside
the cells of the infected host by creating a membrane-bound com-
Bacterial Agents partment that prevents their fusion with lysosomes and supports
intracellular replication [7, 9]. In addition, brucella is easily aero-
Of the agents, pathogenic bacteria have been receiving increased solized, highly invasive, and extremely infectious. Such factors
make it difficult to eradicate bovine brucellosis. The disease is
Correspondence: HS Yoo (e-mail: marked by late abortion with significant adverse effects on the male

reproductive system, such as conception failure, epididmymitis, of pathogenic Leptospira have been identified throughout the world
and orchitis [4, 6]. [1, 2, 13]. The predominant serovar in cattle varies from one geo-
The most common infection route is the digestive tract, through graphic region to another. In particular regions, different
the ingestion of contaminated feeds or water with infected placen- Leptospira serovars are prevalent and are associated with one or
tas or aborted fetuses. After the ingestion, the bacteria are more maintenance hosts, which serve as reservoirs of the infection
internalized by the M cells in the Peyer’s patches [4]. They then [2, 13]. The most common cause of leptospirosis among cattle is
spread to the regional lymph nodes where, as facultative intracellu- infection with Leptospira that belong to the serovar hardjo group.
lar microorganisms, they proliferate within macrophages. Cattle appear to be the primary maintenance hosts of this serovar.
Subsequently, they spread via the blood stream to other tissues, Other common causes of leptospirosis include the serovars pomona
particularly the pregnant uterus [4, 6]. and grippotyphosa in cattle [1, 13].
In cattle, B. abortus has a marked tropism for placental tissues, A recent estimate of Leptospira infection in a sample of U.S.
which results in gross lesions particularly in placentomes, which dairies and beef cow-calf operations is the overall herd prevalence
become friable, covered with fibrinous exudates, and fetid [4, 6]. infection was approximately 35–50%, with most of the infections
Usually, there are no gross lesions in the mammary glands even likely due to serovar hardjo [2]. However, the prevalence and gen-
though the bacteria are secreted in the milk [4, 6]. Aborted fetuses otypes of Leptospira differ depending on the areas. Typical
show variable degrees of autolysis and may be oedematous; and in leptospiral infection occurs through bacterial exposure to mucous
some cases, the abdominal organs may be covered with fibrin [4, membranes and generally results in no or relatively mild acute clin-
6]. Pneumonia has been described as the most common lesion in ical signs. As the consequence of serovar hardjo infection,
fetuses that had been aborted due to B. abortus infection [4, 10]. abortions, stillbirths, or birth of weak calves may occur, but the
The diagnosis of brucellosis is based on direct or indirect labora- symptoms are generally seen only when a cow is infected at the
tory methods. Direct methods such as the isolation and first time of her pregnancy [3, 15]. An abortion may occur several
identification of the bacterial agent have high specificity, but are weeks after the infection of the dam without any association with
time-consuming and require facilities with an appropriate level of any obvious illness in the cow [2, 13].
biosafety. Therefore, PCRs, including multiplex PCR, were After primary bacteremia, the Leptospira localize and persist
recently developed to detect the presence of the genetic materials of primarily in the kidneys and the genital tract. The Leptospira
the bacteria [8, 11]. Serological methods such as tube agglutination located in the kidneys are voided in the urine and serve as sources
and slide agglutination are used more often because they are of infection to other animals [2, 8]. Persistent infection of the male
quicker and less costly. Also, immunofluorescence and immuno- and female bovine genital tracts is a prominent feature of serovar
histochemical methods as alternative methods of detecting B. hardjo infections and may last for more than 12 months [2, 16].
abortus in tissues have been using [4]. Immunofluorescence has Persistent infection of the reproductive tract may be the most eco-
high specificity but low sensitivity [4]. Immunohistochemical nomically important manifestation of serovar hardjo infection.
examination of paraffin-wax-embedded tissues to detect the pres- Infertility also is associated with this infection.
ence of B. abortus antigens is not only both sensitive and specific, Diagnostic tests of leptospira infection include fluorescent anti-
but it also clearly shows the tissue morphology. It can thus demon- body testing (FAT), culture of bacteria, PCR and silver staining and
strate the distribution of organisms in the tissues, which is a immune-histochemistry with tissue samples. Also, serological
valuable attribute in the study of the pathogenesis of B. abortus tests such as ELISA, microscopic agglutination testing (MAT) are
infection [4, 12]. Bacterial isolation, clinical symptoms and sero- established for the diagnosis of leptospiral infection [1, 8, 13].
logical tests are also used for the diagnosis. Among the serological
tests, the standard tube agglutination test is recognized as the stan- Campylobacter fetus
dard method for the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis in OIE. Bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BGC) is a bacterial venereal
Several vaccines, including inactivated and live attenuated vac- disease that may lead to infertility, early embryonic mortality, and
cines, against bovine brucellosis have been used in many regions of abortion [12, 17–19]. BGC occurs worldwide and causes high eco-
the world for the prevention and control of the disease [5–7]. How- nomic losses to the bovine industry. The disease is transmitted
ever, the use of vaccine differs depending on the prevalence of the through sexual contact among bovine. Thus, it has been known as
disease and the eradication program in the countries. bovine veneral campylobacteriosis because of the transmission
route. The incidence of BCG has been reduced in many industrial-
Leptospira interrogans ized countries due to the introduction of artificial insemination (AI)
Leptospirosis is an economically important bacterial infection of in combination with veterinary health control programs and the
livestock that causes not only reproductive losses due to abortions, strong host specificity of this bacterium [17, 20]. However, BGC is
stillbirths, and infertility but also non-reproductive losses due to still a major problem of the cattle industry in developing countries
septicemia and nephritis. Leptospirosis is also known as the most because of non-optimal health surveillance programs, including the
widespread zoonotic disease in the world [1, 2, 13]. It is caused by introduction of AI [17]. There are two subspecies of Campylo-
infection with a spirochete Leptospira. Based on genetic bacter fetus: C. fetus subsp. fetus and C. fetus subsp. venerealis. C.
sequences, there are currently more than 15 recognized genome fetus subsp. venerealis adapts well to the bovine reproductive tract,
species of Leptospira, seven of which contain organisms that are whereas C. fetus subsp. fetus is found in the intestine and causes
pathogenic to cattle [2, 14]. Approximately 200 different serovars abortion in sheep and cattle [12, 17–19]. Both subspecies charac-

teristically produce comma-shaped or S-shaped Gram-negative genes are widely distributed in nature and in animal and human
bodies and microaerophilites [19, 20]. Therefore, the optimal feces. They can survive for years in soil, milk, silage, and feces
growth conditions of the organisms require an atmosphere of 10– even though their survival time outside their host varies depending
20% CO2, and below 5% oxygen. The optimal temperature for on their environment [21]. Although most animals are exposed to
their growth is 37 C. Although the bacteria can grow on serum, L. monocytogenes in their lifetime due to the wide distribution of
blood agar, and thiol agar, antibiotics such as novobiocin and baci- the organisms in the environment, predisposing factors such as
tracin can be introduced to them to inhibit the growth of intercurrent diseases, climatic and other stresses, and pregnancy are
contaminants [20]. closely related to the occurrence of the disease [21, 22]. Predispos-
C. fetus subsp. venerealis is an obligate parasite of the bovine ing factors that diminish the host’s cell-mediated immune
genitalia. The infection is unapparent and involves the epithelium competence may allow the parasite to escape from phagocytic cells
of the penis and the fornix of the prepuce of bulls [18, 19]. In a sus- and cause disease due to out of multiplication of the bacteria. The
ceptible herd, the introduction of the organism is followed by a most of outbreak in cattle may occur in winter and early spring.
period of infertility of all the breeding females (120 days). How- Although the initial mode of entry of L. monocytogenes into an ani-
ever, only newly introduced susceptible animals show signs of mal is usually via ingestion, the organism can localize in the
infertility in chronically infected herds [18, 20]. The organism placentomes and enter the amniotic fluid in pregnant animals and
localizes in the anterior vagina and cervix during the ovulatory multiplies [21, 22]. Abortions in cattle usually occur in the second
phase, but does not invade the uterus and oviducts until the proges- half of their pregnancy [21]. The antibodies do not play an impor-
tational phase. Moderate endometritis and salpingitis then result tant role in the resolution of the disease because immunity to L.
and persist for several weeks to a few months [18, 20]. Animals monocytogenes is cell-mediated by means of rapidly dividing,
usually regain fertility within five months after the elimination of short-lived T lymphocytes [21]. Routine diagnosis tests such as by
the infection from the uterus and the oviducts. The antibodies in isolating the organism and the clinical symptoms, and appropriate
the vaginal secretions are predominantly in the IgA class, and they therapeutic and preventive measures are helpful.
immobilize the organism so that it could not penetrate higher into
the tract. Although vaccines have been introduced to prevent and Salmonella spp.
terminate natural infections in bulls, C. fetus subsp. venerealis Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin causes
infection in cattle herds that breed naturally is self-limiting because infections in cattle, usually with serious clinical diseases [23, 24].
of the normal immune response in infected animals [20]. The It is difficult to control the spread of the serovar Dublin in infected
infection persists, however, in some cows and bulls. Thus, they can farms partly due to the ability of Salmonella to survive in the envi-
be sources of infection of susceptible virgin heifers and newly ronment and certainly due to the presence of carrier animals.
introduced stock [20]. C. fetus subsp. fetus occasionally causes Although infection with these bacteria in cattle is seen in several
abortion, however, during the latter half of the gestation phase of clinical signs, abortion is one of its most common consequences
cattle [18, 20]. The pathogenesis of the infection is similar to that [23, 24]. Usually, other clinical signs of the disease, such as fever,
of C. fetus subsp. venerealis, but its infection route is different. may precede the occurrence of abortion. The organism apparently
Infection with C. fetus subsp. fetus is probably caused by the inges- enters the fetus from the circulation of materials via the placenta,
tion of infectious materials rather than by venereal transmission and causes septicemia and death of the fetus [23, 24]. So far, there
[18, 20]. The organism localizes in the placentomes after a period has been no evidence of venereal transmission of the organism.
of bacteremia, after which placentitis develops and abortion occurs Edema of the subcutis and serosanguineous fluids in the peritoneal
toward the end of the gestation period. Only heavily gravid ani- cavity can be observed in the aborted fetus. Abortion occurs usu-
mals are susceptible to bacterial invasion of the placenta with ally about 200 days after conception [23, 24]. Several vaccines
subsequent abortion. The incubation period is seven to 25 days. including live attenuated or killed vaccines have been used to pre-
Animals usually have a vaginal discharge for several days before vent S. dublin infection of cattle [23, 24].
they experience abortion. Vaccination has been shown to be effec- In addition to the aforementioned bacterial agents, other acute
tive in the prevention of C. fetus subsp. fetus abortion in sheep bacterial infectious diseases such as anthrax, black leg, Haemophi-
flocks. This bacterium could be diagnosed through (i) direct- lus somonus infection might induce abortion in pregnant cows.
impression smearing of aborted materials such as cotyledons and
fetal stomach contents, (ii) isolation and identification of the bacte- Viral Agents
ria, and (iii) detection of agglutinating antibodies in the cervical
mucus [17, 18, 20]. Viral infections are also associated with reproductive disorders
and death among cattle. The Akabane virus, the Chuzan virus, and
Listeria monocytogenes the Aino virus are the major causes of abortion, premature births,
Listeria monocytogenes are Gram-positive, non-acid-fast organ- and stillbirths among pregnant cows. Deformed or infirm neonatal
isms that appear as 1–2 μm-long small rods. L. monocytogenes are calves have also been observed in herds that have been infected
non-spore-forming and facultative intracellular bacteria that grow with these viruses. Bovine herpes virus-1 and the bovine viral diar-
on most bacterial media. They produce two different antigens: rhea virus can also induce reproductive failures with other clinical
somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens. Fifteen O antigens (I–XV) signs.
and five H antigens (A–E) have been identified [21]. L. monocyto-

Akabane virus the virus in the uterus [30]. Also, the rate of transplacental infec-
Akabane virus, an arbovirus, causes infection in ruminants and tion of AINOV may be lower than that of AKAV, which may
is a disease of the bovine fetus. The Akabane virus is a member of explain the lower incidence of diseases caused by AINOV than by
the genus Bunyaviridae. It falls under the Simbu group, which now AKAV in the field. Serological diagnosis and vaccines have been
includes four other distinct viruses that also infect the biting midge developed to control the disease. The Bluetongue virus, which
Culicoides brevitarsis and livestock [25, 26]. This virus causes belongs to the Reoviridae family, is another arthropod-borne virus
abortions in cattle and congenital abnormalities in calves born of (arbovirus) that may cause abortion and/or congenital disorders
infected cows. In infected herds, stillborn or premature fetuses, as among calves.
well as deformed or infirm neonatal calves that die within a few
days after birth, have been observed. Non-purulent encephalomy- Bovine herpesvirus 1
elitis, characterized by necrosis of the nerve tissue and endothelial Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), also known as the infectious
proliferation, in an undifferentiated central nervous system was bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus or the infectious pustular vul-
observed in a three-month old fetus [27]. Polymyositis character- vovaginitis (IPV) virus, is a double-stranded DNA virus in the
ized by parenchymal degeneration and cellular infiltrates has been Herpesviridae family. BHV-1 is primarily associated with several
observed in the skeletal muscle. The disease can be reproduced clinical syndromes such as rhinotracheitis, pustular vulvovaginitis,
experimentally in cattle and goat fetuses via placental infection and balanoposthitis, abortion, infertility, conjunctivitis, and encephali-
intracerebral inoculation of calves. Experimental infection of bulls tis in bovine species [32–36]. The main sources of BHV-1
caused a viremia that persisted for two to nine days, and neutraliz- infection are nasal exudates and respiratory droplets, genital secre-
ing antibodies were detected within seven to ten days even though tions, semen, fetal fluids, and tissues [32–36]. Acute IPV usually
the bulls did not show any clinical signs. The virus was not isolated develops one to three days after mating, and the characteristic ini-
in the semen of the infected bulls, nor did the infection reduce the tial signs of IPV infection are frequent micturition and tail
quality of the bulls’ semen. The virus replicates in cell-culture sys- swishing. Fever, depression, and anorexia are the most common
tems such as in baby hamsters’ kidney cell line, and produce clinical signs among affected animals. They seek to avoid contact
cytopathic alteration. The virus replicates in hen’s eggs and causes of their tail with the vulva. The vulva is swollen and hyperemic,
death and deformities of chick embryos. The virus can be detected with small pustules. Varying amounts of pus may be discharged
via PCR, even though it can be diagnosed based on the clinical during secondary bacterial infection. The duration of the clinical
signs of the aborted fetus [27]. illness varies among individual animals. Generally, the lesions
heal 10–14 days after the onset of the disease, even though a puru-
Chuzan virus lent vaginal discharge persists for several weeks in some animals.
Chuzan virus, a member of the Palyam serogroup of orbiviruses Semen contaminated with BHV-1 can cause IPV, cervicitis with
in the family Reoviridae, was isolated from the biting midge Culi- copious mucopurulent discharge, and endometritis in cows, and
coides oxytoma and from sentinel calves in 1985 [28, 29]. The epididymitis in bulls [34, 35, 37, 38]. BHV-1 is also associated
genome of this virus consists of 10 dsRNA segments that encode with poor semen quality, which may result in a lower conception
seven structural (VP1-VP7) and four non-structural (NS1, NS2, rate. Abortions due to BHV-1 have been reported worldwide [32,
NS3, and NS3A) proteins. The virus was subsequently implicated 39, 40]. Abortions usually occur between four to seven months
in an episoed of congenital abnormalities with the hydranenceph- during gestation, after natural infection or vaccination. The abor-
aly-cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome among calves in the Kyushu tion is due to the death of the fetus. Traction of the placenta may be
district, from autumn 1985 through spring 1986 [28]. This virus required because of the retained placenta. The cotyledons are usu-
has been associated with various haematophagous arthropod vec- ally blanched and degenerate without any gross lesions on the
tors and large mammals, principally cattle, in many parts of the aborted fetus. Endometritis, a poor conception rate, and a short
world, including Asia, Australia, and Africa [26, 29, 30]. Although estrus could occur through insemination of infected semen [32, 33,
the virus seems to be involved in the occurrence of abortion and 38, 41].
congenital malformations in cattle, its pathogenic importance The BHV-1 virus becomes latent following primary infection
remains unknown. with a field isolate or vaccination with an attenuated strain [42] The
viral genomic DNA is usually detected in the sensory ganglia of the
Aino virus trigeminal nerve in IBR and in the sacral spinal genitalia in IPV/
The Aino virus is an arthropod-borne virus that belongs to the IPB cases [42, 43]. Latency may also occur in tonsillar lymphoid
Orthobunyavirus genus of the Bunyaviridae family. Viruses of the cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes [42, 44]. Latent infected
genus Orthobunyavirus are widely distributed in tropical areas of virus may be reactivated by several stress factors such as transpor-
the world, and some of them have been shown to induce symptom- tation and climatic changes. Attenuated vaccine strains can remain
atic or asymptomatic illnesses in animals [26, 31]. The teratogenic latent in the body, and vaccination does not provide protection
potential of the Aino virus in cattle, which are their natural verte- against the occurrence of a latent infection with a wild strain and
brate hosts, has been documented in several regions. Serological re-excretion of a wild strain [44, 45]. This virus causes late-term
evidences from field investigations have indicated that a fetus is abortions and conception failure from venereal diseases. Diagnosis
infected with the virus mainly from 120 to 180 days of its gestation. of this viral infection may be performed on the basis of serologic
Data from several studies suggest that calves were not infected with tests that detect the virus or its components, or antibodies, and

through nucleic-acid-based tests that detect the genomic DNA via in the Flaviviridae family and the genus Pestivirus, which also
PCR and nucleic acid hybridization and sequencing [46]. Isolation includes the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and the border dis-
of BHV-1 virus can be carried out using cell culture of primary or ease virus of sheep [51–54]. BVDV is divided into two species
secondary bovine kidneys, lungs, testes, turbinate, or tracheas, and based on their 5’-UTRs: BVDV-1 and -2 [55, 56]. BVDV-1 strains
of established cell lines such as MDBK cells. Nasal swabs, con- are particularly diverse, with at least 13 genetically and antigeneti-
junctival swabs, vaginal swabs, preputial washing, placental cally different subgroups [53, 55, 57, 58]. Regardless of their
cotyledons of aborted fetuses, fetal livers, lungs, spleens, kidneys, diversity, all BVD viruses are either of the cytopathic (cp) or the
lymph nodes, mucous membranes of respiratory tracts, tonsils, and non-cytopathic (ncp) biotype, based on the effect of the viral
lungs can be used to isolate the virus. Intranuclear viral inclusions growth in cultured cells [52, 53, 58]. The two biotypes also differ
of Cowdry type A can be occasionally identified in the epithelial with respect to their effects on infected animals. Only the ncp bio-
cells of vaginal biopsy tissues collected in the early stage of IPV type can cause established a persistent infection of the fetus if the
and in tissues of aborted fetuses [47]. Electron microscopy may dam is transiently infected between approximately 40 and 120 days
also be used to identify the virus particles in clinical materials so as of its development [2, 51]. The clinical consequences of infection
to rapidly diagnose the virus, even though all herpes viruses are with the BVD virus are as diverse as the genetic and antigenic
indistinguishable. As an alternative method to detect the virus, properties of the virus [57]. Diseases can result from different
PCR which is more sensitive and faster than virus isolation, is pathogenetic mechanisms, depending on the different types of
developed and applied to detect the BHV-1 virus [48]. However infection. Most transient infections may be unapparent or mild,
the biggest concern is the how to avoid the false positive and nega- and associated with low-grade fever, diarrhea, and coughing [51].
tive. Therefore, Real-time PCR with satisfactory reproducibility Rarely, acutely infected animals may suffer from high-grade fever
and high specificity and sensitivity was recently developed. Its sig- and bleeding in internal organs.
nificant reduction of the time needed to detect amplified products Reproductive losses associated with bovine viral diarrhea virus
makes it a valuable alternative to the time- and labor-consuming (BVDV) infection were described in his first clinical description of
virus isolation method of detecting BHV-1 in extended semen [48, bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) by Olafson [59, 60]. Pregnant cows
49]. A battery of serological tests is available for the detection of subclinically infected with BVDV mostly experienced abortion
antibodies and rises in titers between the acute and convalescent 10–90 days later [2]. Today, reproductive losses may be the most
phases of the infection [34, 40]. economically important consequence of BVDV infection, and there
Four kinds of vaccines are available to prevent this virus infec- are indications that the incidence of BVDV-related reproductive
tion: modified live virus (MLV) vaccines, inactivated vaccines, losses is increasing in several countries, including the U.S [49].
subunit vaccines, and marker vaccines [33, 34, 50]. MLV vaccines BVDV uses the reproductive system to maintain and spread itself
are available for parental use and for the intranasal route. They can in the cattle population by inducing immunotolerance after fetal
induce a rapid immune response and long-lasting immunity, and infection, and results in the birth of calves that are persistently
result in local and mucosal immunity. However, MLV vaccine infected with the virus. Cattle that are persistently infected with
cannot use in non-immune pregnant cattle because of the possibil- BVDV become major sources of the virus both within and among
ity of abortion and latency of the disease. Inactivated vaccines farms. The reproductive losses from BVDV have numerous vari-
have been developed to overcome the disadvantages of MLV vac- able clinical manifestations that range from an insidious reduction
cines. They are safe for pregnant animals, stable in storage, and do in the reproductive performance at the herd level to devastating
not cause shedding of the virus, and they do not cause immunosup- abortion storms. The clinical features of BVDV infection differ
pression, abortion, or latency, although they cannot prevent the depending on the stage of the infection during the gestation phase,
development of latency following exposure to the field virus. The and include early embryonic death, abortion, immunotolerance,
efficacy of inactivated vaccines might be lower, however, than that congenital defects, and congenital infection (normal/abnormal).
of MLV vaccines. The subunit vaccine contains one or more anti- Persistent infection (PI) results when the susceptible cow or heifer
gens of the virus that induce protective immunity and do not is exposed to the NCP strain of BVDV between 42 and 125 days of
contain nucleic acid and other components that might cause gestation. The PI calves are born alive, become immunotolerant to
unwanted side-effects. The marker vaccine is based on changes in the infecting strain, and shed the virus throughout their lives [32,
one or more microbial proteins, which allow the differentiation of 61–63]. Therefore, such cattle are likely the most important reser-
the vaccinated animals from the infected animals. The live marker voirs of the virus for susceptible cattle. The identification and
vaccine is safe for breeding cows, bulls, and pregnant cows. It is removal of PI animals are essential in the prevention of the spread
also effective in the presence of maternal antibodies [33]. In sev- of BVDV, because they can serve as the natural reservoirs of the
eral countries such as the U.S., Australia, Korea, and European virus [61, 62]. Thus, numerous methods have been developed to
countries, multivalent vaccines that contain parainfluenza type-3 diagnose both persistent infection and acute or transient infection
(PI-3), BRSV, and the bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus are most with BVDV. These include antigen-capture (AC) enzyme-linked
frequently used to control the infection. immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunohistochemical (IHC) test-
ing, gel-based reverse-transcription (RT), real-time polymerase
Bovine viral diarrhea virus chain reaction (PCR), and virus isolation using WBC lysates, tis-
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a small, enveloped, posi- sues, or whole blood in cell culture [64, 65]. Also, there are
tive-strand RNA virus with an approximately 12.3kb genome size numerous serological methods of measuring seroconversion from

acute infection, including ELISA and viral neutralization tests in yet. T. fetus infection has also been associated with bull factors
cell culture. Samples of milk, serum, and supernatants from skin related to herd and herd management practice. In female cattle, T.
biopsies, usually ear notches, are used for the highly sensitive RT- fetus gains entry through coital exposure to a persistently infected
PCR, which detects viral RNA and is becoming a popular method male or through passive transfer from a previously uninfected bull
of detecting PI cattle. The absence of PI animals should lower the that has had recent coitus with an infected female. Colonization of
incidence of the disease. Therefore, BVDV control requires proper the entire reproductive tract with T. fetus occurs within one to two
biosecurity to prevent additions of PI animals, optimal BVDV vac- weeks. The infection may interfere with the fertilization and devel-
cination to maximize immunity, and continued vigilance in opment of the resultant embryo at 50 to 70 days of gestation.
identifying and removing PI cattle. Different strategies to eradicate Pyometra and abortion are the first physical signs of T. fetus infec-
the disease are used depending on the country and the status of the tion in a herd, but are believed to occur in less than 5% of infected
infection [66]. Several vaccines, including modified live, inacti- cows. The disease may go undetected in a herd because of its insid-
vated, and combined vaccines, have also recently been developed ious nature. This infection is diagnosed classically through a wet
to control the disease. Modified live vaccines are considered most mount or culture followed by light microscopy, neither of which
effective because they produce immunogenic proteins through viral differentiates T. fetus from other trichomonads [71]. PCR assays
replication, and offer long-lasting protection; but their safety is have recently been developed to definitively diagnose the proto-
questionable especially during pregnancy or in animals that have zoan. All recently conducted PCR assays have provided new and
contact with pregnant ones [66]. Inactivated vaccines are safe, but useful tools in the correct identification of bulls infected with T.
they have disadvantages with respect to fetal protection, the dura- fetus and of bulls that may have non-pathogenic trichomonads [71,
tion of the protection, and production cost. The use of genetic 72]. The control of bovine trichomonosis involves diagnostic test-
engineering methods is also being explored for the development of ing of bulls to determine their negative status prior to the breeding
new vaccines that may overcome the disadvantages of both vac- season and as part of AI health programs.
cines—such as vector vaccines, DNA vaccines, subunit vaccines,
and marker or deletion mutants. Neospora caninum
Other viruses such as Ibaraki virus, a family of Reoviridae, are Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite that causes abortion
also being implicated in reproductive failures, including abortions, and serious impacts the economic performance on the dairy and
in bovine [67]. beef industries worldwide [22, 62]. Although the clinical signs of
the disease in both dogs and cattle have been recognized for over
Protozoal and Other Agents 20 years, its treatment and control options are still limited [62, 74].
The life cycle of Neospora caninum infections start with a defini-
Trichomoniasis caused by Tritrichomonas fetus and neosporosis tive host (i.e., a dog) and an intermediate host (i.e., a cattle).
caused by Neospora caninum are the major pathogenic protozoans Oocyts excreted from dogs may infect cattle and lead to either
that cause sterility and abortion, followed by other agents. infection with no discernible clinical symptoms or induce abortions
two to three weeks later, usually at about five to seven months of
Tritrichomonas fetus gestation [73, 74]. Preventing the infection via the fecal-oral route
Tritrichomonas fetus is a sexually transmitted obligate proto- might not be the critical step in the prevention of Neospora abor-
zoan of cattle and is responsible for occult pregnancy losses in tions, because oral ingestion of oocysts of N. caninum does not
farms where natural servicing of cattle is practiced. Tritrichomo- reliably lead to infection and/or abortion in cattle [73]. In utero
nas fetus is found in the vagina, uterus, macerated fetus, prepuce, infection of fetus from infected dams that have not aborted may be
penis, epididymis, and vas deferens. The organism has a consider- highly efficient and a major cause of infections in the field [73, 74].
able population of pleomorphisms, varies from 10 to 25 μm in In neosprosis of cattle, both humoral and cell-mediated immune
length, and has three anterior flagella and a long, trailing flagellum responses have been observed in experimentally and naturally
that extends beyond the undulating membrane [68–70]. Although infected animals [73, 74]. Although natural infection or vaccina-
three serotypes have been identified, antigenic types appear to have tion produces strong antibody responses, further experiments are
no important role in the immunity of T. fetus because heifers immu- required to confirm protection from abortion or vertical transmis-
nized with one serotype developed resistance to infection from sion with the antibody. To primary cattle producers, principally
homologous and heterologous strains [70]. Bovine genital tri- three control options appear available for dealing with N. caninum
chomoniasis is a venereal disease that manifests in cows and in cattle: treatment with a parasiticide that is effective against N.
heifers in the form of infertility, abortion at up to five months after caninum, a test-and-cull approach where infected animals are iden-
breeding, pyometra, and occasional fetal mummification [70]. An tified and eliminated from the herd, and vaccination [73]. Several
infected bull is usually responsible for spreading trichomoniasis in vaccines against N. caninum have been developed, and some of
a herd, and artificial insemination is recommended as a control them are commercially available [73, 74]. The vaccines consist of
measure, when feasible. In male cattle, T. fetus is localized in the inactivated vaccines, live vaccines, subunit (recombinant) vac-
secretions of the epithelial lining of the penis, prepuce, and distal cines, and vector vaccines [73].
urethra. The most important feature of T. fetus infection of bulls is Appropriate treatments of infected cattle followed by preventive
the development of the chronic carrier state. No clear breed associ- majors help control the disease. Effective vaccines against these
ation to bull susceptibility to trichomonosis has been established protozoans have been developed and applied in several countries.

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