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English Advanced Reading & Writing 1

NAME: Briceño Quiñones Juan Josè



UNIT 1. ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.1.VOCABULARY LOG .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.2.- ESSAY OF GENIOUS FAMOUS…………………………………………………….4

UNIT 2. ................................................................................................................ 5

2.1. VOCABULARY LOG ................................................................................................................. 5

2.2.- ESSAY OF FAMOUS PERUVIAN ………………………………………………….8

UNIT 3................................................................................................................. 9

3.1. VOCABULARY LOG ................................................................................................................. 9

3.2. ESSAY from the project on page 89 “ ALTERNATIVE WRITING TOPICS”. ..... 13
1.-UNIT 1:
1.- SIMPLY: In a way that is not complicated or difficult to understand.
2.- SUM: A simple mathematical calculation, such as adding two numbers
3.- RETAIN: To continue to keep something.
4.- STITCH: a piece of thread sewn in cloth, or the singlemovement of
a needle and thread into and out of thecloth that produces this.
5.- CUBE ROOTS: The cube root of a number is
another number that, when multiplied by itself twice, makes the
first number.
6.- CONSCIOUS: awake and able to think and notice things.
7.- EVOLVE: to develop gradually, or to cause something or
someone to developgradually.
8.- MULTIPLY: to add one number to itself a particular number of times.
9.- STRUGGLE: to experience difficulty and make a
very great effort in order to do something
10.- FURTHEST: at or to the greatest distance or degree.
11- ADJUDICATOR: a person or group that makes
an official decision about something,especially about who is right in
a disagreement.
12.- PEBBLE: a small, usually smooth stone.
13.- CHORE: a job or piece of work that needs to be done often.
14.- BROADCAST: a television or radio programme.
15.- FRIGHTENED: to feel fear or worry.
16.- ALPHABETISE: to arrange a list of words in alphabetical order.
17.- DELIGHTED: very pleased.
18.- HANDICAPPED: not able to
use part of your body or your mind because it has beendamaged
19.- BANG: a sudden loud noise
20.- BLANKET: a warm covering made of wool
1. It's simply not cricket to flirt with another man's wife.

2. that's the sum of my knowledge on the subject.

3. He managed to retain

his dignity throughout the performance.

4. Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.

5. The cube root of 125 is 5, because 5 x 5 x 5 = 125.

6. I think she's very conscious of being the only person in

the office .

7. The company has evolved over the years into a multi-

million dollar organization.

8. If you multiply seven by 15 you get 105

Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in

the lake.

9. In spite of the continual struggle for custody, he had felt

more welcome at the Medena home than he had with his

step-father's family

10. After about five minutes the man furthest from the door

rose and crossed to the telephone behind Dean while the

detective buried his face in his beer.

11.- The decision of the adjudicator shall be binding on both

parties until the dispute is finally determined by arbitration

pursuant to clause 9.5 hereof.

12.- Just as the German reaper leaves the last ears of corn as

an offering to Wodan, so the Australian black offers a portion

of a find of honey; in New South Wales a pebble is said to

have been offered or a number of spears, in Queensland the

skin removed in forming the body-scars.

13.- I was left sitting on my hands until the appointed hour of

Howie's nap before Betsy assigned me the chore of

remaining in the small room while he slept.

14.- Subsidiary clubs affiliated to the central administration

were formed throughout the length and breadth of the coilntry,

and millions of leaflets and pamphlets were

distributed broadcast to explain the importance of the


15.- She jerked the door open, sending frightened chickens

flopping against the coop walls.

16.- there is a standard way to alphabetize abbreviations.

17.- We were delighted when Brandon called and told us he

was bringing a friend.

18.- He is physically handicapped and cannot walk.

a handicapped child.

19.- Then he heard the door close with a bang and Dean was

alone with his thoughts and unanswered questions

20.- When she re-entered the bedroom, he was propped up

on a pillow, his eyes closed and the blankets tucked around

his neck.

ALDOUS HUXLEY said “The secret of genious is to cary the spirit of

the child inot old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm”;

Harald Helfgott who is a math teacher in the Universidad Nacional

Mayor de San Marcos well he is a savant because he solved the gold

back`s weak conjecture and he will change the mathematics. During

centuries Gold bach`s weak conjecture was not resolved, In the

nineteenth century the problem was known but nobody came to prove

anything. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, British

mathematicians Hardy and Littlewood showed that the conjecture was

true for odd numbers larger than a certain unspecified constant,

provided that the so-called generalized Riemann hypothesis was

assumed. Fifteen years later, to the surprise of many, Vinogradov

showed that the same result was unconditionally true, that is, it was not

necessary to assume Riemann's generalized hypothesis., but Aldous

arrived since Peru and he solved tha in just one day thus that`s

amazing because there are a lot theories that they will change for

example String theory, strong goldbach conjecture and dark matter

theory. In short a Peruvian with effort can achieve impossible things,

despite Aldoues was not from San Marcos he was able to get success.
2.- UNIT 2
Write the words
1.- SPARSE: existing only in small amounts over a large area.
2.- MEAGER: not enough in amount.
3.- SORDID: dirty and unpleasant.
4.- DEFEAT: to win against someone in a fight, war,
or competition.
5.- SHAME: If something is described as a shame, it
is disappointing or not satisfactory.
6.- HOPELESSNESS: the feeling or state of being
without hope.
7.- POVERTY: the condition of being extremely poor.
8.- POLISH: to rub something using
a piece of cloth or brush to clean it and make it shine.
9.THREADBARE:Threadbare material or clothes have
become thin or damaged because they have been used a
10.- BELT: a strip of leather or material worn around the
waist to support clothes or for decoration.
11.- HALL: the room just inside the mainentrance of
a house, apartment, or other building thatleads to
other rooms and usually to the stairs.
12.- BREAD: a food made from flour, water, and
usually yeast,mixed together and baked.
13.- WORTHY: deserving respect, admiration,
or support.
14.- CHILDHOOD: the time when someone is a child.
15.- MAJOR: more important, bigger, or
more serious than others of the sametype.
16.- NOD: to move your head down and then up,
sometimes several times, especiallyto
show agreement, approval, or greeting, or to show
something by doing this.
17.- GLISTEN: to shine by reflecting light from
a wet or smooth surface.
18.- YEARNED: to wish very strongly, especially for
something that you cannot have or something that is
very difficult to have.
19.- RATE: the speed at which
something happens or changes, or
the amount ornumber of times it happens or changes in
a particular period.
20.- ACHIEVE: to succeed in finishing something
or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort.
1.- The light jackets came off early as the pair pedaled
along, mostly riding side by side since the rural roads
carried sparse traffic.
2.- There were more important things to think about at the
moment - like how she was going to support a baby on
her meager wages.

3.- There are lots of really sordid apartments in the

city's poorer areas.

4.- When you have just lost a race, this is an example of a

situation where you feel defeat.

5.- Much as she enjoyed watching them eat crow for

desert, she knew their shame would be forgotten by

6.- I find the hopelessness of the situation very depressing.

7.- An example of poverty is the state a person is in when he

is homeless and has no money or assets.

8.- As the garage door lifted, sunlight reflected off

the polish she and her siblings had applied that last day of
their lives.

9.- An old dress that is practically in taters is an example of

something that would be described as threadbare.

10.- She fastened her belt tightly around her waist.

11.- Later, she lay in bed, tucked warmly under the covers
as his boots clicked away from her on the hardwood floor
- down the hall and into the den.

12..- Never in my twenty-nine years of white bread life had

I encountered anything remotely similar to the fear I felt
as that knife pressed in me.
13.- An example of someone who would be described as
worthy of an award is a person who has all the qualities
required to obtain the award.

14.- An example of childhood is the time you spend as a

toddler and young adult living in your parents' home.

15.- An example of major is a huge decision about your future.

16.- An example of a nod is a dropping forth of the head

when almost falling asleep in class.

17.- When a diamond reflects and sparkles in the sunlight, this

is an example of a time when the diamond glistens

18.- An example of yearn is to really want to be with someone

you can’t ever be with.

19.- On the positive side, at that rate their conversation

should be over by five minutes after nine.

20.- I've been working all day, but I feel as if I've achieved
Cristiano Ronaldo said "I am not a perfectionist, but I like to
feel that things are done well. More than that, I feel an endless
need to learn." Edison Michael Flores Peralta is a player of
the Peruvian national team he is famous because he is the
third most active player with more goals and also every time
he scores a goal he has a very funny way to celebrate.
Each game in the national team scored most goals on
January 18, He is a Peruvian soccer player. He plays behind
the wheel and his current team is the Monarcas Morelia of the
First Division of Mexico. With the Peruvian national team, he
is the third active player with the most goals after Paolo
Guerrero and Jefferson Farfán. He has scored 13 goals in 47
games 2013, scored its first goal against Brazil in the 2-0 win,
with the absolute selection being international 47 times and
scoring 13 goals. He was also the top Peruvian gunner of the
2018 World Cup Qualifiers Russia with 5 goals next to striker
Paolo Guerrero.The way to celebrate each of these goals is
very funny because he usually celebrates with his hands on
his ears surrounded by his Partners expressing to the fans
shout so much that it made us dream and fill us with
confidence to go for more.
In conclusion Edison Flores is one of the best players of the
Peruvian national team and has managed to win the affection
of the fans of the Blanquirroja for his delivery and due to the
dedication to the national team.
3.- UNIT 3
1.- TREMENDOUS: very great in amount or level,
or extremely good
2.-TRIAL:the hearing of statements and showing
of objects, etc. in a law courtto judge if
a person is guilty of a crime or to decide a case or
a legal matter
3.- DEPENDABLE: If someone or something is
dependable, you can have confidence in him, her, or it
4.-CONSENSUS:a generally accepted opinion or
decision among a group of people.
5.- PHYSICIAN: a medical doctor, especially one who
has general skill and is not a surgeon.
6.- JERKY: meat that has
been cut into long, thin strips and dried.

7.- PSYCHOTIC: suffering from psychosis .

8.- NUDGE: to push something or
someone gently, especially to push someone
withyour elbow (= the middle part of your arm where
it bends) to attract the person's attention.
9.- LEAN: to slope in one direction, or
to move the top part of the body in aparticular direction.
10.- SIBLING: a brother or sister:
11.- THYSELF: yourself:the reflexive form or strong
form of thou, used when speaking to oneperson
12.- COMMIT: to do something illegal or something that
is considered wrong.
13.- INSURANCE: an agreement in which
you pay a company money and they pay your costsif
you have an accident, injury, etc.
14.- GENOME: the complete set of genetic material of
a human, animal, plant, or other livingthing.
15.- BACKER: a person or company that provides
support for something or someone, especially
financial support.
16.- COUNSELOR: a person whose job is
to provide advice, help, or encouragement.
17.- SHATTERING: making you feel extremely tired.
18.- WHEELCHAIR: a chair on wheels that people who
are unable towalk use for moving around.
19.- SEEK: to try to find or get
something, especially something that is not
aphysical object.
20.- BREAST: either of the two soft, rounded parts of a
woman's chest that producemilk after she has a baby.
1. They were making a
tremendous amount of noise last night.
2. Martha rolled her eyes, beginning to share her
husband's opinion of our little trial.
3. I need someone dependable to take care of
the children while I'm at work.
4. The general consensus in the office is that he can't do
his job.
5. Meanwhile he had been appointed physician advising on
the establishment of a silk factory.
6. With jerky movements, she finished dressing and
replaced her weapons.
7. His dislike of women bordered on the psychotic.
8. He nudged the cat off the sofa so that he could sit down.
9. She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.
10. But their conversation... was an expression of love for
a sibling – siblings that had apparently been through a
lot together.
11. 18 he associated the lesson: "So long as thou thyself art
merciful, God will also be merciful to thee."
12. He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.
13. I'll need to take out extra car insurance for another driver.
14. foreign transcription activators are inserted into
the genome, and provide an output for underlying gene
regulatory networks.
15. The club was desperately seeking new financial backers
16. Both left me everything, not that it was a fortune, but a
good investment counselor did a nice job.
17. It was a shattering schedule - seven meetings in two days
18. The building isn't designed very well from the point of view of
wheelchair access.
19. Hundreds of dissidents are seeking refuge in the US embassy.
20. When a woman becomes pregnant her
breasts tend to grow larger.
3.2.- ESSAY from the project on page 89 “ ALTERNATIVE
Biologist James Watson said "We used to think that our future
was in the stars. Now we know that it is in our genes," in the
future genetic tests could be to discriminate against genes
because some people may have incurable diseases and
some of them may develop a family leading to the
reproduction of these damaged genes in their children.
Genetic discrimination occurs when people are treated
differently by their employer or insurance company because
they have a gene mutation that causes or increases the risk of
an inherited disorder. Fear of discrimination is a common
concern among people considering genetic testing, These
people may present with diseases such as rare huntington
disease, neurological, hereditary and degenerative disease
and another disease such as Alzheimer's is a brain disorder
that severely affects a person's ability to carry out their daily
activities affecting thinking, memory and language.It happens
that these people with the damaged gene can get it from their
parents and in some work centers they are usually rejected for
stopping difficulty in their genes because the company thinks
that they are not in all their completely normal state of health
and could not meet a position to develop at work. Genetic
testing is becoming increasingly important in managing the
risks of those with a familial risk of diseases, such as breast
In short, having a damaged gene should not be an obstacle or
a form of discrimination in the workplace because each one
does not choose whether to be born healthy or with any
difficulty or harm, which should be treated the same as

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